def main(args): tf.disable_eager_execution() if os.path.exists(args.output_path): shutil.rmtree(args.output_path) os.makedirs(args.output_path) model_dic, sess = load_model(args) dirs = os.listdir(args.input_path) for folder in dirs: path = os.path.join(args.input_path, folder) if os.path.isdir(path): output_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, folder) if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) print('========== input %s ============' % (folder)) positive_img_names = tf.gfile.Glob(os.path.join( path, '*_0001.jpg')) # positive image print('Positive: %s' % (os.path.basename(positive_img_names[0]))) #get positive image img_positive = io.imread(positive_img_names[0]) / 255. img_positive = rescale(img_positive, 112. / 600., order=5, multichannel=True) img_positive = prep(img_positive) #[1,3,112,112] fdict = { model_dic['image_input']: img_positive, model_dic['keep_prob']: 1.0, model_dic['is_train']: False } pos_embedding_np =['embedding'], feed_dict=fdict) # [2,512] name_list = [] img_list = [] img_names = tf.gfile.Glob(os.path.join( path, '*.jpg')) #tf.gfile.Glob得到的是一个list for file in img_names: if file != positive_img_names[0]: print('%s' % (os.path.basename(file))) img = prep( rescale(io.imread(file) / 255., 112. / 600., order=5, multichannel=True)) #[1,3,112,112] name_list.append(os.path.basename(file)[:-4]) img_list.append(img) feed_img = np.squeeze(np.array(img_list), axis=1) #[?,3,112,112] fdict1 = { model_dic['image_input']: feed_img, model_dic['keep_prob']: 1.0, model_dic['is_train']: False, model_dic['positive_embedding']: pos_embedding_np[0] } last_conv_np, grad_conv_np, grad_input_np, loss_np = [ model_dic['stage4_unit3_conv2'], model_dic['grad_conv'], model_dic['grad_input'], model_dic['loss'] ], feed_dict=fdict1) #add neg and pos embedings csv_file_name = os.path.join(output_path, 'distance.csv') write_csv(name_list, loss_np * (-1), csv_file_name) #cam, norm_grad_input_0_1:[112,112] norm_grad_input = cacu_norm_grad(grad_input_np) cam, norm_grads_conv = calcu_cam(last_conv_np, grad_conv_np) cam_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'cam') grad_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'grad') # Filter with threshold find_adv_image(args, norm_grad_input, grad_dir, feed_img, name_list, sess, pos_embedding_np[0], model_dic)
limitations under the License. """ import logging as log import os import re from distutils.version import LooseVersion from mo.utils.error import Error, FrameworkError from mo.utils.utils import refer_to_faq_msg from mo.utils.versions_checker import get_environment_setup try: import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf_v1 # disable eager execution of TensorFlow 2 environment immediately tf_v1.disable_eager_execution() import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.framework.convert_to_constants import convert_variables_to_constants_v2 except ImportError: import tensorflow as tf_v1 from google.protobuf import text_format from mo.graph.graph import fill_graph_with_nodes, Graph from mo.utils.summarize_graph import summarize_graph def freeze_checkpoints(graph_def: tf_v1.GraphDef, checkpoint_dir: str, output_node_names: list): """ Loads all the variables in a graph and stores them in a separate dictionary. Freezes output nodes in the graph :param graph_def: GraphDef object holding the network.
