def set_AddressLine2(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'AddressLine2', value)
 def set_Category2(self, value):
     Set the value of the Category2 input for this Choreo. ((optional, string) Comma delimited list of Category IDs. Restricts the categories of Relationships that the given Entity and all second degree Entities returned should be connected through.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Category2', value)
 def set_Page(self, value):
     Set the value of the Page input for this Choreo. ((optional, integer) Specifies what page of results to show. Used in conjunction with Number parameter. A number of 20 and a Page of 6 will show results 100-120.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Page', value)
 def set_GeoExtentLevel(self, value):
     Set the value of the GeoExtentLevel input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The geographical unit for the results (i.e. borough, neighborhood, or zip))
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'GeoExtentLevel', value)
 def set_ResponseFormat(self, value):
     Set the value of the ResponseFormat input for this Choreo. ((optional, string) The format that the response should be in. Valid values are: json (the default) and xml.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'ResponseFormat', value)
 def set_Email(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Email', value)
 def set_SynServiceID(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'SynServiceID', value)
예제 #8
 def set_AccessToken(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'AccessToken', value)
예제 #9
 def set_Repo(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Repo', value)
 def set_Country(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Country', value)
 def set_Coupon(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Coupon', value)
 def set_CardholderName(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'CardholderName', value)
 def set_CardNumber(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'CardNumber', value)
 def set_CVC(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'CVC', value)
 def set_AccessToken(self, value):
     Set the value of the AccessToken input for this Choreo. ((conditional, string) The Access Token retrieved during the OAuth process. Required when accessing a protected resource.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'AccessToken', value)
예제 #16
 def set_Sort(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Sort', value)
 def set_User(self, value):
     Set the value of the User input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The GitHub username.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'User', value)
예제 #18
 def set_User(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'User', value)
 def set_Password(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Password', value)
 def set_AccountNumber(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'AccountNumber', value)
 def set_Bedrooms(self, value):
     Set the value of the Bedrooms input for this Choreo. ((optional, integer) Limits the results by number of bedrooms to search for. Defaults to 1.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Bedrooms', value)
 def set_AuthenticationKey(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'AuthenticationKey', value)
 def set_GeoSummaryLevel(self, value):
     Set the value of the GeoSummaryLevel input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The geographic unit for grouping the results (borough, neighborhood, or zip))
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'GeoSummaryLevel', value)
 def set_City(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'City', value)
예제 #25
 def set_ActivityID(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'ActivityID', value)
 def set_CountryCode(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'CountryCode', value)
 def set_Number(self, value):
     Set the value of the Number input for this Choreo. ((optional, integer) Specifies what number of results to show. Used in conjunction with Page parameter, a Number of 20 and a Page of 6 will show results 100-120. Defaults to 20.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Number', value)
 def set_MeterNumber(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'MeterNumber', value)
예제 #29
 def set_AccessToken(self, value):
     Set the value of the AccessToken input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The Access Token retrieved after the final step in the OAuth2 process.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'AccessToken', value)
 def set_Password(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Password', value)
예제 #31
 def set_ShowSynopsis(self, value):
     Set the value of the ShowSynopsis input for this Choreo. ((optional, boolean) Set to 1 to show the synopsis for each project listing)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'ShowSynopsis', value)
 def set_PostalCode(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'PostalCode', value)
 def set_Repo(self, value):
     Set the value of the Repo input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The name of the repo associated with the references to retrieve.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Repo', value)
 def set_State(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'State', value)
 def set_ClientID(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'ClientID', value)
 def set_Street(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Street', value)
 def set_Endpoint(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Endpoint', value)
예제 #38
 def set_AccessToken(self, value):
