예제 #1
def construct_chunks(filename_lists, sample_id, gem_group, library_id,
                     reads_interleaved, chemistry, library_type,
    """ filename_lists (list of dict<str,list>) """
    chunks = []

    for chunk_idx in xrange(len(filename_lists.values()[0])):
        chunk = {
            'gem_group': gem_group,
            'library_type': library_type,
            'library_id': library_id,
            'reads_interleaved': reads_interleaved,
            'read_chunks': {},
            'chemistry': chemistry,
            'subsample_rate': subsample_rate,

        for read_type in cr_constants.FASTQ_READ_TYPES.keys():
            filename = filename_lists[read_type][chunk_idx]
            chunk['read_chunks'][read_type] = filename

        # Build read group (@RG) string
        # Infer flowcell, lane from first fastq
        first_fastq = [
            fq for fq in chunk['read_chunks'].values() if fq is not None
        flowcell, lane = tk_fasta.get_run_data(first_fastq)

        rg_string = tk_bam.pack_rg_string(sample_id, library_id,
                                          str(gem_group), flowcell, lane)
        chunk['read_group'] = rg_string


    return chunks
예제 #2
def construct_chunks(filename_lists, sample_id, sample_def, reads_interleaved,
    chunks = []

    for chunk_idx in xrange(len(filename_lists.values()[0])):
        chunk = {
            'gem_group': sample_def['gem_group'],
            'reads_interleaved': reads_interleaved,
            'read_chunks': {},
            'chemistry': chemistry,

        for read_type in cr_constants.FASTQ_READ_TYPES.keys():
            filename = filename_lists[read_type][chunk_idx]
            chunk['read_chunks'][read_type] = filename

        # Build read group (@RG) string
        # Infer flowcell, lane from first fastq
        first_fastq = [
            fq for fq in chunk['read_chunks'].values() if fq is not None
        flowcell, lane = tk_fasta.get_run_data(first_fastq)
        library_id = sample_def.get('library_id', 'MissingLibrary')
        gem_group = str(sample_def['gem_group'] or 1)
        rg_string = tk_bam.pack_rg_string(sample_id, library_id, gem_group,
                                          flowcell, lane)
        chunk['read_group'] = rg_string


    return chunks
예제 #3
def main(args, outs):
    """Combine reads from multiple input FASTQ files, and potentially trim.
       Demultiplex outputs a series of FASTQ files with filenames of the form:
    def check_key(n, dict_in, name, tys):
        if not dict_in.has_key(name):
            martian.exit("Entry %d in sample_def missing required field: %s" %
                         (n, name))

        if not (type(dict_in[name]) in tys):
                "Entry %d in sample_def for '%s' has incorrect type -- expecting %s, got %s"
                % (n, name, str(tys), type(dict_in[name])))

    # Check for self-consistent gem_group settings in the sample_def entries
    gem_groups = [x['gem_group'] for x in args.sample_def]
    all_null = all([x is None for x in gem_groups])
    all_int = all([type(x) is int for x in gem_groups])

    if not (all_null or all_int):
            "Inconsistent gem_group tags. Please specify all gem_group tags as null, or all gem_group tags with an integer"

    # If all gem_groups are set to null, then set them all to 1
    if all_null:
        for sample_item in args.sample_def:
            sample_item['gem_group'] = 1

    # Predicted input bases
    total_seq_bases = 0

    # verify input mode upfront
    if args.input_mode not in ["BCL_PROCESSOR", "ILMN_BCL2FASTQ"]:
        martian.throw("Unrecognized input_mode: %s" % args.input_mode)

    for (idx, sample_item) in enumerate(args.sample_def):
        # validate fields
        check_key(idx, sample_item, "read_path", [str, unicode])
        check_key(idx, sample_item, "lanes", [list, type(None)])
        check_key(idx, sample_item, "gem_group", [int, type(None)])
        if args.input_mode == "BCL_PROCESSOR":
            check_key(idx, sample_item, "sample_indices", [list, type(None)])
        elif args.input_mode == "ILMN_BCL2FASTQ":
            check_key(idx, sample_item, "sample_names", [list, type(None)])

    interleaved_read_type = "RA"

    chunks = []
    read_groups = set()

    for read_chunk in args.sample_def:
        # Each sample_def entry can have a separate pre-applied downsampling rate
        # We adjust the estimated data in that chunk to account for this
        # subsampling
        chunk_subsample_rate = read_chunk.get('subsample_rate', 1.0)

        bc_in_read = {}
        if read_chunk.has_key('bc_in_read'):
            if read_chunk['bc_in_read'] is not None:
                bc_in_read['bc_in_read'] = read_chunk['bc_in_read']
                bc_in_read['bc_length'] = read_chunk['bc_length']

        path = read_chunk['read_path']
        lanes = read_chunk['lanes']
        gem_group = read_chunk['gem_group']
        unbarcoded = read_chunk.get('unbarcoded')
        sample_id = args.sample_id
        library_id = read_chunk.get('library', 'MissingLibrary')

