def __build_yum_config(self, repoid): """ Builds the YUM config that will be used for YUM initialization. @param repoid The ID of repository to be analyzed. @return The path to generated YUM config file. """ config_path = temporaries.create_temporary_file("yum.conf") config = ConfigParser() # FIXME: This config was get from my Ubuntu default yum config, maybe # we should somehow modify it. config.add_section("main") cache_path = temporaries.create_temporary_directory("yum.cache") config.set("main", "cachedir", cache_path) config.set("main", "keepcache", "1") config.set("main", "debuglevel", "2") log_path = temporaries.create_temporary_file("yum.log") config.set("main", "logfile", log_path) # FIXME: Is this a reason why ARM RPMs are ignored? config.set("main", "exactarch", "1") config.set("main", "obsoletes", "1") config.add_section(repoid) config.set(repoid, "name", "Analyzed repository") config.set(repoid, "baseurl", "file://{0}".format(self.repository_path)) with open(config_path, "w") as config_file: config.write(config_file) config_file.close() return config_path
def create_image(arch, repository_names, repository_paths, kickstart_file_path, mic_options, specific_packages): """ Creates an image using MIC tool, from given repository and given kickstart file. It creates a copy of kickstart file and replaces "repo" to given repository path. @param arch The architecture of the image @param repository_names The names of repositorues @param repository_paths The repository paths @param kickstart_file The kickstart file to be used @param mic_options Additional options for MIC. @param specific_packages Packages that must be additionally installed. """ if repository_names is None or len(repository_names) == 0: raise Exception("Repository names are not given! " "{0}".format(repository_names)) modified_kickstart_file_path = temporaries.create_temporary_file("mod.ks") shutil.copy(kickstart_file_path, modified_kickstart_file_path) kickstart_file = KickstartFile(modified_kickstart_file_path) kickstart_file.replace_repository_paths(repository_names, repository_paths) kickstart_file.add_packages(specific_packages) # Now create the image using the "mic" tool: global mic_config_path mic_command = [ "sudo", "mic", "create", "loop", modified_kickstart_file_path, "-A", arch, "--config", mic_config_path, "--tmpfs" ] if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: mic_options.extend(["--debug", "--verbose"]) if mic_options is not None: mic_command.extend(mic_options)"Building the image", mic_command)
def generate_mic_config(output_directory_path, temporary_directory_path): """ Generates mic config with changed locations of cachedir, tmpdir, rootdir. @param output_directory_path The path to the mic output directory. @param temporary_directory_path The path to cache directory root. """ mic_directory_path = os.path.join(temporary_directory_path, "mic") mic_cache_directory_path = os.path.join(mic_directory_path, "cache") mic_bootstrap_directory_path = os.path.join(mic_directory_path, "bootstrap") if not os.path.isdir(mic_directory_path): os.makedirs(mic_directory_path) logging.debug("Created directory for mic's cache " "{0}".format(mic_directory_path)) parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser() mic_config_path = temporaries.create_temporary_file(".mic.conf") mic_config_path_default = "/etc/mic/mic.conf" # FIXME: Maybe it will be better to always generate config from scratch? if not os.path.isfile(mic_config_path_default): logging.warning("Cannot find {0}".format(mic_config_path_default)) parser.add_section("common") parser.set("common", "distro_name", "Tizen") # FIXME: Is it corect to hardcode paths in a such way? parser.set("common", "plugin_dir", "/usr/lib/mic/plugins") parser.add_section("create") parser.set("create", "runtime", "bootstrap") # FIXME: Do we need some abstraction here? parser.set("bootstrap", "packages", "mic-bootstrap-x86-arm") else: shutil.copy(mic_config_path_default, mic_config_path) for section in ["create", "bootstrap"]: if not parser.has_section(section): logging.warning("Config {0} does not has section " "\"{1}\"!".format(mic_config_path_default, section)) parser.add_section(section) parser.set("create", "tmpdir", mic_directory_path) parser.set("create", "cachedir", mic_cache_directory_path) parser.set("create", "outdir", output_directory_path) package_manager = None if rpm_patcher.developer_disable_patching: package_manager = "yum" else: package_manager = "zypp" parser.set("create", "pkgmgr", package_manager) parser.set("bootstrap", "rootdir", mic_bootstrap_directory_path) with open(mic_config_path, "wb") as mic_config: parser.write(mic_config) with open(mic_config_path, "r") as mic_config: logging.debug("Using following mic config file:") for line in mic_config: logging.debug(line) return mic_config_path