def main(): # 训练程序的主函数 if not os.path.exists(args.snapshot_dir): # 如果保存模型参数的文件夹不存在则创建 os.makedirs(args.snapshot_dir) if not os.path.exists(args.out_dir): # 如果保存训练中可视化输出的文件夹不存在则创建 os.makedirs(args.out_dir) train_picture_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.train_picture_path, "*")) # 得到训练输入图像路径名称列表 tf.set_random_seed(args.random_seed) # 初始一下随机数 tf.disable_eager_execution() #tf2.0版本和1.x版本的区别 train_picture = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=[1, args.image_size, args.image_size, 3], name='train_picture') # 输入的训练图像 train_label = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=[1, args.image_size, args.image_size, 3], name='train_label') # 输入的与训练图像匹配的标签 gen_label = generator(image=train_picture, gf_dim=64, reuse=False, name='generator') # 得到生成器的输出 dis_real = discriminator(image=train_picture, targets=train_label, df_dim=64, reuse=False, name="discriminator") # 判别器返回的对真实标签的判别结果 dis_fake = discriminator(image=train_picture, targets=gen_label, df_dim=64, reuse=True, name="discriminator") # 判别器返回的对生成(虚假的)标签判别结果 #原损失函数 gen_loss_GAN = tf.reduce_mean( -tf.log(1 - dis_fake + EPS)) # 计算生成器损失中的GAN_loss部分 gen_loss_L1 = tf.reduce_mean(l1_loss(gen_label, train_label)) # 计算生成器损失中的L1_loss部分 #测试用损失函数 #gen_loss_L2 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.abs(gen_label - train_label + EPS))) # 计算生成器损失中的L2_loss部分 #gen_loss_ssim = tf.reduce_mean(1 - tf.image.ssim(gen_label, train_label, max_val=255)) # 计算生成器损失中的ssim_loss部分 # 原生成器损失函数 gen_loss = gen_loss_GAN * args.lamda_gan_weight + gen_loss_L1 * args.lamda_l1_weight # 计算生成器的loss # 测试用生成器损失函数 #gen_loss = gen_loss_GAN * args.lamda_gan_weight + gen_loss_L2 * args.lamda_l1_weight ##最小二乘损失 #gen_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(dis_fake+ EPS)) * args.lamda_gan_weight + gen_loss_l1 * args.lamda_l1_weight # 原判别器损失函数 dis_loss = tf.reduce_mean( -(tf.log(1 - dis_real + EPS) + tf.log(dis_fake + EPS))) # 计算判别器的loss # 测试用判别器损失函数 ##最小二乘损失 # dis_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(dis_fake+ EPS)) gen_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("gen_loss", gen_loss) # 记录生成器loss的日志 dis_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("dis_loss", dis_loss) # 记录判别器loss的日志 summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( args.log_dir, graph=tf.get_default_graph()) # 日志记录器 g_vars = [v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'generator' in] # 所有生成器的可训练参数 d_vars = [ v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'discriminator' in ] # 所有判别器的可训练参数 d_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(args.base_lr, beta1=args.beta1) # 判别器训练器 g_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(args.base_lr, beta1=args.beta1) # 生成器训练器 d_grads_and_vars = d_optim.compute_gradients(dis_loss, var_list=d_vars) # 计算判别器参数梯度 d_train = d_optim.apply_gradients(d_grads_and_vars) # 更新判别器参数 g_grads_and_vars = g_optim.compute_gradients(gen_loss, var_list=g_vars) # 计算生成器参数梯度 g_train = g_optim.apply_gradients(g_grads_and_vars) # 更新生成器参数 train_op =, g_train) # train_op表示了参数更新操作 config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # 设定显存不超量使用 sess = tf.Session(config=config) # 新建会话层 #init = tf.compat.v1.global_variables_initializer() # 参数初始化器 init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # 参数初始化器 # 初始化所有可训练参数 # saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver(var_list=tf.compat.v1.global_variables(), max_to_keep=50) # 模型保存器 saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=50) # 模型保存器 counter = 0 # counter记录训练步数 for epoch in range(args.epoch): # 训练epoch数 shuffle(train_picture_list) # 每训练一个epoch,就打乱一下输入的顺序 for step in range(len(train_picture_list)): # 每个训练epoch中的训练step数 counter += 1 picture_name, _ = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( train_picture_list[step])) # 获取不包含路径和格式的输入图片名称 # 读取一张训练图片,一张训练标签,以及相应的高和宽 picture_resize, label_resize, picture_height, picture_width = ImageReader( file_name=picture_name, picture_path=args.train_picture_path, label_path=args.train_label_path, picture_format=args.train_picture_format, label_format=args.train_label_format, size=args.image_size) batch_picture = np.expand_dims(np.array(picture_resize).astype( np.float32), axis=0) # 填充维度 batch_label = np.expand_dims(np.array(label_resize).astype( np.float32), axis=0) # 填充维度 feed_dict = { train_picture: batch_picture, train_label: batch_label } # 构造feed_dict gen_loss_value, dis_loss_value, _ = [gen_loss, dis_loss, train_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) # 得到每个step中的生成器和判别器loss if counter % args.save_pred_every == 0: # 每过save_pred_every次保存模型 