예제 #1
    def createInitTeams(self, dsn):
        app.storeT = StoreTeam(app.config['dsn'])

        newTeam = team('Turkey', 'Male', '1920', '4')
        app.storeT.addTeam(newTeam, dsn)
        newTeam2 = team('England', 'Male', '1936', '3')
        app.storeT.addTeam(newTeam2, dsn)
        newTeam3 = team('China', 'Male', '1906','5')
        app.storeT.addTeam(newTeam3, dsn)
        newTeam4 = team('Russia', 'Female', '1943','1')
        app.storeT.addTeam(newTeam4, dsn)
예제 #2
def readFromFile(readFile):
    if os.path.isfile(readFile):
        f = open(readFile, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()
        del lines[0] #top line is header
        for line in lines:
            while not -1 == line.find(",,"):
                line = line.replace(",,", ",0,") #gets rid of blanks
            line = line.replace(",**,", ",0,") #get rid of missings
            playerStats = line.split(',')
            numList = [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12] #stats that are numbers
            for x in range(len(playerStats)):
                if x in numList:
                    #print playerStats
                    playerStats[x] = float(playerStats[x])
            #makes the numbered stats numbers
            #uploads a play

           #occasionaly there will be no offensive team, this adds the offensive team from the previous play, seems to be pretty accurate.
            if  "0" in playerStats[4]:

            tempPlay = play.play(*playerStats)
            # adds all the teams
            add = True
            for y in teamGroup:
                if y.name == tempPlay.offense:
                    y.addPlay(tempPlay, True)#adds play if team is added
                    add = False
            if add:
                tempTeam = team.team(tempPlay.offense)
                tempTeam.addPlay(tempPlay, True) #adds if team needed adding
                teamGroup.append(tempTeam) #addsteam

            #same for Defense below
            add = True
            for y in teamGroup:
                if y.name == tempPlay.defense:
                    y.addPlay(tempPlay, False)
                    add = False
            if add:
                tempTeam = team.team(tempPlay.defense)
                tempTeam.addPlay(tempPlay, False)
예제 #3
파일: kmm.py 프로젝트: jrmuller00/kmm
def read_team_list(filename = "teams.csv"):
    function readTeamList will read in the team list from a 
    csv file (default value is teams.csv) The format for the 
    file is:
        teamID, team Name

    The data is stored in a dictionary with the team ID as the 
    key value

        string  filename

        dict    team dictionary

    teamDict = {}

    csvFile = open(filename,"r",newline='')
    csvReader = csv.reader(csvFile,dialect='excel')

    index = -1
    for row in csvReader:
        if index >= 0:
            # first row is the header
            newTeam = team.team(int(row[0]),row[1],index)
            teamDict[int(row[0])] = newTeam
        index = index + 1

    return teamDict
    def register(self):
        s1 = team.team()
        red = []
        blue = []
        arena = ["Balewadi", "Pandharpur", "Registhan"]
        teamname = s1.display(1)
        for i in range(len(teamname)):
            if i % 2 == 0:

        if len(red) > len(blue):

        i = 0
        j = 0
        counter = 1
        while i < len(red) and j < len(blue):

            sql = "insert into COMPETITION values(%s,%s,%s,%s);" % (
                ('"' + "C 0" + str(counter) + '"'),
                ('"' + str(random.choice(arena)) + '"'),
                ('"' + str(red[i]) + '"'), ('"' + str(blue[j]) + '"'))
            counter += 1
            i += 1
            j += 1

        print "Fixtures Preapared Successful.."
예제 #5
def teams():

    dsn = app.config['dsn']

    app.store = StoreTeam(dsn)

    if request.method == 'GET':
        allTeams = app.store.getAllTeams(dsn)

    elif 'delete' in request.form:
        ids = request.form.getlist('teams')
        for id in ids:
            app.store.deleteTeam(id, dsn)
        allTeams = app.store.getAllTeams(dsn)

    elif 'add' in request.form:
        nation = request.form['nationToAdd']
        gender = request.form['genderToAdd']
        foundDate = request.form['foundDateToAdd']
        timesWon = request.form['timesWonToAdd']
        newTeam = team(nation, gender, foundDate, timesWon)
        app.store.addTeam(newTeam, dsn)
        allTeams = app.store.getAllTeams(dsn)

    elif 'update' in request.form:
        ids = request.form.getlist('teams')
        id = ids[0]
        nation = request.form['nationToUpdate']
        gender = request.form['genderToUpdate']
        foundDate = request.form['foundDateToUpdate']
        timesWon = request.form['timesWonToUpdate']
        updatedTeam = team(nation, gender, foundDate, timesWon)
        app.store.updateTeam(updatedTeam, id, dsn)
        allTeams = app.store.getAllTeams(dsn)

