class PricingForm(FormControlWidgetMixin, forms.ModelForm): billing_dt_select = BillingCycleField(label=_('When to bill'), widget=BillingDateSelectWidget, help_text=_('It is used to determine the payment due date for each billing cycle')) billing_cycle = BillingCycleField(label=_('How often to bill'), widget=BillingCycleWidget) price = PriceField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, required=False, help_text=_('Leaving this field blank allows visitors to set their own price')) class Meta: model = Pricing fields = ('label', 'price', 'taxable', 'tax_rate', 'billing_cycle', 'billing_dt_select', 'has_trial_period', 'trial_period_days', ) fieldsets = [(_('Form Information'), { 'fields': [ 'label', 'price', 'taxable', 'tax_rate', 'billing_cycle', 'billing_dt_select', ], 'legend': '' }), (_('Trial Period'), { 'fields': [ 'has_trial_period', 'trial_period_days',], 'legend': '', }),] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PricingForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Setup initial values for billing_cycle and billing_dt_select # in order to have empty values for extra forms. if self.fields['billing_dt_select'].initial = [self.instance.num_days, self.instance.due_sore] self.fields['billing_cycle'].initial = [self.instance.billing_frequency, self.instance.billing_period] else: self.fields['billing_dt_select'].initial = [0, u'start'] self.fields['billing_cycle'].initial = [1, u'month'] # Add class for recurring payment fields recurring_payment_fields = [ 'taxable', 'tax_rate', 'billing_cycle', 'billing_dt_select', 'has_trial_period', 'trial_period_days' ] for field in recurring_payment_fields: class_attr = self.fields[field].widget.attrs.get('class', None) if class_attr and 'recurring-payment' not in class_attr: class_attr += ' recurring-payment' self.fields[field].widget.attrs.update({'class': class_attr}) def save(self, **kwargs): pricing = super(PricingForm, self).save(**kwargs) if self.cleaned_data.get('billing_dt_select'): dt_select = self.cleaned_data.get('billing_dt_select').split(',') pricing.num_days = dt_select[0] pricing.due_sore = dt_select[1] if self.cleaned_data.get('billing_cycle'): cycle = self.cleaned_data.get('billing_cycle').split(',') pricing.billing_frequency = cycle[0] pricing.billing_period = cycle[1] return pricing
class RecurringPaymentForm(forms.ModelForm): #status_detail = forms.ChoiceField(choices=(('inactive','Inactive'),('active','Active')), # initial='active') payment_amount = PriceField(decimal_places=2) trial_amount = PriceField(decimal_places=2, required=False) billing_dt_select = BillingCycleField( label=_('When to bill'), widget=BillingDateSelectWidget, help_text= _('It is used to determine the payment due date for each billing cycle' )) billing_cycle = BillingCycleField(label=_('How often to bill'), widget=BillingCycleWidget) class Meta: model = RecurringPayment fields = ( 'user', 'url', 'description', 'payment_amount', 'taxable', 'tax_rate', 'billing_start_dt', 'billing_cycle', 'billing_dt_select', 'has_trial_period', 'trial_period_start_dt', 'trial_period_end_dt', 'trial_amount', 'status', 'status_detail', ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RecurringPaymentForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # billing_cycle if initial_list = [ str(self.instance.billing_frequency), str(self.instance.billing_period) ] else: initial_list = ['1', 'month'] self.fields['billing_cycle'].initial = initial_list # billing_dt_select if initial_list = [ str(self.instance.num_days), str(self.instance.due_sore) ] else: initial_list = ['0', 'start'] self.fields['billing_dt_select'].initial = initial_list self.fields['user'].choices = [ (, '%s %s (%s) - %s' % (u.first_name, u.last_name, u.username, for u in User.objects.filter( is_active=1).order_by('first_name', 'last_name') ] self.fields['user'].help_text = """If not found in the list, <a href="%s">create a new user</a> before proceeding """ % reverse('profile.add') def clean_billing_cycle(self): value = self.cleaned_data['billing_cycle'] data_list = value.split(',') d = dict(zip(['billing_frequency', 'billing_period'], data_list)) try: d['billing_frequency'] = int(d['billing_frequency']) except: raise forms.ValidationError( _("Billing frequency must be a numeric number.")) return value def clean_billing_dt_select(self): value = self.cleaned_data['billing_dt_select'] data_list = value.split(',') d = dict(zip(['num_days', 'due_sore'], data_list)) try: d['num_days'] = int(d['num_days']) except: raise forms.ValidationError( _("Number day(s) must be a numeric number.")) return value def clean_tax_rate(self): value = self.cleaned_data['tax_rate'] taxable = self.cleaned_data['taxable'] if taxable: if not value: raise forms.ValidationError(_("Please specify a tax rate.")) if value > 1: raise forms.ValidationError( _("Tax rate should be less than 1.")) return value