예제 #1
 def bottleneck(self, x, bottleneck_bits=None):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
   if bottleneck_bits is not None:
     old_bottleneck_bits = self.hparams.bottleneck_bits
     self.hparams.bottleneck_bits = bottleneck_bits
   res, loss = discretization.parametrized_bottleneck(x, self.hparams)
   if bottleneck_bits is not None:
     self.hparams.bottleneck_bits = old_bottleneck_bits
   return res, loss
예제 #2
 def bottleneck(self, x, bottleneck_size=None):
     if bottleneck_size is not None:
         old_bottleneck_size = self.hparams.bottleneck_size
         self.hparams.bottleneck_size = bottleneck_size
     res = discretization.parametrized_bottleneck(x, self.hparams)
     if bottleneck_size is not None:
         self.hparams.bottleneck_size = old_bottleneck_size
     return res
예제 #3
def bottleneck_layer(targets_c, hparams):
    """Compute latents from compressed targets."""
    latents_discrete_hot, extra_loss = discretization.parametrized_bottleneck(
        targets_c, hparams)
    latents_dense = discretization.parametrized_unbottleneck(
        latents_discrete_hot, hparams.hidden_size, hparams)
    latents_discrete = tf.argmax(latents_discrete_hot, axis=-1)

        tf.summary.histogram("b0", tf.reshape(latents_discrete, [-1]))
    return latents_dense, latents_discrete, extra_loss
예제 #4
def bottleneck_layer(targets_c, hparams):
  """Compute latents from compressed targets."""
  latents_discrete_hot, extra_loss = discretization.parametrized_bottleneck(
      targets_c, hparams)
  latents_dense = discretization.parametrized_unbottleneck(
      latents_discrete_hot, hparams.hidden_size, hparams)
  latents_dense = targets_c + tf.stop_gradient(latents_dense - targets_c)
  latents_discrete = tf.argmax(latents_discrete_hot, axis=-1)

    tf.summary.histogram("b0", tf.reshape(latents_discrete, [-1]))
  return latents_dense, latents_discrete_hot, extra_loss
예제 #5
 def bottleneck(self, x):
   hparams = self.hparams
   noise = hparams.bottleneck_noise
   hparams.bottleneck_noise = 0.0  # We'll add noise below.
   x = discretization.parametrized_bottleneck(x, hparams)
   hparams.bottleneck_noise = noise
   if hparams.mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
     # We want a number p such that p^bottleneck_size = 1 - noise.
     # So log(p) * bottleneck_size = log(noise)
     log_p = tf.log(1 - float(noise) / 2) / float(hparams.bottleneck_size)
     # Probabilities of flipping are p, p^2, p^3, ..., p^bottleneck_size.
     noise_mask = 1.0 - tf.exp(tf.cumsum(tf.zeros_like(x) + log_p, axis=-1))
     # Having the no-noise mask, we can make noise just uniformly at random.
     ordered_noise = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(x))
     # We want our noise to be 1s at the start and random {-1, 1} bits later.
     ordered_noise = tf.to_float(tf.less(noise_mask, ordered_noise))
     # Now we flip the bits of x on the noisy positions (ordered and normal).
     x *= 2.0 * ordered_noise - 1
   return x
예제 #6
 def bottleneck(self, x):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
   hparams = self.hparams
   if hparams.unordered:
     return super(AutoencoderOrderedDiscrete, self).bottleneck(x)
   noise = hparams.bottleneck_noise
   hparams.bottleneck_noise = 0.0  # We'll add noise below.
   x, loss = discretization.parametrized_bottleneck(x, hparams)
   hparams.bottleneck_noise = noise
   if hparams.mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
     # We want a number p such that p^bottleneck_bits = 1 - noise.
     # So log(p) * bottleneck_bits = log(noise)
     log_p = tf.log(1 - float(noise) / 2) / float(hparams.bottleneck_bits)
     # Probabilities of flipping are p, p^2, p^3, ..., p^bottleneck_bits.
     noise_mask = 1.0 - tf.exp(tf.cumsum(tf.zeros_like(x) + log_p, axis=-1))
     # Having the no-noise mask, we can make noise just uniformly at random.
     ordered_noise = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(x))
     # We want our noise to be 1s at the start and random {-1, 1} bits later.
     ordered_noise = tf.to_float(tf.less(noise_mask, ordered_noise))
     # Now we flip the bits of x on the noisy positions (ordered and normal).
     x *= 2.0 * ordered_noise - 1
   return x, loss
예제 #7
 def bottleneck(self, x):
     hparams = self._hparams
     x = discretization.parametrized_bottleneck(x, hparams)
     if hparams.mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
         # In the ordered case, we'll have no noise on top bits, let's make a mask.
         # Start with randomly uniformly choosing numbers [0, number_of_bits) where
         # the number of bits in our case is bottleneck size. We pick separately
         # for every position and batch just to keep it varied.
         no_noise_mask = tf.random_uniform(common_layers.shape_list(x)[:-1])
         no_noise_mask *= hparams.bottleneck_size
         # Now let's make a 1-hot vector that is 1 on the index i from which on
         # we want to be noisy and 0 everywhere else.
         no_noise_mask = tf.one_hot(tf.to_int32(no_noise_mask),
         # Use tf.cumsum to make the mask (0 before index i, 1 after index i).
         no_noise_mask = tf.cumsum(no_noise_mask, axis=-1)
         # Having the no-noise mask, we can make noise just uniformly at random.
         ordered_noise = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(x)) * no_noise_mask
         # We want our noise to be 1s at the start and random {-1, 1} bits later.
         ordered_noise = 2.0 * tf.to_float(tf.less(ordered_noise,
                                                   0.5)) - 1.0
         # Now we flip the bits of x on the noisy positions (ordered and normal).
         x *= ordered_noise
     return x