    elif 'find' in request.form:
        nation = request.form['nationToFind']
        gender = request.form['genderToFind']
        foundDate = request.form['foundDateToFind']
        timesWon = request.form['timesWonToFind']
        findTeam = team(nation, gender, foundDate, timesWon)
        allTeams = app.store.selectTeams(findTeam, dsn)

    return render_template('teams.html', teams = allTeams)
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, league_id, num_teams):
     name = "League_%d" % (league_id)
     self.name = name
     self.num_teams = num_teams
     self.team = []
     print("Creating League %d (%s) with %d teams" %
           (league_id, self.name, num_teams))
     for i in range(0, num_teams):
         name = "%s_%d" % (self.name, i)
         print("Creating team %d %s" % (i, name))
         self.team.append(team.team(name, league_id))
예제 #7
 def populateTeams(self):
     numTeams = 20
     if self.year <= 1994:
         numTeams = 22
     games = self.games
     teams = dict()
     num = 0
     # interates though games and attempts to add both teams to the teams
     # dictionary. Breaks out of the loop when there are 20 teams.
     for i in range(len(games)):
         game = self.games[i]
         # TODO: Create refernce to team object
         if(not(game.home in teams)):
             teams[game.home] = team.team(game.home)
             num += 1
         if(game.away not in teams):
             teams[game.away] = team.team(game.away)
             num += 1
         if num >= numTeams:
     return teams
예제 #8
def compute(start, stop):
	datadir = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/FSA/data/teamdatabyyear/"
	with open(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/FSA/1ia/features/teamHeaders.csv', 'r') as f:
		headers = f.readlines()
		headers = [h.strip() for h in headers]

	with open(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/FSA/1ia/features/headersForComputed.csv', 'r') as f:
		headersForComputed = f.readlines()
		headersForComputed = [h.strip() for h in headersForComputed]

	DVOA = load.getDVOA()
	DVOAheaders = DVOA.columns[3:].tolist()
	print headers + DVOAheaders
	# iterate over the years
	for year in range(start, stop+1):
		season = load.loadYear(year)
		print year
		yearDVOA = TFns.filter_table(DVOA, 'year', year)
		# iterate over the teams
		for t in season:
			teamDVOA = TFns.filter_table(yearDVOA, 'team', t)
			bye = [x for x in range(1,18) if x not in set(season[t]['week year'])]
			teamDVOA = teamDVOA[teamDVOA.week != bye]
			teamDVOA = teamDVOA.drop(['team','week','year'], axis=1)
			gen = team.team(season[t][headers], teamDVOA, season[t][headersForComputed])
			features = gen.computeFeatures(3)
			features = np.append(np.matrix(season[t]['week year'][3:]).transpose(), features, axis=1)

			computedHeaders = ['record_vs_spread', 'avg_closing_ability', 'comeback_record']
			computedFeatures = gen.computeComplexFeatures(3)

			features = np.concatenate((features, computedFeatures.transpose()), axis=1)
			features = features.tolist()

			featuresdir = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/FSA/data/teamfeaturesbyyear/features%d/" % year
			if not os.path.exists(featuresdir):
			with open(featuresdir + t + '.csv', 'w') as g:
				g.write(','.join(['week'] + headers + DVOAheaders + computedHeaders) + '\n')
				for game in features:
					g.write(','.join([str(x) for x in game]) + '\n')
예제 #9
a = assignment()
print a.data[0]['title']
a = assignment()
t = team()
print t.data
newRow = {'project':'8', 'user':'******', 'position':'0'}
print t.data
print t.data
t = team()
t = team()
print t.getTeamList('8')
t = team()
print t.getAllByUser('3')
예제 #10
파일: run.py 프로젝트: mAAyple/FRC-Scrutor
last = False
current = False

writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout)

print "Started Run"
while True:
    for file in glob("*.txt"):  # glob scans a directory and i use it to return all the file names
        scanned = open('scanned.config', 'a+')  # this file is written to when it has checked
        csvfile = open('finalrankings.csv', 'a+')
        writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
        with open(file, "r") as f:
            for line in f:
                Team = team(literal_eval(line))  # hackity hack hack hack. at least it's more secure than eval
                if Team.TeamIdentity() not in scanned.read():
                        scanned.write(Team.TeamIdentity() + '\n')
                    except IOError:
                        print "Error writing to scanned file, WILL NOT SAVE CURRENT DATA"
                    rowToWrite = [Team.MatchPercentage(), Team.TeamIdentity()]
                    print str(rowToWrite)
                    print "This has already been analyzed!"
예제 #11
 def make_teams(self):
     self.teams = []
     players = self.players
     self.teams.append(team(players[0], players[2]))
     self.teams.append(team(players[1], players[3]))
예제 #12
def edit_user(uid):
    if checkSession(3):
        return redirect("/")

