def email_invoice(request, invoice_id, form_class=EmailInvoiceForm, template_name='invoices/email_invoice.html'): if not request.user.profile.is_superuser: raise Http403 invoice = get_object_or_404(Invoice, pk=invoice_id) if request.method == "POST": email = Email() form = form_class(request.POST, instance=email) if form.is_valid(): email = email.sender_display = request.user.get_full_name() email.reply_to = email.recipient = form.cleaned_data['recipient'] email.content_type = "html" email.recipient_cc = form.cleaned_data['cc'] attachment = form.cleaned_data['attachment'] kwargs = {} if attachment: result = invoice_pdf(request, invoice) kwargs['attachments'] = [("invoice_{}.pdf".format(, result.getvalue(), 'application/pdf') ] email.send(**kwargs) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) msg_string = 'Successfully sent email invoice to {}.'.format( email.recipient) messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, msg_string) return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('invoice.view', args=([invoice_id]))) else: template = get_template("invoices/email_invoice_template.html") body_initial = template.render(context={'invoice': invoice}, request=request) form = form_class( initial={ 'subject': 'Invoice for {}'.format(invoice.title), 'recipient': invoice.bill_to_email, 'body': body_initial }) return render_to_resp(request=request, template_name=template_name, context={ 'invoice': invoice, 'form': form })
def __init__(self): self.site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') self.site_contact_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitecontactname') self.site_contact_email = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitecontactemail') self.reply_to_email = get_setting('module', 'payments', 'paymentrecipients') if not self.reply_to_email: self.reply_to_email = self.site_contact_email self.site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') = Email() = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') = self.site_display_name = self.reply_to_email self.admin_emails = self.get_admin_emails()
def profile_edit_admin_notify(request, old_user, old_profile, profile, **kwargs): subject = 'User Account Modification Notice for %s' % get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') body = render_to_string(template_name='profiles/edit_notice.txt', context={'old_user':old_user, 'old_profile': old_profile, 'profile': profile}, request=request) sender = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL recipients = ['%s<%s>' % (r[0], r[1]) for r in settings.ADMINS] email = Email( sender=sender, recipient=recipients, subject=subject, body=body) email.send(fail_silently=True)
def save( self, email_template_name='registration/password_reset_email_user_list.html', **kwargs): """ Generates a one-use only link for resetting password and sends to the designated email. The email will contain links for resetting passwords for all accounts associated to the email. """ from django.core.mail import send_mail email_template_name = 'registration/password_reset_email_user_list.html' domain_override = kwargs.get('domain_override', False) use_https = kwargs.get('use_https', False) token_generator = kwargs.get('token_generator', default_token_generator) user_list = [] for user in self.users_cache: user_list.append({ 'uid': urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(, 'user': user, 'token': token_generator.make_token(user), }) if not domain_override: site_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') else: site_name = domain_override site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') t = loader.get_template(email_template_name) c = { 'email':, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_name': site_name, 'user_list': user_list, 'protocol': use_https and 'https' or 'http', } from_email = get_setting( 'site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') or settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL email = Email(sender=from_email,, subject=_("Password reset on %s") % site_name, body=t.render(Context(c))) email.send()
def profile_edit_admin_notify(request, old_user, old_profile, profile, **kwargs): from django.template import RequestContext subject = 'User Account Modification Notice for %s' % get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') body = render_to_string('profiles/edit_notice.txt', {'old_user':old_user, 'old_profile': old_profile, 'profile': profile}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) sender = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL recipients = ['%s<%s>' % (r[0], r[1]) for r in settings.ADMINS] email = Email( sender=sender, recipient=recipients, subject=subject, body=body) email.send(fail_silently=True)
def email_script_errors(err_msg): """Send error message to us in case of an error. """ email = Email() email.sender = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') email.sender_display = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') now = nowstr = time.strftime("%d-%b-%y %I:%M %p", now.timetuple()) email.recipient = get_script_support_emails() if email.recipient: email.body = '%s \n\nTime Submitted: %s\n' % (err_msg, nowstr) email.content_type = "text" email.subject = 'Error Setting Up Campaign Monitor Account on New Site %s' % site_url email.send()
def make_payment_email_user(request, make_payment, invoice, **kwargs): from django.core.mail.message import EmailMessage from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.conf import settings from django.template import RequestContext subject = render_to_string('make_payments/email_user_subject.txt', {'make_payment':make_payment}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) body = render_to_string('make_payments/email_user.txt', {'make_payment':make_payment, 'invoice':invoice}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) sender = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL recipient = email = Email( sender=sender, recipient=recipient, subject=subject, body=body) email.send(fail_silently=True)
def save(self, email_template_name='registration/password_reset_email_user_list.html', **kwargs): """ Generates a one-use only link for resetting password and sends to the designated email. The email will contain links for resetting passwords for all accounts associated to the email. """ email_template_name = 'registration/password_reset_email_user_list.html' domain_override = kwargs.get('domain_override', False) use_https = kwargs.get('use_https', False) token_generator = kwargs.get('token_generator', default_token_generator) user_list = [] for user in self.users_cache: user_list.append({ 'uid': urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(, 'user': user, 'token': token_generator.make_token(user), }) if not domain_override: site_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') else: site_name = domain_override site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') t = loader.get_template(email_template_name) c = { 'email':, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_name': site_name, 'user_list': user_list, 'protocol': use_https and 'https' or 'http', } from_email = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') or settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL email = Email( sender=from_email,, subject=_("Password reset on %s") % site_name, body=t.render(context=c)) email.send()
def make_payment_email_user(request, make_payment, invoice, **kwargs): from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.conf import settings subject = render_to_string( template_name='make_payments/email_user_subject.txt', context={'make_payment': make_payment}, request=request) subject = subject.replace('\n', ' ') body = render_to_string(template_name='make_payments/email_user.txt', context={ 'make_payment': make_payment, 'invoice': invoice }, request=request) sender = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL recipient = email = Email(sender=sender, recipient=recipient, subject=subject, body=body) email.send(fail_silently=True)
def send_organizer_confirmation(self, event): from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.site_settings.utils import get_setting email = Email() if event.organizer and event.organizer.user \ and email.recipient = else: email.recipient = get_setting('module', 'events', 'admin_emails') if not email.recipient: email.recipient = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitecontactemail') email.subject = '%s Event Reminders Distributed for: %s' % ( get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname'), event.title) email.body = self.get_reminder_conf_body(event) email.send()
def __init__(self): self.site_display_name = get_setting("site", "global", "sitedisplayname") self.site_contact_name = get_setting("site", "global", "sitecontactname") self.site_contact_email = get_setting("site", "global", "sitecontactemail") self.reply_to_email = get_setting("module", "payments", "paymentrecipients") if not self.reply_to_email: self.reply_to_email = self.site_contact_email self.site_url = get_setting("site", "global", "siteurl") = Email() = get_setting("site", "global", "siteemailnoreplyaddress") = self.site_display_name = self.reply_to_email self.admin_emails = self.get_admin_emails()
def email_invoice(request, invoice_id, form_class=EmailInvoiceForm, template_name='invoices/email_invoice.html'): if not request.user.profile.is_superuser: raise Http403 invoice = get_object_or_404(Invoice, pk=invoice_id) if request.method == "POST": email = Email() form = form_class(request.POST, instance=email) if form.is_valid(): email = email.sender_display = request.user.get_full_name() email.reply_to = email.recipient = form.cleaned_data['recipient'] email.content_type = "html" email.recipient_cc = form.cleaned_data['cc'] attachment = form.cleaned_data['attachment'] kwargs = {} if attachment: result = invoice_pdf(request, invoice) kwargs['attachments'] = [("invoice_{}.pdf".format(, result.getvalue(), 'application/pdf')] email.send(**kwargs) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) msg_string = 'Successfully sent email invoice to {}.'.format(email.recipient) messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, msg_string) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('invoice.view', args=([invoice_id]))) else: template = get_template("invoices/email_invoice_template.html") body_initial = template.render(RequestContext(request, { 'invoice': invoice,})) form = form_class(initial={'subject': 'Invoice for {}'.format(invoice.title), 'recipient': invoice.bill_to_email, 'body': body_initial}) return render_to_response(template_name, { 'invoice': invoice, 'form': form },context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def __init__(self): self.site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') self.site_contact_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitecontactname') self.site_contact_email = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitecontactemail') self.reply_to_email = get_setting('module', 'payments', 'paymentrecipients') if not self.reply_to_email: self.reply_to_email = self.site_contact_email self.site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') = Email() = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') = self.site_display_name = self.reply_to_email self.email_footer = render_to_string("email_footer.html") self.admin_emails = self.get_admin_emails()
def send_organizer_confirmation(self, event): from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.site_settings.utils import get_setting email = Email() if event.organizer and event.organizer.user \ and email.recipient = else: email.recipient = get_setting('module', 'events', 'admin_emails') if not email.recipient: email.recipient = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitecontactemail') email.subject = '%s Event Reminders Distributed for: %s' % ( get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname'), event.title ) email.body = self.get_reminder_conf_body(event) email.send()
def handle(self, *args, **options): import datetime import uuid from import call_command from django.contrib.auth.models import User from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.explorer_extensions.models import DatabaseDumpFile, VALID_FORMAT_CHOICES dump_obj = None d_id = options.get('obj_id', None) if d_id: dump_obj = DatabaseDumpFile.objects.filter(pk=d_id) if dump_obj.exists(): dump_obj = dump_obj[0] else: dump_obj = None if not dump_obj: dump_obj = DatabaseDumpFile() user_id = int(options['user_id']) if user_id == 0: msg = 'User ID is required. Usage: ./ create_database_dump <user_id>' raise CommandError(msg) author = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id) if author.exists(): author = author[0] else: author = None if not author: raise CommandError('Nonexistent user.') = author fmt = options['export_format'] if fmt not in VALID_FORMAT_CHOICES: raise CommandError('Format %s is not supported. Please use one of the following: %s' % (fmt, VALID_FORMAT_CHOICES)) dump_obj.export_format = fmt print("Creating database dump...") content = '', ContentFile(content)) call_command('dumpdata', format=fmt, output=dump_obj.dbfile.path, exclude=['captcha.captchastore', 'files.multiplefile', 'events.standardregform', 'help_files', 'explorer_extensions']) dump_obj.status = "completed" dump_obj.end_dt = + datetime.timedelta(days=3) # File is created. # Send email to author context = { 'obj':dump_obj, 'author' } email_subject = "Your database export (id:%d) is ready for download" % email_body = render_to_string(template_name="explorer/dbdump_ready_email_body.html", context=context) email = Email(, subject=email_subject, body=email_body) email.send() print("Done!")
