예제 #1
def _upload_file(tc, filepath):
    Upload a file to Telegram cloud.
    Stolen from telethon.TelegramClient.upload_file().
    Specialised for upload sticker images.

    :param tc: A TelegramClient
    :param filepath: A path-like object
    :return: An InputFile handle.
    from telethon.tl.types import InputFile
    from telethon.tl.functions.upload import SaveFilePartRequest

    file = Path(filepath)
    file_id = _get_random_id()
    file_name = file.name
    part_size_kb = 32 * 1024  # just hardcode it, every file is under 350KB anyways
    part_count = (file.stat().st_size + part_size_kb - 1) // part_size_kb
    file_hash = md5()
    with open(file, mode='rb') as f:
        for part_index in range(part_count):
            part = f.read(part_size_kb)
            tc.invoke(SaveFilePartRequest(file_id, part_index, part))
    return InputFile(id=file_id,
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, sender: MTProtoSender, file_id: int, part_count: int, big: bool, index: int,
              stride: int, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None:
     self.sender = sender
     self.part_count = part_count
     if big:
         self.request = SaveBigFilePartRequest(file_id, index, part_count, b"")
         self.request = SaveFilePartRequest(file_id, index, b"")
     self.stride = stride
     self.previous = None
     self.loop = loop
예제 #3
    def upload_file(self,
        Uploads the specified file and returns a handle (an instance of
        InputFile or InputFileBig, as required) which can be later used
        before it expires (they are usable during less than a day).

        Uploading a file will simply return a "handle" to the file stored
        remotely in the Telegram servers, which can be later used on. This
        will **not** upload the file to your own chat or any chat at all.

            file (`str` | `bytes` | `file`):
                The path of the file, byte array, or stream that will be sent.
                Note that if a byte array or a stream is given, a filename
                or its type won't be inferred, and it will be sent as an
                "unnamed application/octet-stream".

                Subsequent calls with the very same file will result in
                immediate uploads, unless ``.clear_file_cache()`` is called.

            part_size_kb (`int`, optional):
                Chunk size when uploading files. The larger, the less
                requests will be made (up to 512KB maximum).

            file_name (`str`, optional):
                The file name which will be used on the resulting InputFile.
                If not specified, the name will be taken from the ``file``
                and if this is not a ``str``, it will be ``"unnamed"``.

            use_cache (`type`, optional):
                The type of cache to use (currently either ``InputDocument``
                or ``InputPhoto``). If present and the file is small enough
                to need the MD5, it will be checked against the database,
                and if a match is found, the upload won't be made. Instead,
                an instance of type ``use_cache`` will be returned.

            progress_callback (`callable`, optional):
                A callback function accepting two parameters:
                ``(sent bytes, total)``.

            :tl:`InputFileBig` if the file size is larger than 10MB,
            ``InputSizedFile`` (subclass of :tl:`InputFile`) otherwise.
        if isinstance(file, (InputFile, InputFileBig)):
            return file  # Already uploaded

        if isinstance(file, str):
            file_size = os.path.getsize(file)
        elif isinstance(file, bytes):
            file_size = len(file)
            file = file.read()
            file_size = len(file)

        # File will now either be a string or bytes
        if not part_size_kb:
            part_size_kb = utils.get_appropriated_part_size(file_size)

        if part_size_kb > 512:
            raise ValueError('The part size must be less or equal to 512KB')

        part_size = int(part_size_kb * 1024)
        if part_size % 1024 != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'The part size must be evenly divisible by 1024')

        # Set a default file name if None was specified
        file_id = helpers.generate_random_long()
        if not file_name:
            if isinstance(file, str):
                file_name = os.path.basename(file)
                file_name = str(file_id)