        # split on BCL_PROCESSOR / ILMN_BCL2FASTQ
        # the main difference is that BCL_PROCESSOR uses interleaved reads and labels FASTQs by sample index;
        # whereas ILMN_BCL2FASTQ uses R1/R2 and labels by sample name

        if args.input_mode == "BCL_PROCESSOR":
            sample_index_strings, msg = tk_preflight.check_sample_indices(
            if sample_index_strings is None:

            sample_seq_bases = 0
            read_length = 100  # Should be overwritten below

            find_func = tk_fasta.find_input_fastq_files_10x_preprocess
            for sample_index in sample_index_strings:
                # process interleaved reads
                reads = find_func(path, interleaved_read_type, sample_index,
                for read in reads:
                    _, predicted_seq_bases, read_length = fastq_data_estimate(
                    sample_seq_bases += predicted_seq_bases

            sample_seq_bases = chunk_subsample_rate * sample_seq_bases
            bp_per_read_pair = 2 * read_length

                "Input data: Predict %f GB from %s. (%d bp per read pair)" %
                (float(sample_seq_bases) / 1e9, path, bp_per_read_pair))
            total_seq_bases += sample_seq_bases

            for sample_index in sample_index_strings:
                reads = find_func(path, interleaved_read_type, sample_index,
                # TODO confirm that this works with cellranger
                si_read, bc_read = ("I1", "I2")
                if 'barcode_read' in read_chunk and read_chunk[
                        'barcode_read'] == 'I1':
                    si_read, bc_read = ("I2", "I1")
                sis = find_func(path, si_read, sample_index, lanes)

                # allow empty sample index case if all reads in lane are same sample
                if sis is None or sis == []:
                    sis = [None] * len(reads)

                if not unbarcoded:
                    barcodes = find_func(path, bc_read, sample_index, lanes)
                    if len(barcodes) == 0:
                        barcodes = [None] * len(reads)
                    barcodes = [None] * len(reads)

                # calculate chunks
                for r, b, si in zip(reads, barcodes, sis):
                    (flowcell, lane) = get_run_data(r)
                    rg_string = tk_bam.pack_rg_string(sample_id, library_id,
                                                      gem_group, flowcell,
                    new_chunk = {
                        'read1': r,
                        'read2': None,
                        'reads_interleaved': True,
                        'barcode': b,
                        'sample_index': si,
                        'barcode_reverse_complement': False,
                        'gem_group': gem_group,
                        'subsample_rate': chunk_subsample_rate,
                        'read_group': rg_string

        elif args.input_mode == "ILMN_BCL2FASTQ":
            sample_names = read_chunk['sample_names']

            sample_seq_bases = 0
            find_func = tk_fasta.find_input_fastq_files_bcl2fastq_demult
            for sample_name in sample_names:
                # process read 1
                reads = find_func(path, "R1", sample_name, lanes)
                for read in reads:
                    _, predicted_seq_bases, read_length1 = fastq_data_estimate(
                    sample_seq_bases += predicted_seq_bases
                # process read 2
                reads = find_func(path, "R2", sample_name, lanes)
                for read in reads:
                    _, predicted_seq_bases, read_length2 = fastq_data_estimate(
                    sample_seq_bases += predicted_seq_bases

            sample_seq_bases = chunk_subsample_rate * sample_seq_bases
            bp_per_read_pair = read_length1 + read_length2

                "Input data: Predict %f GB from %s. (%d bp per read pair)" %
                (float(sample_seq_bases) / 1e9, path, bp_per_read_pair))
            total_seq_bases += sample_seq_bases

            for sample_name in sample_names:
                r1_reads = find_func(path, "R1", sample_name, lanes)
                r2_reads = find_func(path, "R2", sample_name, lanes)

                # TODO confirm that this works with cellranger
                si_read, bc_read = ("I1", "I2")
                if 'barcode_read' in read_chunk and read_chunk[
                        'barcode_read'] == 'I1':
                    si_read, bc_read = ("I2", "I1")
                sis = find_func(path, si_read, sample_name, lanes)

                # allow empty sample index case if all reads in lane are same sample
                if sis is None or sis == []:
                    sis = [None] * len(r1_reads)

                # in Chromium chemistry... there shouldn't be separate barcode reads...
                if not unbarcoded:
                    barcodes = find_func(path, bc_read, sample_name, lanes)
                    if len(barcodes) == 0:
                        barcodes = [None] * len(r1_reads)
                    barcodes = [None] * len(r1_reads)

