예제 #1
def collides(hcol,hrow,C,r,v=Vec(0,0),detail=COLLIDE_BBOX,debug=False):
    """ Collision test:
    hcol,hrow : hexagon grid coordinates
    C : circle centre
    r : circle radius
    v : circle velocity vector
    detail: level of collision detail required (see module doc)
    H = h_centre(hcol,hrow)
    v = Vec(v)
    C0 = Vec(C) - H
    C1 = C0 + v
    left,right = C1.x - r, C1.x + r
    top,bot = C1.y + r, C1.y - r
    bbtest = left < 1 and right > -1 and bot < 1 and top > -1
    if not bbtest:
        return False
    if detail == COLLIDE_BBOX:
        return True
    circletest = C1.length() < (1 + r)
    if not circletest:
        return False
    if detail == COLLIDE_CIRCLE:
        return True

    # Push the circle away past the edge of the bounding
    # circle of the hexagon
    n = C1.normalise()
    C2 = n * (1+r)

    if detail == COLLIDE_POSITION:
        return C2 + H

    # Find hexagon normal nearest to the direction of the circle
    nx,ny,_ = n
    dots = sorted((v.dot(n),i)
                   for (i,v) in enumerate(H_NORMAL))
    _,i = dots[-1]
    # Real normal at hexagon side...
    n = H_NORMAL[i]
    # Calculate bounce vector...

    # Portion of intended distance still to travel
    speed = v.length()
    v1 = C2 - C0
    remainder = max(0.01,speed - v1.length())
    # Midpoint M is above the collision point
    M = C2 - v1.proj(n)
    # C3 is opposite C0 through the midpoint M
    C3 = C0 + (M - C0)*2
    # Direction
    v2 = (C3 - C2).normalise()
    C2 += v2 * remainder
    return C2 + H, v2 * speed
예제 #2
 def on_collision(self,what,where,direction):
     if isinstance(what,graphics.Ball):
         self.harm_type = "provoked the"
     elif isinstance(what,graphics.Player):
         r = self.velocity.length()
         to_player = Vec(self.player.pos) - self.pos
         if to_player.dot(direction) > 0:
             # facing towards player...
             direction = to_player.normalise() * r
             if random.random < 0.2:
         self.pos = where