예제 #1
def gen_cobom_csv(projfolder, namebase, force=False):
    Generates a CSV file in the
    :mod:`tendril.boms.outputbase.CompositeOutputBom` format, including the
    BOMs of the all the defined configurations of the project. This function
    uses a :mod:`csv.writer` instead of rendering a jinja2 template.

    It also generates configdocs for all the defined configurations of the
    project, using :func:`gen_confpdf`.

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder.
    :type projfolder: str
    :param namebase: The project name.
    :type namebase: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output Files :  ``<project_doc_folder>/confdocs/conf_boms.csv``
    * Also triggers : :func:`gen_confpdf` for all listed configurations.
    * Source Files : The project's schematic folder.

    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(projfolder)
    configfile = conffile.ConfigsFile(projfolder)
    sch_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gpf.configsfile.schfolder)

    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)
    cobom_csv_path = path.join(docfolder, 'confdocs', 'conf-boms.csv')
    outf_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(cobom_csv_path, fs=refdoc_fs)

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > sch_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + cobom_csv_path)
        return cobom_csv_path

    logger.info('Regenerating ' + cobom_csv_path + os.linesep +
                'Last modified : ' + str(sch_mtime) +
                '; Last Created : ' + str(outf_mtime))

    bomlist = []
    for cfn in configfile.configuration_names:
        gen_confpdf(projfolder, cfn, namebase, force=force)
        lbom = boms_electronics.import_pcb(projfolder)
        lobom = lbom.create_output_bom(cfn)
    cobom = boms_outputbase.CompositeOutputBom(bomlist)

    with refdoc_fs.open(cobom_csv_path, 'wb') as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f)
        writer.writerow(['device'] +
                        [x.configname for x in cobom.descriptors])
        for line in cobom.lines:
            writer.writerow([line.ident] + line.columns)
예제 #2
def gen_cobom_csv(projfolder, namebase, force=False):
    Generates a CSV file in the
    :mod:`tendril.boms.outputbase.CompositeOutputBom` format, including the
    BOMs of the all the defined configurations of the project. This function
    uses a :mod:`csv.writer` instead of rendering a jinja2 template.

    It also generates configdocs for all the defined configurations of the
    project, using :func:`gen_confpdf`.

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder.
    :type projfolder: str
    :param namebase: The project name.
    :type namebase: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output Files :  ``<project_doc_folder>/confdocs/conf_boms.csv``
    * Also triggers : :func:`gen_confpdf` for all listed configurations.
    * Source Files : The project's schematic folder.

    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(projfolder)
    configfile = conffile.ConfigsFile(projfolder)
    sch_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gpf.schfolder)

    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)
    cobom_csv_path = path.join(docfolder, 'confdocs', 'conf-boms.csv')
    outf_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(cobom_csv_path, fs=refdoc_fs)

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > sch_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + cobom_csv_path)
        return cobom_csv_path

    logger.info('Regenerating ' + cobom_csv_path + os.linesep +
                'Last modified : ' + str(sch_mtime) +
                '; Last Created : ' + str(outf_mtime))

    bomlist = []
    for cfn in configfile.configuration_names:
        gen_confpdf(projfolder, cfn, namebase, force=force)
        lbom = boms_electronics.import_pcb(projfolder)
        lobom = lbom.create_output_bom(cfn)
    cobom = boms_outputbase.CompositeOutputBom(bomlist)

    with refdoc_fs.open(cobom_csv_path, 'wb') as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f)
        writer.writerow(['device'] +
                        [x.configname for x in cobom.descriptors])
        for line in cobom.lines:
            writer.writerow([line.ident] + line.columns)
예제 #3
def gen_schpdf(projfolder, namebase, force=False):
    Generates a PDF file of all the project schematics listed in the
    gEDA project file. This function does not ise jinja2 and latex. It
    relies on :func:`tendril.gedaif.gschem.conv_gsch2pdf` instead.

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder.
    :type projfolder: str
    :param namebase: The project name.
    :type namebase: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output File :  ``<project_doc_folder>/<namebase>-schematic.pdf``
    * Source Files : The project's schematic folder.