                # again, with Chromium, the barcodes should be an array of Nones, but
                # just in case...
                if not (len(r1_reads) == len(r2_reads) == len(barcodes)):
                    martian.log_info("Read 1 files: %s" % str(r1_reads))
                    martian.log_info("Read 2 files: %s" % str(r2_reads))
                    martian.log_info("Barcode files: %s" % str(barcodes))
                        "Read1, Read2, and Barcode files are mismatched. Exiting pipline"

                # calculate chunks
                for r1, r2, b, si in zip(r1_reads, r2_reads, barcodes, sis):
                    (flowcell, lane) = get_run_data(r1)
                    rg_string = tk_bam.pack_rg_string(sample_id, library_id,
                                                      gem_group, flowcell,
                    new_chunk = {
                        'read1': r1,
                        'read2': r2,
                        'reads_interleaved': False,
                        'barcode': b,
                        'sample_index': si,
                        'barcode_reverse_complement': False,
                        'gem_group': gem_group,
                        'subsample_rate': chunk_subsample_rate,
                        'read_group': rg_string

    martian.log_info("Input data: Predict %f total GB" %
                     (float(total_seq_bases) / 1e9))

    if len(chunks) == 0:
            "No input FASTQs were found for the requested parameters.")

    # Downsampling setup

    # The total available input raw gigabases of input data (est_gb), and the base pairs per read pair (bp_per_read_pair)
    # are estimated above.
    (est_gb, bp_per_read_pair) = (float(total_seq_bases) / 1e9,

    downsample = args.downsample if args.downsample is not None else {}

    # Possible BC subsampling -- try to get the requested amount of data _after_ bc subsampling
    est_gb_post_bc = est_gb * downsample.get("bc_subsample_rate", 1.0)

    # Aim high to ensure that we won't be left with too few reads
    # if the rest of pipeline can trim this down for us.
    fudge_factor = args.downsample_overage

    downsample_succeeded = True

    if downsample.has_key("gigabases"):
        read_sample_rate = min(
            1.0, fudge_factor * downsample['gigabases'] / est_gb_post_bc)
        requested_read_pairs = int(1e9 * downsample['gigabases'] /
        downsample_succeeded = downsample['gigabases'] > est_gb_post_bc

    elif downsample.has_key("target_reads"):
        requested_read_pairs = int(downsample['target_reads'] / 2)
        est_read_pair_post_bc = 1e9 * est_gb_post_bc / bp_per_read_pair
        read_sample_rate = min(
            1.0, fudge_factor * requested_read_pairs / est_read_pair_post_bc)
        downsample_succeeded = requested_read_pairs > est_read_pair_post_bc

    elif downsample.has_key("subsample_rate"):
        read_sample_rate = min(
            1.0, downsample["subsample_rate"] /
            downsample.get("bc_subsample_rate", 1.0))
        requested_read_pairs = None

        read_sample_rate = 1.0
        requested_read_pairs = None

    martian.log_info("Downsampling request: %s" % str(downsample))
    martian.log_info("Base pairs per read pair: %s" % bp_per_read_pair)
        "Estimated Input: %.2f GB, Initial Downsample Rate: %.3f. Requested total reads: %s"
        % (est_gb, read_sample_rate, str(requested_read_pairs)))

    # Copy over the per-chunk subsample rates
    if read_sample_rate is not None:
        for chunk in chunks:
            chunk['subsample_rate'] = chunk.get('subsample_rate',
                                                1.0) * read_sample_rate
            if downsample.has_key("bc_subsample_rate"):
                chunk["bc_subsample_rate"] = downsample["bc_subsample_rate"]

    outs.requested_read_pairs = requested_read_pairs

    martian.log_info("Input reads: %s" % str(chunks))
    outs.chunks = chunks
    outs.read_groups = [rg for rg in read_groups]

    downsample_info = {}
    downsample_info['available_gb'] = est_gb
    downsample_info['requested_gb'] = downsample.get('gigabases', None)
    downsample_info['requested_rate'] = read_sample_rate
    downsample_info['post_downsample_gb'] = float(
        requested_read_pairs *
        bp_per_read_pair) / 1e9 if requested_read_pairs is not None else None
    downsample_info['downsample_succeeded'] = downsample_succeeded

    with open(outs.downsample_info, 'w') as downsample_out:
        tenkit.safe_json.dump_numpy(downsample_info, downsample_out)


    # Give out full path to BC whitelist
    if args.barcode_whitelist:
        outs.barcode_whitelist_path = BARCODE_LOCATION + "/" + args.barcode_whitelist + ".txt"
        outs.barcode_whitelist_path = None