def process_export(group_id, export_target='all', identifier=u'', user_id=0): """ Process export for group members and/or group subscribers. """ [group] = Group.objects.filter(id=group_id)[:1] or [None] if not group: return # pull 100 rows per query # be careful of the memory usage rows_per_batch = 100 identifier = identifier or str(time.time()) file_dir = 'export/groups/' file_path_temp = '%sgroup_%d_%s_%s_temp.csv' % (file_dir,, export_target, identifier) # labels user_fields = [ 'id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'is_active', 'is_staff', 'is_superuser' ] profile_fields = [ 'direct_mail', 'company', 'address', 'address2', 'city', 'state', 'zipcode', 'country', 'phone', 'create_dt' ] labels = user_fields + profile_fields field_dict = OrderedDict([(label.lower().replace(" ", "_"), '') for label in labels]) with, 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, encoding='utf-8') csv_writer.writerow(field_dict.keys()) # process regular group members count_members = group.members.filter( group_member__status=True, group_member__status_detail='active').count() num_rows_processed = 0 while num_rows_processed < count_members: users = group.members.filter( group_member__status=True, group_member__status_detail='active').select_related( 'profile')[num_rows_processed:(num_rows_processed + rows_per_batch)] num_rows_processed += rows_per_batch row_dict = field_dict.copy() for user in users: profile = user.profile for field_name in user_fields: if hasattr(user, field_name): row_dict[field_name] = getattr(user, field_name) for field_name in profile_fields: if hasattr(profile, field_name): row_dict[field_name] = getattr(profile, field_name) for k, v in row_dict.items(): if not isinstance(v, basestring): if isinstance(v, datetime): row_dict[k] = v.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(v, date): row_dict[k] = v.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: row_dict[k] = smart_str(v) csv_writer.writerow(row_dict.values()) # rename the file name file_path = '%sgroup_%d_%s_%s.csv' % (file_dir,, export_target, identifier),, 'rb')) # delete the temp file default_storage.delete(file_path_temp) # notify user that export is ready to download [user] = User.objects.filter(id=user_id)[:1] or [None] if user and download_url = reverse('group.members_export_download', args=[group.slug, export_target, identifier]) site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') parms = { 'group': group, 'download_url': download_url, 'user': user, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_display_name': site_display_name } subject = render_to_string( 'user_groups/exports/export_ready_subject.html', parms) subject = subject.strip('\n').strip('\r') body = render_to_string('user_groups/exports/export_ready_body.html', parms) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send()
def handle(self, *args, **options): from import Event, Registrant, Organizer from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.site_settings.utils import get_setting from tendenci.apps.base.utils import convert_absolute_urls from import (render_event_email, get_default_reminder_template) verbosity = options['verbosity'] site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') now = today_tuple = (datetime(now.year, now.month,, 0, 0, 0), datetime(now.year, now.month,, 23, 59, 59)) # get a list of upcoming events that are specified to send reminders. events = Event.objects.filter(start_dt__gt=now, registration_configuration__enabled=True, registration_configuration__send_reminder=True, status=True, status_detail='active') events_list = [] if events: for event in events: reg_conf = event.registration_configuration reminder_days = reg_conf.reminder_days if not reminder_days: reminder_days = '1' days_list = reminder_days.split(',') for day in days_list: try: day = int(day) except: continue start_dt = event.start_dt - timedelta(days=day) if today_tuple[0] <= start_dt and start_dt <= today_tuple[1]: events_list.append(event) for event in events_list: registrants = Registrant.objects.filter( reminder=True, registration__event=event, cancel_dt=None ) reg_conf = event.registration_configuration [organizer] = Organizer.objects.filter(event=event)[:1] or [None] event.organizer = organizer email = if not email: email = Email() if not email.sender_display: if email.sender_display = if not email.reply_to: if organizer.user and email.reply_to = if not email.subject: email.subject = 'Reminder: %s' % event.title else: email.subject = 'Reminder: %s' % email.subject if not email.body: email.body = get_default_reminder_template(event) email = render_event_email(event, email) # replace the relative links with absolute urls # in the email body and subject email.body = convert_absolute_urls(email.body, site_url) = email self.send_reminders(event, registrants, verbosity=verbosity)
def send_newsletter(self, newsletter_id, **kwargs): from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.newsletters.models import Newsletter, NewsletterRecurringData from tendenci.apps.site_settings.utils import get_setting from tendenci.apps.base.utils import validate_email from tendenci.apps.newsletters.utils import get_newsletter_connection connection = get_newsletter_connection() if not connection: print( 'Exiting..Please set up your newsletter email provider before proceeding.' ) return print("Started sending newsletter...") if newsletter_id == 0: raise CommandError( 'Newsletter ID is required. Usage: ./ send_newsletter <newsletter_id>' ) newsletter = Newsletter.objects.filter(pk=int(newsletter_id)) if newsletter.exists(): newsletter = newsletter[0] else: newsletter = None if not newsletter: raise CommandError( 'You are trying to send a newsletter that does not exist.') # validate sender if not validate_email( raise CommandError( '"{}" is not a valid sender email address.'.format( if newsletter.send_status == 'queued': newsletter.send_status = 'sending' elif newsletter.send_status == 'sent': newsletter.send_status = 'resending' elif newsletter.send_status == 'resent': newsletter.send_status == 'resending' if newsletter.schedule: # save start_dt and status for the recurring nr_data = NewsletterRecurringData( newsletter=newsletter,, send_status=newsletter.send_status) newsletter.nr_data = nr_data recipients = newsletter.get_recipients() email = # replace relative to absolute urls self.site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') email.body = email.body.replace("src=\"/", "src=\"%s/" % self.site_url) email.body = email.body.replace("href=\"/", "href=\"%s/" % self.site_url) if and ): membership_type =[0] else: membership_type = None counter = 0 for recipient in recipients: if hasattr(recipient.member, 'profile'): profile = recipient.member.profile else: profile = None # Skip if Don't Send Email is on if newsletter.enforce_direct_mail_flag: if profile and not profile.direct_mail: continue # skip if not a valid email address if not validate_email( continue subject = email.subject body = email.body if '[firstname]' in subject: subject = subject.replace('[firstname]', recipient.member.first_name) if '[lastname]' in subject: subject = subject.replace('[lastname]', recipient.member.last_name) if '[username]' in body: body = body.replace('[username]', recipient.member.username) if '[firstname]' in body: body = body.replace('[firstname]', recipient.member.first_name) if '[unsubscribe_url]' in body: #body = body.replace('[unsubscribe_url]', recipient.noninteractive_unsubscribe_url) # The unsubscribe_url link should be something like <a href="[unsubscribe_url]">Unsubscribe</a>. # But it can be messed up sometimes. Let's prevent that from happening. p = r'(href=\")([^\"]*)(\[unsubscribe_url\])(\")' body = re.sub( p, r'\1' + recipient.noninteractive_unsubscribe_url + r'\4', body) if '[browser_view_url]' in body: body = body.replace('[browser_view_url]', newsletter.get_browser_view_url()) if membership_type: [membership] = recipient.member.membershipdefault_set.exclude( status_detail='archive').order_by('-create_dt')[:1] or [ None ] if membership: # do find and replace urls_dict = membership.get_common_urls() for key in urls_dict.keys(): body = body.replace('[%s]' % key, urls_dict[key]) email_to_send = Email(subject=subject, body=body, sender=email.sender, sender_display=email.sender_display, reply_to=email.reply_to, print(u"Sending to {}".format(str( email_to_send.send(connection=connection) counter += 1 print(u"Newsletter sent to {}".format(str( if newsletter.send_to_email2 and hasattr(recipient.member, 'profile') \ and validate_email(recipient.member.profile.email2): email_to_send.recipient = recipient.member.profile.email2 email_to_send.send(connection=connection) counter += 1 print(u"Newsletter sent to {}".format( str(recipient.member.profile.email2))) if newsletter.send_status == 'sending': newsletter.send_status = 'sent' newsletter.date_email_sent = elif newsletter.send_status == 'resending': newsletter.send_status = 'resent' newsletter.date_last_resent = if not newsletter.resend_count: newsletter.resend_count = 0 newsletter.resend_count += 1 newsletter.email_sent_count = counter if newsletter.nr_data: # save the finish_dt and email_sent_count for the recurring newsletter.nr_data.finish_dt = newsletter.nr_data.email_sent_count = newsletter.email_sent_count newsletter.nr_data.send_status = newsletter.send_status print("Successfully sent %s newsletter emails." % counter) print("Sending confirmation message to creator...") # send confirmation email subject = "Newsletter Submission Recap for %s" % detail_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') + newsletter.get_absolute_url() params = { 'first_name':, 'subject':, 'count': counter, 'detail_url': detail_url } body = render_to_string( template_name='newsletters/newsletter_sent_email_body.html', context=params) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send(connection=connection) print("Confirmation email sent.") # add cache clear to resolve issue # TODO: cache clear only to specifies cache.clear() print('Cache cleared!')
def message(request, group_slug, template_name="user_groups/message.html"): """ Send a message to the group """ from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email group = get_object_or_404(Group, slug=group_slug) EventLog.objects.log(instance=group) members = GroupMembership.objects.filter(group=group, status=True, status_detail="active") num_members = members.count() form = MessageForm(request.POST or None, request=request, num_members=num_members) if request.method == "POST" and form.is_valid(): email = Email() email.sender_display = request.user.get_full_name() email.sender = get_setting("site", "global", "siteemailnoreplyaddress") email.reply_to = email.sender email.content_type = email.CONTENT_TYPE_HTML email.subject = form.cleaned_data["subject"] email.body = form.cleaned_data["body"] # send email to myself (testing email) if form.cleaned_data["is_test"]: email.recipient = email.send() messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _("Successfully sent test email to yourself")) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) else: # send email to members for member in members: email.recipient = email.send() messages.add_message( request, messages.SUCCESS, _("Successfully sent email to all %(num)s members in this group" % {"num": num_members}), ) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) return redirect("group.detail", group_slug=group_slug) else: print "form errors", form.errors.items() return render(request, template_name, {"group": group, "num_members": num_members, "form": form})
def send_newsletter(self, newsletter_id, **kwargs): from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.newsletters.models import Newsletter from tendenci.apps.site_settings.utils import get_setting from tendenci.apps.newsletters.utils import get_newsletter_connection connection = get_newsletter_connection() if not connection: print( 'Exiting..Please set up your newsletter email provider before proceeding.' ) return print "Started sending newsletter..." if newsletter_id == 0: raise CommandError( 'Newsletter ID is required. Usage: ./ send_newsletter <newsletter_id>' ) newsletter = Newsletter.objects.filter(pk=int(newsletter_id)) if newsletter.exists(): newsletter = newsletter[0] else: newsletter = None if not newsletter: raise CommandError( 'You are trying to send a newsletter that does not exist.') if newsletter.send_status == 'queued': newsletter.send_status = 'sending' elif newsletter.send_status == 'sent': newsletter.send_status = 'resending' elif newsletter.send_status == 'resent': newsletter.send_status == 'resending' recipients = newsletter.get_recipients() email = # replace relative to absolute urls self.site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') email.body = email.body.replace("src=\"/", "src=\"%s/" % self.site_url) email.body = email.body.replace("href=\"/", "href=\"%s/" % self.site_url) counter = 0 for recipient in recipients: subject = email.subject body = email.body if '[firstname]' in subject: subject = subject.replace('[firstname]', recipient.member.first_name) if '[lastname]' in subject: subject = subject.replace('[lastname]', recipient.member.last_name) if '[username]' in body: body = body.replace('[username]', recipient.member.username) if '[firstname]' in body: body = body.replace('[firstname]', recipient.member.first_name) if '[unsubscribe_url]' in body: body = body.replace('[unsubscribe_url]', recipient.noninteractive_unsubscribe_url) if '[browser_view_url]' in body: body = body.replace('[browser_view_url]', newsletter.get_browser_view_url()) email_to_send = Email(subject=subject, body=body, sender=email.sender, sender_display=email.sender_display, reply_to=email.reply_to, email_to_send.send(connection=connection) counter += 1 print "Newsletter sent to %s" % if newsletter.send_to_email2 and hasattr(recipient.member, 'profile') \ and recipient.member.profile.email2: email_to_send.recipient = recipient.member.profile.email2 email_to_send.send(connection=connection) counter += 1 print "Newsletter sent to %s" % recipient.member.profile.email2 if newsletter.send_status == 'sending': newsletter.send_status = 'sent' newsletter.date_email_sent = elif newsletter.send_status == 'resending': newsletter.send_status = 'resent' newsletter.date_last_resent = if not newsletter.resend_count: newsletter.resend_count = 0 newsletter.resend_count += 1 newsletter.email_sent_count = counter print "Successfully sent %s newsletter emails." % counter print "Sending confirmation message to creator..." # send confirmation email subject = "Newsletter Submission Recap for %s" % detail_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') + newsletter.get_absolute_url() params = { 'first_name':, 'subject':, 'count': counter, 'detail_url': detail_url } body = render_to_string('newsletters/newsletter_sent_email_body.html', params) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send(connection=connection) print "Confirmation email sent." # add cache clear to resolve issue # TODO: cache clear only to specifies cache.clear() print 'Cache cleared!'
