예제 #1
파일: backend.py 프로젝트: SEJeff/aurproxy
 def _load_share_adjuster_factories(self, share_adjusters):
   share_adjuster_factories = []
   for share_adjuster in share_adjusters:
     share_adjuster_cp = copy.deepcopy(share_adjuster)
     share_adjuster_klass = share_adjuster_cp.pop('share_adjuster_class')
     share_adjuster_kwargs = share_adjuster_cp
     p_f = load_klass_factory(share_adjuster_klass,
   return share_adjuster_factories
예제 #2
 def _load_share_adjuster_factories(self, share_adjusters):
   share_adjuster_factories = []
   for share_adjuster in share_adjusters:
     share_adjuster_cp = copy.deepcopy(share_adjuster)
     share_adjuster_klass = share_adjuster_cp.pop('share_adjuster_class')
     share_adjuster_kwargs = share_adjuster_cp
     p_f = load_klass_factory(share_adjuster_klass,
   return share_adjuster_factories
예제 #3
파일: manager.py 프로젝트: 40a/aurproxy
  def test_source_manager(self):
    # Validation Functions
    def val_len(manager, source_endpoint_groups, sources, source_cb_scopes,
                overflow_endpoint_groups, overflow_sources,
                overflow_source_cb_scopes, overflow_threshold,
      Validate that the expected number of endpoints are returned.
      eps = list(itertools.chain(*source_endpoint_groups))
      oeps = list(itertools.chain(*overflow_endpoint_groups))
      self.assertEqual(len(manager.endpoints), len(eps) + len(oeps))

    def val_eps(manager, source_endpoint_groups, sources, source_cb_scopes,
                overflow_endpoint_groups, overflow_sources,
                overflow_source_cb_scopes, overflow_threshold,
      Validate that the expected endpoints are returned.
      eps = list(itertools.chain(*source_endpoint_groups))
      oeps = list(itertools.chain(*overflow_endpoint_groups))
      for ep in eps:
        self.assertIn(ep, manager.endpoints)
      for oep in oeps:
        self.assertIn(oep, manager.endpoints)

    def val_weights_all_healthy(manager, source_endpoint_groups, sources,
                            source_cb_scopes, overflow_endpoint_groups,
                            overflow_sources, overflow_source_cb_scopes,
                            overflow_threshold, weight_adj_start):
      Validate that when the service is healthy, all endpoints are present and
      weighted correctly.
      eps = list(itertools.chain(*source_endpoint_groups))
      oeps = list(itertools.chain(*overflow_endpoint_groups))
      for ep in manager.endpoints:
        if ep in eps:
          self.assertEqual(ep.weight, SIGNIFICANCE)
        elif ep in oeps:
          self.assertEqual(ep.weight, 0)
          raise Exception('Unknown endpoint.')

    def val_weights_overflow_m_src(manager, source_endpoint_groups, sources,
                                   source_cb_scopes, overflow_endpoint_groups,
                                   overflow_sources, overflow_source_cb_scopes,
                                   overflow_threshold, weight_adj_start):
      Validate that when passing the overflow threshold, all endpoints are
      present and weighted correctly.
      eps = list(itertools.chain(*source_endpoint_groups))
      oeps = list(itertools.chain(*overflow_endpoint_groups))
      min_healthy = int(len(eps) * float(overflow_threshold) / float(100))
      min_unhealthy = len(eps) - min_healthy

      # Set share to 0 for enough endpoints to reach or almost reach the
      # unhealthy threshold
      for i in range(min_unhealthy):
        ith_ep = source_endpoint_groups[0][i]
        sh_calcs = manager._share_calcs[sources[0]]

      # Overflow shouldn't be on yet.
      for ep in manager.endpoints:
        if ep in oeps:
          self.assertEqual(ep.weight, 0)

      # Regular endpoints serving
      num_reg_serving = len([ep for ep in manager.endpoints
                             if ep.weight > 0 and ep in eps])
      if weight_adj_start == now:
        # Not all regular endpoints should be serving
        self.assertEqual(num_reg_serving, min_healthy)
        # Regular endpoints should be serving weight adjustment hasn't started.
        self.assertEqual(num_reg_serving, len(eps))

      # Overflow endpoints serving
      num_o_serving = len([ep for ep in manager.endpoints
                             if ep.weight > 0 and ep in oeps])
      # No overflow endpoints should be serving
      self.assertEqual(num_o_serving, 0)

      # Turn off one more regular endpoint
      sh_calcs = manager._share_calcs[sources[0]]
      sh_calc = sh_calcs[source_endpoint_groups[0][min_unhealthy+1]]