    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(projfolder)
    sch_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gpf.schfolder)

    configfile = conffile.ConfigsFile(projfolder)
    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)

    schpdfpath = path.join(docfolder, namebase + '-schematic.pdf')
    outf_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(schpdfpath, fs=refdoc_fs)

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > sch_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + schpdfpath)
        return schpdfpath

    logger.info('Regenerating ' + schpdfpath + os.linesep +
                'Last modified : ' + str(sch_mtime) +
                '; Last Created : ' + str(outf_mtime))

    if configfile.rawconfig is not None:
        workspace_outpath = workspace_fs.getsyspath(schpdfpath)
        workspace_folder = workspace_fs.getsyspath(path.dirname(schpdfpath))
                             recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)
        pdffiles = []
        for schematic in gpf.schfiles:
            schfile = os.path.normpath(projfolder + '/schematic/' + schematic)
            pdffile = gschem.conv_gsch2pdf(schfile, workspace_folder)
        pdf.merge_pdf(pdffiles, workspace_outpath)
        for pdffile in pdffiles:
        copyfile(workspace_fs, schpdfpath,
                 refdoc_fs, schpdfpath,
        return schpdfpath
예제 #4
    def get_bom_file(self):
        if not os.path.exists(self._cache_folder):
            os.chmod(self._cache_folder, 0o777)

        bom_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(self._cached_bom_path)
        source_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(self._source_folder)

        if self._use_cached is True and bom_mtime is not None \
                and source_mtime < bom_mtime:
            return open(self._cached_bom_path, 'r')
            self.generate_bom_file(self._temp_bom_path, **self._generator_args)
            shutil.copy(self._temp_bom_path, self._cached_bom_path)
            os.chmod(self._cached_bom_path, 0o666)
            return open(self._cached_bom_path, 'r')
예제 #5
    def get_bom_file(self):
        if not os.path.exists(self._cache_folder):

        bom_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(self._cached_bom_path)
        source_folder = os.path.join(self.projectfolder, self._basefolder)
        source_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(source_folder)

        if self._use_cached is True and bom_mtime is not None \
                and source_mtime < bom_mtime:
            return open(self._cached_bom_path, 'r')
            shutil.copy(self._temp_bom_path, self._cached_bom_path)
            return open(self._cached_bom_path, 'r')
예제 #6
def gen_pcb_gbr(projfolder, force=False):
    Generates gerber files for the PCB provided by the gEDA project, and also
    creates a ``zip`` file of the generated gerbers.

    The pcbfile is the one listed in the gEDA project file, and the
    pcbname is the one specified in the

    This function does not use jinja2 and latex. It relies on
    :func:`tendril.gedaif.pcb.conv_pcb2gbr` instead.

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder.
    :type projfolder: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output Files :  ``<project_doc_folder>/../gerber/*``
    * Output Zip File : ``<project_doc_folder>/../<pcbfile>-gerber.zip``
    * Source Files : The project's `.pcb` file.

    configfile = conffile.ConfigsFile(projfolder)
    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(configfile.projectfolder)
    pcb_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(
        os.path.join(configfile.projectfolder, 'pcb', gpf.pcbfile + '.pcb'))
    if pcb_mtime is None:
        logger.warning("PCB does not seem to exist for : " + projfolder)
    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)
    imgfolder = os.path.join(docfolder, os.pardir, 'img')
    gbrfolder = os.path.join(docfolder, os.pardir, 'gerber')
    outf_mtime = None
    if not refdoc_fs.exists(gbrfolder):
        outf_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gbrfolder, fs=refdoc_fs)
    if not refdoc_fs.exists(imgfolder):

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > pcb_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + gbrfolder)
        return gbrfolder

    logger.info('Regenerating ' + gbrfolder + os.linesep + 'Last modified : ' +
                str(pcb_mtime) + '; Last Created : ' + str(outf_mtime))
    rf = refdoc_fs.listdir(gbrfolder, files_only=True, full=True)
    for f in rf:

    workspace_folder = workspace_fs.getsyspath(gbrfolder)
    workspace_fs.makedir(gbrfolder, recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)

    gbrfolder = pcb.conv_pcb2gbr(
        os.path.join(configfile.projectfolder, 'pcb', gpf.pcbfile + '.pcb'),

    workspace_fs.makedir(imgfolder, recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)

    img_workspace_folder = workspace_fs.getsyspath(imgfolder)

    for f in os.listdir(img_workspace_folder):
        fpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(img_workspace_folder, f),
        copyfile(workspace_fs, fpath, refdoc_fs, fpath, overwrite=True)

    zfile = os.path.join(workspace_folder, os.pardir,
                         gpf.pcbfile + '-gerber.zip')
    fsutils.zipdir(gbrfolder, zfile)

    for f in os.listdir(workspace_folder):
        fpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(workspace_folder, f),
        copyfile(workspace_fs, fpath, refdoc_fs, fpath, overwrite=True)
    zfpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(workspace_folder, zfile),
    copyfile(workspace_fs, zfpath, refdoc_fs, zfpath, overwrite=True)

    return gbrfolder
예제 #7
def gen_confpdf(projfolder, configname, namebase, force=False):
    Generates a PDF file of the documentation for a specific configuration
    of a project. It uses other document generator functions to make the
    various parts of the master document and then merges them.