def handle(self, *args, **options): from import Event, Registrant, Organizer from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.site_settings.utils import get_setting from tendenci.apps.base.utils import convert_absolute_urls from import (render_event_email, get_default_reminder_template) verbosity = options['verbosity'] site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') now = today_tuple = (datetime(now.year, now.month,, 0, 0, 0), datetime(now.year, now.month,, 23, 59, 59)) # get a list of upcoming events that are specified to send reminders. events = Event.objects.filter( start_dt__gt=now, registration_configuration__enabled=True, registration_configuration__send_reminder=True, status=True, status_detail='active') events_list = [] if events: for event in events: reg_conf = event.registration_configuration reminder_days = reg_conf.reminder_days if not reminder_days: reminder_days = '1' days_list = reminder_days.split(',') for day in days_list: try: day = int(day) except: continue start_dt = event.start_dt - timedelta(days=day) if today_tuple[0] <= start_dt and start_dt <= today_tuple[ 1]: events_list.append(event) for event in events_list: registrants = Registrant.objects.filter( reminder=True, registration__event=event, cancel_dt=None) reg_conf = event.registration_configuration [organizer ] = Organizer.objects.filter(event=event)[:1] or [None] event.organizer = organizer email = if not email: email = Email() if not email.sender_display: if email.sender_display = if not email.reply_to: if organizer.user and email.reply_to = if not email.subject: email.subject = 'Reminder: %s' % event.title else: email.subject = 'Reminder: %s' % email.subject if not email.body: email.body = get_default_reminder_template(event) email = render_event_email(event, email) # replace the relative links with absolute urls # in the email body and subject email.body = convert_absolute_urls(email.body, site_url) = email self.send_reminders(event, registrants, verbosity=verbosity)
def send_now(users, label, extra_context=None, on_site=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new notice. This is intended to be how other apps create new notices. notification.send(user, 'friends_invite_sent', { 'spam': 'eggs', 'foo': 'bar', ) You can pass in on_site=False to prevent the notice emitted from being displayed on the site. """ send = kwargs.get('send', False) if extra_context is None: extra_context = {} try: notice_type = NoticeType.objects.get(label=label) except (NoticeType.DoesNotExist, NoticeType.MultipleObjectsReturned): notice_type = None if notice_type: protocol = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL", "http") current_site = Site.objects.get_current() notices_url = u"%s://%s%s" % ( protocol, unicode(current_site), reverse("notification_notices"), ) current_language = get_language() formats = ( 'full.html', 'short.txt', 'notice.html', ) # TODO make formats configurable for user in users: if not or Email.is_blocked( continue recipients = [] headers = {} # get user language for user from language store defined in # NOTIFICATION_LANGUAGE_MODULE setting try: language = get_notification_language(user) except LanguageStoreNotAvailable: language = None if language is not None: # activate the user's language activate(language) # test for request in the extra_context if 'request' in extra_context.keys(): context = RequestContext(extra_context['request']) extra_context.update({ "user": user, "notice": ugettext(notice_type.display), "notices_url": notices_url, "current_site": current_site, }) context.update(extra_context) else: # update context with user specific translations context = Context({ "user": user, "notice": ugettext(notice_type.display), "notices_url": notices_url, "current_site": current_site, }) context.update(extra_context) # get prerendered format messages messages = get_formatted_messages(formats, label, context) # Strip newlines from subject subject = ''.join(render_to_string('notification/email_subject.txt', { 'message': messages['short'][0], }, context).splitlines()) body = render_to_string('notification/email_body.txt', { 'message': messages['full'][0], }, context) Notice.objects.create(user=user, message=messages['notice'][0], notice_type=notice_type, on_site=on_site) if should_send(user, notice_type, "1", send=send) and # Email recipients.append( if messages['full'][1] == '.html': # headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'} content_type = 'html' else: # headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'} content_type = 'text' email = EmailMessage(subject, body, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, recipients, headers=headers) email.content_subtype = content_type email.send() # reset environment to original language activate(current_language)
class RecurringPaymentEmailNotices(object): def __init__(self): self.site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') self.site_contact_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitecontactname') self.site_contact_email = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitecontactemail') self.reply_to_email = get_setting('module', 'payments', 'paymentrecipients') if not self.reply_to_email: self.reply_to_email = self.site_contact_email self.site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') = Email() = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') = self.site_display_name = self.reply_to_email self.admin_emails = self.get_admin_emails() def get_admin_emails(self): payment_admins = get_setting('module', 'payments', 'paymentrecipients') if payment_admins: payment_admins = payment_admins.split(',') admin_emails = payment_admins else: admin_emails = (get_setting('site', 'global', 'admincontactemail')).split(',') if admin_emails: admin_emails = ','.join(admin_emails) return admin_emails def get_script_support_emails(self): admins = getattr(settings, 'ADMINS', None) if admins: recipients_list = [admin[1] for admin in admins] return ','.join(recipients_list) return None def email_script_support_transaction_error(self, payment_transaction): """if there is an error other than transaction not being approved, notify us. """ = self.get_script_support_emails() if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_script_support_transaction.html" try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'pt':payment_transaction, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url }) = email_content = "html" = 1 = _('Recurring payment transaction error on %(dname)s' % { 'dname':self.site_display_name}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_admins_transaction_result(self, payment_transaction, success=True): """Send admins the result after the transaction is processed. """ = self.admin_emails if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_admins_transaction.html" user_in_texas = False if payment_transaction.payment.state: if payment_transaction.payment.state.lower() in ['texas', 'tx']: user_in_texas = True try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'pt':payment_transaction, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url, 'user_in_texas': user_in_texas }) = email_content = "html" if not success: = _('Recurring payment transaction failed on %(dname)s' % { 'dname': self.site_display_name}) = 1 else: = _('Recurring payment transaction processed on %(dname)s' % { 'dname': self.site_display_name}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_customer_transaction_result(self, payment_transaction): """Send customer an email after the transaction is processed. """ = if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_customer_transaction.html" try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'pt':payment_transaction, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url }) = email_content = "html" if payment_transaction.status: = _('Payment received ') else: = _('Payment failed ') = _("%(subj)s for %(desc)s " % { 'subj':, 'desc': payment_transaction.recurring_payment.description}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_admins_no_payment_profile(self, recurring_payment): """Notify admin that payment method hasn't been setup yet for this recurring payment entry. """ = self.admin_emails if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_admins_no_payment_profile.html" try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'rp':recurring_payment, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url }) = email_content = "html" = _('Payment method not setup for %(rp)s on %(dname)s' % { 'rp': recurring_payment , 'dname': self.site_display_name}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_customer_no_payment_profile(self, recurring_payment): """Notify customer that payment method hasn't been setup yet for this recurring payment entry. """ = if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_customer_no_payment_profile.html" try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'rp':recurring_payment, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url }) = email_content = "html" = _('Please update your payment method for %(rp)s on %(dname)s' % { 'rp': recurring_payment.description, 'dname': self.site_display_name}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_admins_account_disabled(self, recurring_payment, user_by): """Notify admin that the recurring payment account is disabled. """ = self.admin_emails if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_admins_account_disabled.html" try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'rp':recurring_payment, 'user_by': user_by, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url }) = email_content = "html" = _('Recurring Payment Account (ID:%(id)d) Disabled by %(usr)s on %(dname)s' % { 'id', 'usr' : user_by, 'dname': self.site_display_name}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass
def save(self, *args, **kwargs): data = self.cleaned_data subject = '' subj = data.get('subject', '') inc_last_name = data.get('personalize_subject_last_name') inc_first_name = data.get('personalize_subject_first_name') if inc_first_name and not inc_last_name: subject = '[firstname] ' + subj elif inc_last_name and not inc_first_name: subject = '[lastname] ' + subj elif inc_first_name and inc_last_name: subject = '[firstname] [lastname] ' + subj else: subject = subj nl = super(OldGenerateForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs) nl.subject = subject nl.actionname = subject nl.date_created = nl.send_status = 'draft' if nl.default_template: template = render_to_string(nl.default_template, context_instance=RequestContext(self.request)) email_content = nl.generate_newsletter(self.request, template) email = Email() email.subject = subject email.body = email_content email.sender = email.sender_display = self.request.user.profile.get_name() email.reply_to = email.creator = self.request.user email.creator_username = self.request.user.username email.owner = self.request.user email.owner_username = self.request.user.username = email return nl
def process_export(export_fields='all_fields', export_status_detail='', identifier=u'', user_id=0): from tendenci.apps.perms.models import TendenciBaseModel if export_fields == 'main_fields': field_list = [ 'headline', 'slug', 'summary', 'body', 'source', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'address', 'address2', 'city', 'state', 'zip_code', 'country', 'phone', 'phone2', 'fax', 'email', 'email2', 'website', 'list_type', 'requested_duration', 'activation_dt', 'expiration_dt', 'tags', 'enclosure_url', 'enclosure_type', 'enclosure_length', 'status', 'status_detail'] else: # base ------------ base_field_list = [ smart_str( for field in TendenciBaseModel._meta.fields if not field.__class__ == AutoField] field_list = [ smart_str( for field in Directory._meta.fields if not field.__class__ == AutoField] field_list = [ name for name in field_list if not name in base_field_list] field_list.remove('guid') # append base fields at the end field_list = field_list + base_field_list identifier = identifier or int(ttime.time()) file_name_temp = 'export/directories/%s_temp.csv' % identifier with, 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, encoding='utf-8') csv_writer.writerow(field_list) directories = Directory.objects.all() if export_status_detail: directories = directories.filter(status_detail__icontains=export_status_detail) for directory in directories: items_list = [] for field_name in field_list: item = getattr(directory, field_name) if item is None: item = '' if item: if isinstance(item, datetime): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, date): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(item, time): item = item.strftime('%H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, basestring): item = item.encode("utf-8") elif field_name == 'invoice': # display total vs balance item = 'Total: %d / Balance: %d' % (, item.balance) item = smart_str(item).decode('utf-8') items_list.append(item) csv_writer.writerow(items_list) # rename the file name file_name = 'export/directories/%s.csv' % identifier,, 'rb')) # delete the temp file default_storage.delete(file_name_temp) # notify user that export is ready to download [user] = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id)[:1] or [None] if user and download_url = reverse('directory.export_download', args=[identifier]) site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') parms = { 'download_url': download_url, 'user': user, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_display_name': site_display_name, 'export_status_detail': export_status_detail, 'export_fields': export_fields} subject = render_to_string( 'directories/notices/export_ready_subject.html', parms) subject = subject.strip('\n').strip('\r') body = render_to_string( 'directories/notices/export_ready_body.html', parms) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send()