    if session['currentPage'] != "/user/" + uid:
        session['lastPage'] += ", " + session['currentPage']
    session['currentPage'] = "/user/" + uid
    print session['lastPage']
    print session['currentPage']

    u = user()
    emsg = ''
    assignMsg = ''
    teamMsg = ''
    assignmentSel = request.args.get('assignmentSelector')
    if assignmentSel == None:
        assignmentSel = 0
    if request.args.get('action') == 'update':
        u.data[0]['fname'] = request.form.get('fname')
        u.data[0]['lname'] = request.form.get('lname')
        u.data[0]['email'] = request.form.get('email')
        u.data[0]['role'] = request.form.get('role')
        u.data[0]['pw'] = request.form.get('pw')
        u.data[0]['pw2'] = request.form.get('pw2')
        u.data[0]['phoneNumber'] = request.form.get('phoneNumber')
        u.data[0]['gradDate'] = request.form.get('gradDate')
        u.data[0]['major'] = request.form.get('major')
        if u.verify_update():
            emsg = "<p style='color:green'>User updated.</p>"
            emsg = "<p style='color:red'>" + u.getErrorHTML() + "</p>"
    if request.args.get('action') == 'insert':
        u.data[0]['fname'] = request.form.get('fname')
        u.data[0]['lname'] = request.form.get('lname')
        u.data[0]['email'] = request.form.get('email')
        u.data[0]['role'] = request.form.get('role')
        u.data[0]['pw'] = request.form.get('pw')
        u.data[0]['pw2'] = request.form.get('pw2')
        u.data[0]['phoneNumber'] = request.form.get('phoneNumber')
        u.data[0]['gradDate'] = request.form.get('gradDate')
        u.data[0]['major'] = request.form.get('major')
        if u.verify_new():
            emsg = '<p style="color:green">User added.</p>'
            emsg = "<p style='color:red'>" + u.getErrorHTML() + "</p>"
    if request.args.get('team') == 'add':
        t = team()
        t.data[0]['project'] = request.form.get('project')
        t.data[0]['user'] = uid
        if t.verify_new(t.data[0]['project']):
            teamMsg = '<p style="color:green">Project added.</p>'
            teamMsg = "<p style='color:red'>" + t.getErrorHTML() + "</p>"
    if request.args.get('team') == 'remove':
        t = team()
        t.deleteByUser(uid, str(request.form.get('project')))
        teamMsg = '<p style="color: green; margin-bottom: 1em">' + t.returnUserName(uid) + " has been removed from " + t.returnProjectName(request.form.get('project')) + "</p>"
    if request.args.get('assignment') == "add":
        a = assignment()
        a.data[0]['title'] = request.form.get('title')
        a.data[0]['description'] = request.form.get('description')
        a.data[0]['assignedTo'] = uid
        a.data[0]['dueDate'] = request.form.get('dueDate')
        a.data[0]['project'] = request.form.get('project')
        if a.verify_new():
            assignMsg = '<p style="color: green; margin-bottom: 1em">Assignment Added</p>'
            assignMsg = '<p style="color: red; margin-bottom: 1em">' + a.getErrorHTML() + "</p>"
    if request.args.get('back') == "true":

    if uid == 'new':
        w = 'Add New User'
        act = 'insert'
        hide = "display: none"
        col1 = "col-sm-4"
        col3 = "<div class='col-sm-4'></div>"
        cta = "Add User"
        w = 'Account Information'
        act = 'update'
        hide = ""
        col1 = "col-sm-8"
        col3 = ""
        cta = "Update Account Information"

    html = '''<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-2">
        <form id="backFunction" action="''' + goBack() + '''?back=true" method="POST">
                <input type="submit" class="button-secondary" value="Back">
    <div class="col-sm-8">
        <h1 align="center" id="user_title_main" style="''' + hide +'''">''' + u.data[0]['fname'].upper() + ''' ''' + u.data[0]['lname'].upper() + '''</h1>
    <div class="col-sm-2"></div>
    <h3 align="center" style="margin: 0;''' + hide + '''">''' + u.data[0]['major'] + '''</h3>
    <div class='row'>
    <div class="''' + col1 + '''">
        <h2 style="''' + hide +'''">Projects</h2>
        <p style="''' + hide + '''">''' + teamMsg + '''</p>
            <div style="''' + hide + '''" id="userProjects">'''

