def test_readme_example(self): data = tf.random.uniform((128, 128), 0, 10, dtype=tf.int32) histogram = tf.bincount(data, minlength=10, maxlength=10) cdf = tf.cumsum(histogram, exclusive=False) cdf = tf.pad(cdf, [[1, 0]]) cdf = tf.reshape(cdf, [1, 1, -1]) data = tf.cast(data, tf.int16) encoded = range_coding_ops.range_encode(data, cdf, precision=14) decoded = range_coding_ops.range_decode(encoded, tf.shape(data), cdf, precision=14) with self.cached_session() as sess: self.assertAllEqual(*, decoded)))
def _example_index_to_sparse_index(example_indices, batch_size): """Creates a sparse index tensor from a list of example indices. For example, this would do the transformation: [0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3] -> [[0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [1,0], [3,0], [3,1]] The second column of the output tensor is the running count of the occurrences of that example index. Args: example_indices: A sorted 1D Tensor with example indices. batch_size: The batch_size. Could be larger than max(example_indices) if the last examples of the batch do not have the feature present. Returns: The sparse index tensor. The maxmium length of a row in this tensor. """ binned_counts = tf.bincount(example_indices, minlength=batch_size) max_len = tf.to_int64(tf.reduce_max(binned_counts)) return tf.where(tf.sequence_mask(binned_counts)), max_len
def _compute_word_overlap(context_ids, context_len, question_ids, question_len, reduce_type, weighted, vocab_df): """Compute word overlap between question and context ids. Args: context_ids: <int32> [batch_size, num_contexts, max_context_len] context_len: <int32> [batch_size, num_contexts] question_ids: <int32> [batch_size, max_question_len] question_len: <int32> [batch_size] reduce_type: String for reduce type when computing overlap. Choices are: max - Allows at most one match per question word. sum - Sums over all matches for each question word. weighted: Boolean indicate whether or not weight the overlap by IDF. vocab_df: Tensor of shape [vocab_size] for word frequency. Computes this at the document-level if not given. Returns: overlap: <float32> [batch_size, num_contexts] Raises: Exception: If invalid reduce_type is provided. """ # <float> [batch_size, num_contexts, question_len, context_len] overlap = tf.to_float( _word_overlap_helper(question_ids=question_ids, context_ids=context_ids)) # <float> [batch_size, question_len] question_mask = tf.sequence_mask(question_len, tf.shape(question_ids)[1], dtype=tf.float32) # <float> [batch_size, num_contexts, context_len] context_mask = tf.sequence_mask(context_len, tf.shape(context_ids)[2], dtype=tf.float32) overlap *= tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(question_mask, 1), -1) overlap *= tf.expand_dims(context_mask, 2) if weighted: if vocab_df is None: # Use document-level IDF computed with respect to the current batch. flat_context_ids = tf.to_int32(tf.reshape(context_ids, [-1])) # <float> [number of unique words] vocab_df = tf.bincount(flat_context_ids, minlength=tf.reduce_max(question_ids) + 1, dtype=tf.float32) # Replace all zeros with ones. vocab_df = tf.where(tf.equal(vocab_df, 0), x=tf.ones_like(vocab_df), y=vocab_df) # <float>[batch_size, question_len] expanded to # <float> [batch_size, 1, question_len, 1] question_df = tf.gather(vocab_df, question_ids) question_df = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(question_df, 1), -1) # <float> [batch_size, num_contexts, question_len, context_len] overlap = tf.divide(tf.to_float(overlap), question_df) if reduce_type == "max": # <float> [batch_size, num_contexts] overlap = tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_max(overlap, axis=[3]), axis=[2]) elif reduce_type == "sum": # <float> [batch_size, num_contexts] overlap = tf.reduce_sum(overlap, axis=[2, 3]) else: raise Exception("Reduce type %s is invalid." % reduce_type) return overlap
def expected_calibration_error(y_true, y_pred, nbins=20): """Calculates Expected Calibration Error (ECE). ECE is a scalar summary statistic of calibration error. It is the sample-weighted average of the difference between the predicted and true probabilities of a positive detection across uniformly-spaced model confidences [0, 1]. See referenced paper for a thorough explanation. Reference: Guo, et. al, "On Calibration of Modern Neural Networks" Page 2, Expected Calibration Error (ECE). This function creates three local variables, `bin_counts`, `bin_true_sum`, and `bin_preds_sum` that are used to compute ECE. For estimation of the metric over a stream of data, the function creates an `update_op` operation that updates these variables and returns the ECE. Args: y_true: 1-D tf.int64 Tensor of binarized ground truth, corresponding to each prediction in y_pred. y_pred: 1-D tf.float32 tensor of model confidence scores in range [0.0, 1.0]. nbins: int specifying the number of uniformly-spaced bins into which y_pred will be bucketed. Returns: value_op: A value metric op that