class RecurringPaymentEmailNotices(object): def __init__(self): self.site_display_name = get_setting("site", "global", "sitedisplayname") self.site_contact_name = get_setting("site", "global", "sitecontactname") self.site_contact_email = get_setting("site", "global", "sitecontactemail") self.reply_to_email = get_setting("module", "payments", "paymentrecipients") if not self.reply_to_email: self.reply_to_email = self.site_contact_email self.site_url = get_setting("site", "global", "siteurl") = Email() = get_setting("site", "global", "siteemailnoreplyaddress") = self.site_display_name = self.reply_to_email self.admin_emails = self.get_admin_emails() def get_admin_emails(self): payment_admins = get_setting("module", "payments", "paymentrecipients") if payment_admins: payment_admins = payment_admins.split(",") admin_emails = payment_admins else: admin_emails = (get_setting("site", "global", "admincontactemail")).split(",") if admin_emails: admin_emails = ",".join(admin_emails) return admin_emails def get_script_support_emails(self): admins = getattr(settings, "ADMINS", None) if admins: recipients_list = [admin[1] for admin in admins] return ",".join(recipients_list) return None def email_script_support_transaction_error(self, payment_transaction): """if there is an error other than transaction not being approved, notify us. """ = self.get_script_support_emails() if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_script_support_transaction.html" try: email_content = render_to_string( template_name, {"pt": payment_transaction, "site_display_name": self.site_display_name, "site_url": self.site_url}, ) = email_content = "html" = 1 = _( "Recurring payment transaction error on %(dname)s" % {"dname": self.site_display_name} ) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_admins_transaction_result(self, payment_transaction, success=True): """Send admins the result after the transaction is processed. """ = self.admin_emails if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_admins_transaction.html" user_in_texas = False if payment_transaction.payment.state: if payment_transaction.payment.state.lower() in ["texas", "tx"]: user_in_texas = True try: email_content = render_to_string( template_name, { "pt": payment_transaction, "site_display_name": self.site_display_name, "site_url": self.site_url, "user_in_texas": user_in_texas, }, ) = email_content = "html" if not success: = _( "Recurring payment transaction failed on %(dname)s" % {"dname": self.site_display_name} ) = 1 else: = _( "Recurring payment transaction processed on %(dname)s" % {"dname": self.site_display_name} ) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_customer_transaction_result(self, payment_transaction): """Send customer an email after the transaction is processed. """ = if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_customer_transaction.html" try: email_content = render_to_string( template_name, {"pt": payment_transaction, "site_display_name": self.site_display_name, "site_url": self.site_url}, ) = email_content = "html" if payment_transaction.status: = _("Payment received ") else: = _("Payment failed ") = _( "%(subj)s for %(desc)s " % {"subj":, "desc": payment_transaction.recurring_payment.description} ) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_admins_no_payment_profile(self, recurring_payment): """Notify admin that payment method hasn't been setup yet for this recurring payment entry. """ = self.admin_emails if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_admins_no_payment_profile.html" try: email_content = render_to_string( template_name, {"rp": recurring_payment, "site_display_name": self.site_display_name, "site_url": self.site_url}, ) = email_content = "html" = _( "Payment method not setup for %(rp)s on %(dname)s" % {"rp": recurring_payment, "dname": self.site_display_name} ) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_customer_no_payment_profile(self, recurring_payment): """Notify customer that payment method hasn't been setup yet for this recurring payment entry. """ = if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_customer_no_payment_profile.html" try: email_content = render_to_string( template_name, {"rp": recurring_payment, "site_display_name": self.site_display_name, "site_url": self.site_url}, ) = email_content = "html" = _( "Please update your payment method for %(rp)s on %(dname)s" % {"rp": recurring_payment.description, "dname": self.site_display_name} ) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_admins_account_disabled(self, recurring_payment, user_by): """Notify admin that the recurring payment account is disabled. """ = self.admin_emails if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_admins_account_disabled.html" try: email_content = render_to_string( template_name, { "rp": recurring_payment, "user_by": user_by, "site_display_name": self.site_display_name, "site_url": self.site_url, }, ) = email_content = "html" = _( "Recurring Payment Account (ID:%(id)d) Disabled by %(usr)s on %(dname)s" % {"id":, "usr": user_by, "dname": self.site_display_name} ) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass
def process_export(export_fields='all_fields', identifier=u'', user_id=0): from tendenci.apps.perms.models import TendenciBaseModel if export_fields == 'main_fields': user_field_list = [ 'username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email'] profile_field_list = [ 'salutation', 'initials', 'display_name', 'company', 'department', 'position_title', 'sex', 'address', 'address2', 'city', 'state', 'zipcode', 'country', 'phone', 'phone2', 'fax', 'work_phone', 'home_phone', 'mobile_phone', 'url', 'url2', 'dob', 'status_detail'] else: # base ------------ base_field_list = [ smart_str( for field in TendenciBaseModel._meta.fields if not field.__class__ == AutoField] # user ------------ user_field_list = [ smart_str( for field in User._meta.fields if not field.__class__ == AutoField] user_field_list.remove('password') # profile --------- profile_field_list = [ smart_str( for field in Profile._meta.fields if not field.__class__ == AutoField] profile_field_list = [ name for name in profile_field_list if not name in base_field_list] profile_field_list.remove('guid') profile_field_list.remove('user') # append base fields at the end field_list = user_field_list + profile_field_list identifier = identifier or int(ttime.time()) file_name_temp = 'export/profiles/%s_temp.csv' % identifier with, 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, encoding='utf-8') csv_writer.writerow(field_list) profiles = Profile.objects.all() for profile in profiles: p_user = profile.user items_list = [] for field_name in field_list: if field_name in profile_field_list: item = getattr(profile, field_name) elif field_name in user_field_list: item = getattr(p_user, field_name) else: item = '' if item: if isinstance(item, datetime): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, date): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(item, time): item = item.strftime('%H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, basestring): item = item.encode("utf-8") item = smart_str(item).decode('utf-8') items_list.append(item) csv_writer.writerow(items_list) # rename the file name file_name = 'export/profiles/%s.csv' % identifier,, 'rb')) # delete the temp file default_storage.delete(file_name_temp) # notify user that export is ready to download [user] = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id)[:1] or [None] if user and download_url = reverse('profile.export_download', args=[identifier]) site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') parms = { 'download_url': download_url, 'user': user, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_display_name': site_display_name, 'export_fields': export_fields} subject = render_to_string( 'profiles/notices/export_ready_subject.html', parms) subject = subject.strip('\n').strip('\r') body = render_to_string( 'profiles/notices/export_ready_body.html', parms) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send()
def send_newsletter(self, newsletter_id, **kwargs): from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.newsletters.models import Newsletter from tendenci.apps.site_settings.utils import get_setting from tendenci.apps.base.utils import validate_email from tendenci.apps.newsletters.utils import get_newsletter_connection connection = get_newsletter_connection() if not connection: print('Exiting..Please set up your newsletter email provider before proceeding.') return print("Started sending newsletter...") if newsletter_id == 0: raise CommandError('Newsletter ID is required. Usage: ./ send_newsletter <newsletter_id>') newsletter = Newsletter.objects.filter(pk=int(newsletter_id)) if newsletter.exists(): newsletter = newsletter[0] else: newsletter = None if not newsletter: raise CommandError('You are trying to send a newsletter that does not exist.') if newsletter.send_status == 'queued': newsletter.send_status = 'sending' elif newsletter.send_status == 'sent': newsletter.send_status = 'resending' elif newsletter.send_status == 'resent': newsletter.send_status == 'resending' recipients = newsletter.get_recipients() email = # replace relative to absolute urls self.site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') email.body = email.body.replace("src=\"/", "src=\"%s/" % self.site_url) email.body = email.body.replace("href=\"/", "href=\"%s/" % self.site_url) counter = 0 for recipient in recipients: # skip if not a valid email address if not validate_email( continue subject = email.subject body = email.body if '[firstname]' in subject: subject = subject.replace('[firstname]', recipient.member.first_name) if '[lastname]' in subject: subject = subject.replace('[lastname]', recipient.member.last_name) if '[username]' in body: body = body.replace('[username]', recipient.member.username) if '[firstname]' in body: body = body.replace('[firstname]', recipient.member.first_name) if '[unsubscribe_url]' in body: #body = body.replace('[unsubscribe_url]', recipient.noninteractive_unsubscribe_url) # The unsubscribe_url link should be something like <a href="[unsubscribe_url]">Unsubscribe</a>. # But it can be messed up sometimes. Let's prevent that from happening. p = r'(href=\")([^\"]*)(\[unsubscribe_url\])(\")' body = re.sub(p, r'\1' + recipient.noninteractive_unsubscribe_url + r'\4', body) if '[browser_view_url]' in body: body = body.replace('[browser_view_url]', newsletter.get_browser_view_url()) email_to_send = Email( subject=subject, body=body, sender=email.sender, sender_display=email.sender_display, reply_to=email.reply_to, ) print(u"Sending to {}".format(unicode( email_to_send.send(connection=connection) counter += 1 print(u"Newsletter sent to {}".format(unicode( if newsletter.send_to_email2 and hasattr(recipient.member, 'profile') \ and validate_email(recipient.member.profile.email2): email_to_send.recipient = recipient.member.profile.email2 email_to_send.send(connection=connection) counter += 1 print(u"Newsletter sent to {}".format(unicode(recipient.member.profile.email2))) if newsletter.send_status == 'sending': newsletter.send_status = 'sent' newsletter.date_email_sent = elif newsletter.send_status == 'resending': newsletter.send_status = 'resent' newsletter.date_last_resent = if not newsletter.resend_count: newsletter.resend_count = 0 newsletter.resend_count += 1 newsletter.email_sent_count = counter print("Successfully sent %s newsletter emails." % counter) print("Sending confirmation message to creator...") # send confirmation email subject = "Newsletter Submission Recap for %s" % detail_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') + newsletter.get_absolute_url() params = {'first_name':, 'subject':, 'count': counter, 'detail_url': detail_url} body = render_to_string( 'newsletters/newsletter_sent_email_body.html', params) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send(connection=connection) print("Confirmation email sent.") # add cache clear to resolve issue # TODO: cache clear only to specifies cache.clear() print('Cache cleared!')
def handle(self, *args, **options): import datetime import uuid from StringIO import StringIO from import call_command from django.core.files import File from django.contrib.auth.models import User from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.explorer_extensions.models import DatabaseDumpFile, VALID_FORMAT_CHOICES dump_obj = None d_id = options.get('obj_id', None) if d_id: dump_obj = DatabaseDumpFile.objects.filter(pk=d_id) if dump_obj.exists(): dump_obj = dump_obj[0] else: dump_obj = None if not dump_obj: dump_obj = DatabaseDumpFile() user_id = int(options['user_id']) if user_id == 0: msg = 'User ID is required. Usage: ./ create_database_dump <user_id>' raise CommandError(msg) author = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id) if author.exists(): author = author[0] else: author = None if not author: raise CommandError('Nonexistent user.') = author fmt = options['export_format'] if fmt not in VALID_FORMAT_CHOICES: raise CommandError('Format %s is not supported. Please use one of the following: %s' % (fmt, VALID_FORMAT_CHOICES)) dump_obj.export_format = fmt print("Creating database dump...") content = StringIO() call_command('dumpdata', format=fmt, stdout=content, exclude=['captcha.captchastore', 'files.multiplefile', 'events.standardregform', 'help_files', 'explorer_extensions']), File(content)) dump_obj.status = "completed" dump_obj.end_dt = + datetime.timedelta(days=3) # File is created. # Send email to author context = { 'obj':dump_obj, 'author' } email_subject = "Your database export (id:%d) is ready for download" % email_body = render_to_string("explorer/dbdump_ready_email_body.html", context) email = Email(, subject=email_subject, body=email_body) email.send() print("Done!")
def process_export(identifier, user_id): field_list = [ 'guid', 'slug', 'timezone', 'headline', 'summary', 'body', 'source', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'phone', 'fax', 'email', 'website', 'release_dt', 'syndicate', 'featured', 'design_notes', 'tags', 'enclosure_url', 'enclosure_type', 'enclosure_length', 'not_official_content', 'entity', ] identifier = identifier or int(ttime.time()) file_name_temp = 'export/articles/%s_temp.csv' % (identifier) with, 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, encoding='utf-8') csv_writer.writerow(field_list) articles = Article.objects.filter(status_detail='active') for article in articles: items_list = [] for field_name in field_list: item = getattr(article, field_name) if isinstance(item, datetime): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, date): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(item, time): item = item.strftime('%H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, basestring): item = item.encode("utf-8") item = smart_str(item).decode('utf-8') items_list.append(item) csv_writer.writerow(items_list) # rename the file name file_name = 'export/articles/%s.csv' % identifier,, 'rb')) # delete the temp file default_storage.delete(file_name_temp) # notify user that export is ready to download [user] = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id)[:1] or [None] if user and download_url = reverse('article.export_download', args=[identifier]) site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') parms = { 'download_url': download_url, 'user': user, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_display_name': site_display_name, 'date_today': } subject = render_to_string( 'articles/notices/export_ready_subject.html', parms) subject = subject.strip('\n').strip('\r') body = render_to_string('articles/notices/export_ready_body.html', parms) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send()
def process_export(export_fields='all_fields', identifier=u'', user_id=0): from tendenci.apps.perms.models import TendenciBaseModel if export_fields == 'main_fields': user_field_list = ['username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email'] profile_field_list = [ 'salutation', 'initials', 'display_name', 'company', 'department', 'position_title', 'sex', 'address', 'address2', 'city', 'state', 'zipcode', 'country', 'phone', 'phone2', 'fax', 'work_phone', 'home_phone', 'mobile_phone', 'url', 'url2', 'dob', 'status_detail' ] else: # base ------------ base_field_list = [ smart_str( for field in TendenciBaseModel._meta.fields if not field.__class__ == AutoField ] # user ------------ user_field_list = [ smart_str( for field in User._meta.fields if not field.__class__ == AutoField ] user_field_list.remove('password') # profile --------- profile_field_list = [ smart_str( for field in Profile._meta.fields if not field.__class__ == AutoField ] profile_field_list = [ name for name in profile_field_list if name not in base_field_list ] profile_field_list.remove('guid') profile_field_list.remove('user') # append base fields at the end field_list = user_field_list + profile_field_list identifier = identifier or int(ttime.time()) file_name_temp = 'export/profiles/%s_temp.csv' % identifier with, 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, encoding='utf-8') csv_writer.writerow(field_list) profiles = Profile.objects.all() for profile in profiles: p_user = profile.user items_list = [] for field_name in field_list: if field_name in profile_field_list: item = getattr(profile, field_name) elif field_name in user_field_list: item = getattr(p_user, field_name) else: item = '' if item: if isinstance(item, datetime): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, date): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(item, time): item = item.strftime('%H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, basestring): item = item.encode("utf-8") item = smart_str(item).decode('utf-8') items_list.append(item) csv_writer.writerow(items_list) # rename the file name file_name = 'export/profiles/%s.csv' % identifier,, 'rb')) # delete the temp file default_storage.delete(file_name_temp) # notify user that export is ready to download [user] = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id)[:1] or [None] if user and download_url = reverse('profile.export_download', args=[identifier]) site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') parms = { 'download_url': download_url, 'user': user, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_display_name': site_display_name, 'export_fields': export_fields } subject = render_to_string( 'profiles/notices/export_ready_subject.html', parms) subject = subject.strip('\n').strip('\r') body = render_to_string('profiles/notices/export_ready_body.html', parms) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send()