    t = team()
    html += t.getProjects(uid)

    html += '''</div>
        <h2 style="''' + hide + '''">Assignments</h2>
        <p style="''' + hide + '''">''' + assignMsg + '''</p>
        <div id="userAssignments" style="''' + hide + '''">'''

    a = assignment()
    html += a.getUserAssignments(uid, assignmentSel)

    html += '''
    <div align='center' class='col-sm-4'>
    <h2 id='user_form_title'>''' + w + '''</h2>''' + emsg + '''
    <form align='left' id='user_form' action="/user/''' + str(uid) + '''?action=''' + act + '''" method="POST">
        <p class='labels'>First Name</p>
        <input name="fname" required type="text" value="''' + u.data[0]['fname'] + '''"/><br/>
        <p class='labels'>Last Name</p>
        <input name="lname" required type="text" value="''' + u.data[0]['lname'] + '''"/><br/>
        <p class='labels'>Email</p>
        <input name="email" required type="text" value="''' + u.data[0]['email'] + '''"/><br/>
        <p class='labels'>Password</p>
        <input name="pw" type="password" value=""/><br/>
        <p class='labels'>Retype Password</p>
        <input name="pw2" type="password" value=""/><br/>
        <p class='labels'>Role</p>'''+ u.getRoleMenu() +'''
        <p class='labels'>Phone Number</p>
        <input name='phoneNumber' required type="text" value="''' + u.data[0]['phoneNumber'] + '''"/><br/>
        <p class='labels'>Expected Graduation</p>
        <input name='gradDate' type='text' id="datepicker" placeholder="YYYY" value="''' + str(u.data[0]['gradDate'])  + '''"/>
        <p class='labels'>Major</p>
        <input name='major' type='text' value="''' + u.data[0]['major']  + '''"/>

        <input type="submit" class='button-primary' value="''' + cta + '''"/>

    <a href="/users?delete=''' + uid + '''" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this user?')" style="color: #C2C2C2; font-size: 80%;''' + hide + '''">Delete User</a>
    </div>''' + col3 + '''

    return header() + html + footer()
예제 #13
myPlayers.append(newPlayer('Dario', 'Saric', 'PHO'))
myPlayers.append(newPlayer('Collin', 'Sexton', 'CLE'))
myPlayers.append(newPlayer('Tobias', 'Harris', 'PHI'))
myPlayers.append(newPlayer("De'Aaron", 'Fox', 'SAC'))
myPlayers.append(newPlayer('Joe', 'Harris', 'BKN'))
myPlayers.append(newPlayer('Kent', 'Bazemore', 'POR'))
myPlayers.append(newPlayer('Mo', 'Bamba', 'ORL'))
myPlayers.append(newPlayer('Dillon', 'Brooks', 'MEM'))


#Add to the team all the players from ESPN Fantasy
#TODO Automated inseriment through ESPN Fantasy website with Selenium Webscraping:
# https://fantasy.espn.com/basketball/team?leagueId=28348224&teamId=7&seasonId=2020

myTeam = team()
myTeam.addPlayer('Dwight', 'Howard', 'LAL')
myTeam.addPlayer('Shai', 'Gilgeous-Alexander', 'OKC')
myTeam.addPlayer('Zach', 'LaVine', 'CHI')
myTeam.addPlayer('Rudy', 'Gobert', 'UTA')
myTeam.addPlayer('Khris', 'Middleton', 'MIL')
myTeam.addPlayer('Dario', 'Saric', 'PHO')
myTeam.addPlayer('Collin', 'Sexton', 'CLE')
myTeam.addPlayer('Tobias', 'Harris', 'PHI')
myTeam.addPlayer("De'Aaron", 'Fox', 'SAC')
myTeam.addPlayer('Joe', 'Harris', 'BKN')
myTeam.addPlayer('Kent', 'Bazemore', 'POR')
myTeam.addPlayer('Mohamed', 'Bamba', 'ORL')
myTeam.addPlayer('Dillon', 'Brooks', 'MEM')
# print(myTeam)
예제 #14
 def test_valid_schedule_year(self):
     self.assertEqual(team(2015).year, 2015, "The correct year was fetched")
예제 #15
 def test_invalid_team_year(self):
     with self.assertRaises(CONNECTION_TO_WEBSITE_ERROR): team(9999)
예제 #16
    def interpret_team_intent(self, intent, slot_dictionary):
        response_dictionary = {}