def combine(parameters): """ Combines the repostories based on parameters structure. @param parameters The parameters of combirepo run. """ initialize_cache_directories(parameters.output_directory_path, parameters.temporary_directory_path) global target_arhcitecture target_arhcitecture = parameters.architecture parameters.kickstart_file_path = prepare_repositories(parameters) original_repositories = [ repository_pair.url for repository_pair in parameters.repository_pairs ] logging.debug("Original repository URLs: " "{0}".format(original_repositories)) packages = resolve_groups(original_repositories, parameters.kickstart_file_path) logging.debug("Packages:") for package in packages: logging.debug(" * {0}".format(package)) names = [ for repository_pair in parameters.repository_pairs ] initialize() combined_repositories = construct_combined_repositories( parameters, packages) mic_options = ["--shrink"] if parameters.mic_options is list: mic_options.extend(args.mic_options) hidden_subprocess.visible_mode = True ks_modified_path = temporaries.create_temporary_file("mod.ks") shutil.copy(parameters.kickstart_file_path, ks_modified_path) kickstart_file = KickstartFile(ks_modified_path) if parameters.sup_repo_url is not None: kickstart_file.prepend_repository_path("supplementary", parameters.sup_repo_url) parameters.kickstart_file_path = ks_modified_path create_image(parameters.architecture, names, combined_repositories, parameters.kickstart_file_path, mic_options, parameters.package_names["service"]) hidden_subprocess.visible_mode = False if "libasan" in parameters.package_names["service"] and libasan_preloading: prepend_preload_library("libasan", parameters.output_directory_path)
def __prepare_image(self, graphs): """ Prepares the image needed for the RPM patcher. @param graphs The list of dependency graphs of repositories. @return The directory with preliminary images. """ original_images_dir = None global developer_original_image global developer_outdir_original if developer_outdir_original is None: path = temporaries.create_temporary_directory("preliminary-image") developer_outdir_original = path self.images_directory = developer_outdir_original if not os.path.isdir(developer_outdir_original): os.makedirs(developer_outdir_original) images = files.find_fast(self.images_directory, ".*\.img$") if (images is not None and len(images) > 0): return if developer_original_image is None: if developer_outdir_original is None: directory = temporaries.create_temporary_directory("orig") developer_outdir_original = directory original_images_dir = developer_outdir_original path = temporaries.create_temporary_file("mod.ks") shutil.copy(self.kickstart_file_path, path) kickstart_file = KickstartFile(path) kickstart_file.comment_all_groups() logging.debug("Repositories: {0}".format(self.repositories)) packages = prepare_minimal_packages_list(graphs) repository_combiner.create_image(self.architecture, self.names, self.repositories, path, ["--outdir", original_images_dir], packages) else: if os.path.isdir(developer_original_image): original_images_dir = developer_original_image elif os.path.isfile(developer_original_image): original_images_dir = os.path.dirname(developer_original_image) else: logging.error("Given {0} is not a file or a " "directory.".format(developer_original_image)) sys.exit("Error.") self.images_directory = original_images_dir
