예제 #1
def test_geometry_from_ase_atoms_single(device):
    """Check single system instances can be instantiated from ase.Atoms objects."""

    # Create an ase.Atoms object
    atoms = molecule('CH4')

    # Check 1: Ensure that the from_ase_atoms method correctly constructs
    # a geometry instance. This includes the unit conversion operation.
    geom_1 = Geometry.from_ase_atoms(atoms, device=device)
    check_1 = np.allclose(geom_1.positions.sft(), atoms.positions * length_units['angstrom'])

    assert check_1, 'from_ase_atoms did not correctly parse the positions'

    # Check 2: Check the tensors were placed on the correct device
    check_2 = (geom_1.positions.device == device
               and geom_1.atomic_numbers.device == device)

    assert check_2, 'from_ase_atoms did not place tensors on the correct device'
예제 #2
def test_geometry_from_ase_atoms_batch(device):
    """Check batch instances can be instantiated from ase.Atoms objects."""

    # Create an ase.Atoms object
    atoms = [molecule('CH4'), molecule('H2O')]
    ref_pos = pack([torch.tensor(i.positions) for i in atoms]).sft()
    ref_pos = ref_pos * length_units['angstrom']

    # Check 1: Ensure that the from_ase_atoms method correctly constructs
    # a geometry instance. This includes the unit conversion operation.
    geom_1 = Geometry.from_ase_atoms(atoms, device=device)
    check_1 = np.allclose(geom_1.positions.sft(), ref_pos),

    assert check_1, 'from_ase_atoms did not correctly parse the positions'

    # Check 2: Check the tensors were placed on the correct device
    check_2 = (geom_1.positions.device == device
               and geom_1.atomic_numbers.device == device)

    assert check_2, 'from_ase_atoms did not place tensors on the correct device'