예제 #1
def process(input, entities):
    output = {}
        book_title = entities['book'][0]['value']
        response = requests.get(
            'https://www.goodreads.com/book/title.xml?key=' +
            GOODREADS_ACCESS_TOKEN + '&title=' + book_title)
        data = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content)

        book_node = data.find('book')
        title = book_node.find('title').text
        description = book_node.find('description').text
        average_rating = book_node.find('average_rating').text
        link = book_node.find('link').text
        goodreads_attribution = "- Powered by Goodreads"

        template = TextTemplate()
        template.set_text('Title: ' + title + '\nDescription: ' + description)
        template.set_post_text('\nAverage Rating: ' + average_rating +
                               '\nLink: ' + link + '\n\n' +

        output['input'] = input
        output['output'] = template.get_message()
        output['success'] = True
        output['success'] = False
    return output
예제 #2
def process(input, entities):
    output = {}
        book_title = entities['book'][0]['value']
        response = requests.get('https://www.goodreads.com/book/title.xml?key=' + GOODREADS_ACCESS_TOKEN + '&title=' + book_title)
        data = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content)

        book_node = data.find('book')
        title = book_node.find('title').text
        description = book_node.find('description').text
        average_rating = book_node.find('average_rating').text
        link = book_node.find('link').text
        goodreads_attribution = '- Powered by Goodreads'

        template = TextTemplate()
        template.set_text('Title: ' + title + '\nDescription: ' + description)
        template.set_post_text('\nAverage Rating: ' + average_rating + ' / 5' + '\nLink: ' + link + '\n\n' + goodreads_attribution)

        output['input'] = input
        output['output'] = template.get_message()
        output['success'] = True
        error_message = 'I couldn\'t find any book matching your query.'
        error_message += '\nPlease ask me something else, like:'
        error_message += '\n  - book timeline'
        error_message += '\n  - harry potter book plot'
        error_message += '\n  - little women book rating'
        output['error_msg'] = TextTemplate(error_message).get_message()
        output['success'] = False
    return output
예제 #3
def process(input, entities):
    output = {}
        query = entities['wikipedia_search_query'][0]['value']
        data = wikipedia.page(query)
        template = TextTemplate()
        template.set_text('Wikipedia summary of ' + data.title + ':\n' + data.summary)
        template.set_post_text('\n' + data.url)
        output['input'] = input
        output['output'] = template.get_message()
        output['success'] = True
        output['success'] = False
    return output
예제 #4
def process(input, entities):
    output = {}
        movie = entities['movie'][0]['value']
        r = requests.get('http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=' + movie + '&plot=full&r=json')
        data = r.json()
        output['input'] = input
        template = TextTemplate()
        template.set_text(data['Title'] + '\nPlot: ' + data['Plot'])
        template.set_post_text('\nIMDb Rating: ' + data['imdbRating'])
        output['output'] = template.get_message()
        output['success'] = True
        output['success'] = False
    return output
예제 #5
def process(input, entities):
    output = {}
        movie = entities['movie'][0]['value']
        r = requests.get('http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=' + movie +
        data = r.json()
        output['input'] = input
        template = TextTemplate()
        template.set_text(data['Title'] + '\nPlot: ' + data['Plot'])
        template.set_post_text('\nIMDb Rating: ' + data['imdbRating'])
        output['output'] = template.get_message()
        output['success'] = True
        output['success'] = False
    return output
예제 #6
def process(input, entities=None):
    output = {}
    source = 'cricketScore'  # Can add more sources in future

        r = requests.get('http://cricapi.com/api/matches/' + SCORES_API_KEY)
        data1 = r.json()
        assert (len(data1['matches']) > 0)
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        p = now.isoformat()
        for match in data1['matches']:
            if p is match['date']:
                id = match['unique_id']
                team1 = match['team-1']
                team2 = match['team-2']
                template = TextTemplate()
                d = requests.get('http://cricapi.com/api/cricketScore?' +
                                 'unique_id=' + id,
                                 params={'apikey': SCORES_API_KEY})
                data2 = d.json()
                count = 0
                assert (len(data2['data']) > 0)
                for scores in data2['data']:
                    count = count + 1
                    score = scores['score']
                    template.set_text('Here are the scores of match between' +
                                      team1 + ' and ' + team2 + ':\n' + score)
                    template.set_post_text('\n- Powered by MusiXmatch')

                    template = ButtonTemplate(template.get_text())
                    output['input'] = input
                    output['output'][count - 1] = template.get_message()
                    output['success'] = True
        error_message = 'There was some error while retrieving data from NewsAPI.'
        output['error_msg'] = TextTemplate(error_message).get_message()
        output['success'] = False
    return output
예제 #7
def process(input, entities=None):
    output = {}
        book_title = entities['book'][0]['value']
        response = requests.get('https://www.goodreads.com/book/title.xml?key=' + GOODREADS_ACCESS_TOKEN + '&title=' + book_title)
        data = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content)