        # set intent of response dicitonary
        response_dictionary['intent'] = intent

        # set month of response dictionary
        year = None
        if 'value' in slot_dictionary['year']:
            # Alexa could not determine year
            if slot_dictionary['year']['value'] == "?":
                response_dictionary = None
                return response_dictionary
            year = int(slot_dictionary['year']['value'])
            response_dictionary['year'] = slot_dictionary['year']['value']
            year = int(datetime.datetime.now().year)
            response_dictionary['year'] = datetime.datetime.now().year

        # set team_stat_type in response dictionary
        team_stat_type = None
        if 'value' in slot_dictionary['team_stat_type']:
            team_stat_type = slot_dictionary['team_stat_type']['resolutions']['resolutionsPerAuthority'][0]['values'][0]['value']['name']
            response_dictionary['team_stat_type'] = slot_dictionary['team_stat_type']['resolutions']['resolutionsPerAuthority'][0]['values'][0]['value']['name']
            response_dictionary = None
            return response_dictionary

        # set team_stat_value in response dictionary
        t = team(year)
        if t.cannot_connect_to_website:
            return None
        response_dictionary['grammar_type'] = 'number'
        if team_stat_type == 'games':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_games()
        elif team_stat_type == 'at bats':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_at_bats()
        elif team_stat_type == 'runs':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_runs()
        elif team_stat_type == 'hits':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_hits()
        elif team_stat_type == 'doubles':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_doubles()
        elif team_stat_type == 'triples':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_triples()
        elif team_stat_type == 'home runs':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_home_runs()
        elif team_stat_type == 'runs batted in':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_runs_batted_in()
        elif team_stat_type == 'extra base hits':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_extra_base_hits()
        elif team_stat_type == 'total bases':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_total_bases()
        elif team_stat_type == 'walks':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_walks()
        elif team_stat_type == 'hit by pitches':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_hit_by_pitches()
        elif team_stat_type == 'strikeouts':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_strikeouts()
        elif team_stat_type == 'sacrifice flies':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_sacrifice_flies()
        elif team_stat_type == 'sacrifice hits':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_sacrifice_hits()
        elif team_stat_type == 'hits into double play':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_hit_into_double_play()
        elif team_stat_type == 'stolen bases':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_stolen_bases()
        elif team_stat_type == 'caught stealing':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_caught_stealing()
            response_dictionary['grammar_type'] = 'occurances'
        elif team_stat_type == 'batting average':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_batting_average()
            response_dictionary['grammar_type'] = 'value'
        elif team_stat_type == 'on base percentage':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_on_base_percentage()
            response_dictionary['grammar_type'] = 'value'
        elif team_stat_type == 'slugging percentage':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_slugging_percentage()
            response_dictionary['grammar_type'] = 'value'
        elif team_stat_type == 'earned run average':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_earned_run_average()
            response_dictionary['grammar_type'] = 'value'
        elif team_stat_type == 'shutouts':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_shutouts()
        elif team_stat_type == 'at bats against':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_num_of_at_bats_against()
        elif team_stat_type == 'batting average against':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_batting_average_against()
            response_dictionary['grammar_type'] = 'value'
        elif team_stat_type == 'home attendance':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_home_attendance()
            pluralresponse_dictionary['grammar_type'] = 'value'
        elif team_stat_type == 'home attendance average':
            response_dictionary['team_stat_value'] = t.fetch_home_attendance_average()
            response_dictionary['grammar_type'] = 'value'
            response_dictionary = None
        return response_dictionary
예제 #17
    def getProjectAssignments(self, id, s):
        if id == "new":
            return ""
        self.data = []
        p = project()
        t = team()
        msg = ''

        if str(s) == "2":
            msg = '''<p>''' + p.data[0][
                'name'] + ''' does not have any assignments</p>'''
        elif str(s) == "0":
            msg = '''<p>''' + p.data[0][
                'name'] + ''' does not have any incomplete assignments</p>'''
        elif str(s) == "1":
            msg = '''<p>''' + p.data[0][
                'name'] + ''' has not completed an assignment</p>'''

        html = '''
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-sm-0"></div>
                <div class="col-sm-4">
                    <form id="assignmentToggle" action="/project/''' + str(
            p.data[0]['id']) + '''" method="GET">'''

        html += self.returnAssignmentSelector()