def process_invoice_export(start_dt=None, end_dt=None, identifier=u'', user_id=0): fields = ['id', 'guid', 'object_type', 'object_id', 'title', 'tender_date', 'bill_to', 'bill_to_first_name', 'bill_to_last_name', 'bill_to_company', 'bill_to_address', 'bill_to_city', 'bill_to_state', 'bill_to_zip_code', 'bill_to_country', 'bill_to_phone', 'bill_to_fax', 'bill_to_email', 'ship_to', 'ship_to_first_name', 'ship_to_last_name', 'ship_to_company', 'ship_to_address', 'ship_to_city', 'ship_to_state', 'ship_to_zip_code', 'ship_to_country', 'ship_to_phone', 'ship_to_fax', 'ship_to_email', 'ship_to_address_type', 'receipt', 'gift', 'arrival_date_time', 'greeting', 'instructions', 'po', 'terms', 'due_date', 'ship_date', 'ship_via', 'fob', 'project', 'other', 'message', 'subtotal', 'shipping', 'shipping_surcharge', 'box_and_packing', 'tax_exempt', 'tax_exemptid', 'tax_rate', 'taxable', 'tax', 'variance', 'discount_amount', 'total', 'payments_credits', 'balance', 'disclaimer', 'variance_notes', 'admin_notes', 'create_dt', 'update_dt', 'creator', 'creator_username', 'owner', 'owner_username', 'status_detail'] identifier = identifier or int(ttime.time()) file_name_temp = 'export/invoices/%s_temp.csv' % identifier with, 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, encoding='utf-8') csv_writer.writerow(fields) invoices = Invoice.objects.filter(status=True, update_dt__gte=start_dt, update_dt__lte=end_dt) for invoice in invoices: items_list = [] for field_name in fields: item = getattr(invoice, field_name) if item is None: item = '' if item: if isinstance(item, datetime): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, date): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(item, time): item = item.strftime('%H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, basestring): item = item.encode("utf-8") item = smart_str(item).decode('utf-8') items_list.append(item) csv_writer.writerow(items_list) # rename the file name file_name = 'export/invoices/%s.csv' % identifier,, 'rb')) # delete the temp file default_storage.delete(file_name_temp) # notify user that export is ready to download [user] = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id)[:1] or [None] if user and download_url = reverse('invoice.export_download', args=[identifier]) site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') parms = { 'download_url': download_url, 'user': user, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_display_name': site_display_name, 'start_dt': start_dt, 'end_dt': end_dt} subject = render_to_string( 'invoices/notices/export_ready_subject.html', parms) subject = subject.strip('\n').strip('\r') body = render_to_string( 'invoices/notices/export_ready_body.html', parms) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send()
def handle(self, *args, **options): import datetime from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.newsletters.models import Newsletter from tendenci.apps.site_settings.utils import get_setting from tendenci.apps.newsletters.utils import get_newsletter_connection connection = get_newsletter_connection() if not connection: print('Exiting..Please set up your newsletter email provider before proceeding.') return print "Started sending newsletter..." newsletter_id = options['newsletter_id'] if newsletter_id == 0: raise CommandError('Newsletter ID is required. Usage: ./ send_newsletter <newsletter_id>') newsletter = Newsletter.objects.filter(pk=int(newsletter_id)) if newsletter.exists(): newsletter = newsletter[0] else: newsletter = None if not newsletter: raise CommandError('You are trying to send a newsletter that does not exist.') if newsletter.send_status == 'queued': newsletter.send_status = 'sending' elif newsletter.send_status == 'sent': newsletter.send_status = 'resending' elif newsletter.send_status == 'resent': newsletter.send_status == 'resending' recipients = newsletter.get_recipients() email = # replace relative to absolute urls self.site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') email.body = email.body.replace("src=\"/", "src=\"%s/" % self.site_url) email.body = email.body.replace("href=\"/", "href=\"%s/" % self.site_url) counter = 0 for recipient in recipients: subject = email.subject body = email.body if '[firstname]' in subject: subject = subject.replace('[firstname]', recipient.member.first_name) if '[lastname]' in subject: subject = subject.replace('[lastname]', recipient.member.last_name) if '[username]' in body: body = body.replace('[username]', recipient.member.username) if '[firstname]' in body: body = body.replace('[firstname]', recipient.member.first_name) if '[unsubscribe_url]' in body: body = body.replace('[unsubscribe_url]', recipient.noninteractive_unsubscribe_url) if '[browser_view_url]' in body: body = body.replace('[browser_view_url]', newsletter.get_browser_view_url()) email_to_send = Email( subject=subject, body=body, sender=email.sender, sender_display=email.sender_display, reply_to=email.reply_to, ) email_to_send.send(connection=connection) counter += 1 print "Newsletter sent to %s" % if newsletter.send_to_email2 and hasattr(recipient.member, 'profile') \ and recipient.member.profile.email2: email_to_send.recipient = recipient.member.profile.email2 email_to_send.send(connection=connection) counter += 1 print "Newsletter sent to %s" % recipient.member.profile.email2 if newsletter.send_status == 'sending': newsletter.send_status = 'sent' newsletter.date_email_sent = elif newsletter.send_status == 'resending': newsletter.send_status = 'resent' newsletter.date_last_resent = if not newsletter.resend_count: newsletter.resend_count = 0 newsletter.resend_count += 1 newsletter.email_sent_count = counter print "Successfully sent %s newsletter emails." % counter print "Sending confirmation message to creator..." # send confirmation email subject = "Newsletter Submission Recap for %s" % detail_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') + newsletter.get_absolute_url() params = {'first_name':, 'subject':, 'count': counter, 'detail_url': detail_url} body = render_to_string( 'newsletters/newsletter_sent_email_body.html', params) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send(connection=connection) print "Confirmation email sent." # add cache clear to resolve issue # TODO: cache clear only to specifies cache.clear() print 'Cache cleared!'
def save(self, *args, **kwargs): data = self.cleaned_data subject = '' subj = data.get('subject', '') inc_last_name = data.get('personalize_subject_last_name') inc_first_name = data.get('personalize_subject_first_name') if inc_first_name and not inc_last_name: subject = '[firstname] ' + subj elif inc_last_name and not inc_first_name: subject = '[lastname] ' + subj elif inc_first_name and inc_last_name: subject = '[firstname] [lastname] ' + subj else: subject = subj nl = super(OldGenerateForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs) nl.subject = subject nl.actionname = subject nl.date_created = nl.send_status = 'draft' if nl.default_template: template = render_to_string(template_name=nl.default_template, request=self.request) email_content = nl.generate_newsletter(self.request, template) email = Email() email.subject = subject email.body = email_content email.sender = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') email.sender_display = self.request.user.profile.get_name() email.reply_to = email.creator = self.request.user email.creator_username = self.request.user.username email.owner = self.request.user email.owner_username = self.request.user.username = email return nl
def message(request, group_slug, template_name='user_groups/message.html'): """ Send a message to the group """ from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email group = get_object_or_404(Group, slug=group_slug) EventLog.objects.log(instance=group) members = GroupMembership.objects.filter( group=group, status=True, status_detail='active') num_members = members.count() form = MessageForm(request.POST or None, request=request, num_members=num_members) if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid(): email = Email() email.sender_display = request.user.get_full_name() email.sender = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') email.reply_to = email.sender email.content_type = 'text/html' email.subject = form.cleaned_data['subject'] email.body = form.cleaned_data['body'] # send email to myself (testing email) if form.cleaned_data['is_test']: email.recipient = email.send() messages.add_message( request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successfully sent test email to yourself')) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) else: # send email to members for member in members: email.recipient = email.send() messages.add_message( request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successfully sent email to all %(num)s members in this group' % {'num': num_members})) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) return redirect('group.detail', group_slug=group_slug) else: print 'form errors', form.errors.items() return render(request, template_name, { 'group': group, 'num_members': num_members, 'form': form})
def form_detail(request, slug, template="forms/form_detail.html"): """ Display a built form and handle submission. """ published = Form.objects.published(for_user=request.user) form = get_object_or_404(published, slug=slug) if not has_view_perm(request.user, 'forms.view_form', form): raise Http403 # If form has a recurring payment, make sure the user is logged in if form.recurring_payment: [email_field] = form.fields.filter( field_type__iexact='EmailVerificationField')[:1] or [None] if request.user.is_anonymous() and not email_field: # anonymous user - if we don't have the email field, redirect to login response = redirect('auth_login') response['Location'] += '?next=%s' % form.get_absolute_url() return response if request.user.is_superuser and not email_field: messages.add_message( request, messages.WARNING, 'Please edit the form to include an email field ' + 'as it is required for setting up a recurring ' + 'payment for anonymous users.') form_for_form = FormForForm(form, request.user, request.POST or None, request.FILES or None) if form.custom_payment and not form.recurring_payment: billing_form = BillingForm(request.POST or None) if request.user.is_authenticated(): billing_form.initial = { 'first_name': request.user.first_name, 'last_name': request.user.last_name, 'email': } else: billing_form = None for field in form_for_form.fields: field_default = request.GET.get(field, None) if field_default: form_for_form.fields[field].initial = field_default if request.method == "POST": if form_for_form.is_valid() and (not billing_form or billing_form.is_valid()): entry = entry.entry_path = request.POST.get("entry_path", "") if request.user.is_anonymous(): if entry.get_email_address(): emailfield = entry.get_email_address() firstnamefield = entry.get_first_name() lastnamefield = entry.get_last_name() phonefield = entry.get_phone_number() password = '' for i in range(0, 10): password += random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase) user_list = User.objects.filter( email=emailfield).order_by('-last_login') if user_list: anonymous_creator = user_list[0] else: anonymous_creator = User(username=emailfield[:30], email=emailfield, first_name=firstnamefield, last_name=lastnamefield) anonymous_creator.set_password(password) anonymous_creator.is_active = False anonymous_profile = Profile(user=anonymous_creator, owner=anonymous_creator, creator=anonymous_creator, phone=phonefield) entry.creator = anonymous_creator else: entry.creator = request.user entry.set_group_subscribers() # Email subject = generate_email_subject(form, entry) email_headers = {} # content type specified below if form.email_from: email_headers.update({'Reply-To': form.email_from}) # Email to submitter # fields aren't included in submitter body to prevent spam submitter_body = generate_submitter_email_body( entry, form_for_form) email_from = form.email_from or settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL email_to = form_for_form.email_to() is_spam = Email.is_blocked(email_to) if is_spam: # log the spam description = "Email \"{0}\" blocked because it is listed in email_blocks.".format( email_to) EventLog.objects.log(instance=form, description=description) if form.completion_url: return HttpResponseRedirect(form.completion_url) return redirect("form_sent", form.slug) email = Email() email.subject = subject email.reply_to = form.email_from if email_to and form.send_email and form.email_text: # Send message to the person who submitted the form. email.recipient = email_to email.body = submitter_body email.send(fail_silently=True) # Email copies to admin admin_body = generate_admin_email_body(entry, form_for_form) email_from = email_to or email_from # Send from the email entered. email_headers = {} # Reset the email_headers email_headers.update({'Reply-To': email_from}) email_copies = [ e.strip() for e in form.email_copies.split(',') if e.strip() ] subject = subject.encode(errors='ignore') email_recipients = entry.get_function_email_recipients() # reply_to of admin emails goes to submitter email.reply_to = email_to if email_copies or email_recipients: # prepare attachments attachments = [] try: for f in form_for_form.files.values(): attachments.append((, except ValueError: attachments = [] for field_entry in entry.fields.all(): if field_entry.field.field_type == 'FileField': try: f = except IOError: pass else: attachments.append( ('/')[-1], # Send message to the email addresses listed in the copies if email_copies: email.body = admin_body email.recipient = email_copies email.send(fail_silently=True, attachments=attachments) # Email copies to recipient list indicated in the form if email_recipients: email.body = admin_body email.recipient = email_recipients email.send(fail_silently=True, attachments=attachments) # payment redirect if (form.custom_payment or form.recurring_payment) and entry.pricing: # get the pricing's price, custom or otherwise price = entry.pricing.price or form_for_form.cleaned_data.get( 'custom_price') if form.recurring_payment: if request.user.is_anonymous(): rp_user = entry.creator else: rp_user = request.user billing_start_dt = trial_period_start_dt = None trial_period_end_dt = None if entry.pricing.has_trial_period: trial_period_start_dt = trial_period_end_dt = trial_period_start_dt + datetime.timedelta( 1) billing_start_dt = trial_period_end_dt # Create recurring payment rp = RecurringPayment( user=rp_user, description=form.title, billing_period=entry.pricing.billing_period, billing_start_dt=billing_start_dt, num_days=entry.pricing.num_days, due_sore=entry.pricing.due_sore, payment_amount=price, taxable=entry.pricing.taxable, tax_rate=entry.pricing.tax_rate, has_trial_period=entry.pricing.has_trial_period, trial_period_start_dt=trial_period_start_dt, trial_period_end_dt=trial_period_end_dt, trial_amount=entry.pricing.trial_amount, creator=rp_user, creator_username=rp_user.username, owner=rp_user, owner_username=rp_user.username, ) if rp.platform == 'authorizenet': rp.add_customer_profile() # redirect to recurring payments messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successful transaction.')) return redirect('recurring_payment.view_account',, rp.guid) else: # create the invoice invoice = make_invoice_for_entry(entry, custom_price=price) update_invoice_for_entry(invoice, billing_form) # log an event for invoice add EventLog.objects.log(instance=form) # redirect to online payment if (entry.payment_method.machine_name ).lower() == 'credit-card': return redirect('payment.pay_online',, invoice.guid) # redirect to invoice page return redirect('invoice.view',, invoice.guid) # default redirect form.completion_url = form.completion_url.strip(' ') if form.completion_url: return HttpResponseRedirect(form.completion_url) return redirect("form_sent", form.slug) # set form's template to forms/base.html if no template or template doesn't exist if not form.template or not template_exists(form.template): form.template = "forms/base.html" context = { "form": form, 'billing_form': billing_form, "form_for_form": form_for_form, 'form_template': form.template, } return render_to_response(template, context, RequestContext(request))