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder.
    :type projfolder: str
    :param configname: The name of the configuration.
    :type configname: str
    :param namebase: The project name.
    :type namebase: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output File :  ``<project_doc_folder>/confdocs/<configname>.pdf``
    * Source Files : The project's schematic folder.

    .. rubric:: Included Documents

    * Configuration BOM, generated by :func:`gen_confbom`
    * (Full) Schematic PDF, generated by :func:`gen_schpdf`

    .. todo:: It may be useful to rebuild the schematics after removing
              all the unpopulated components. This is a fairly involved
              process, and is deferred until later.

    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(projfolder)
    sch_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gpf.schfolder)

    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)
    confdocfile = path.join(docfolder, 'confdocs', configname + '.pdf')
    outf_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(confdocfile, fs=refdoc_fs)

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > sch_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + confdocfile)
        return confdocfile

    logger.info('Regenerating ' + confdocfile + os.linesep +
                'Last modified : ' + str(sch_mtime) + '; Last Created : ' +

    pdffiles = [
        gen_confbom(projfolder, configname, force),
        gen_confdoc(projfolder, configname, force),
        gen_schpdf(projfolder, namebase, configname=configname, force=force)

    for p in pdffiles:
        if p and not workspace_fs.exists(p):
            copyfile(refdoc_fs, p, workspace_fs, p)

    workspace_pdffiles = [
        workspace_fs.getsyspath(x) for x in pdffiles if x is not None

    workspace_outpath = workspace_fs.getsyspath(confdocfile)
    pdf.merge_pdf(workspace_pdffiles, workspace_outpath)
    copyfile(workspace_fs, confdocfile, refdoc_fs, confdocfile, overwrite=True)
    return confdocfile
예제 #8
def gen_masterdoc(projfolder, namebase, force=False):
    Generates a PDF file of the project's Master documentation. It uses
    other document generator functions to make the various parts of the
    master document and then merges them.

    .. note:: Due to the way groups and motifs are handled, an
              unconfigured BOM is somewhat meaningless. Therefore,
              no BOM is included in the masterdoc.

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder.
    :type projfolder: str
    :param namebase: The project name.
    :type namebase: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output File :  ``<project_doc_folder>/<namebase>-masterdoc.pdf``
    * Source Files : The project's schematic folder.

    .. rubric:: Included Documents

    * Config Documentation, generated by :func:`gen_configsdoc`
    * Schematic PDF, generated by :func:`gen_schpdf`

    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(projfolder)
    sch_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gpf.schfolder)

    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)
    masterdocfile = path.join(docfolder, namebase + '-masterdoc.pdf')
    outf_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(masterdocfile, fs=refdoc_fs)

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > sch_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + masterdocfile)
        return masterdocfile

    logger.info('Regnerating ' + masterdocfile + os.linesep +
                'Last modified : ' + str(sch_mtime) + '; Last Created : ' +

    pdffiles = [
        gen_configsdoc(projfolder, namebase, force=False),
        gen_schpdf(projfolder, namebase, force=False)

    for p in pdffiles:
        if p and not workspace_fs.exists(p):
            copyfile(refdoc_fs, p, workspace_fs, p)

    workspace_pdffiles = [
        workspace_fs.getsyspath(x) for x in pdffiles if x is not None

    workspace_outpath = workspace_fs.getsyspath(masterdocfile)
    pdf.merge_pdf(workspace_pdffiles, workspace_outpath)
    return masterdocfile
예제 #9
def gen_schpdf(projfolder, namebase, configname=None, force=False):
    Generates a PDF file of all the project schematics listed in the
    gEDA project file. This function does not use jinja2 and latex. It
    relies on :func:`tendril.gedaif.gschem.conv_gsch2pdf` instead.

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder.
    :type projfolder: str
    :param namebase: The project name.
    :type namebase: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output File :  ``<project_doc_folder>/<namebase>-schematic.pdf``
    * Source Files : The project's schematic folder.