def call(comment, commandline): """ Calls the subprocess and hides all its output. @param comment The comment that the user will see. @param commandline The list of command-line words to be executed. @return The return code of the process """ code = 0 global counter counter = 1 global bar_comment bar_comment = comment logging.debug("Running the command: {0}".format(" ".join(commandline))) logging.debug(" in the directory {0}".format(os.getcwd())) global visible_mode if visible_mode: code = else: log_file_name = temporaries.create_temporary_file("process.log") global latency timer = RepeatingTimer(latency, progress_bar_print) timer.daemon = True timer.start() with open(log_file_name, 'w') as log_file: code =, stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file) timer.cancel() if code != 0: logging.error("The subprocess failed!") logging.error("STDERR output:") with open(log_file_name, 'r') as log_file: logging.error("{0}".format( progress_bar_print_final() sys.stdout.write('\n') return code
def pipe_call(comment, commandline_from, commandline_to): """ Calls two commands redirecting the output of first command to the second one. @param comment The comment that the user will see. @param commandline_from The first command. @param commandline_to The second command. """ code = 0 global counter counter = 1 global bar_comment bar_comment = comment logging.debug("Running the command: {0} | " "{1}".format(" ".join(commandline_from), " ".join(commandline_to))) logging.debug(" in the directory {0}".format(os.getcwd())) log_file_name = temporaries.create_temporary_file("process.log") global latency timer = RepeatingTimer(latency, progress_bar_print) timer.daemon = True timer.start() global visible_mode first = subprocess.Popen(commandline_from, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) second = subprocess.Popen(commandline_to, stdin=first.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Allow first to receive a SIGPIPE if second exits: first.stdout.close() output, errors = second.communicate() with open(log_file_name, 'w') as log_file: log_file.write(output) log_file.write(errors) timer.cancel() progress_bar_print_final() sys.stdout.write('\n')
def resolve_groups(repositories, kickstart_file_path): """ Resolves packages groups from kickstart file. @param repositories The list of original repository URLs. @param kickstart_file_path The path to the kickstart file. @return The list of package names. """ groups_paths = [] for url in repositories: repository = Repository(url) repository.prepare_data() groups_data = if groups_data is not None and len(groups_data) > 0: groups_path = temporaries.create_temporary_file("group.xml") with open(groups_path, "w") as groups_file: groups_file.writelines(groups_data) groups_paths.append(groups_path) logging.debug("Following groups files prepared:") for groups_path in groups_paths: logging.debug(" * {0}".format(groups_path)) parser = mic.kickstart.read_kickstart(kickstart_file_path) groups = mic.kickstart.get_groups(parser) groups_resolved = {} for group in groups: groups_resolved[] = [] for groups_path in groups_paths: packages = get_pkglist_in_comps(, groups_path) groups_resolved[] = packages logging.debug("Group {0} contains {1} " "packages.".format(, len(groups_resolved[]))) packages_all = [] for group_name in groups_resolved.keys(): packages_all.extend(groups_resolved[group_name]) if len(groups_resolved) != len(groups): logging.error("Not all groups were resolved.") sys.exit("Error.") return packages_all
def __workaround_repodata_open_checksum_bug(self): """ Workarounds some bug in repodata creation. This is a workaround for the case when tag <open-checksum> for group.xml is not created in repomd.xml file. Nota Bene: This somehow reproduces the standard Tizen repodata creation. If you see repodata on release servers, group.xml in them is not registered in repomd.xml file, but *.group.xml.gz file is registered in it. Without this workaround mic will fail during the repodata parsing. """ initial_directory = os.getcwd() repodata_path = os.path.join(self._path, "repodata") os.chdir(repodata_path) backup_group_files = [] for group_file in glob.glob("*group.xml"): backup_group_file = temporaries.create_temporary_file("group.xml") shutil.copy(group_file, backup_group_file) backup_group_files.append((group_file, backup_group_file)) modifyrepo_command = [ "modifyrepo", "--remove", group_file, repodata_path ] exit_value = hidden_subprocess.silent_call(modifyrepo_command) if exit_value != 0: raise Exception("modifyrepo failed with exit value = " "{0}".format(exit_value)) # Restore backuped group files, but they will not be registered in # repomd.xml file anymore. for backup_group_file in backup_group_files: shutil.copy(backup_group_file[1], backup_group_file[0]) os.chdir(initial_directory)