def on_chat_message(msg): content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) print content_type, chat_type, chat_id if content_type != 'successful_payment': sent = bot.sendInvoice( chat_id, "Nick's Hand Cream", "Keep a man's hand like a woman's", payload='a-string-identifying-related-payment-messages-tuvwxyz', provider_token=PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN, start_parameter='abc', currency='HKD', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='One Case', amount=987), LabeledPrice(label='Package', amount=12) ], need_shipping_address=True, is_flexible=True) # required for shipping query # 'Pay' button appears automatically pprint(sent) print Invoice(**sent['invoice']) else: print 'Successful payment RECEIVED!!!' pprint(msg) print SuccessfulPayment(**msg['successful_payment'])
def on_shipping_query(msg): query_id, from_id, invoice_payload = telepot.glance( msg, flavor='shipping_query') print 'Shipping query:' print query_id, from_id, invoice_payload pprint(msg) print ShippingQuery(**msg) bot.answerShippingQuery( query_id, True, shipping_options=[ ShippingOption(id='fedex', title='FedEx', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='Local', amount=345), LabeledPrice(label='International', amount=2345) ]), ShippingOption(id='dhl', title='DHL', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='Local', amount=342), LabeledPrice(label='International', amount=1234) ]) ])
def _send_invoice(chat_id): TelegramBot.sendMessage(chat_id, render_to_string(''), parse_mode='Markdown') TelegramBot.sendInvoice( chat_id, "Gaming console PS4(USED)", "Greates gaming console in the world", payload='a-string-identifying-related-payment-messages-tuvwxyz', provider_token=settings.PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN, start_parameter='abc', currency='RUB', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='One Case', amount=1800000), ], photo_url='', need_shipping_address=True, is_flexible=True) # required for shipping query TelegramBot.sendInvoice( chat_id, "Сабвуфер Kixx ICQ250(USED)", "Активный сабвуфер", payload='a-string-identifying-related-payment-messages-tuvwxyz', provider_token=settings.PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN, start_parameter='abc', currency='RUB', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='One Case', amount=450000), ], photo_url='', need_shipping_address=True, is_flexible=True) # required for shipping query return None
def on_shipping_query(self, msg): query_id, from_id, invoice_payload = telepot.glance( msg, flavor="shipping_query") print("Shipping query:") pprint(msg) bot.answerShippingQuery( query_id, True, shipping_options=[ ShippingOption(id='fedex', title='FedEx', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='Local', amount=345), LabeledPrice(label='International', amount=2345) ]), ShippingOption(id='dhl', title="DHL", prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='Local', amount=345), LabeledPrice(label='International', amount=2345) ]) ])
def on_shipping_query(self, msg): query_id, from_id, invoice_payload = telepot.glance( msg, flavor='shipping_query') print('Shipping query:') pprint(msg) bot.answerShippingQuery( query_id, True, shipping_options=[ ShippingOption( id='self_collection', title='Self Collection', prices=[LabeledPrice(label='self_collection', amount=0)]), ShippingOption( id='delivery', title='Delivery', prices=[LabeledPrice(label='delivery', amount=390)]) ])
def send_invoice(seed_tuple): msg = seed_tuple[1] content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) if content_type == 'text': sent = bot.sendInvoice(chat_id, "Nick's Hand Cream", "Manly hands with a feminine touch", payload='something', provider_token=PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN, start_parameter='abcdefg', currency='USD', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='One Case', amount=456), LabeledPrice(label='Multiple', amount=667) ], need_shipping_address=True, is_flexible=True) print("Invoice sent:") pprint(sent)
def send_invoice(seed_tuple): msg = seed_tuple[1] content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) if content_type == 'text': sent = bot.sendInvoice( chat_id, "Nick's Hand Cream", "Keep a man's hand like a woman's", payload='a-string-identifying-related-payment-messages-tuvwxyz', provider_token=PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN, start_parameter='abc', currency='HKD', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='One Case', amount=987), LabeledPrice(label='Package', amount=12) ], need_shipping_address=True, is_flexible=True) # required for shipping query print('Invoice sent:') pprint(sent)