        book_node = data.find('book')
        title = book_node.find('title').text
        description = book_node.find('description').text
        average_rating = book_node.find('average_rating').text
        link = book_node.find('link').text
        goodreads_attribution = "- Powered by Goodreads"

        template = TextTemplate()
        template.set_text('Title: ' + title + '\nDescription: ' + description)
        template.set_post_text('\nAverage Rating: ' + average_rating + '\nLink: ' + link + '\n\n' + goodreads_attribution)

        output['input'] = input
        output['output'] = template.get_message()
        output['success'] = True
        output['success'] = False
    return output
예제 #8
def process(input, entities=None):
    print('process', input, entities)
    output = {}
    if entities['type'] == None:
        message = TextTemplate(
        entities['type'] = 'step1'
        entities['choice'] = True
        message = add_quick_reply(message, '好啊,拿出契約來檢查一下好了!',
                                  modules.generate_postback(input, entities))
        entities['choice'] = False
        message = add_quick_reply(message, '不想,我沒有租屋啦',
                                  modules.generate_postback(input, entities))

    elif entities['type'] == 'step1':
        entities['type'] = 'step2'
        if entities['choice'] == True:
            message = TextTemplate('開始囉!上面寫的押金是幾個月租金呢?').get_message()
            entities['choice'] = True
            message = add_quick_reply(
                message, '2個月以下', modules.generate_postback(input, entities))
            entities['choice'] = False
            message = add_quick_reply(
                message, '2個月以上', modules.generate_postback(input, entities))
        elif entities['choice'] == False:
            message = TextTemplate('那我們無話可說…').get_message()
            entities['choice'] = None

    elif entities['type'] == 'step2':
        entities['type'] = 'step3'
        if entities['choice'] == True:
            message = TextTemplate(
            entities['choice'] = True
            message = add_quick_reply(
                message, '有喔!', modules.generate_postback(input, entities))
            entities['choice'] = False
            message = add_quick_reply(
                message, '好像….沒有欸?!',
                modules.generate_postback(input, entities))
        elif entities['choice'] == False:
            message = TextTemplate('什麼?!你知道這樣其實已經超過法律規定的額度了嗎….').get_message()
            entities['choice'] = None

    elif entities['type'] == 'step3':
        entities['type'] = 'step4'
        if entities['choice'] == True:
            message = TextTemplate(
            entities['choice'] = True
            message = add_quick_reply(
                message, '寫得清清楚楚', modules.generate_postback(input, entities))
            entities['choice'] = False
            message = add_quick_reply(
                message, '疑?!怎麼沒看到…',
                modules.generate_postback(input, entities))
        elif entities['choice'] == False:
            message = TextTemplate('什麼?!你知道這樣有可能被多收錢嗎…').get_message()
            entities['choice'] = None

    elif entities['type'] == 'step4':
        entities['type'] = 'step5'
        if entities['choice'] == True:
            message = TextTemplate(
                '喔喔喔喔!美賣喔~~~也建議在簽約時,依照實際狀況,逐一討論並載明於租約中,未來比較不會有爭執喔!            \n\n再來,上面有寫到不能報稅嗎?'
            entities['choice'] = True
            message = add_quick_reply(
                message, '沒有!', modules.generate_postback(input, entities))
            entities['choice'] = False
            message = add_quick_reply(
                message, '可…可惡!房東特別寫下來了啦…',
                modules.generate_postback(input, entities))
        elif entities['choice'] == False:
            message = TextTemplate('什麼?!你知道這樣有可能被多收錢嗎…').get_message()
            entities['choice'] = None

    elif entities['type'] == 'step5':
        entities['type'] = 'step6'
        if entities['choice'] == True:
            message = TextTemplate(
            entities['choice'] = None
        elif entities['choice'] == False:
            message = TextTemplate('什麼?!你知道房東這樣其實是違法的嗎….').get_message()
            entities['choice'] = None

    elif entities['type'] == 'end':
        template = TextTemplate()
        text = template.get_text()
        template = ButtonTemplate(text)
        #message = TextTemplate('更多詳細內容請看我們整理的懶人包:今天要簽約?教你看到租約一眼就抓到重點').get_message()
        link = 'https://www.facebook.com/LandToast'
        #template = ButtonTemplate(message)
        template.add_web_url('傳送門', link)
        output['input'] = input
        output['output'] = template.get_message()
        output['success'] = True
        return output

        output['success'] = False
        return output

    if entities['choice'] == None:
        entities['type'] = None
        message = add_quick_reply(message, '再試一次!',
                                  modules.generate_postback(input, entities))
        entities['type'] = 'end'
        message = add_quick_reply(message, '結束對話',
                                  modules.generate_postback(input, entities))

    output['input'] = input
    output['output'] = message
    output['success'] = True

    return output