      # Regular endpoints serving
      num_reg_serving = len([ep for ep in manager.endpoints
                             if ep.weight > 0 and ep in eps])
      if weight_adj_start == now:
        # Not all regular endpoints should be serving
        self.assertEqual(num_reg_serving, min_healthy-1)
        sum_overflow_weight = 0
        for ep in manager.endpoints:
          if ep in oeps:
            sum_overflow_weight += ep.weight
        self.assertGreater(sum_overflow_weight, 0)
        # Regular endpoints should be serving weight adjustment hasn't started.
        self.assertEqual(num_reg_serving, len(eps))

      # Overflow endpoints serving
      num_o_serving = len([ep for ep in manager.endpoints
                             if ep.weight > 0 and ep in oeps])
      if weight_adj_start == now:
        # Overflow endpoints should be serving
        self.assertGreater(num_o_serving, 0)
        self.assertEqual(num_o_serving, 0)

    def val_shares_m_src(manager, source_endpoint_groups, sources,
                         source_cb_scopes, overflow_endpoint_groups,
                         overflow_sources, overflow_source_cb_scopes,
                         overflow_threshold, weight_adj_start):
      Validate that when multiple share adjusters are applied, all endpoints
      are present and weighted correctly.
      if len(sources[0].share_adjuster_factories) < 2:
        raise Exception('Validator must be run on source with at least 2 share'
                        'adjuster factories registered.')
      if len(sources[0].endpoints) == 0:
        raise Exception('Validator must be run on source with at least one'
      eps = list(itertools.chain(*source_endpoint_groups))
      # Share calculator for one endpoint
      sh_calc = manager._share_calcs[sources[0]][source_endpoint_groups[0][0]]
      # Set share to 0.5 for 2 sibling adjusters - .5 * .5 -> expect .25
      if weight_adj_start == now:
        sorted_eps = sorted(manager.endpoints, key=lambda x: x.weight)
        lowest = sorted_eps[0]
        rest = sorted_eps[1:]
        for ep in rest:
          self.assertTrue(float(lowest.weight)/float(ep.weight) == 0.25)
        num_reg_serving = len([ep for ep in manager.endpoints
                              if ep.weight > 0 and ep in eps])
        self.assertEqual(num_reg_serving, len(eps))

    # Group standard validation functions
    val_fns = [
    # Overflow validation functions
    o_val_fns = [
    # Share validation functions
    share_val_fns = [

    # Parameter group parts
    # Source endpoints
    s_1_eps = [SourceEndpoint('', i) for i in range(8000, 8005)]
    s_2_eps = [SourceEndpoint('', i) for i in range(9000, 9005)]
    # Overflow source endpoints
    os_1_eps = [SourceEndpoint('', i) for i in range(10000, 10005)]

    # Share adjuster factory groups
    tst_adjuster = 'tellapart.aurproxytest.share.adjuster.TstShareAdjuster'
    tst_sh_adj_fact = load_klass_factory(tst_adjuster)

    # Source Builders
    s_src_no_sh_adj = [TstSourceBuilder(s_1_eps, [])]
    s_src_m_sh_adj = [TstSourceBuilder(s_1_eps, [tst_sh_adj_fact,
    m_src_no_sh_adj = [TstSourceBuilder(s_1_eps, []),
                       TstSourceBuilder(s_2_eps, [])]
    no_osrc_no_sh_adj = []
    s_osrc_no_sh_adj = [TstSourceBuilder(os_1_eps, [])]
    m_src_s_sh_adj = [TstSourceBuilder(s_1_eps, [tst_sh_adj_fact]),
                      TstSourceBuilder(s_2_eps, [])]

    # Start times
    now = datetime.now()
    future = now + timedelta(days=1)

    # Overflow Threshold Percentages
    thr_none = None
    thr_80 = 80

    # Parameter groups
    #  source_builders
    #  overflow_source_builders
    #  overflow_threshold_pct,
    #  weight_adjustment_start time,
    #  validation_fns
    pgroups = [
      (s_src_no_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, now, val_fns),
      (s_src_no_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, future, val_fns),
      (s_src_m_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, now,
      (s_src_m_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, future,
      (m_src_no_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, now, val_fns),
      (m_src_no_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, future, val_fns),
      (m_src_s_sh_adj, s_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_80, now, val_fns+o_val_fns),
      (m_src_s_sh_adj, s_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_80, future, val_fns+o_val_fns),

    # Helper to build source and related validation items.
    def build_sources(builders):
      srcs, cb_scopes, ep_groups = [], [], []
      for builder in builders:
        src, cb_scope, eps = builder.build()
      return srcs, cb_scopes, ep_groups