    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(projfolder)
    sch_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gpf.schfolder)

    configfile = conffile.ConfigsFile(projfolder)
    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)

    # TODO Consider converting all configurations in one go instead?
    if configname is None:
        schpdfpath = path.join(docfolder, namebase + '-schematic.pdf')
        docfolder = path.join(docfolder, 'confdocs')
        pdfname = configname + '-conf-schematic.pdf'
        schpdfpath = path.join(docfolder, pdfname)
    outf_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(schpdfpath, fs=refdoc_fs)

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > sch_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + schpdfpath)
        return schpdfpath

    logger.info('Regenerating ' + schpdfpath + os.linesep +
                'Last modified : ' + str(sch_mtime) + '; Last Created : ' +

    if configfile.rawconfig is not None:
        workspace_outpath = workspace_fs.getsyspath(schpdfpath)
        workspace_folder = workspace_fs.getsyspath(docfolder)
        workspace_fs.makedir(docfolder, recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)
        pdffiles = []
        obom = None
        if configname is not None:
            tfolder = path.join(docfolder, configname)
            workspace_tfolder = workspace_fs.getsyspath(tfolder)
            workspace_fs.makedir(tfolder, recursive=False, allow_recreate=True)
            bom = boms_electronics.import_pcb(projfolder)
            obom = bom.create_output_bom(configname)
        for schematic in gpf.schfiles:
            schfile = os.path.normpath(projfolder + '/schematic/' + schematic)
            if configname is not None:
                tschfile = path.join(workspace_tfolder, schematic)
                gschem.rewrite_schematic(schfile, obom, gpf, tschfile)
                pdffile = gschem.conv_gsch2pdf(tschfile, workspace_tfolder)
                pdffile = gschem.conv_gsch2pdf(schfile, workspace_folder)
        pdf.merge_pdf(pdffiles, workspace_outpath)
        for pdffile in pdffiles:
        return schpdfpath
예제 #10
def gen_confdoc(projfolder, configname, force=False):
    Generate a PDF documenting a single configuration of the project. The
    document should include a reasonably thorough representation of the
    contents of the configuration related sections of the

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder
    :type projfolder: str
    :param configname: The configuration name for which the BOM should be
    :type configname: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output File :  ``<project_doc_folder>/confdocs/<configname>-doc.pdf``
    * Source Files : The project's schematic folder.

    .. rubric:: Template Used

    (:download:`Included version

    .. rubric:: Stage Keys Provided
    .. list-table::

        * - ``configname``
          - The name of the configuration (a card or cable name).
        * - ``desc``
          - The description of the configuration.
        * - ``pcbname``
          - The name of the base PCB.
        * - ``obom``
          - An :mod:`tendril.boms.outputbase.OutputBom` instance

    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(projfolder)
    sch_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gpf.schfolder)

    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)
    outpath = path.join(docfolder, 'confdocs', configname + '-doc.pdf')
    outf_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(outpath, fs=refdoc_fs)

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > sch_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + outpath)
        return outpath

    logger.info('Regenerating ' + outpath + os.linesep + 'Last modified : ' +
                str(sch_mtime) + '; Last Created : ' + str(outf_mtime))
    bom = boms_electronics.import_pcb(projfolder)
    obom = bom.create_output_bom(configname)
    group_oboms = bom.get_group_boms(configname)
    stage = {
        'configname': obom.descriptor.configname,
        'pcbname': obom.descriptor.pcbname,
        'bom': bom,
        'obom': obom,
        'group_oboms': group_oboms

    config = obom.descriptor.configurations.configuration(configname)
    stage['desc'] = config['desc']

    template = 'projects/geda-conf-doc.tex'

    workspace_outpath = workspace_fs.getsyspath(outpath)
    render.render_pdf(stage, template, workspace_outpath)
    copyfile(workspace_fs, outpath, refdoc_fs, outpath, overwrite=True)

    return outpath
예제 #11
def gen_pcb_gbr(projfolder, force=False):
    Generates gerber files for the PCB provided by the gEDA project, and also
    creates a ``zip`` file of the generated gerbers.

    The pcbfile is the one listed in the gEDA project file, and the
    pcbname is the one specified in the

    This function does not use jinja2 and latex. It relies on
    :func:`tendril.gedaif.pcb.conv_pcb2gbr` instead.