     Set the value of the AccessToken input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The Access Token retrieved during the OAuth process.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'AccessToken', value)
 def set_SearchResultStyleName(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'SearchResultStyleName', value)
예제 #40
 def set_Limit(self, value):
     Set the value of the Limit input for this Choreo. ((optional, integer) The number of results to return: 1 - 20. Defaults to 20.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Limit', value)
 def set_APIKey(self, value):
     Set the value of the APIKey input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The API Key provided by NY Times)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'APIKey', value)
예제 #42
 def set_Offset(self, value):
     Set the value of the Offset input for this Choreo. ((optional, integer) The result to start at. Defaults to 0.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Offset', value)
 def set_DateRange(self, value):
     Set the value of the DateRange input for this Choreo. ((required, string) Sets the quarter, month, week or day for the results (i.e. 2008-Q1, 2008-W52, 2007-07, etc))
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'DateRange', value)
예제 #44
 def set_ResponseFormat(self, value):
     Set the value of the ResponseFormat input for this Choreo. ((optional, string) The format that the response should be in. Can be set to xml or json. Defaults to json.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'ResponseFormat', value)
 def set_GeoExtentValue(self, value):
     Set the value of the GeoExtentValue input for this Choreo. ((required, string) Limits the search to a specific area.  For example, if GeoExtendLevel is borough, the value for GeoExtendValue could be Brooklyn.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'GeoExtentValue', value)
예제 #46
 def set_SecretKey(self, value):
     Set the value of the SecretKey input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The Secret Key provided by Tumblr (AKA the OAuth Consumer Secret).)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'SecretKey', value)
 def set_Percentile(self, value):
     Set the value of the Percentile input for this Choreo. ((required, integer) Specify the percentile for sales prices you want to retrieve (i.e 50))
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Percentile', value)
예제 #48
 def set_ZipCode(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'ZipCode', value)
예제 #49
 def set_AccessToken(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'AccessToken', value)
예제 #50
 def set_AccessToken(self, value):
     Set the value of the AccessToken input for this Choreo. ((optional, string) A valid access token retrieved during the OAuth process. This is required unless you provide the ClientID, ClientSecret, and RefreshToken to generate a new access token.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'AccessToken', value)
 def set_APIKey(self, value):
     Set the value of the APIKey input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The API Key obtained from
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'APIKey', value)
예제 #52
 def set_CalendarID(self, value):
     Set the value of the CalendarID input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The ID for the calendar to retrieve.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'CalendarID', value)
 def set_EntityID(self, value):
     Set the value of the EntityID input for this Choreo. ((required, integer) The ID of the person or organization for which records are to be returned.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'EntityID', value)
예제 #54
 def set_ClientSecret(self, value):
     Set the value of the ClientSecret input for this Choreo. ((conditional, string) The Client Secret provided by Google. Required unless providing a valid AccessToken.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'ClientSecret', value)
 def set_Order2(self, value):
     Set the value of the Order2 input for this Choreo. ((optional, integer) Specifies the order of the first degree Entity in the second degree Relationship. Acceptable values: 1 or 2. See documentation for more on Relationship order.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'Order2', value)
예제 #56
 def set_RefreshToken(self, value):
     Set the value of the RefreshToken input for this Choreo. ((conditional, string) An OAuth Refresh Token used to generate a new access token when the original token is expired. Required unless providing a valid AccessToken.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'RefreshToken', value)
 def set_ResponseFormat(self, value):
     Set the value of the ResponseFormat input for this Choreo. ((optional, string) Format of the response returned by Acceptable inputs: xml or json. Defaults to xml)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'ResponseFormat', value)
예제 #58
 def set_ResponseFormat(self, value):
     Set the value of the ResponseFormat input for this Choreo. ((optional, string) The format that the response should be in. Can be set to xml or json. Defaults to xml.)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'ResponseFormat', value)
예제 #59
 def set_EntryID(self, value):
     Set the value of the EntryID input for this Choreo. ((required, string) This can be the individual id of the nutrition entry, or you can pass the full uri for the entry as returned from the RetrieveEntries Choreo (i.e. /nutrition/-12985593-1350864000000).)
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'EntryID', value)
 def set_APISecretKey(self, value):
     InputSet._set_input(self, 'APISecretKey', value)