    # Run validators against parameter groups
    for src_builders, o_src_builders, o_thresh, w_adj_start, v_fns in pgroups:
      for validation_fn in v_fns:
        manager_cb_scope = SourceManagerCallbackScope()
        srcs, src_cb_scopes, src_ep_groups = build_sources(src_builders)
        o_srcs, o_src_cbs, o_src_ep_groups = build_sources(o_src_builders)

        signal_update_fn = manager_cb_scope.signal_update_fn
        manager = SourceGroupManager(sources=srcs,
        validation_fn(manager, src_ep_groups, srcs, src_cb_scopes,
                      o_src_ep_groups, o_srcs, o_src_ep_groups, o_thresh,
예제 #4
    def test_source_manager(self):
        # Validation Functions
        def val_len(manager, source_endpoint_groups, sources, source_cb_scopes,
                    overflow_endpoint_groups, overflow_sources,
                    overflow_source_cb_scopes, overflow_threshold,
      Validate that the expected number of endpoints are returned.
            eps = list(itertools.chain(*source_endpoint_groups))
            oeps = list(itertools.chain(*overflow_endpoint_groups))
            self.assertEqual(len(manager.endpoints), len(eps) + len(oeps))

        def val_eps(manager, source_endpoint_groups, sources, source_cb_scopes,
                    overflow_endpoint_groups, overflow_sources,
                    overflow_source_cb_scopes, overflow_threshold,
      Validate that the expected endpoints are returned.
            eps = list(itertools.chain(*source_endpoint_groups))
            oeps = list(itertools.chain(*overflow_endpoint_groups))
            for ep in eps:
                self.assertIn(ep, manager.endpoints)
            for oep in oeps:
                self.assertIn(oep, manager.endpoints)

        def val_weights_all_healthy(manager, source_endpoint_groups, sources,
                                    source_cb_scopes, overflow_endpoint_groups,
                                    overflow_threshold, weight_adj_start):
      Validate that when the service is healthy, all endpoints are present and
      weighted correctly.
            eps = list(itertools.chain(*source_endpoint_groups))
            oeps = list(itertools.chain(*overflow_endpoint_groups))
            for ep in manager.endpoints:
                if ep in eps:
                    self.assertEqual(ep.weight, SIGNIFICANCE)
                elif ep in oeps:
                    self.assertEqual(ep.weight, 0)
                    raise Exception('Unknown endpoint.')

        def val_weights_overflow_m_src(manager, source_endpoint_groups,
                                       sources, source_cb_scopes,
                                       overflow_threshold, weight_adj_start):
      Validate that when passing the overflow threshold, all endpoints are
      present and weighted correctly.
            eps = list(itertools.chain(*source_endpoint_groups))
            oeps = list(itertools.chain(*overflow_endpoint_groups))
            min_healthy = int(
                len(eps) * float(overflow_threshold) / float(100))
            min_unhealthy = len(eps) - min_healthy

            # Set share to 0 for enough endpoints to reach or almost reach the
            # unhealthy threshold
            for i in range(min_unhealthy):
                ith_ep = source_endpoint_groups[0][i]
                sh_calcs = manager._share_calcs[sources[0]]

            # Overflow shouldn't be on yet.
            for ep in manager.endpoints:
                if ep in oeps:
                    self.assertEqual(ep.weight, 0)

            # Regular endpoints serving
            num_reg_serving = len([
                ep for ep in manager.endpoints if ep.weight > 0 and ep in eps
            if weight_adj_start == now:
                # Not all regular endpoints should be serving
                self.assertEqual(num_reg_serving, min_healthy)
                # Regular endpoints should be serving weight adjustment hasn't started.
                self.assertEqual(num_reg_serving, len(eps))

            # Overflow endpoints serving
            num_o_serving = len([
                ep for ep in manager.endpoints if ep.weight > 0 and ep in oeps
            # No overflow endpoints should be serving
            self.assertEqual(num_o_serving, 0)

            # Turn off one more regular endpoint
            sh_calcs = manager._share_calcs[sources[0]]
            sh_calc = sh_calcs[source_endpoint_groups[0][min_unhealthy + 1]]

            # Regular endpoints serving
            num_reg_serving = len([
                ep for ep in manager.endpoints if ep.weight > 0 and ep in eps
            if weight_adj_start == now:
                # Not all regular endpoints should be serving
                self.assertEqual(num_reg_serving, min_healthy - 1)
                sum_overflow_weight = 0
                for ep in manager.endpoints:
                    if ep in oeps:
                        sum_overflow_weight += ep.weight
                self.assertGreater(sum_overflow_weight, 0)
                # Regular endpoints should be serving weight adjustment hasn't started.
                self.assertEqual(num_reg_serving, len(eps))