def invoice(self, package): """ :param package: 1 = 1 session 2 = 5 sessions 3 = 10 sessions :return: """ payloads = Payloads.objects.get(name=package) if TelePot.sendInvoice( self.user.telegram.chat_id, "Buy coins", "1 coin = 1 session",, provider_token=settings.PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN, start_parameter='test-parameter', currency='NZD', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label=payloads.label, amount=payloads.amount)]): # required for shipping query self.response = ['Invoice sent', None] else: self.response = ['Sorry, payment system is currently not working', None]
def send_invoice(seed_tuple): msg = seed_tuple[1] pprint(msg) content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) print(content_type, chat_type, chat_id) if content_type == 'text': if msg['text'] in ('/help', '/start'): bot.sendMessage( chat_id, parse_mode='HTML', text=emojize( ":hamburger: Hi! You can now order food from <b>NUS McDonald's</b>! \n" ":backhand_index_pointing_down: Below is the list of commands and what they do\n\n" ":white_heavy_check_mark: <b>User's command</b>\n" "/menu - Display menu and their prices\n" "/cart - Show items in cart\n" "/clearCart - Empty your cart\n" "/order - Checkout items in cart\n" "/orderStatus - Check status of pending orders\n\n" ":credit_card: Use credit card number <b>4242 4242 4242 4242</b> if you do not have one" " and would want to test out the bot\n\n")) elif msg['text'] == '/menu': bot.sendMessage( chat_id, parse_mode='HTML', text=emojize( "<b>Hi, these are the items on the menu.</b> :french_fries:\n\n" ":chicken: /McSpicy - $5.80\n" ":chicken: /DoubleMcSpicy - $7.65\n" ":chicken: /McChicken - $3.95\n" ":cow: /BigMac - $6.00\n" ":cow: /Cheeseburger - $2.80\n" ":cow: /DoubleCheeseburger - $4.60\n" ":fish: /FiletOFish - $4.60\n" ":chicken: /ChickenMcNuggets - $4.90\n" ":chicken: /McWings - $4.90\n\n" "<b>Upsized</b>\n" ":chicken: /McSpicyUP - $7.30\n" ":chicken: /DoubleMcSpicyUP - $9.15\n" ":chicken: /McChickenUP - $5.45\n" ":cow: /BigMacUP - $7.50\n" ":cow: /CheeseburgerUP - $4.30\n" ":cow: /DoubleCheeseburgerUP - $6.10\n" ":fish: /FiletOFishUP - $6.10\n" ":chicken: /ChickenMcNuggetsUP - $6.40\n" ":chicken: /McWingsUP - $6.40\n")) elif msg['text'] == '/order': for order in orders_dict['orders']: if chat_id == order['chat_id']: if len(order['orders']) == 0: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='No item in cart!\n' 'Add them from /menu now!') break else: description = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + '\n\n' this_payload = 'CC:' for order in orders_dict['orders']: for item in order['orders']: description += str( item[0]) + ' (${:.2f})\n'.format( int(item[1]) / 100) this_payload += str(item[0]).replace(' ', '_') + ':' sent = bot.sendInvoice( chat_id=chat_id, title='Checkout Cart', description=description, payload=this_payload, provider_token=Token.PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN, start_parameter=order['chat_id'], currency='SGD', photo_url= '', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label=item[0], amount=item[1]) for order in orders_dict['orders'] for item in order['orders'] ], need_shipping_address=True, need_phone_number=True) print(sent) break else: # no such user in json file orders_dict['orders'].append({ 'chat_id': int(chat_id), "orders": [] }) with open('order_list.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(orders_dict, outfile) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='No item in cart!\n' 'Add them from /menu now!') elif msg['text'] == '/orderStatus': # view cart incomplete_list = pb.get_pending_orders(chat_id=chat_id) to_sent_str = '' for item in incomplete_list: to_sent_str += 'Order: ' + str(item['id']) + '\n' to_sent_str += item['product'] + '\n\n' bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text=to_sent_str) elif msg['text'] == '/cart': # view cart for order in orders_dict['orders']: if chat_id == order['chat_id']: if len(order['orders']) == 0: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='No item in cart!\n' 'Add them from /menu now!') break else: description = '<b>Click</b> /order <b>to checkout!</b>\n\n' for item in order['orders']: description += str( item[0]) + ' (${:.2f})\n'.format( int(item[1]) / 100) description += '\n' for item in order['orders']: description += '/drop_' + str(item[0]).replace( ' ', '_') + '\n' description += '\nEmpty cart: /clearCart' bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text=description, parse_mode='HTML') break else: # no such user in json file orders_dict['orders'].append({ 'chat_id': int(chat_id), "orders": [] }) with open('order_list.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(orders_dict, outfile) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='No item in cart!\n' 'Add them from /menu now!') elif msg['text'] == '/clearCart': # empty cart for order in orders_dict['orders']: if chat_id == order['chat_id']: order['orders'] = [] with open('order_list.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(orders_dict, outfile) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='Cart is empty!