def send_now(users, label, extra_context=None, on_site=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new notice. This is intended to be how other apps create new notices. notification.send(user, 'friends_invite_sent', { 'spam': 'eggs', 'foo': 'bar', ) You can pass in on_site=False to prevent the notice emitted from being displayed on the site. """ send = kwargs.get('send', False) if extra_context is None: extra_context = {} try: notice_type = NoticeType.objects.get(label=label) except (NoticeType.DoesNotExist, NoticeType.MultipleObjectsReturned): notice_type = None if notice_type: protocol = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL", "http") current_site = Site.objects.get_current() notices_url = u"%s://%s%s" % ( protocol, str(current_site), reverse("notification_notices"), ) current_language = get_language() formats = ( 'full.html', 'short.txt', 'notice.html', ) # TODO make formats configurable for user in users: if not or Email.is_blocked( continue recipients = [] headers = {} # get user language for user from language store defined in # NOTIFICATION_LANGUAGE_MODULE setting try: language = get_notification_language(user) except LanguageStoreNotAvailable: language = None if language is not None: # activate the user's language activate(language) extra_context.update({ "user": user, "notice": gettext(notice_type.display), "notices_url": notices_url, "current_site": current_site, }) # test for request in the extra_context if 'request' in extra_context: request = extra_context['request'] else: request = None # get prerendered format messages messages = get_formatted_messages(formats, label, extra_context) # Strip newlines from subject extra_context.update({'message': mark_safe(messages['short'])}) subject = ''.join(render_to_string(template_name='notification/email_subject.txt', context=extra_context, request=request).splitlines()) extra_context.update({'message': mark_safe(messages['full'])}) body = render_to_string(template_name='notification/email_body.txt', context=extra_context, request=request) Notice.objects.create(user=user, message=messages['notice'][0], notice_type=notice_type, on_site=on_site) if should_send(user, notice_type, "1", send=send) and # Email recipients.append( if messages['full'][1] == '.html': # headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'} content_type = 'html' else: # headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'} content_type = 'text' email = EmailMessage(subject, add_tendenci_footer(body), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, recipients, headers=headers) email.content_subtype = content_type email.send() # reset environment to original language activate(current_language)
def message(request, group_slug, template_name='user_groups/message.html'): """ Send a message to the group """ from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email group = get_object_or_404(Group, slug=group_slug) EventLog.objects.log(instance=group) members = GroupMembership.objects.filter(group=group, status=True, status_detail='active') num_members = members.count() form = MessageForm(request.POST or None, request=request, num_members=num_members) if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid(): email = Email() email.sender_display = request.user.get_full_name() email.sender = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') email.reply_to = email.sender email.content_type = email.CONTENT_TYPE_HTML email.subject = form.cleaned_data['subject'] email.body = form.cleaned_data['body'] # send email to myself (testing email) if form.cleaned_data['is_test']: email.recipient = email.send() messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successfully sent test email to yourself')) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) else: # send email to members for member in members: email.recipient = email.send() messages.add_message( request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successfully sent email to all %(num)s members in this group' % {'num': num_members})) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) return redirect('group.detail', group_slug=group_slug) else: print('form errors', list(form.errors.items())) return render_to_resp(request=request, template_name=template_name, context={ 'group': group, 'num_members': num_members, 'form': form })
class RecurringPaymentEmailNotices(object): def __init__(self): self.site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') self.site_contact_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitecontactname') self.site_contact_email = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitecontactemail') self.reply_to_email = get_setting('module', 'payments', 'paymentrecipients') if not self.reply_to_email: self.reply_to_email = self.site_contact_email self.site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') = Email() = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') = self.site_display_name = self.reply_to_email self.email_footer = render_to_string("email_footer.html") self.admin_emails = self.get_admin_emails() def get_admin_emails(self): payment_admins = get_setting('module', 'payments', 'paymentrecipients') if payment_admins: payment_admins = payment_admins.split(',') admin_emails = payment_admins else: admin_emails = (get_setting('site', 'global', 'admincontactemail')).split(',') if admin_emails: admin_emails = ','.join(admin_emails) return admin_emails def get_script_support_emails(self): admins = getattr(settings, 'ADMINS', None) if admins: recipients_list = [admin[1] for admin in admins] return ','.join(recipients_list) return None def email_script_support_transaction_error(self, payment_transaction): """if there is an error other than transaction not being approved, notify us. """ = self.get_script_support_emails() if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_script_support_transaction.html" try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'pt':payment_transaction, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url }) = email_content + self.email_footer = "html" = 1 = _('Recurring payment transaction error on %(dname)s' % { 'dname':self.site_display_name}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_admins_transaction_result(self, payment_transaction, success=True, **kwargs): """Send admins the result after the transaction is processed. """ = self.admin_emails if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_admins_transaction.html" membership = kwargs.get('membership', None) user_in_texas = False if payment_transaction.payment.state: if payment_transaction.payment.state.lower() in ['texas', 'tx']: user_in_texas = True try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'pt':payment_transaction, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url, 'user_in_texas': user_in_texas, 'membership': membership, }) = email_content + self.email_footer = "html" if not success: = _('Recurring payment transaction failed on %(dname)s' % { 'dname': self.site_display_name}) = 1 else: = _('Recurring payment transaction processed on %(dname)s' % { 'dname': self.site_display_name}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_customer_transaction_result(self, payment_transaction, **kwargs): """Send customer an email after the transaction is processed. """ = if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_customer_transaction.html" membership = kwargs.get('membership', None) try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'pt':payment_transaction, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url, 'membership': membership, }) = email_content + self.email_footer = "html" if payment_transaction.status: = _('Payment Received ') else: = _('Payment Failed ') = _("%(subj)s for %(desc)s " % { 'subj':, 'desc': payment_transaction.recurring_payment.description}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_admins_no_payment_profile(self, recurring_payment): """Notify admin that payment method hasn't been setup yet for this recurring payment entry. """ = self.admin_emails if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_admins_no_payment_profile.html" try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'rp':recurring_payment, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url }) = email_content + self.email_footer = "html" = _('Payment method not setup for %(rp)s on %(dname)s' % { 'rp': recurring_payment , 'dname': self.site_display_name}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_customer_no_payment_profile(self, recurring_payment): """Notify customer that payment method hasn't been setup yet for this recurring payment entry. """ = if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_customer_no_payment_profile.html" try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'rp':recurring_payment, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url }) = email_content + self.email_footer = "html" = _('Please update your payment method for %(rp)s on %(dname)s' % { 'rp': recurring_payment.description, 'dname': self.site_display_name}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass def email_admins_account_disabled(self, recurring_payment, user_by): """Notify admin that the recurring payment account is disabled. """ = self.admin_emails if template_name = "recurring_payments/email_admins_account_disabled.html" try: email_content = render_to_string(template_name, {'rp':recurring_payment, 'user_by': user_by, 'site_display_name': self.site_display_name, 'site_url': self.site_url }) = email_content + self.email_footer = "html" = _('Recurring Payment Account (ID:%(id)d) Disabled by %(usr)s on %(dname)s' % { 'id', 'usr' : user_by, 'dname': self.site_display_name}) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass
def send_emails(emails, label, extra_context=None, on_site=True): """ This method accepts a list of email addresses as opposed to a list of users. This is a custom method as opposed to send(), send_now(), and queue() Just send the notice to a list of emails immediately. No new notice created here notification.send_emails(email_list, 'friends_invite_sent', { 'spam': 'eggs', 'foo': 'bar', ) """ # exclude blocked emails emails = [e for e in emails if not Email.is_blocked(e)] if not emails: return if extra_context is None: extra_context = {} try: notice_type = NoticeType.objects.get(label=label) except NoticeType.DoesNotExist as err: logger.warning('Skipping notification send for "{label}": {err}'.format( label=label, err=err)) # Stop here because we need a notice_type return None headers = {} protocol = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL", "http") current_site = Site.objects.get_current() notices_url = u"%s://%s%s" % ( protocol, str(current_site), reverse("notification_notices"), ) formats = ( 'full.html', 'short.txt', 'notice.html', ) # TODO make formats configurable extra_context.update({ "notice": gettext(notice_type.display), "notices_url": notices_url, "current_site": current_site, 'SITE_GLOBAL_SITEURL': get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl'), 'SITE_GLOBAL_SITEDISPLAYNAME': get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname'), }) # test for request in the extra_context if 'request' in extra_context: request = extra_context['request'] else: request = None # get prerendered format messages messages = get_formatted_messages(formats, label, extra_context) if 'admin' in label: subject = messages['short'] body = messages['full'] else: extra_context.update({'message': mark_safe(messages['short'])}) subject = render_to_string( template_name='notification/email_subject.txt', context=extra_context, request=request) extra_context.update({'message': mark_safe(messages['full'])}) body = render_to_string( template_name='notification/email_body.txt', context=extra_context, request=request) if 'reply_to' in extra_context: reply_to = extra_context['reply_to'] if reply_to: headers['Reply-To'] = reply_to else: reply_to = '' sender = extra_context.get('sender', '') if not sender: sender = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') or settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL if not sender: sender = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL sender_display = extra_context.get('sender_display', '') # Add quotes around display name to prevent errors on sending # when display name contains comma or other control characters, - jennyq from_display = '"%s" <%s>' % (sender_display, sender) if sender_display: headers['From'] = from_display recipient_bcc = extra_context.get('recipient_bcc') or [] content_type = 'html' # removing newlines subject = ''.join(subject.splitlines()) body = add_tendenci_footer(body) for email_addr in emails: if validate_email(email_addr): recipients = [email_addr] if recipient_bcc: email = EmailMessage(subject, body, sender, recipients, recipient_bcc, headers=headers) else: email = EmailMessage(subject, body, sender, recipients, headers=headers) email.content_subtype = content_type try: email.send(fail_silently=True) # should we raise exception or not? except UnicodeError: pass to = ','.join(emails) bcc = ','.join(recipient_bcc) reply_to = reply_to or str() NoticeEmail.objects.create( emails=to, sender=sender, bcc=bcc, title=subject, content=body, reply_to=reply_to, from_display=from_display, notice_type=notice_type )
def process_export(identifier, user_id): field_list = [ 'guid', 'slug', 'timezone', 'headline', 'summary', 'body', 'source', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'phone', 'fax', 'email', 'website', 'release_dt', 'syndicate', 'featured', 'design_notes', 'tags', 'enclosure_url', 'enclosure_type', 'enclosure_length', 'not_official_content', 'entity', ] identifier = identifier or int(ttime.time()) file_name_temp = 'export/articles/%s_temp.csv' % (identifier) with, 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, encoding='utf-8') csv_writer.writerow(field_list) articles = Article.objects.filter(status_detail='active') for article in articles: items_list = [] for field_name in field_list: item = getattr(article, field_name) if isinstance(item, datetime): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, date): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(item, time): item = item.strftime('%H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, basestring): item = item.encode("utf-8") item = smart_str(item).decode('utf-8') items_list.append(item) csv_writer.writerow(items_list) # rename the file name file_name = 'export/articles/%s.csv' % identifier,, 'rb')) # delete the temp file default_storage.delete(file_name_temp) # notify user that export is ready to download [user] = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id)[:1] or [None] if user and download_url = reverse('article.export_download', args=[identifier]) site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') parms = { 'download_url': download_url, 'user': user, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_display_name': site_display_name, 'date_today':} subject = render_to_string( 'articles/notices/export_ready_subject.html', parms) subject = subject.strip('\n').strip('\r') body = render_to_string( 'articles/notices/export_ready_body.html', parms) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send()