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder.
    :type projfolder: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output Files :  ``<project_doc_folder>/../gerber/*``
    * Output Zip File : ``<project_doc_folder>/../<pcbfile>-gerber.zip``
    * Source Files : The project's `.pcb` file.

    configfile = conffile.ConfigsFile(projfolder)
    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(configfile.projectfolder)
    pcb_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(
        os.path.join(configfile.projectfolder, 'pcb', gpf.pcbfile + '.pcb')
    if pcb_mtime is None:
        logger.warning("PCB does not seem to exist for : " + projfolder)
    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)
    imgfolder = os.path.join(docfolder, os.pardir, 'img')
    gbrfolder = os.path.join(docfolder, os.pardir, 'gerber')
    outf_mtime = None
    if not refdoc_fs.exists(gbrfolder):
        outf_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gbrfolder, fs=refdoc_fs)
    if not refdoc_fs.exists(imgfolder):

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > pcb_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + gbrfolder)
        return gbrfolder

    logger.info('Regenerating ' + gbrfolder + os.linesep +
                'Last modified : ' + str(pcb_mtime) +
                '; Last Created : ' + str(outf_mtime))
    rf = refdoc_fs.listdir(gbrfolder, files_only=True, full=True)
    for f in rf:

    workspace_folder = workspace_fs.getsyspath(gbrfolder)
                         recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)

    gbrfolder = pcb.conv_pcb2gbr(
        os.path.join(configfile.projectfolder, 'pcb', gpf.pcbfile + '.pcb'),

                         recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)

    img_workspace_folder = workspace_fs.getsyspath(imgfolder)
    gen_pcb_img(gbrfolder, outfolder=img_workspace_folder,
                outfname=gpf.pcbfile, force=False)

    for f in os.listdir(img_workspace_folder):
        fpath = os.path.relpath(
            os.path.join(img_workspace_folder, f), workspace_fs.getsyspath('/')
        copyfile(workspace_fs, fpath, refdoc_fs, fpath, overwrite=True)

    zfile = os.path.join(
        workspace_folder, os.pardir, gpf.pcbfile + '-gerber.zip'
    fsutils.zipdir(gbrfolder, zfile)

    for f in os.listdir(workspace_folder):
        fpath = os.path.relpath(
            os.path.join(workspace_folder, f), workspace_fs.getsyspath('/')
        copyfile(workspace_fs, fpath, refdoc_fs, fpath, overwrite=True)
    zfpath = os.path.relpath(
        os.path.join(workspace_folder, zfile), workspace_fs.getsyspath('/')
    copyfile(workspace_fs, zfpath, refdoc_fs, zfpath, overwrite=True)

    return gbrfolder
예제 #12
def gen_confpdf(projfolder, configname, namebase, force=False):
    Generates a PDF file of the documentation for a specific configuration
    of a project. It uses other document generator functions to make the
    various parts of the master document and then merges them.

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder.
    :type projfolder: str
    :param configname: The name of the configuration.
    :type configname: str
    :param namebase: The project name.
    :type namebase: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output File :  ``<project_doc_folder>/confdocs/<configname>.pdf``
    * Source Files : The project's schematic folder.

    .. rubric:: Included Documents

    * Configuration BOM, generated by :func:`gen_confbom`
    * (Full) Schematic PDF, generated by :func:`gen_schpdf`

    .. todo:: It may be useful to rebuild the schematics after removing
              all the unpopulated components. This is a fairly involved
              process, and is deferred until later.

    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(projfolder)
    sch_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gpf.schfolder)

    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)
    confdocfile = path.join(docfolder, 'confdocs', configname + '.pdf')
    outf_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(confdocfile, fs=refdoc_fs)

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > sch_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + confdocfile)
        return confdocfile

    logger.info('Regenerating ' + confdocfile + os.linesep +
                'Last modified : ' + str(sch_mtime) +
                '; Last Created : ' + str(outf_mtime))

    pdffiles = [gen_confbom(projfolder, configname, force),
                gen_confdoc(projfolder, configname, force),
                gen_schpdf(projfolder, namebase, force)]

    for p in pdffiles:
        if p and not workspace_fs.exists(p):
                                 recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)
            copyfile(refdoc_fs, p, workspace_fs, p)

    workspace_pdffiles = [workspace_fs.getsyspath(x)
                          for x in pdffiles if x is not None]

    workspace_outpath = workspace_fs.getsyspath(confdocfile)
                         recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)
    pdf.merge_pdf(workspace_pdffiles, workspace_outpath)
    copyfile(workspace_fs, confdocfile,
             refdoc_fs, confdocfile,
    return confdocfile
예제 #13
def gen_masterdoc(projfolder, namebase, force=False):
    Generates a PDF file of the project's Master documentation. It uses
    other document generator functions to make the various parts of the
    master document and then merges them.

