예제 #1
def test_is_prime_power_really_big_prime():
    value = 11113
    error_message = re.escape(" ".join([
        "is_prime_power() cannot handle the value 11113",
        "which is greater or equal to maximum value 10609"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=error_message):
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, square_size: int, dtype=DEFAULT_NDARRAY_TYPE):
     num_squares = 1
     if utils.is_prime_power(square_size) != 0:
         num_squares = square_size - 1
     self.squares = np.zeros((num_squares, square_size, square_size), dtype=dtype)
     if num_squares == 1:
예제 #3
 def generate_oa(self) -> np.ndarray:
     squares = LatinSquares(self.num_values, dtype=self.ndarray_type).squares
     num_parms = self.num_values + 1 if utils.is_prime_power(self.num_values) else 3
     num_configs = self.num_values ** self.degree
     result = np.empty((num_configs, num_parms), dtype=self.ndarray_type)
     for config_index in range(0, num_configs):
         matrix_row = config_index // self.num_values
         matrix_col = config_index % self.num_values
         result[config_index][0] = matrix_row + 1
         result[config_index][1] = matrix_col + 1
         for parm_index in range(2, num_parms):
             result[config_index][parm_index] = 1 + \
                                                squares[parm_index - 2][matrix_row][matrix_col]
     return result
예제 #4
    def _generate(self, order: int):
        # Set up vector of Galois field elements

        prime_factor = utils.is_prime_power(order)
        if prime_factor == 1:
            # Order is prime

            # Field is integers modulo order.  Set IntMod modulus

            IntMod.modulus = order

            # Field elements are RemainderPolys, with simple IntMod coefficients, 0 to order - 1

            for value in range(0, order):

        elif prime_factor > 0:
            # Order = primeFactor ^ quoDegree, where quoDegree is an
            # integer > 1

            # Set modulus for IntMod coefficients to be primeFactor

            IntMod.modulus = prime_factor

            # Find irreducible polynomial of degree quoDegree

            quo_degree = int(math.log(order, prime_factor))
            quotient = _find_irreducible_poly(quo_degree)

            # Irreducible polynomial becomes quotient polynomial for
            # extending the field of integers modulo primeFactor (which has
            # order = primeFactor) to a field with order
            # primeFactor ^ quoDegree

            RemainderPoly.quotient = quotient

            # Field elements will be the set of equivalence classes of
            # polynomial residues with respect to the quotient polynomial.
            # These residues will be polynomials of (maximum) degree
            # quoDegree - 1.

            degree = quo_degree - 1

            # Because the polynomial coefficients are IntMods, there are
            # only 'primeFactor' possibilities for each coefficient.
            # Therefore, there are exactly primeFactor * quoDegree
            # polynomials, which is exactly what we want for the number of
            # elements in the field.

            # Generate possible polynomials in enumeration order.  That is,
            # start with all coefficients as zero.  Increment the constant
            # coefficient.  When the constant coefficient increments to
            # zero, increment next coefficient, and keep going until some
            # coefficient increments to a non-zero value.

            # Generate field element zero.  Take copy of polynomial to avoid
            # anomalies.

            element_generator = RemainderPoly(coef_list=[])
            for _ in range(0, degree + 1):
            next_element = deepcopy(element_generator)

            # Generate rest of elements
            for _ in range(1, order):

                # Try next polynomial, by incrementing constant coefficient.

                increment_index = 0
                element_generator[increment_index] += 1

                # If current coefficient is zero after increment, we have
                # looped through the entire set of values mod modulus.
                # Increment the coefficient of next higher degree.  Continue
                # until the increment operation produces a non-zero
                # coefficient.  The for loop limits us so that we don't
                # increment the final coefficient to zero and overflow the
                # array.

                while element_generator[increment_index] == IntMod(0):
                    increment_index += 1
                    element_generator[increment_index] += 1

                # Take copy of polynomial, and create new element

                next_element = deepcopy(element_generator)
            # order is invalid
            raise ArithmeticError(f"Field order {order} is not a prime power")
예제 #5
def test_is_prime_power_bigger_prime():
    value = 10243
    assert is_prime_power(value) == 1
예제 #6
def test_is_prime_power_big_prime():
    value = 197
    assert is_prime_power(value) == 1
예제 #7
def test_is_prime_power_small_prime():
    value = 29
    assert is_prime_power(value) == 1