def form_detail(request, slug, template="forms/form_detail.html"): """ Display a built form and handle submission. """ published = Form.objects.published(for_user=request.user) form = get_object_or_404(published, slug=slug) if not has_view_perm(request.user,'forms.view_form',form): raise Http403 # If form has a recurring payment, make sure the user is logged in if form.recurring_payment: [email_field] = form.fields.filter(field_type__iexact='EmailVerificationField')[:1] or [None] if request.user.is_anonymous and not email_field: # anonymous user - if we don't have the email field, redirect to login response = redirect('auth_login') response['Location'] += '?next=%s' % form.get_absolute_url() return response if request.user.is_superuser and not email_field: messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, 'Please edit the form to include an email field ' + 'as it is required for setting up a recurring ' + 'payment for anonymous users.') form_for_form = FormForForm(form, request.user, request.POST or None, request.FILES or None) if form.custom_payment and not form.recurring_payment: billing_form = BillingForm(request.POST or None) if request.user.is_authenticated: billing_form.initial = { 'first_name':request.user.first_name, 'last_name':request.user.last_name, 'email'} else: billing_form = None for field in form_for_form.fields: field_default = request.GET.get(field, None) if field_default: form_for_form.fields[field].initial = field_default if request.method == "POST": if form_for_form.is_valid() and (not billing_form or billing_form.is_valid()): entry = entry.entry_path = request.POST.get("entry_path", "") if request.user.is_anonymous: if entry.get_email_address(): emailfield = entry.get_email_address() firstnamefield = entry.get_first_name() lastnamefield = entry.get_last_name() phonefield = entry.get_phone_number() password = '' for i in range(0, 10): password += random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase) user_list = User.objects.filter(email=emailfield).order_by('-last_login') if user_list: anonymous_creator = user_list[0] else: anonymous_creator = User(username=emailfield[:30], email=emailfield, first_name=firstnamefield, last_name=lastnamefield) anonymous_creator.set_password(password) anonymous_creator.is_active = False anonymous_profile = Profile(user=anonymous_creator, owner=anonymous_creator, creator=anonymous_creator, phone=phonefield) entry.creator = anonymous_creator else: entry.creator = request.user entry.set_group_subscribers() # Email subject = generate_email_subject(form, entry) email_headers = {} # content type specified below if form.email_from: email_headers.update({'Reply-To':form.email_from}) # Email to submitter # fields aren't included in submitter body to prevent spam submitter_body = generate_submitter_email_body(entry, form_for_form) email_from = form.email_from or settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL email_to = form_for_form.email_to() is_spam = Email.is_blocked(email_to) if is_spam: # log the spam description = "Email \"{0}\" blocked because it is listed in email_blocks.".format(email_to) EventLog.objects.log(instance=form, description=description) if form.completion_url: return HttpResponseRedirect(form.completion_url) return redirect("form_sent", form.slug) email = Email() email.subject = subject email.reply_to = form.email_from if email_to and form.send_email and form.email_text: # Send message to the person who submitted the form. email.recipient = email_to email.body = submitter_body email.send(fail_silently=True) # Email copies to admin admin_body = generate_admin_email_body(entry, form_for_form) email_from = email_to or email_from # Send from the email entered. email_headers = {} # Reset the email_headers email_headers.update({'Reply-To':email_from}) email_copies = [e.strip() for e in form.email_copies.split(',') if e.strip()] subject = subject.encode(errors='ignore') email_recipients = entry.get_function_email_recipients() # reply_to of admin emails goes to submitter email.reply_to = email_to if email_copies or email_recipients: # prepare attachments attachments = [] try: for f in form_for_form.files.values(): attachments.append((, except ValueError: attachments = [] for field_entry in entry.fields.all(): if field_entry.field.field_type == 'FileField': try: f = except IOError: pass else: attachments.append(('/')[-1], # Send message to the email addresses listed in the copies if email_copies: email.body = admin_body email.recipient = email_copies email.send(fail_silently=True, attachments=attachments) # Email copies to recipient list indicated in the form if email_recipients: email.body = admin_body email.recipient = email_recipients email.send(fail_silently=True, attachments=attachments) # payment redirect if (form.custom_payment or form.recurring_payment) and entry.pricing: # get the pricing's price, custom or otherwise price = entry.pricing.price or form_for_form.cleaned_data.get('custom_price') if form.recurring_payment: if request.user.is_anonymous: rp_user = entry.creator else: rp_user = request.user billing_start_dt = trial_period_start_dt = None trial_period_end_dt = None if entry.pricing.has_trial_period: trial_period_start_dt = trial_period_end_dt = trial_period_start_dt + datetime.timedelta(1) billing_start_dt = trial_period_end_dt # Create recurring payment rp = RecurringPayment( user=rp_user, description=form.title, billing_period=entry.pricing.billing_period, billing_start_dt=billing_start_dt, num_days=entry.pricing.num_days, due_sore=entry.pricing.due_sore, payment_amount=price, taxable=entry.pricing.taxable, tax_rate=entry.pricing.tax_rate, has_trial_period=entry.pricing.has_trial_period, trial_period_start_dt=trial_period_start_dt, trial_period_end_dt=trial_period_end_dt, trial_amount=entry.pricing.trial_amount, creator=rp_user, creator_username=rp_user.username, owner=rp_user, owner_username=rp_user.username, ) if rp.platform == 'authorizenet': rp.add_customer_profile() # redirect to recurring payments messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successful transaction.')) return redirect('recurring_payment.view_account',, rp.guid) else: # create the invoice invoice = make_invoice_for_entry(entry, custom_price=price) update_invoice_for_entry(invoice, billing_form) # log an event for invoice add EventLog.objects.log(instance=form) # redirect to online payment if (entry.payment_method.machine_name).lower() == 'credit-card': return redirect('payment.pay_online',, invoice.guid) # redirect to invoice page return redirect('invoice.view',, invoice.guid) # default redirect if form.completion_url: return HttpResponseRedirect(form.completion_url.strip()) return redirect("form_sent", form.slug) # set form's template to forms/base.html if no template or template doesn't exist if not form.template or not template_exists(form.template): form.template = "forms/base.html" context = { "form": form, 'billing_form': billing_form, "form_for_form": form_for_form, 'form_template': form.template, } return render_to_resp(request=request, template_name=template, context=context)
def process_export( group_id, export_target='all', identifier=u'', user_id=0): """ Process export for group members and/or group subscribers. """ [group] = Group.objects.filter(id=group_id)[:1] or [None] if not group: return # pull 100 rows per query # be careful of the memory usage rows_per_batch = 100 identifier = identifier or str(time.time()) file_dir = 'export/groups/' file_path_temp = '%sgroup_%d_%s_%s_temp.csv' % (file_dir,, export_target, identifier) # labels user_fields = ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'is_active', 'is_staff', 'is_superuser'] profile_fields = ['direct_mail', 'company', 'address', 'address2', 'city', 'state', 'zipcode', 'country', 'phone', 'create_dt'] labels = user_fields + profile_fields field_dict = OrderedDict([(label.lower().replace(" ", "_"), '' ) for label in labels]) with, 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, encoding='utf-8') csv_writer.writerow(field_dict.keys()) # process regular group members count_members = group.members.filter( group_member__status=True, group_member__status_detail='active').count() num_rows_processed = 0 while num_rows_processed < count_members: users = group.members.filter( group_member__status=True, group_member__status_detail='active' ).select_related('profile' ).order_by('group_member__member_id')[num_rows_processed:(num_rows_processed + rows_per_batch)] num_rows_processed += rows_per_batch row_dict = field_dict.copy() for user in users: if hasattr(user, 'profile'): profile = user.profile else: profile = Profile.objects.create_profile(user) for field_name in user_fields: if hasattr(user, field_name): row_dict[field_name] = getattr(user, field_name) for field_name in profile_fields: if hasattr(profile, field_name): row_dict[field_name] = getattr(profile, field_name) for k, v in row_dict.items(): if not isinstance(v, basestring): if isinstance(v, datetime): row_dict[k] = v.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(v, date): row_dict[k] = v.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: row_dict[k] = smart_str(v) csv_writer.writerow(row_dict.values()) # rename the file name file_path = '%sgroup_%d_%s_%s.csv' % (file_dir,, export_target, identifier),, 'rb')) # delete the temp file default_storage.delete(file_path_temp) # notify user that export is ready to download [user] = User.objects.filter(id=user_id)[:1] or [None] if user and download_url = reverse('group.members_export_download', args=[group.slug, export_target, identifier]) site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') parms = { 'group': group, 'download_url': download_url, 'user': user, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_display_name': site_display_name} subject = render_to_string( 'user_groups/exports/export_ready_subject.html', parms) subject = subject.strip('\n').strip('\r') body = render_to_string( 'user_groups/exports/export_ready_body.html', parms) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send()
def form_detail(request, slug, template="forms/form_detail.html"): """ Display a built form and handle submission. """ published = Form.objects.published(for_user=request.user) form = get_object_or_404(published, slug=slug) if not has_view_perm(request.user, 'forms.view_form', form): raise Http403 # If form has a recurring payment, make sure the user is logged in if form.recurring_payment: [email_field] = form.fields.filter( field_type__iexact='EmailVerificationField')[:1] or [None] if request.user.is_anonymous and not email_field: # anonymous user - if we don't have the email field, redirect to login response = redirect('auth_login') response['Location'] += '?next=%s' % form.get_absolute_url() return response if request.user.is_superuser and not email_field: messages.add_message( request, messages.WARNING, 'Please edit the form to include an email field ' + 'as it is required for setting up a recurring ' + 'payment for anonymous users.') if form.custom_payment and not form.recurring_payment: billing_form = BillingForm(request.POST or None) if request.user.is_authenticated: billing_form.initial = { 'first_name': request.user.first_name, 'last_name': request.user.last_name, 'email': } else: billing_form = None form_for_form = FormForForm(form, request.user, request.session, request.POST or None, request.FILES or None) if get_setting('site', 'global', 'captcha'): # add captcha if billing_form: # append the captcha to the end of the billing form captcha_field = CustomCatpchaField(label=_('Type the code below')) if 'captcha' in form_for_form.fields: form_for_form.fields.pop('captcha') billing_form.fields['captcha'] = captcha_field for field in form_for_form.fields: field_default = request.GET.get(field, None) if field_default: form_for_form.fields[field].initial = field_default if request.method == "POST": if form_for_form.is_valid() and (not billing_form or billing_form.is_valid()): entry = entry.entry_path = request.POST.get("entry_path", "") if request.user.is_anonymous: entry.creator = entry.check_and_create_user() else: entry.creator = request.user entry.set_group_subscribers() # Email subject = generate_email_subject(form, entry) email_headers = {} # content type specified below if form.email_from: email_headers.update({'Reply-To': form.email_from}) # Email to submitter # fields aren't included in submitter body to prevent spam submitter_body = generate_submitter_email_body( entry, form_for_form) email_from = form.email_from or settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL email_to = form_for_form.email_to() is_spam = Email.is_blocked(email_to) if is_spam: # log the spam description = "Email \"{0}\" blocked because it is listed in email_blocks.".format( email_to) EventLog.objects.log(instance=form, description=description) if form.completion_url: return HttpResponseRedirect(form.completion_url) return redirect("form_sent", form.slug) email = Email() email.subject = subject email.reply_to = form.email_from if email_to and form.send_email and form.email_text: # Send message to the person who submitted the form. email.recipient = email_to email.body = submitter_body email.send(fail_silently=getattr(settings, 'EMAIL_FAIL_SILENTLY', True)) # log an event EventLog.objects.log( instance=form, description='Confirmation email sent to {}'.format( email_to)) # Email copies to admin admin_body = generate_admin_email_body(entry, form_for_form, user=request.user) email_from = email_to or email_from # Send from the email entered. email_headers = {} # Reset the email_headers email_headers.update({'Reply-To': email_from}) email_copies = [ e.strip() for e in form.email_copies.split(',') if e.strip() ] subject = subject.encode(errors='ignore') email_recipients = entry.get_function_email_recipients() # reply_to of admin emails goes to submitter email.reply_to = email_to if email_copies or email_recipients: # prepare attachments attachments = [] # Commenting out the attachment block to not add attachments to the email for the reason below: # According to SES message quotas, # the maximum message size (including attachments) is 10 MB per message (after base64 encoding) # which means the actual size should be less than 7.5 MB or so because text after encoded with the BASE64 # algorithm increases its size by 1/3. But the allowed upload size is much larger than 7.5 MB. # try: # for f in form_for_form.files.values(): # # attachments.append((, # except ValueError: # attachments = [] # for field_entry in entry.fields.all(): # if field_entry.field.field_type == 'FileField': # try: # f = # except IOError: # pass # else: # # attachments.append(('/')[-1], fail_silently = getattr(settings, 'EMAIL_FAIL_SILENTLY', True) # Send message to the email addresses listed in the copies if email_copies: email.body = admin_body email.recipient = email_copies # if request.user.is_anonymous or not request.user.is_active: # email.content_type = 'text' email.send(fail_silently=fail_silently, attachments=attachments) # Email copies to recipient list indicated in the form if email_recipients: email.body = admin_body email.recipient = email_recipients email.send(fail_silently=fail_silently, attachments=attachments) # payment redirect if (form.custom_payment or form.recurring_payment) and entry.pricing: # get the pricing's price, custom or otherwise price = entry.pricing.price or form_for_form.cleaned_data.get( 'custom_price') if form.recurring_payment: if request.user.is_anonymous: rp_user = entry.creator else: rp_user = request.user billing_start_dt = trial_period_start_dt = None trial_period_end_dt = None if entry.pricing.has_trial_period: trial_period_start_dt = trial_period_end_dt = trial_period_start_dt + datetime.timedelta( 1) billing_start_dt = trial_period_end_dt # Create recurring payment rp = RecurringPayment( user=rp_user, description=form.title, billing_period=entry.pricing.billing_period, billing_start_dt=billing_start_dt, num_days=entry.pricing.num_days, due_sore=entry.pricing.due_sore, payment_amount=price, taxable=entry.pricing.taxable, tax_rate=entry.pricing.tax_rate, has_trial_period=entry.pricing.has_trial_period, trial_period_start_dt=trial_period_start_dt, trial_period_end_dt=trial_period_end_dt, trial_amount=entry.pricing.trial_amount, creator=rp_user, creator_username=rp_user.username, owner=rp_user, owner_username=rp_user.username, ) if rp.platform == 'authorizenet': rp.add_customer_profile() # redirect to recurring payments messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successful transaction.')) return redirect('recurring_payment.view_account',, rp.guid) else: # create the invoice invoice = make_invoice_for_entry(entry, custom_price=price) update_invoice_for_entry(invoice, billing_form) # log an event for invoice add EventLog.objects.log(instance=form) # redirect to online payment if invoice.balance > 0: if (entry.payment_method.machine_name ).lower() == 'credit-card': return redirect('payment.pay_online',, invoice.guid) # redirect to invoice page return redirect('invoice.view',, invoice.guid) # default redirect if form.completion_url: completion_url = form.completion_url.strip().replace( '[entry_id]', str( return HttpResponseRedirect(completion_url) return redirect("form_sent", form.slug) # set form's template to forms/base.html if no template or template doesn't exist if not form.template or not template_exists(form.template): form.template = "forms/base.html" context = { "form": form, 'billing_form': billing_form, "form_for_form": form_for_form, 'form_template': form.template, } return render_to_resp(request=request, template_name=template, context=context)