        html += '''
                <div class="col-sm-8"></div>

        if len(self.data) == 0:
            html += msg
            i = 0
            html += '''
                <table style="width:100%" id="user_table">
                <tr align="left" style="background-color:#2EB4ED; color:#EAEAEA; font-size: 1.13em;">
                    <td><b>Assigned To</b></td>
                    <td><b>Due Date</b></td>
            for row in self.data:
                c = '#2EB4ED'
                if i % 2 == 0:
                    c = '#016C9B'
                html += '''<tr style="background-color:''' + c + '''; color:#EAEAEA">
                    <td><a href="../assignment/''' + str(
                    row['id']) + '''">''' + row['title'] + '''</a></td>
                    <td><a href="../user/''' + str(
                        row['assignedTo']) + '''">''' + self.returnUserName(
                            row['assignedTo']) + '''</a></td>
                    <td>''' + str(row['dueDate']) + '''</td>
                i += 1
            html += "</table>"

        html += '''
        <div class="row" style="margin-top: 2em" align="center">
            <div class="col-sm-1"></div>
            <div class="col-sm-3">
                <p class="button-primary" id="addAssignmentButton" onclick="toggleAddAssignment()">Create Assignment</p>
            <div class="col-sm-1"></div>
            <div class="col-sm-3"></div>
            <div class="col-sm-4"></div>


        html += '''<div class="row" id="assignmentForm">
                <div class="col-sm-1"></div>
                <form id="addAssignment" action="/project/''' + str(
            ['id']) + '''?assignment=add" method="POST" class="col-sm-5">
                    <p class="labels">Title</p>
                    <input type="text" required name="title">
                    <p class="labels">Description</p>
                    <textarea style="height: 10em; width: 100%;" name="description" form="addAssignment"></textarea>
                    <p class="labels">User</p>''' + t.returnTeamList(
                p.data[0]['id']) + '''
                    <p class="labels">Due Date</p>
                    <input type="text" id="datepicker" required name="dueDate"/>
                    <input type="submit" value="Create" class="button-primary"/>
                <div class="col-sm-6"></div>
        return html
예제 #18
     count = 0
     teams[currentTeam].setDriveAvgs(driveAvgs(numberOfDrives, plays, scorePercent, toPercent, playsPerDrive, yardsPerDrive, start, time, ptsPerDrive))
 if count  == 0:
     numberOfDrives = 0
     plays = 0
     scorePercent = 0
     toPercent = 0
     playsPerDrive = 0
     yardsPerDrive = 0
     start = 0
     time = 0
     ptsPerDrive = 0
     if (currText == "League Total" or currText == "Avg Team" or currText == "Avg Tm/G"):
     currentTeam = currText + " " + str(year)
     teams[currentTeam] = team()
 elif count == 2:
     numberOfDrives = float(currText)
 elif (count == 3):
     plays = float(currText)
 elif (count == 4):
     scorePercent = float(currText)
 elif (count == 5):
     toPercent = float(currText)
 elif (count == 6):
     playsPerDrive = float(currText)
 elif (count == 7):
     yardsPerDrive = float(currText)
 elif (count == 8):
     start = float(currText.replace("Own", ""))
 elif (count == 9):
예제 #19
파일: main.py 프로젝트: adamcho14/PTS3
import round
import team

Slovensko = team.team("Slovensko", 1)

Cesko = team.team("Cesko", 2)

Ukrajina = team.team("Ukrajina", 3)

kolo = round.round((Slovensko, Cesko, Ukrajina))


예제 #20
from character import warrior, mage, priest
from enemy import goblin, murloc
from team import team
from combat import combat
#**************************************Place character into World*************#
warrior_gar = warrior("Orc", "Garrosh")
mage_jen = mage("human", "Jaina")
priest_and = priest("human", "Anduin")
my_team = team([warrior_gar, mage_jen, priest_and], 1)

enemy1 = goblin(1)
enemy2 = goblin(1)
enemy3 = murloc(1)
enemy_team = team([enemy1, enemy2, enemy3], 0)

first_combat = combat(my_team, enemy_team)

예제 #21
class TestTeam(unittest.TestCase):

    print ("Testing team")
    valid_2018_team = team(2018)

    def text_no_specified_year(self):
        self.assertEqual(team(None).year, datetime.datetime.now().year, "The current year was not used when no year specified")

    def test_invalid_team_year(self):
        with self.assertRaises(CONNECTION_TO_WEBSITE_ERROR): team(9999)

    def test_valid_team_year(self):
        self.assertEqual(team(2015).year, 2015, "The correct year was fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_games(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_games(), "39", "The correct number of games was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_at_bats(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_at_bats(), "1376", "The correct number of at bats was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_runs(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_runs(), "271", "The correct number of runs was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_hits(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_hits(), "402", "The correct number of hits was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_doubles(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_doubles(), "91", "The correct number of doubles was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_triples(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_triples(), "10", "The correct number of triples was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_home_runs(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_home_runs(), "23", "The correct number of home runs was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_runs_batted_in(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_runs_batted_in(), "234", "The correct number of RBIs was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_extra_base_hits(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_extra_base_hits(), "124", "The correct number of extra base hits was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_total_bases(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_total_bases(), "582", "The correct number of total bases was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_walks(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_walks(), "135", "The correct number of walks was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_hit_by_pitches(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_hit_by_pitches(), "60", "The correct number of hit by pitches was not fetched")

    def test_fetch_num_of_strikeouts(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_strikeouts(), "250", "The correct number of strikeouts was not fetched")