save(saver, sess, args.snapshot_dir, counter) if counter % args.summary_pred_every == 0: # 每过summary_pred_every次保存训练日志 gen_loss_sum_value, discriminator_sum_value = [gen_loss_sum, dis_loss_sum], feed_dict=feed_dict) summary_writer.add_summary(gen_loss_sum_value, counter) summary_writer.add_summary(discriminator_sum_value, counter) if counter % args.write_pred_every == 0: # 每过write_pred_every次写一下训练的可视化结果 gen_label_value =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # run出生成器的输出 write_image = get_write_picture(picture_resize, gen_label_value, label_resize, picture_height, picture_width) # 得到训练的可视化结果 write_image_name = args.out_dir + "out" + str( counter) + ".png" # 待保存的训练可视化结果路径与名称 cv2.imwrite(write_image_name, write_image) # 保存训练的可视化结果 print( 'epoch {:d} step {:d} \t gen_loss = {:.3f}, dis_loss = {:.3f}'. format(epoch, step, gen_loss_value, dis_loss_value))
def __init__(self, board_width, board_height, num_ships, model_file=None): self.board_width = board_width self.board_height = board_height self.num_ships = num_ships self.num_input_dimension = self.num_ships + 1 self.board_size = self.board_width * self.board_height self.hidden_units = self.board_size self.output_units = self.board_size self.type = tf.float32 tf.reset_default_graph() tf.disable_eager_execution() # Define the tensorflow neural network # 1. Input: self.input_dimensions = tf.placeholder( self.type, shape=[1, self.num_input_dimension * board_height * board_width]) self.input_dimensions_reshaped = tf.reshape( self.input_dimensions, [-1, board_height, board_width, self.num_input_dimension]) # 2. Networks Layers self.layer1 = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=self.input_dimensions_reshaped, filters=32, kernel_size=[3, 3], padding="same", activation=tf.nn.relu) self.layer2 = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=self.layer1, filters=64, kernel_size=[3, 3], padding="same", activation=tf.nn.relu) self.layer3 = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=self.layer2, filters=self.num_input_dimension, kernel_size=[1, 1], padding="same", activation=tf.nn.relu) self.layer3_reshaped = tf.reshape( self.layer3, [-1, board_height * board_width * self.num_input_dimension]) # Alternative network structure, simple but not effective compared to CNN # self.layer1 = tf.layers.dense(inputs=self.input_dimensions, units=self.num_input_dimension * self.board_size, activation=tf.nn.relu) # self.layer2 = tf.layers.dense(inputs=self.layer1, units=self.num_input_dimension * self.board_size, activation=tf.nn.relu) self.logits = tf.layers.dense(inputs=self.layer3_reshaped, units=self.board_size) self.probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(self.logits) # Training step self.labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int64) self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(self.type, shape=[]) self.cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.logits, labels=self.labels) # Define loss self.loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(self.learning_rate, self.cross_entropy)) self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.0005).minimize( self.loss) # Start TF session self.session = tf.Session() init = tf.initialize_all_variables() # For saving and restoring self.saver = tf.train.Saver() if model_file is not None: print('load model', model_file) self.restoreModel(model_file)
def get_network_graph(num_features, num_classes, num_layers, activation_function, learning_rate=0.1): n = Network() num_hidden_neurons = 20 # Neurons per hidden layer tf.disable_eager_execution() tf.reset_default_graph() # x and y of Network n are placeholders. # n.x : placeholder. no matter the number of row, it works. n.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, num_features], name="images") n.y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name="labels") current_layer = n.x # Add hidden layers. # First hidden layer # variables are in the scope of Layer1: with tf.variable_scope("Layer1"): # not to forget that the dimension of the weight matrix and bias vector # is transposed. w = tf.get_variable("weights", shape=[num_features, num_hidden_neurons]) b = tf.get_variable("offsets", shape=[1, num_hidden_neurons]) # w(weights) shape of (num_features, num_hidden_neurons) added. # b(biases) shape of (1, num_hidden_neurons) biases added. n.weights.append(w) n.biases.append(b) # check the dimension of tf.matmul and activation function. current_layer = activation_function(tf.matmul(current_layer, w) + b) # Other hidden layers for i in range(2, num_layers + 1): with tf.variable_scope("Layer" + str(i)): w = tf.get_variable("weights", shape=[num_hidden_neurons, num_hidden_neurons]) b = tf.get_variable("offsets", shape=[1, num_hidden_neurons]) n.weights.append(w) n.biases.append(b) current_layer = activation_function( tf.matmul(current_layer, w) + b) # Output layer with tf.variable_scope("LayerOutput"): w = tf.get_variable("weights", shape=[num_hidden_neurons, num_classes]) b = tf.get_variable("offsets", shape=[1, num_classes]) n.weights.append(w) n.biases.append(b) y_unscaled = tf.matmul(current_layer, w) + b correct_labels = n.y_ predicted_labels = tf.argmax(y_unscaled, axis=1, output_type=tf.int32) # change the true/falses to float32. correct_prediction = tf.cast(tf.equal(correct_labels, predicted_labels), tf.float32) n.accuracy = tf.reduce_sum(correct_prediction) / tf.cast( tf.shape(correct_prediction)[0], tf.float32) # loss, train_step, variables initilizer n.loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_unscaled, labels=n.y_)) n.train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( n.loss) n.init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() # return the network. return n
def load_tf_graph_def(graph_file_name: str = "", is_binary: bool = True, checkpoint: str = "", model_dir: str = "", saved_model_tags: list = [], meta_graph_file: str = "", user_output_node_names_list: list = []): # As a provisional solution, use a native TF methods to load a model protobuf graph_def = tf_v1.GraphDef() if isinstance(graph_file_name, str) and (re.match(r'.*\.(ckpt|meta)$', graph_file_name)): print( '[ WARNING ] The value for the --input_model command line parameter ends with ".ckpt" or ".meta" ' 'extension.\n' 'It means that the model is not frozen.\n' 'To load non frozen model to Model Optimizer run:' '\n\n1. For "*.ckpt" file:' '\n- if inference graph is in binary format' '\npython3 --input_model "path/to/inference_graph.pb" --input_checkpoint "path/to/*.ckpt"' '\n- if inference graph is in text format' '\npython3 --input_model "path/to/inference_graph.pbtxt" --input_model_is_text ' '--input_checkpoint "path/to/*.ckpt"' '\n\n2. For "*.meta" file:' '\npython3 --input_meta_graph "path/to/*.meta"') variables_values = {} try: if graph_file_name and not meta_graph_file and not checkpoint: # frozen graph return read_file_to_graph_def( graph_def, graph_file_name, is_binary), variables_values, 'tf', None if graph_file_name and not meta_graph_file and checkpoint: # inference graph and checkpoint graph_def = read_file_to_graph_def(graph_def, graph_file_name, is_binary) outputs = get_output_node_names_list(graph_def, user_output_node_names_list) if os.path.isfile(checkpoint): graph_def = freeze_checkpoint(graph_def=graph_def, checkpoint=checkpoint, output_node_names=outputs) elif os.path.isdir(checkpoint): graph_def, variables_values = freeze_checkpoints( graph_def=graph_def, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint, output_node_names=outputs) # we are sure that checkpoint is existing file or directory due to cli_parser configuration return graph_def, variables_values, 'tf', None if not graph_file_name and meta_graph_file: meta_graph_file = deducing_metagraph_path(meta_graph_file) input_meta_graph_def = read_file_to_graph_def( tf_v1.MetaGraphDef(), meta_graph_file, is_binary) # Since version 2.2 TF can fail with internal error while loading graph from .meta file. # It happens because some operation may has an _output_shapes attribute inconsistent with the GraphDef # calculated value. To avoid this problem we must delete `_output_shapes` attributes from operations for node in input_meta_graph_def.graph_def.node: if '_output_shapes' in node.attr: del node.attr['_output_shapes'] # pylint: disable=no-member with tf_v1.Session() as sess: restorer = tf_v1.train.import_meta_graph(input_meta_graph_def) restorer.restore(sess, re.sub(r'\.meta$', '', meta_graph_file)) outputs = get_output_node_names_list( input_meta_graph_def.graph_def, user_output_node_names_list) graph_def = tf_v1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, input_meta_graph_def.graph_def, outputs) return graph_def, variables_values, 'tf', None if model_dir: # saved model directory try: env_setup = get_environment_setup("tf") # enable eager execution temporarily while TensorFlow 2 model is being loaded tf_v1.enable_eager_execution() try: # Code to extract Keras model. # tf.keras.models.load_model function throws TypeError,KeyError or IndexError # for TF 1.x SavedModel format in case TF 1.x installed imported = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_dir, compile=False) except: imported = tf.saved_model.load(model_dir, saved_model_tags) # pylint: disable=E1120 # to get a signature by key throws KeyError for TF 1.x SavedModel format in case TF 2.x installed concrete_func = imported.signatures[ tf.saved_model.