def message(request, group_slug, template_name='user_groups/message.html'): """ Send a message to the group """ from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.core.mail import EmailMessage group = get_object_or_404(Group, slug=group_slug) EventLog.objects.log(instance=group) members = GroupMembership.objects.filter(group=group, status=True, status_detail='active') num_members = members.count() form = MessageForm(request.POST or None, request=request, num_members=num_members) if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid(): email = Email() email.sender_display = request.user.get_full_name() email.sender = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') email.reply_to = email.sender email.content_type = email.CONTENT_TYPE_HTML email.subject = form.cleaned_data['subject'] email.body = form.cleaned_data['body'] # send email to myself (testing email) if form.cleaned_data['is_test']: email.recipient = print(email.recipient) email.send() messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successfully sent test email to yourself')) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) else: #api_url = settings.MAILCHIMP_API_URL + '/campaigns/' #api_key = settings.MAILCHIMP_API_KEY #headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': api_key} #response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers); #jsonInput = json.loads(response.text); #list_results = [[x['id'], x['name']] for x in jsonInput['lists']] # print(list_results) #body_content = {"plain_text": "Hi There,\r\nThis is a test again.\r\n-Blake B\n==============================================\n\n"} msg = EmailMessage('Request Callback', 'Here is the message.', to=['*****@*****.**']) msg.send() #send email to members for member in members: email.recipient = print(email.recipient) #try: #test = send_mail( # 'Subject here', # 'Here is the message.', # ['*****@*****.**'], # fail_silently=False, #) #print(test) #except SMTPException as e: #print('%s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) #email.send() messages.add_message( request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successfully sent email to all %(num)s members in this group' % {'num': num_members})) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) return redirect('group.detail', group_slug=group_slug) else: print('form errors', form.errors.items()) return render(request, template_name, { 'group': group, 'num_members': num_members, 'form': form })
def process_invoice_export(start_dt=None, end_dt=None, identifier=u'', user_id=0): fields = [ 'id', 'guid', 'object_type', 'object_id', 'title', 'tender_date', 'bill_to', 'bill_to_first_name', 'bill_to_last_name', 'bill_to_company', 'bill_to_address', 'bill_to_city', 'bill_to_state', 'bill_to_zip_code', 'bill_to_country', 'bill_to_phone', 'bill_to_fax', 'bill_to_email', 'ship_to', 'ship_to_first_name', 'ship_to_last_name', 'ship_to_company', 'ship_to_address', 'ship_to_city', 'ship_to_state', 'ship_to_zip_code', 'ship_to_country', 'ship_to_phone', 'ship_to_fax', 'ship_to_email', 'ship_to_address_type', 'receipt', 'gift', 'arrival_date_time', 'greeting', 'instructions', 'po', 'terms', 'due_date', 'ship_date', 'ship_via', 'fob', 'project', 'other', 'message', 'subtotal', 'shipping', 'shipping_surcharge', 'box_and_packing', 'tax_exempt', 'tax_exemptid', 'tax_rate', 'taxable', 'tax', 'variance', 'discount_amount', 'total', 'payments_credits', 'balance', 'disclaimer', 'variance_notes', 'admin_notes', 'create_dt', 'update_dt', 'creator', 'creator_username', 'owner', 'owner_username', 'status_detail' ] identifier = identifier or int(ttime.time()) file_name_temp = 'export/invoices/%s_temp.csv' % identifier with, 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, encoding='utf-8') csv_writer.writerow(fields) invoices = Invoice.objects.filter(status=True, update_dt__gte=start_dt, update_dt__lte=end_dt) for invoice in invoices: items_list = [] for field_name in fields: item = getattr(invoice, field_name) if item is None: item = '' if item: if isinstance(item, datetime): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, date): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(item, time): item = item.strftime('%H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, basestring): item = item.encode("utf-8") item = smart_str(item).decode('utf-8') items_list.append(item) csv_writer.writerow(items_list) # rename the file name file_name = 'export/invoices/%s.csv' % identifier,, 'rb')) # delete the temp file default_storage.delete(file_name_temp) # notify user that export is ready to download [user] = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id)[:1] or [None] if user and download_url = reverse('invoice.export_download', args=[identifier]) site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') parms = { 'download_url': download_url, 'user': user, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_display_name': site_display_name, 'start_dt': start_dt, 'end_dt': end_dt } subject = render_to_string( 'invoices/notices/export_ready_subject.html', parms) subject = subject.strip('\n').strip('\r') body = render_to_string('invoices/notices/export_ready_body.html', parms) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send()
def message(request, group_slug, template_name='user_groups/message.html'): """ Send a message to the group """ from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email group = get_object_or_404(Group, slug=group_slug) if group.membership_types.all().exists(): membership_type = group.membership_types.all()[0] else: membership_type = None EventLog.objects.log(instance=group) members = GroupMembership.objects.filter(group=group, status=True, status_detail='active') num_members = members.count() form = MessageForm(request.POST or None, request=request, num_members=num_members) if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid(): email = Email() email.sender_display = request.user.get_full_name() email.sender = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteemailnoreplyaddress') email.reply_to = email.sender email.content_type = email.CONTENT_TYPE_HTML email.subject = form.cleaned_data['subject'] email.body = form.cleaned_data['body'] # send email to myself (testing email) if form.cleaned_data['is_test']: email.recipient = email.send() messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successfully sent test email to yourself')) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) else: # send email to members for member in members: original_body = email.body email.recipient = if membership_type: [membership] = member.member.membershipdefault_set.exclude( status_detail='archive').order_by( '-create_dt')[:1] or [None] if membership: # do find and replace urls_dict = membership.get_common_urls() for key in urls_dict.keys(): email.body = email.body.replace( '[%s]' % key, urls_dict[key]) email.send() # restore back to the original email.body = original_body messages.add_message( request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Successfully sent email to all %(num)s members in this group' % {'num': num_members})) EventLog.objects.log(instance=email) return redirect('group.detail', group_slug=group_slug) else: print('form errors', list(form.errors.items())) if membership_type: available_tokens = '[membership_link], [membership_type], [directory_url], [directory_edit_url], [invoice_link]' else: available_tokens = '' return render_to_resp(request=request, template_name=template_name, context={ 'group': group, 'num_members': num_members, 'membership_type': membership_type, 'available_tokens': available_tokens, 'form': form })
def process_export(export_fields='all_fields', export_status_detail='', identifier=u'', user_id=0): from tendenci.apps.perms.models import TendenciBaseModel if export_fields == 'main_fields': field_list = [ 'headline', 'slug', 'summary', 'body', 'source', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'address', 'address2', 'city', 'state', 'zip_code', 'country', 'phone', 'phone2', 'fax', 'email', 'email2', 'website', 'list_type', 'requested_duration', 'activation_dt', 'expiration_dt', 'tags', 'enclosure_url', 'enclosure_type', 'enclosure_length', 'status', 'status_detail' ] else: # base ------------ base_field_list = [ smart_str( for field in TendenciBaseModel._meta.fields if not field.__class__ == AutoField ] field_list = [ smart_str( for field in Directory._meta.fields if not field.__class__ == AutoField ] field_list = [ name for name in field_list if not name in base_field_list ] field_list.remove('guid') # append base fields at the end field_list = field_list + base_field_list identifier = identifier or int(ttime.time()) file_name_temp = 'export/directories/%s_temp.csv' % identifier with, 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, encoding='utf-8') csv_writer.writerow(field_list) directories = Directory.objects.all() if export_status_detail: directories = directories.filter( status_detail__icontains=export_status_detail) for directory in directories: items_list = [] for field_name in field_list: item = getattr(directory, field_name) if item is None: item = '' if item: if isinstance(item, datetime): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, date): item = item.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(item, time): item = item.strftime('%H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(item, basestring): item = item.encode("utf-8") elif field_name == 'invoice': # display total vs balance item = 'Total: %d / Balance: %d' % (, item.balance) item = smart_str(item).decode('utf-8') items_list.append(item) csv_writer.writerow(items_list) # rename the file name file_name = 'export/directories/%s.csv' % identifier,, 'rb')) # delete the temp file default_storage.delete(file_name_temp) # notify user that export is ready to download [user] = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id)[:1] or [None] if user and download_url = reverse('directory.export_download', args=[identifier]) site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') site_display_name = get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname') parms = { 'download_url': download_url, 'user': user, 'site_url': site_url, 'site_display_name': site_display_name, 'export_status_detail': export_status_detail, 'export_fields': export_fields } subject = render_to_string( 'directories/notices/export_ready_subject.html', parms) subject = subject.strip('\n').strip('\r') body = render_to_string('directories/notices/export_ready_body.html', parms) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send()
def send_newsletter(self, newsletter_id, **kwargs): from tendenci.apps.emails.models import Email from tendenci.apps.newsletters.models import Newsletter from tendenci.apps.site_settings.utils import get_setting from tendenci.apps.base.utils import validate_email from tendenci.apps.newsletters.utils import get_newsletter_connection connection = get_newsletter_connection() if not connection: print( 'Exiting..Please set up your newsletter email provider before proceeding.' ) return print("Started sending newsletter...") if newsletter_id == 0: raise CommandError( 'Newsletter ID is required. Usage: ./ send_newsletter <newsletter_id>' ) newsletter = Newsletter.objects.filter(pk=int(newsletter_id)) if newsletter.exists(): newsletter = newsletter[0] else: newsletter = None if not newsletter: raise CommandError( 'You are trying to send a newsletter that does not exist.') if newsletter.send_status == 'queued': newsletter.send_status = 'sending' elif newsletter.send_status == 'sent': newsletter.send_status = 'resending' elif newsletter.send_status == 'resent': newsletter.send_status == 'resending' recipients = newsletter.get_recipients() email = # replace relative to absolute urls self.site_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') email.body = email.body.replace("src=\"/", "src=\"%s/" % self.site_url) email.body = email.body.replace("href=\"/", "href=\"%s/" % self.site_url) counter = 0 for recipient in recipients: # skip if not a valid email address if not validate_email( continue subject = email.subject body = email.body if '[firstname]' in subject: subject = subject.replace('[firstname]', recipient.member.first_name) if '[lastname]' in subject: subject = subject.replace('[lastname]', recipient.member.last_name) if '[username]' in body: body = body.replace('[username]', recipient.member.username) if '[firstname]' in body: body = body.replace('[firstname]', recipient.member.first_name) if '[unsubscribe_url]' in body: #body = body.replace('[unsubscribe_url]', recipient.noninteractive_unsubscribe_url) # The unsubscribe_url link should be something like <a href="[unsubscribe_url]">Unsubscribe</a>. # But it can be messed up sometimes. Let's prevent that from happening. p = r'(href=\")([^\"]*)(\[unsubscribe_url\])(\")' body = re.sub( p, r'\1' + recipient.noninteractive_unsubscribe_url + r'\4', body) if '[browser_view_url]' in body: body = body.replace('[browser_view_url]', newsletter.get_browser_view_url()) email_to_send = Email(subject=subject, body=body, sender=email.sender, sender_display=email.sender_display, reply_to=email.reply_to, print(u"Sending to {}".format(str( email_to_send.send(connection=connection) counter += 1 print(u"Newsletter sent to {}".format(str( if newsletter.send_to_email2 and hasattr(recipient.member, 'profile') \ and validate_email(recipient.member.profile.email2): email_to_send.recipient = recipient.member.profile.email2 email_to_send.send(connection=connection) counter += 1 print(u"Newsletter sent to {}".format( str(recipient.member.profile.email2))) if newsletter.send_status == 'sending': newsletter.send_status = 'sent' newsletter.date_email_sent = elif newsletter.send_status == 'resending': newsletter.send_status = 'resent' newsletter.date_last_resent = if not newsletter.resend_count: newsletter.resend_count = 0 newsletter.resend_count += 1 newsletter.email_sent_count = counter print("Successfully sent %s newsletter emails." % counter) print("Sending confirmation message to creator...") # send confirmation email subject = "Newsletter Submission Recap for %s" % detail_url = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl') + newsletter.get_absolute_url() params = { 'first_name':, 'subject':, 'count': counter, 'detail_url': detail_url } body = render_to_string( template_name='newsletters/newsletter_sent_email_body.html', context=params) email = Email(, subject=subject, body=body) email.send(connection=connection) print("Confirmation email sent.") # add cache clear to resolve issue # TODO: cache clear only to specifies cache.clear() print('Cache cleared!')