\n' 'Start browsing more items at /menu!') break elif msg['text'][:4] == '/add': # add individual items to order list for order in orders_dict['orders']: if chat_id == order['chat_id']: if len(order['orders']) == 10: bot.sendMessage( chat_id, text='Sorry, maximum order is 10 items!\n' 'Drop item(s) or /order now!') else: try: name_to_compare = str(msg['text']) name_to_compare = name_to_compare[5:] name_to_compare = name_to_compare.upper() print(name_to_compare) for i in menu_dict: if name_to_compare.replace('UP', '') == str( i['backend_name']).upper(): if msg['text'][-2:].upper() == 'UP': order['orders'].append([ str(i['frontend_name']) + ' Upsize', int(i['price_upsize']) ]) bot.sendMessage( chat_id, text= 'Item added to cart! View /cart!\n' 'Continue browsing at /menu!') break else: order['orders'].append([ str(i['frontend_name']), int(i['price']) ]) bot.sendMessage( chat_id, text= 'Item added to cart! View /cart!\n' 'Continue browsing at /menu!') break else: bot.sendMessage( chat_id, text='No item added, try again?') break with open('order_list.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(orders_dict, outfile) break except: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='No item added, try again?') break else: # no such user in json file try: name_to_compare = str(msg['text']) name_to_compare = name_to_compare[5:] name_to_compare = name_to_compare.upper() print(name_to_compare) for i in menu_dict: if name_to_compare.replace('UP', '') == str( i['backend_name']).upper(): if msg['text'][-2:].upper() == 'UP': orders_dict['orders'].append({ 'chat_id': int(chat_id), "orders": [[ str(i['frontend_name']) + ' Upsize', int(i['price_upsize']) ]] }) bot.sendMessage( chat_id, text='Item added to cart! View /cart!') break else: orders_dict['orders'].append({ 'chat_id': int(chat_id), "orders": [[ str(i['frontend_name']), int(i['price']) ]] }) bot.sendMessage( chat_id, text='Item added to cart! View /cart!') break else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='No item added, try again?') with open('order_list.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(orders_dict, outfile) except: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='No item added, try again?') orders_dict['orders'].append({ 'chat_id': int(chat_id), "orders": [] }) with open('order_list.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(orders_dict, outfile) elif msg['text'][:5] == '/drop': # drop individual items to order list for order in orders_dict['orders']: if chat_id == order['chat_id']: if len(order['orders']) == 0: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='No item in cart!\n' 'Add them from /menu now!') else: try: name_to_compare = str(msg['text']) name_to_compare = name_to_compare[6:] name_to_compare = name_to_compare.replace('_', ' ') name_to_compare = name_to_compare.upper() print(name_to_compare) for i in range(len(order['orders'])): name_in_dict = order['orders'][i][0] if 'UPSIZE' in name_to_compare.upper(): if name_to_compare.upper() == str( name_in_dict).upper(): del order['orders'][i] bot.sendMessage( chat_id, text= 'Item removed from cart! View /cart' ) print(order['orders']) break else: if name_to_compare.upper() == str( name_in_dict).upper(): del order['orders'][i] bot.sendMessage( chat_id, text= 'Item removed from cart! View /cart' ) print(order['orders']) break else: bot.sendMessage( chat_id, text='No item removed, try again?') break with open('order_list.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(orders_dict, outfile) break except: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='No item removed, try again?') break else: # no such user in json file bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text='No item removed, try again?') try: orders_dict['orders'].append({ 'chat_id': int(chat_id), "orders": [] }) with open('order_list.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(orders_dict, outfile) except: pass else: name_to_compare = str(msg['text']) name_to_compare = name_to_compare.replace("/", "") name_to_compare = name_to_compare.upper() for i in menu_dict: if name_to_compare.replace("UP", "") == str( i['backend_name']).upper(): if name_to_compare[-2:] == "UP": title = i['frontend_name'] + ' Upsize' label = 'Meal - Upsize' price = i['price_upsize'] else: title = i['frontend_name'] label = 'Meal - No Upsize' price = i['price'] sent = bot.sendInvoice( chat_id=chat_id, title=title, description=i['description'], payload=title, provider_token=Token.PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN, start_parameter=str(chat_id), currency='SGD', photo_url=i['photo_url'], prices=[LabeledPrice(label=label, amount=price)], need_shipping_address=True, need_phone_number=True, reply_markup=kb.custom_inline(price)) print(sent) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, parse_mode='HTML', text='<b>Add to cart instead?</b>\n' 'Click: /add_{}'.format(name_to_compare)) break else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, reply_markup=kb.default_keyboard, text='Sorry, there seems to be an error!\n' 'Try out some of the actions below?')