        # Determine whether the file is too big (over 10MB) or not
        # Telegram does make a distinction between smaller or larger files
        is_large = file_size > 10 * 1024 * 1024
        hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
        if not is_large:
            # Calculate the MD5 hash before anything else.
            # As this needs to be done always for small files,
            # might as well do it before anything else and
            # check the cache.
            if isinstance(file, str):
                with open(file, 'rb') as stream:
                    file = stream.read()
            if use_cache:
                cached = self.session.get_file(
                    hash_md5.digest(), file_size, cls=use_cache
                if cached:
                    return cached

        part_count = (file_size + part_size - 1) // part_size
        __log__.info('Uploading file of %d bytes in %d chunks of %d',
                     file_size, part_count, part_size)

        with open(file, 'rb') if isinstance(file, str) else BytesIO(file) as stream:
            threads_count = 2 + int((self._upload_threads_count - 2) * float(file_size) / (1024 * 1024 * 10))
            threads_count = min(threads_count, self._upload_threads_count)
            threads_count = min(part_count, threads_count)
            upload_thread = []
            q_request = Queue()
            # spawn threads
            for i in range(threads_count):
                thread_dl = self.ProcessUpload('thread {0}'.format(i), self, q_request)
            for part_index in range(0, part_count, threads_count):
                # Read the file by in chunks of size part_size
                for part_thread_index in range(threads_count):
                    if part_index + part_thread_index >= part_count:
                    part = stream.read(part_size)
                    # The SavePartRequest is different depending on whether
                    # the file is too large or not (over or less than 10MB)
                    if is_large:
                        request = SaveBigFilePartRequest(file_id, part_index + part_thread_index, part_count, part)
                        request = SaveFilePartRequest(file_id, part_index + part_thread_index, part)
                # q_request.join()
                job_completed = False
                while not job_completed:
                    for th in upload_thread:
                        if th:
                            if th.result is True:
                                job_completed = True
                                __log__.debug('Uploaded %d/%d', part_index + 1, part_count)
                                if progress_callback:
                                    progress_callback(stream.tell(), file_size)
                            elif th.result is False:
                                raise RuntimeError('Failed to upload file part {}.'.format(part_index))
            for i in range(threads_count):
            for th in upload_thread:
        if is_large:
            return InputFileBig(file_id, part_count, file_name)
            return InputSizedFile(
                file_id, part_count, file_name, md5=hash_md5, size=file_size
예제 #4
    def upload_file(self, file_path, part_size_kb=None, file_name=None, progress_callback=None):
        """Uploads the specified file_path and returns a handle which can be later used

        :param file_path: The file path of the file that will be uploaded
        :param part_size_kb: The part size when uploading the file. None = Automatic
        :param file_name: The name of the uploaded file. None = Automatic
        :param progress_callback: A callback function which takes two parameters,
                                  uploaded size (in bytes) and total file size (in bytes)
                                  This is called every time a part is uploaded
        file_size = path.getsize(file_path)
        if not part_size_kb:
            part_size_kb = self.find_appropiate_part_size(file_size)

        if part_size_kb > 512:
            raise ValueError('The part size must be less or equal to 512KB')

        part_size = int(part_size_kb * 1024)
        if part_size % 1024 != 0:
            raise ValueError('The part size must be evenly divisible by 1024')

        # Determine whether the file is too big (over 10MB) or not
        # Telegram does make a distinction between smaller or larger files
        is_large = file_size > 10 * 1024 * 1024
        part_count = (file_size + part_size - 1) // part_size

        # Multiply the datetime timestamp by 10^6 to get the ticks
        # This is high likely going to be unique
        file_id = int(datetime.now().timestamp() * (10 ** 6))
        hash_md5 = md5()

        with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
            for part_index in range(part_count):
                # Read the file by in chunks of size part_size
                part = file.read(part_size)

                # The SavePartRequest is different depending on whether
                # the file is too large or not (over or less than 10MB)
                if is_large:
                    request = SaveBigFilePartRequest(file_id, part_index, part_count, part)
                    request = SaveFilePartRequest(file_id, part_index, part)

                # Invoke the file upload and increment both the part index and MD5 checksum
                result = self.invoke(request)
                if result:
                    if progress_callback:
                        progress_callback(file.tell(), file_size)
                    raise ValueError('Could not upload file part #{}'.format(part_index))

        # Set a default file name if None was specified
        if not file_name:
            file_name = path.basename(file_path)

        # After the file has been uploaded, we can return a handle pointing to it
        return InputFile(id=file_id,