    #tests getter for number of sac flies
    def test_fetch_num_of_sacrifice_flies(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_sacrifice_flies(),"27","The correct number of sacrifice flies was not fetched")

    #tests getter for number of sac hits
    def test_fetch_num_of_sacrifice_hits(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_sacrifice_hits(), "12", "The correct number of sacrifice hits was not fetched")

    #tests getter for number of hits into a double play
    def test_fetch_num_of_hits_into_double_play(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_hit_into_double_play(), "22", "The correct number of hits into double play was not fetched")

    #tests getter for number of stolen bases
    def test_fetch_num_of_stolen_bases(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_stolen_bases(), "93", "The correct number of stolen bases was not fetched")

    #tests getter for number of times caught stealing
    def test_fetch_num_of_caught_stealing(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_caught_stealing(), "14", "The correct number of times caught stealing was not fetched")

    #tests getter for batting average
    def test_fetch_num_of_batting_average(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_batting_average(), ".292", "The correct batting average was not fetched")

    #tests getter for on base percentage
    def test_fetch_on_base_percentage(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_on_base_percentage(), ".374", "The correct on base percetage was not fetched")

    #tests getter for slugging percentage
    def test_fetch_slugging_percentage(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_slugging_percentage(), ".423", "The correct slugging percentage was not fetched")

    #tests getter for earned run average (ERA)
    def test_fetch_earned_run_average(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_earned_run_average(), "3.64", "The correct earned run average was not fetched")

    #tests getter for shutuouts
    def test_fetch_num_of__shutouts(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_shutouts(), "3", "The correct number of shutouts was not fetched")

    #tests getter for number of at bats againsts
    def test_fetch_num_of_at_bats_against(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_num_of_at_bats_against(), "1309", "The correct number of at bats against was not fetched")

    #tests getter for batting average against
    def test_fetch_batting_average_against(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_batting_average_against(), ".248", "The correct batting average against was not fetched")

    #tests getter for home attendance
    def test_fetch_home_attendance(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_home_attendance(), "3045", "The correct number for home attendance was not fetched")

    #tests getter for home attendance average
    def test_fetch_home_attendance_average(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.__class__.valid_2018_team.fetch_home_attendance_average(), "203", "The correct number for home attendance average was not fetched")
예제 #22
def edit_project(pid):
    if checkSession(3):
        return redirect("/")

    if session['currentPage'] != "/project/" + pid:
        session['lastPage'] += ", " + session['currentPage']
    session['currentPage'] = "/project/" + pid
    print session['lastPage']
    print session['currentPage']

    p = project()
    emsg = ''
    teamMsg = ''
    assignMsg = ''

    assignmentSel = request.args.get('assignmentSelector')
    if assignmentSel == None:
        assignmentSel = 0

    if request.args.get('action') == 'update':
        p.data[0]['name'] = request.form.get('name')
        p.data[0]['description'] = request.form.get('description')
        p.data[0]['status'] = request.form.get('status')
        if 'logo' in request.files:
            p.data[0]['logo'] = request.files['logo'].filename
        if p.verify_update():
            if 'logo' in request.files:
                file_save = logos.save(request.files['logo'])
            emsg = "<p style='color:green'>Project updated.</p>"
            emsg = "<p style='color:red'>" + p.getErrorHTML() + "</p>"
    if request.args.get('action') == 'insert':
        p.data[0]['name'] = request.form.get('name')
        p.data[0]['description'] = request.form.get('description')
        p.data[0]['status'] = request.form.get('status')
        if ('logo' in request.files):
            filename = logos.save(request.files['logo'])
            p.data[0]['logo'] = filename
        if p.verify_new():
            emsg = '<p style="color:green">Project added.</p>'
            emsg = "<p style='color:red'>" + p.getErrorHTML() + "</p>"
    if request.args.get('team') == 'add':
        t = team()
        t.data[0]['user'] = request.form.get('user')
        t.data[0]['position'] = request.form.get('position')
        t.data[0]['project'] = pid
        print t.data
        if t.verify_new(pid):
            print t.data
            teamMsg = '<p style="color: green; margin-bottom: 1em">User Added</p>'
            teamMsg = '<p style="color: red; margin-bottom: 1em">' + t.getErrorHTML() + "</p>"
    if request.args.get('team') == 'remove':
        t = team()
        t.deleteByUser(request.form.get('user'), pid)
        teamMsg = '<p style="color: green; margin-bottom: 1em">' + t.returnUserName(request.form.get('user')) + " has been removed from this project</p>"
    if request.args.get('assignment') == "add":
        a = assignment()
        a.data[0]['title'] = request.form.get('title')
        a.data[0]['description'] = request.form.get('description')
        a.data[0]['assignedTo'] = request.form.get('user')
        a.data[0]['dueDate'] = request.form.get('dueDate')
        a.data[0]['project'] = pid
        if a.verify_new():
            assignMsg = '<p style="color: green; margin-bottom: 1em">Assignment Added</p>'
            assignMsg = '<p style="color: red; margin-bottom: 1em">' + a.getErrorHTML() + "</p>"
    if request.args.get('back') == "true":