def post(self, request, bot_token): if bot_token != settings.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: return HttpResponseForbidden('Invalid token') commands = { '/start': _display_help, 'help': _display_help, 'football_feed': _display_football_feed, 'hockey_feed': _display_hockey_feed, 'buy': _send_invoice, 'successful_payment': _payment_succes, 'watch_video': _display_video, } raw = request.body.decode('utf-8') try: pload = json.loads(raw) except ValueError: return HttpResponseBadRequest('Invalid request body') else: if 'callback_query' in pload: query_id, from_id, query_data = telepot.glance( pload['callback_query'], flavor='callback_query') #TelegramBot.sendMessage(chat_id, query_data, parse_mode='Markdown') cmd = query_data chat_id = from_id elif 'message' in pload: content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance( pload['message']) if content_type == 'successful_payment': cmd = 'successful_payment' else: #chat_id = pload['message']['chat']['id'] if pload['message'].get('text') == 'Новости футбола': cmd = 'football_feed' elif pload['message'].get('text') == 'Новости хоккея': cmd = 'hockey_feed' elif pload['message'].get( 'text') == 'Что сегодня в продаже?': cmd = 'buy' elif pload['message'].get('text') == 'Видео дня': cmd = 'watch_video' else: cmd = pload['message'].get('text') # command #TelegramBot.sendMessage(chat_id, flavor, parse_mode='Markdown') elif 'shipping_query' in pload: query_id, from_id, invoice_payload = telepot.glance( pload['shipping_query'], flavor='shipping_query') chat_id = from_id TelegramBot.answerShippingQuery( query_id, True, shipping_options=[ ShippingOption(id='fedex', title='FedEx', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='Local', amount=345), LabeledPrice(label='International', amount=2345) ]), ShippingOption(id='dhl', title='DHL', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='Local', amount=342), LabeledPrice(label='International', amount=1234) ]) ]) elif 'pre_checkout_query' in pload: query_id, from_id, invoice_payload = telepot.glance( pload['pre_checkout_query'], flavor='pre_checkout_query') chat_id = from_id TelegramBot.answerPreCheckoutQuery(query_id, True) func = commands.get(cmd.split()[0].lower()) if func: func(chat_id) else: f = open('cmd_text.txt', 'w') f.write(cmd) f.close() TelegramBot.sendMessage(chat_id, content_type) TelegramBot.sendMessage(chat_id, cmd, parse_mode='Markdown') TelegramBot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'I do not understand you, Sir!') return JsonResponse({}, status=200)
def on_chat_message(msg): content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) ## print(msg) ## for i in chat_list: ## if i['user1']==str(chat_id): ## if content_type=="text": ## if msg['text']=="/bye": ## bot2.sendMessage(chat_id,"You are disconnected. Click here: /chat%s to reconnect."%i['user2']) ## chat_list.remove(i) ## ## else: ## bot2.sendMessage(int(i['user2']), "/chat{} says: ".format(chat_id)) ## bot2.forwardMessage(int(i['user2']),chat_id,msg['message_id']) ## break if 'contact' in msg.keys(): if msg['contact']['user_id']==chat_id: id_phonedict[chat_id]=msg['contact']['phone_number'] bot.sendMessage(chat_id,"Verified! %s"%thumbsup) introMessage="You can choose to be an Orderer or an Orderee. An Orderer helps the Orderee to order food.\nWould like to be an Orderer or Orderee? %s"%sassy markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=[ [InlineKeyboardButton(text="Orderer",callback_data="o1"), InlineKeyboardButton(text="Orderee",callback_data="o2")] ]) bot.sendMessage(chat_id,introMessage,reply_markup=markup) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id,"Eh who you trying to bluff?! Thats not your phone number!") verify(chat_id) elif 'successful_payment' in msg.keys(): bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Wah you damn brudder. Thanks for the Kopi! Limpeh will remember you forever!!') bot.sendSticker(chat_id, 