    .. note:: Due to the way groups and motifs are handled, an
              unconfigured BOM is somewhat meaningless. Therefore,
              no BOM is included in the masterdoc.

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder.
    :type projfolder: str
    :param namebase: The project name.
    :type namebase: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output File :  ``<project_doc_folder>/<namebase>-masterdoc.pdf``
    * Source Files : The project's schematic folder.

    .. rubric:: Included Documents

    * Config Documentation, generated by :func:`gen_configsdoc`
    * Schematic PDF, generated by :func:`gen_schpdf`

    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(projfolder)
    sch_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gpf.schfolder)

    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)
    masterdocfile = path.join(docfolder, namebase + '-masterdoc.pdf')
    outf_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(masterdocfile, fs=refdoc_fs)

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > sch_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + masterdocfile)
        return masterdocfile

    logger.info('Regnerating ' + masterdocfile + os.linesep +
                'Last modified : ' + str(sch_mtime) +
                '; Last Created : ' + str(outf_mtime))

    pdffiles = [gen_configsdoc(projfolder, namebase, force=False),
                gen_schpdf(projfolder, namebase, force=False)]

    for p in pdffiles:
        if p and not workspace_fs.exists(p):
                                 recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)
            copyfile(refdoc_fs, p, workspace_fs, p)

    workspace_pdffiles = [workspace_fs.getsyspath(x)
                          for x in pdffiles if x is not None]

    workspace_outpath = workspace_fs.getsyspath(masterdocfile)
                         recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)
    pdf.merge_pdf(workspace_pdffiles, workspace_outpath)
    copyfile(workspace_fs, masterdocfile,
             refdoc_fs, masterdocfile,
    return masterdocfile
예제 #14
def gen_confdoc(projfolder, configname, force=False):
    Generate a PDF documenting a single configuration of the project. The
    document should include a reasonably thorough representation of the
    contents of the configuration related sections of the

    :param projfolder: The gEDA project folder
    :type projfolder: str
    :param configname: The configuration name for which the BOM should be
    :type configname: str
    :param force: Regenerate even if up-to-date.
    :type force: bool
    :return: The output file path.

    .. rubric:: Paths

    * Output File :  ``<project_doc_folder>/confdocs/<configname>-doc.pdf``
    * Source Files : The project's schematic folder.

    .. rubric:: Template Used

    (:download:`Included version

    .. rubric:: Stage Keys Provided
    .. list-table::

        * - ``configname``
          - The name of the configuration (a card or cable name).
        * - ``desc``
          - The description of the configuration.
        * - ``pcbname``
          - The name of the base PCB.
        * - ``obom``
          - An :mod:`tendril.boms.outputbase.OutputBom` instance

    gpf = projfile.GedaProjectFile(projfolder)
    sch_mtime = fsutils.get_folder_mtime(gpf.schfolder)

    docfolder = get_project_doc_folder(projfolder)
    outpath = path.join(docfolder, 'confdocs', configname + '-doc.pdf')
    outf_mtime = fsutils.get_file_mtime(outpath, fs=refdoc_fs)

    if not force and outf_mtime is not None and outf_mtime > sch_mtime:
        logger.debug('Skipping up-to-date ' + outpath)
        return outpath

    logger.info('Regenerating ' + outpath + os.linesep +
                'Last modified : ' + str(sch_mtime) +
                '; Last Created : ' + str(outf_mtime))
    bom = boms_electronics.import_pcb(projfolder)
    obom = bom.create_output_bom(configname)
    group_oboms = bom.get_group_boms(configname)
    stage = {'configname': obom.descriptor.configname,
             'pcbname': obom.descriptor.pcbname,
             'bom': bom,
             'obom': obom,
             'group_oboms': group_oboms}

    config = obom.descriptor.configurations.configuration(configname)
    stage['desc'] = config['desc']

    template = 'projects/geda-conf-doc.tex'

    workspace_outpath = workspace_fs.getsyspath(outpath)
                         recursive=True, allow_recreate=True)
    render.render_pdf(stage, template, workspace_outpath)
    copyfile(workspace_fs, outpath, refdoc_fs, outpath, overwrite=True)

    return outpath