    if pid == 'new':
        w = 'Add New Project'
        act = 'insert'
        hide = "display: none"
        col1 = "col-sm-4"
        col3 = "<div class='col-sm-4'></div>"
        cta = "Add Project"
        w = 'Project Information'
        act = 'update'
        hide = ""
        col1 = "col-sm-8"
        col3 = ""
        cta = "Update Project"
    if p.data[0]['logo'] == '':
        src = ""
        src = "src='../static/Images/" + p.data[0]['logo'] + "'"

    html = '''<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-2">
        <form id="backFunction" action="''' + goBack() + '''?back=true" method="POST">
                <input type="submit" class="button-secondary" value="Back">
    <div class="col-sm-8">
        <h1 id="user_title_main" align="center" style="''' + hide +'''">''' + p.data[0]['name'].upper() + '''</h1>
    <div class="col-sm-2"></div>
    <div class='row'>
    <div class="''' + col1 + '''">
        <h2 style="''' + hide +'''">Team</h2>''' + teamMsg + '''
        <div style="''' + hide + '''" id="projectTeam">'''
    t = team()
    html += t.getTeam(pid)

    html += '''</div>
        <h2 style="''' + hide +'''">Assignments</h2>
        <div style="''' + hide + '''" id="projectAssignments">'''

    a = assignment()
    html += a.getProjectAssignments(pid, assignmentSel)

    html += '''
        <div align='center' class='col-sm-4'>
        <h2 id='user_form_title'>''' + w + '''</h2>''' + emsg + '''
        <form align='left' enctype="multipart/form-data" id='project_form' action="/project/''' + str(pid) + '''?action=''' + act + '''" method="POST">
            <p class='labels'>Name</p>
            <input name="name" required type="text" value="''' + p.data[0]['name'] + '''"/><br/>
            <p class='labels'>Description</p>
            <textarea name="description" style="width:100%; height: 12em" required form="project_form">''' + p.data[0]['description'] + '''</textarea>
            <p class='labels'>Status</p>''' + p.getStatusMenu() + '''
            <p class='labels'>Logo</p>
            <img id="project_logo" ''' + src + '''/><br/>
            <input name="logo" type="file" accept="image/*"/ value="''' + p.data[0]['logo'] + '''">

            <input type="submit" class='button-primary' value="''' + cta + '''"/>

        <a href="/projects?delete=''' + pid + '''" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete ''' + p.data[0]['name'] + '''?');" style="color: #C2C2C2; font-size: 80%; ''' + hide + '''">Delete Project</a>
        </div>''' + col3 + '''

    return header() + html + footer()
예제 #23
 def text_no_specified_year(self):
     self.assertEqual(team(None).year, datetime.datetime.now().year, "The current year was not used when no year specified")
import random
import volunteer
import staff
import team
import comp
from tabulate import tabulate

while True:

    choice = input(
        "\n1.Register\n2.Display Records\n3.Fixtures\n4.Exit\n\n>>>  ")
    if choice == 1:
        choice = input("\n1.Team\n2. Volunteer\n3.Staff\n4.Exit\n\n>>>  ")
        if choice == 1:
            while True:
                s = team.team()
                choice = raw_input("Add more? [Y/n] ")
                if choice.lower() == "y":
                elif choice.lower() == "n":
                    print "Please enter valid choice"

        elif choice == 2:
            while True:
                s = volunteer.volunteer()
                choice = raw_input("Add more? [Y/n] ")
                if choice.lower() == "y":