'CAADAgADJQADyIsGAAGoEDksgR1WpAI') elif content_type=="text": if msg['text']=="/start": verify(chat_id) elif msg['text'].startswith("/broadcast"): if chat_id==243431792: count=0 #count how many users in each batch to prevent spam for i in id_phonedict: if count>=20: time.sleep(1) count=0 else: count+=1 bot.sendMessage(i,msg) elif msg['text']=="/logs": if chat_id==243431792: print(id_phonedict) print(orderee_list) print(all_list) elif msg['text']=="/stop": for i in all_list: if i['userid']==str(chat_id): all_list.remove(i) bot.sendMessage(chat_id,"Done! You won't receive anymore orders. However, you may still accept existing orders!") elif msg['text']=="/report": bot.sendMessage(chat_id,"If reporting user, let me know the user name, mobile number and the reason below.",reply_markup=ForceReply()) ## elif msg['text'].startswith("/chat"): ## for i in chat_list: ## if i['user1']==str(chat_id): ## temp="/chat"+str(i['user2']) ## chat_list.remove(i) ## bot2.sendMessage(chat_id,"Previous chat was closed. Click here: %s to re-enter chat."%temp) ## other_id=msg['text'][5:] ## chat_pair={} ## chat_pair['user1']=str(chat_id) ## chat_pair['user2']=str(other_id) ## chat_list.append(chat_pair) ## bot2.sendMessage(chat_id,"You are connected to {}. Click here: /bye to close.".format(chat_pair['user2'])) ## bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "You are connected. Click here to chat: @orderup_chatbot") elif msg['text']=="/status": o1_stall_1=0 o1_stall_2=0 o1_stall_3=0 o1_stall_4=0 o1_stall_5=0 o1_stall_6=0 o1_stall_7=0 o1_stall_8=0 o1_stall_9=0 o1_stall_10=0 o1_stall_11=0 o1_stall_12=0 o1_stall_13=0 o1_stall_14=0 ## o2_stall_1=0 ## o2_stall_2=0 ## o2_stall_3=0 ## o2_stall_4=0 ## o2_stall_5=0 ## o2_stall_6=0 ## o2_stall_7=0 ## o2_stall_8=0 ## o2_stall_9=0 ## o2_stall_10=0 ## o2_stall_11=0 ## o2_stall_12=0 ## o2_stall_13=0 ## o2_stall_14=0 for i in all_list: if i["stall"]=="1": o1_stall_1+=1 elif i["stall"]=="2": o1_stall_2+=1 elif i["stall"]=="3": o1_stall_3+=1 elif i["stall"]=="4": o1_stall_4+=1 elif i["stall"]=="5": o1_stall_5+=1 elif i["stall"]=="6": o1_stall_6+=1 elif i["stall"]=="7": o1_stall_7+=1 elif i["stall"]=="8": o1_stall_8+=1 elif i["stall"]=="9": o1_stall_9+=1 elif i["stall"]=="a": o1_stall_10+=1 elif i["stall"]=="b": o1_stall_11+=1 elif i["stall"]=="c": o1_stall_12+=1 elif i["stall"]=="d": o1_stall_13+=1 elif i["stall"]=="e": o1_stall_14+=1 ## for j in orderee_list: ## if j["options"][1]=="1": ## o2_stall_1+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="2": ## o2_stall_2+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="3": ## o2_stall_3+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="4": ## o2_stall_4+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="5": ## o2_stall_5+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="6": ## o2_stall_6+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="7": ## o2_stall_7+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="8": ## o2_stall_8+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="9": ## o2_stall_9+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="a": ## o2_stall_10+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="b": ## o2_stall_11+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="c": ## o2_stall_12+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="d": ## o2_stall_13+=1 ## elif j["options"][1]=="e": ## o2_stall_14+=1 message=("*Soya Milk*\nOrderer: {}\n*Fruit Juice*\nOrderer: {}\n*Chinese Food*\nOrderer: {}\n" "*Western Food*\nOrderer: {}\n*Chicken Rice*\nOrderer: {}\n*Japanese Food*\nOrderer: {}\n" "*Ramen Corner*\nOrderer: {}\n*Yong Tau Foo*\nOrderer: {}\n*Vegetarian Food*\nOrderer: {}\n" "*Fishball Noddles*\nOrderer: {}\n*Indian Food*\nOrderer: {}\n*Indonesian Food*\nOrderer: {}\n" "*Drinks and Snacks*\nOrderer: {}\n*McDonalds*\nOrderer: {}\n".format( o1_stall_1, o1_stall_2, o1_stall_3, o1_stall_4, o1_stall_5, o1_stall_6, o1_stall_7, o1_stall_8, o1_stall_9, o1_stall_10, o1_stall_11, o1_stall_12, o1_stall_13, o1_stall_14)) bot.sendMessage(chat_id,message,parse_mode="Markdown") elif msg['text']=="/orders": my_orderer_msg="---My orders for today---\n" #showing who your orderers my_orderee_msg="---What I'm ordering for others today---\n" #showing who you ordering for temp_num=0 for i in all_list: if str(chat_id) in i['orderees']: for k in orderee_list: if 'orderer' in k.keys() and str(k['orderer'])==i['userid']: temp_num+=1 my_orderer_msg+="{}) Orderer id: {}\nStall: {}\nOrder: {}\nTip: {}\n[CLICK HERE TO CHAT](tg://user?id={})\n\n".format(temp_num,i['userid'],i['stall'],k['order'],k['tip'],i['userid']) bot.sendMessage(chat_id,my_orderer_msg,parse_mode="Markdown") temp_num=0 for j in orderee_list: if 'orderer' in j.keys() and j['orderer']==chat_id: temp_num+=1 my_orderee_msg+="{}) Orderee id: {}\nStall: {}\nOrder: {}\nTip: {}\n[CLICK HERE TO CHAT](tg://user?id={})\n\n".format(temp_num,j['userid'],j['options'][1],j['order'],j['tip'],j['userid']) bot.sendMessage(chat_id,my_orderee_msg,parse_mode="Markdown") elif 'reply_to_message' in msg.keys(): if "Type your orders clearly below!" in msg['reply_to_message']['text']: if chat_id in temp_dict.keys(): orderee_info_dict=temp_dict[chat_id] orderee_info_dict['order']=msg['text'] temp_dict[chat_id]=orderee_info_dict ## for i in orderee_list: ## if str(chat_id) in i['userid'] and "order" not in i.keys(): ## i['order']=msg['text'] ## break bot.sendMessage(chat_id,"Type your tip amount! Pay your Orderer when you collect your food!",reply_markup=ForceReply()) elif "Type your tip amount! Pay your Orderer when you collect your food!" in msg['reply_to_message']['text']: if chat_id in temp_dict.keys(): orderee_info_dict=temp_dict[chat_id] orderee_info_dict['tip']=msg['text'] temp_dict[chat_id]=orderee_info_dict bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "Type a location to meet!",reply_markup=ForceReply()) elif "Type a location to meet!" in msg['reply_to_message']['text']: orderer_num_int=0 if chat_id in temp_dict.keys(): orderee_info_dict=temp_dict[chat_id] orderee_info_dict['location']=msg['text'] temp_options=orderee_info_dict['options'] temp_order=orderee_info_dict['order'] temp_tip=orderee_info_dict['tip'] temp_location=orderee_info_dict['location'] ## for i in orderee_list: ## if str(chat_id)in i['userid'] and "tip" not in i.keys(): ## i['tip']=msg['text'] ## temp_options=i['options'] ## temp_order=i['order'] ## temp_tip=i['tip'] ## break markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=[ [InlineKeyboardButton(text="Accept",callback_data="A"+temp_options+str(chat_id))] ]) markup1=InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=[ [InlineKeyboardButton(text="Cancel",callback_data="C"+temp_options+str(chat_id))] ]) for j in all_list: if j['stall']==temp_options[1]: orderer_num_int+=1 bot.sendMessage(j["userid"],"Found an Orderee!\nOrder: {}\nTip: {}\nMeet: {}\nTo stop receiving: /stop".format(temp_order,temp_tip,temp_location),reply_markup=markup) message_with_inline_keyboard=None message_with_inline_keyboard=bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "{} orderers in the queue so far. Waiting for Orderers... {}".format(orderer_num_int,timer) ,reply_markup=markup1) orderee_info_dict['kmsg']=message_with_inline_keyboard orderee_list.append(orderee_info_dict) del temp_dict[chat_id] elif "If reporting user, let me know the user name, mobile number and the reason below." in msg['reply_to_message']['text']: bot.forwardMessage(243431792,chat_id,msg['message_id']) elif msg['text']=="/donate": bot.sendInvoice(chat_id, "Donation", "Buy me Kopi if you like this project and would like to see it improve!", payload='a-string-identifying-related-payment-messages-tuvwxyz', provider_token='350862534:LIVE:ODg0ZDRiYzU3ZmY1', start_parameter='abc', currency='SGD', prices=[ LabeledPrice(label='Kopi', amount=300)],photo_url='',photo_size=4096,photo_width=64,photo_height=64)