예제 #1
def test_purification_TEBD(L=3):
    xxz_pars = dict(L=L, Jxx=1., Jz=3., hz=0., bc_MPS='finite')
    M = XXZChain(xxz_pars)
    for disent in [
            None, 'backwards', 'min(None,last)-renyi', 'noise-norm',
        psi = purification_mps.PurificationMPS.from_infiniteT(
            M.lat.mps_sites(), bc='finite')
        TEBD_params = {
            'trunc_params': {
                'chi_max': 16,
                'svd_min': 1.e-8
            'disentangle': disent,
            'dt': 0.1,
            'verbose': 30,
            'N_steps': 2
        eng = PurificationTEBD(psi, M, TEBD_params)
        N = psi.expectation_value('Id')  # check normalization : <1> =?= 1
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(N, np.ones([L]), 100)
        N = psi.expectation_value('Id')  # check normalization : <1> =?= 1
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(N, np.ones([L]), 100)
        if disent == 'last-renyi':
예제 #2
def gen_disentangler_psi_singlet_test(site_P=spin_half, L=6, max_range=4):
    psi0, pairs_PQ = gen_disentangler_psi_singlets(site_P, L, max_range)
    print("pairs: P", pairs_PQ[0])
    print("pairs: Q", pairs_PQ[1])
    print("entanglement entropy: ", psi0.entanglement_entropy() / np.log(2.))
    coords, mutinf_pq = psi0.mutinf_two_site(legs='pq')
    print("(i,j)=", [tuple(c) for c in coords])
    print("PQ:", np.round(mutinf_pq / np.log(2), 3))
    print("P: ", np.round(psi0.mutinf_two_site(legs='p')[1] / np.log(2), 3))
    print("Q: ", np.round(psi0.mutinf_two_site(legs='q')[1] / np.log(2), 3))
    M = XXZChain(dict(L=L))
    tebd_pars = dict(trunc_params={'trunc_cut': 1.e-10}, disentangle='diag')
    eng = PurificationTEBD(psi0, M, tebd_pars)
    for i in range(L):
    print(psi0.entanglement_entropy() / np.log(2))
    mutinf_Q = psi0.mutinf_two_site(legs='q')[1]
    print("P: ", np.round(psi0.mutinf_two_site(legs='p')[1] / np.log(2), 3))
    print("Q: ", np.round(mutinf_Q / np.log(2), 3))
    assert (np.all(mutinf_Q < 1.e-10))
예제 #3
def imag_tebd(L=30, beta_max=3., dt=0.05, order=2, bc="finite"):
    model_params = dict(L=L, J=1., g=1.2)
    M = TFIChain(model_params)
    psi = PurificationMPS.from_infiniteT(M.lat.mps_sites(), bc=bc)
    options = {
        'trunc_params': {
            'chi_max': 100,
            'svd_min': 1.e-8
        'order': order,
        'dt': dt,
        'N_steps': 1
    beta = 0.
    eng = PurificationTEBD(psi, M, options)
    Szs = [psi.expectation_value("Sz")]
    betas = [0.]
    while beta < beta_max:
        beta += 2. * dt  # factor of 2:  |psi> ~= exp^{- dt H}, but rho = |psi><psi|
        eng.run_imaginary(dt)  # cool down by dt
        Szs.append(psi.expectation_value("Sz"))  # and further measurements...
    return {'beta': betas, 'Sz': Szs}
예제 #4
def test_renyi_disentangler(L=4, eps=1.e-15):
    xxz_pars = dict(L=L, Jxx=1., Jz=3., hz=0., bc_MPS='finite')
    M = XXZChain(xxz_pars)
    psi = purification_mps.PurificationMPS.from_infiniteT(M.lat.mps_sites(),
    eng = PurificationTEBD(psi, M, {'verbose': 30, 'disentangle': 'renyi'})
    theta = eng.psi.get_theta(1, 2)
    print(theta[0, :, :, 0, :, :])
    # find random unitary: SVD of random matix
    pleg = psi.sites[0].leg
    pipe = npc.LegPipe([pleg, pleg])
    A = npc.Array.from_func_square(rmat.CUE, pipe).split_legs()
    A.iset_leg_labels(['p0', 'p1', 'p0*', 'p1*'])
    # Now we have unitary `A`, i.e. the optimal `U` should be `A^dagger`.
    theta = npc.tensordot(A, theta, axes=[['p0*', 'p1*'], ['p0', 'p1']])

    U0 = npc.outer(npc.eye_like(theta, 'q0', labels=['q0', 'q0*']),
                   npc.eye_like(theta, 'q1', labels=['q1', 'q1*']))
    U = U0
    Sold = np.inf
    for i in range(20):
        S, U = eng.used_disentangler.iter(theta, U)
        if i == 0:
            S_0 = S
        print("iteration {i:d}: S={S:.5f}, DS={DS:.4e} ".format(i=i,
                                                                DS=Sold - S))
        if abs(Sold - S) < eps:
            print("break: S converged down to {eps:.1e}".format(eps=eps))
        Sold, S = S, Sold
        print("maximum number of iterations reached")
    theta = npc.tensordot(U, theta, axes=[['q0*', 'q1*'], ['q0', 'q1']])
    print("new theta = ")
    print(theta.itranspose(['vL', 'vR', 'p0', 'q0', 'p1', 'q1']))
    print(theta[0, 0])
    assert (S < S_0)  # this should always be true...
    if S > 100 * eps:
        print("final S =", S)
        assert False  # test of purification failed to find the optimum.
예제 #5
def test_canoncial_purification(L=6, charge_sector=0, eps=1.e-14):
    site = spin_half
    psi = purification_mps.PurificationMPS.from_infiniteT_canonical(
        [site] * L, [charge_sector])
    total_psi = psi.get_theta(0, L).take_slice(0, 'vL').take_slice(0, 'vR')
    total_psi.itranspose(['p' + str(i) for i in range(L)] +
                         ['q' + str(i) for i in range(L)])
    # note: don't `combine_legs`: it will permute the p legs differently than q due to charges
    total_psi_dense = total_psi.to_ndarray().reshape(2**L, 2**L)
    # now it should be diagonal
    diag = np.diag(total_psi_dense)
    assert np.all(
        np.abs(total_psi_dense - np.diag(diag) < eps))  # is it diagonal?
    # and the diagonal should be sqrt(L choose L//2) for states with fitting numbers
    pref = 1. / scipy.special.comb(L, L // 2 + charge_sector)**0.5
    Q_p = site.leg.to_qflat()[:, 0]
    for i, entry in enumerate(diag):
        Q_i = sum([Q_p[int(b)] for b in format(i, 'b').zfill(L)])
        if Q_i == charge_sector:
            assert abs(entry - pref) < eps
            assert abs(entry) < eps

    # and one quick test of TEBD
    xxz_pars = dict(L=L, Jxx=1., Jz=3., hz=0., bc_MPS='finite')
    M = XXZChain(xxz_pars)
    TEBD_params = {
        'trunc_params': {
            'chi_max': 16,
            'svd_min': 1.e-8
        'disentangle': None,  # 'renyi' should work as well, 'backwards' not.
        'dt': 0.1,
        'N_steps': 2
    eng = PurificationTEBD(psi, M, TEBD_params)
    N = psi.expectation_value('Id')  # check normalization : <1> =?= 1
    npt.assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(N, np.ones([L]), 100)