returns ece. update_op: An operation that increments the `bin_counts`, `bin_true_sum`, and `bin_preds_sum` variables appropriately and whose value matches `ece`. Raises: InvalidArgumentError: if y_pred is not in [0.0, 1.0]. """ bin_counts = metrics_impl.metric_variable([nbins], tf.float32, name='bin_counts') bin_true_sum = metrics_impl.metric_variable([nbins], tf.float32, name='true_sum') bin_preds_sum = metrics_impl.metric_variable([nbins], tf.float32, name='preds_sum') with tf.control_dependencies([ tf.assert_greater_equal(y_pred, 0.0), tf.assert_less_equal(y_pred, 1.0), ]): bin_ids = tf.histogram_fixed_width_bins(y_pred, [0.0, 1.0], nbins=nbins) with tf.control_dependencies([bin_ids]): update_bin_counts_op = tf.assign_add( bin_counts, tf.cast(tf.bincount(bin_ids, minlength=nbins), dtype=tf.float32)) update_bin_true_sum_op = tf.assign_add( bin_true_sum, tf.cast(tf.bincount(bin_ids, weights=y_true, minlength=nbins), dtype=tf.float32)) update_bin_preds_sum_op = tf.assign_add( bin_preds_sum, tf.cast(tf.bincount(bin_ids, weights=y_pred, minlength=nbins), dtype=tf.float32)) ece_update_op = _ece_from_bins(update_bin_counts_op, update_bin_true_sum_op, update_bin_preds_sum_op, name='update_op') ece = _ece_from_bins(bin_counts, bin_true_sum, bin_preds_sum, name='value') return ece, ece_update_op
def __init__(self, atom_types, **kwargs): self.atom_types = atom_types self.build_forces = kwargs.get('build_forces', False) self.precision = kwargs.get('precision', _tf.float32) self.atomic_contributions = {} self.atom_indices = {} self.feature_types = {'error_weights': self.precision} self.feature_shapes = { 'error_weights': _tf.TensorShape([ None, ]) } for t in self.atom_types: self.feature_types['%s_indices' % t] = _tf.int32 self.feature_shapes['%s_indices' % t] = _tf.TensorShape([None, 1]) self.label_types = {'energy': self.precision} self.label_shapes = { 'energy': _tf.TensorShape([ None, ]) } if self.build_forces: self.label_types['forces'] = self.precision self.label_shapes['forces'] = _tf.TensorShape([None, None, 3]) # The individual atomic contributions and the data iterator is set up # in this abstact method that has to be implemented for each potential # type self.configureAtomicContributions(**kwargs) # Convenience handle for backwards compatibility self.ANNs = self.atomic_contributions = self.labels['energy'] if self.build_forces: self.target_forces = self.labels['forces'] for t in self.atom_types: self.atom_indices[t] = self.features['%s_indices' % t] with _tf.name_scope('Energy_Calculation'): self.E_predict = _tf.scatter_nd( _tf.concat([self.atom_indices[t] for t in self.atom_types], 0), _tf.concat([ _tf.reshape(self.atomic_contributions[t].output, [-1]) for t in self.atom_types ], 0), _tf.shape(, name='E_prediction') with _tf.name_scope('Atom_Counting'): self.num_atoms = _tf.reduce_sum( [_tf.bincount(self.atom_indices[t]) for t in self.atom_types], axis=0, name='NumberOfAtoms') with _tf.name_scope('MSE'): self.error_weights = self.features['error_weights'] self.mse = _tf.reduce_mean( ( - self.E_predict)**2 * self.error_weights) self.mse_summ = _tf.summary.scalar('MSE', self.mse, family='performance') with _tf.name_scope('RMSE'): self.error_weights = self.features['error_weights'] self.rmse = _tf.sqrt( _tf.reduce_mean( ( - self.E_predict)**2 * self.error_weights)) self.rmse_summ = _tf.summary.scalar('RMSE', self.rmse, family='performance') if self.build_forces: with _tf.name_scope('Force_Calculation'): self.gradients = {} for t in self.atom_types: self.gradients[t] = _tf.gradients( self.atomic_contributions[t].output, self.atomic_contributions[t].input, name='%s_gradients' % t)[0] self.F_predict = _tf.negative( _tf.scatter_nd( _tf.concat( [self.atom_indices[t] for t in self.atom_types], 0), _tf.concat([ _tf.einsum( 'ijkl,ij->ikl', self.atomic_contributions[t].derivatives_input, self.gradients[t], name='%s_einsum' % t) for t in self.atom_types ], 0), _tf.shape(self.target_forces), name='F_prediction')) with _tf.name_scope('MSE_Forces'): # Following Behler. Int. J. Quant. Chem. 2015 115, 1032-1050 # equation (21). !! Not the same !! for varying number of atoms self.mse_forces = _tf.reduce_mean( _tf.reduce_mean((self.target_forces - self.F_predict)**2, axis=[1, 2]) * self.error_weights) self.mse_forces_summ = _tf.summary.scalar('MSE_Forces', self.mse_forces, family='performance') with _tf.name_scope('RMSE_Forces'): # Following Behler. Int. J. Quant. Chem. 2015 115, 1032-1050 # equation (21). !! Not the same !! for varying number of atoms self.rmse_forces = _tf.sqrt( _tf.reduce_mean( _tf.reduce_mean( (self.target_forces - self.F_predict)**2, axis=[1, 2]) * self.error_weights)) self.rmse_forces_summ = _tf.summary.scalar( 'RMSE_Forces', self.rmse_forces, family='performance') self.variables = _tf.get_collection( _tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES, scope=_tf.get_default_graph().get_name_scope()) self.saver = _tf.train.Saver(self.variables, max_to_keep=None, save_relative_paths=True)