            # Overflow endpoints serving
            num_o_serving = len([
                ep for ep in manager.endpoints if ep.weight > 0 and ep in oeps
            if weight_adj_start == now:
                # Overflow endpoints should be serving
                self.assertGreater(num_o_serving, 0)
                self.assertEqual(num_o_serving, 0)

        def val_shares_m_src(manager, source_endpoint_groups, sources,
                             source_cb_scopes, overflow_endpoint_groups,
                             overflow_sources, overflow_source_cb_scopes,
                             overflow_threshold, weight_adj_start):
      Validate that when multiple share adjusters are applied, all endpoints
      are present and weighted correctly.
            if len(sources[0].share_adjuster_factories) < 2:
                raise Exception(
                    'Validator must be run on source with at least 2 share'
                    'adjuster factories registered.')
            if len(sources[0].endpoints) == 0:
                raise Exception(
                    'Validator must be run on source with at least one'
            eps = list(itertools.chain(*source_endpoint_groups))
            # Share calculator for one endpoint
            sh_calc = manager._share_calcs[sources[0]][
            # Set share to 0.5 for 2 sibling adjusters - .5 * .5 -> expect .25
            if weight_adj_start == now:
                sorted_eps = sorted(manager.endpoints, key=lambda x: x.weight)
                lowest = sorted_eps[0]
                rest = sorted_eps[1:]
                for ep in rest:
                        float(lowest.weight) / float(ep.weight) == 0.25)
                num_reg_serving = len([
                    ep for ep in manager.endpoints
                    if ep.weight > 0 and ep in eps
                self.assertEqual(num_reg_serving, len(eps))

        # Group standard validation functions
        val_fns = [val_len, val_eps, val_weights_all_healthy]
        # Overflow validation functions
        o_val_fns = [val_weights_overflow_m_src]
        # Share validation functions
        share_val_fns = [val_shares_m_src]

        # Parameter group parts
        # Source endpoints
        s_1_eps = [SourceEndpoint('', i) for i in range(8000, 8005)]
        s_2_eps = [SourceEndpoint('', i) for i in range(9000, 9005)]
        # Overflow source endpoints
        os_1_eps = [
            SourceEndpoint('', i) for i in range(10000, 10005)

        # Share adjuster factory groups
        tst_adjuster = 'tellapart.aurproxytest.share.adjuster.TstShareAdjuster'
        tst_sh_adj_fact = load_klass_factory(tst_adjuster)

        # Source Builders
        s_src_no_sh_adj = [TstSourceBuilder(s_1_eps, [])]
        s_src_m_sh_adj = [
            TstSourceBuilder(s_1_eps, [tst_sh_adj_fact, tst_sh_adj_fact])
        m_src_no_sh_adj = [
            TstSourceBuilder(s_1_eps, []),
            TstSourceBuilder(s_2_eps, [])
        no_osrc_no_sh_adj = []
        s_osrc_no_sh_adj = [TstSourceBuilder(os_1_eps, [])]
        m_src_s_sh_adj = [
            TstSourceBuilder(s_1_eps, [tst_sh_adj_fact]),
            TstSourceBuilder(s_2_eps, [])

        # Start times
        now = datetime.now()
        future = now + timedelta(days=1)

        # Overflow Threshold Percentages
        thr_none = None
        thr_80 = 80

        # Parameter groups
        #  source_builders
        #  overflow_source_builders
        #  overflow_threshold_pct,
        #  weight_adjustment_start time,
        #  validation_fns
        pgroups = [
            (s_src_no_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, now, val_fns),
            (s_src_no_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, future, val_fns),
            (s_src_m_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, now,
             val_fns + share_val_fns),
            (s_src_m_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, future,
             val_fns + share_val_fns),
            (m_src_no_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, now, val_fns),
            (m_src_no_sh_adj, no_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_none, future, val_fns),
            (m_src_s_sh_adj, s_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_80, now,
             val_fns + o_val_fns),
            (m_src_s_sh_adj, s_osrc_no_sh_adj, thr_80, future,
             val_fns + o_val_fns),

        # Helper to build source and related validation items.
        def build_sources(builders):
            srcs, cb_scopes, ep_groups = [], [], []
            for builder in builders:
                src, cb_scope, eps = builder.build()
            return srcs, cb_scopes, ep_groups

        # Run validators against parameter groups
        for src_builders, o_src_builders, o_thresh, w_adj_start, v_fns in pgroups:
            for validation_fn in v_fns:
                manager_cb_scope = SourceManagerCallbackScope()
                srcs, src_cb_scopes, src_ep_groups = build_sources(
                o_srcs, o_src_cbs, o_src_ep_groups = build_sources(

                signal_update_fn = manager_cb_scope.signal_update_fn
                manager = SourceGroupManager(sources=srcs,
                validation_fn(manager, src_ep_groups, srcs, src_cb_scopes,
                              o_src_ep_groups, o_srcs, o_src_ep_groups,
                              o_thresh, w_adj_start)