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY] # the aggressive inlining parameter needs to freeze a table of embeddings for Keras Embedding operation # and a model with Embedding operation cannot properly converted to IR without this function parameter if "tensorflow" in env_setup and env_setup[ "tensorflow"] >= LooseVersion("2.2.0"): frozen_func = convert_variables_to_constants_v2( concrete_func, lower_control_flow=False, aggressive_inlining=True) # pylint: disable=E1123 else: frozen_func = convert_variables_to_constants_v2( concrete_func, lower_control_flow=False) # pylint: disable=E1123 graph_def = frozen_func.graph.as_graph_def(add_shapes=True) # disable eager execution since next steps are executed with a graph in non-eager mode tf_v1.disable_eager_execution() input_names = [] if hasattr(imported, 'inputs'): # Extract tensor names order from Keras model input_names = [ for tensor in imported.inputs] # After model freezing output tensor names are changing and recieve "Func/PartitionedCall" prefix, # so output_names from saved_model cannot be used. Here tensor names from frozen graph are used, # as TF adds indexed Identity nodes during freezing to each output, so this indexing is used for # order alignment. output_names = [ for tensor in frozen_func.outputs] inputs_outputs_order = (input_names, output_names) return graph_def, variables_values, 'tf2', inputs_outputs_order except: # disable eager execution since TensorFlow 1 model is handled tf_v1.disable_eager_execution() # code to extract GraphDef for TF 1.0 SavedModel format tags = saved_model_tags if saved_model_tags is not None else [ tf_v1.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING ] with tf_v1.Session() as sess: meta_graph_def = tf_v1.saved_model.loader.load( sess, tags, model_dir) outputs = get_output_node_names_list( meta_graph_def.graph_def, user_output_node_names_list) graph_def = tf_v1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, meta_graph_def.graph_def, outputs) return graph_def, variables_values, 'tf', None except Exception as e: raise FrameworkError('Cannot load input model: {}', e) from e raise Error("Unknown configuration of input model parameters")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from tensorflow.compat.v1 import placeholder, Session, disable_eager_execution from tensorflow import float32 disable_eager_execution() a = placeholder(float32) b = placeholder(float32) c = placeholder(float32) x = (a + b) / c sess = Session() result =[x], {a: 2, b: 3, c: 4}) print(result) # [1.25]
if FLAGS.mode == 'eval': for ckpt in tf.train.checkpoints_iterator( run_config.model_dir, min_interval_secs=15): try: result = perform_evaluation( estimator=estimator, input_fn=data_lib.build_input_fn(builder, False), eval_steps=eval_steps, model=model, num_classes=num_classes, checkpoint_path=ckpt) except tf.errors.NotFoundError: continue if result['global_step'] >= train_steps: return else: estimator.train( data_lib.build_input_fn(builder, True), max_steps=train_steps) if FLAGS.mode == 'train_then_eval': perform_evaluation( estimator=estimator, input_fn=data_lib.build_input_fn(builder, False), eval_steps=eval_steps, model=model, num_classes=num_classes) if __name__ == '__main__': tf.disable_eager_execution() # Disable eager mode when running with TF2.
def main(_): if FLAGS.strategy == 'horovod': import horovod.tensorflow as hvd # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top'Use horovod with multi gpus') hvd.init() os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(hvd.local_rank()) import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top tf.enable_v2_tensorshape() tf.disable_eager_execution() if FLAGS.strategy == 'tpu': tpu_cluster_resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver( FLAGS.tpu, zone=FLAGS.tpu_zone, project=FLAGS.gcp_project) tpu_grpc_url = tpu_cluster_resolver.get_master() tf.Session.reset(tpu_grpc_url) else: tpu_cluster_resolver = None # Check data path if FLAGS.mode in ( 'train', 'train_and_eval') and FLAGS.training_file_pattern is None: raise RuntimeError( 'You must specify --training_file_pattern for training.') if FLAGS.mode in ('eval', 'train_and_eval'): if FLAGS.validation_file_pattern is None: raise RuntimeError('You must specify --validation_file_pattern ' 'for evaluation.') # Parse and override hparams config = hparams_config.get_detection_config(FLAGS.model_name) config.override(FLAGS.hparams) if FLAGS.num_epochs: # NOTE: remove this flag after updating all docs. config.num_epochs = FLAGS.num_epochs # Parse image size in case it is in string format. config.image_size = utils.parse_image_size(config.image_size) # The following is for spatial partitioning. `features` has one tensor while # `labels` had 4 + (`max_level` - `min_level` + 1) * 2 tensors. The input # partition is performed on `features` and all partitionable tensors of # `labels`, see the partition logic below. # In the TPUEstimator context, the meaning of `shard` and `replica` is the # same; follwing the API, here has mixed use of both. if FLAGS.use_spatial_partition: # Checks input_partition_dims agrees with num_cores_per_replica. if FLAGS.num_cores_per_replica != raise RuntimeError( '--num_cores_per_replica must be a product of array' 'elements in --input_partition_dims.') labels_partition_dims = { 'mean_num_positives': None, 'source_ids': None, 'groundtruth_data': None, 'image_scales': None, } # The Input Partition Logic: We partition only the partition-able tensors. # Spatial partition requires that the to-be-partitioned tensors must have a # dimension that is a multiple of `partition_dims`. Depending on the # `partition_dims` and the `image_size` and the `max_level` in config, some # high-level anchor labels (i.e., `cls_targets` and `box_targets`) cannot # be partitioned. For example, when `partition_dims` is [1, 4, 2, 1], image # size is 1536, `max_level` is 9, `cls_targets_8` has a shape of # [batch_size, 6, 6, 9], which cannot be partitioned (6 % 4 != 0). In this # case, the level-8 and level-9 target tensors are not partition-able, and # the highest partition-able level is 7. feat_sizes = utils.get_feat_sizes(config.get('image_size'), config.get('max_level')) for level in range(config.get('min_level'), config.get('max_level') + 1): def _can_partition(spatial_dim): partitionable_index = np.where( spatial_dim % np.array(FLAGS.input_partition_dims) == 0) return len(partitionable_index[0]) == len( FLAGS.input_partition_dims) spatial_dim = feat_sizes[level] if _can_partition(spatial_dim['height']) and _can_partition( spatial_dim['width']): labels_partition_dims['box_targets_%d' % level] = FLAGS.input_partition_dims labels_partition_dims['cls_targets_%d' % level] = FLAGS.input_partition_dims else: labels_partition_dims['box_targets_%d' % level] = None labels_partition_dims['cls_targets_%d' % level] = None num_cores_per_replica = FLAGS.num_cores_per_replica input_partition_dims = [ FLAGS.input_partition_dims, labels_partition_dims ] num_shards = FLAGS.num_cores // num_cores_per_replica else: num_cores_per_replica = None input_partition_dims = None num_shards = FLAGS.num_cores params = dict(config.as_dict(), model_name=FLAGS.model_name, iterations_per_loop=FLAGS.iterations_per_loop, model_dir=FLAGS.model_dir, num_shards=num_shards, num_examples_per_epoch=FLAGS.num_examples_per_epoch, strategy=FLAGS.strategy, backbone_ckpt=FLAGS.backbone_ckpt, ckpt=FLAGS.ckpt, val_json_file=FLAGS.val_json_file, testdev_dir=FLAGS.testdev_dir, mode=FLAGS.mode) config_proto = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) if FLAGS.use_xla and FLAGS.strategy != 'tpu': config_proto.graph_options.optimizer_options.global_jit_level = ( tf.OptimizerOptions.ON_1) config_proto.gpu_options.allow_growth = True tpu_config = tf.estimator.tpu.TPUConfig( FLAGS.iterations_per_loop, num_shards=num_shards, num_cores_per_replica=num_cores_per_replica, input_partition_dims=input_partition_dims, per_host_input_for_training=tf.estimator.tpu.InputPipelineConfig. PER_HOST_V2) if FLAGS.strategy == 'horovod': model_dir = FLAGS.model_dir if hvd.rank() == 0 else None else: model_dir = FLAGS.model_dir run_config = tf.estimator.tpu.RunConfig( cluster=tpu_cluster_resolver, evaluation_master=FLAGS.eval_master, model_dir=model_dir, log_step_count_steps=FLAGS.iterations_per_loop, session_config=config_proto, tpu_config=tpu_config, tf_random_seed=FLAGS.tf_random_seed, ) model_fn_instance = det_model_fn.get_model_fn(FLAGS.model_name) max_instances_per_image = config.max_instances_per_image use_tpu = (FLAGS.strategy == 'tpu') # TPU Estimator if FLAGS.mode == 'train': train_estimator = tf.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimator( model_fn=model_fn_instance, use_tpu=use_tpu, train_batch_size=FLAGS.train_batch_size, config=run_config, params=params) train_estimator.train( input_fn=dataloader.InputReader( FLAGS.training_file_pattern, is_training=True, use_fake_data=FLAGS.use_fake_data, max_instances_per_image=max_instances_per_image), max_steps=int((config.num_epochs * FLAGS.num_examples_per_epoch) / FLAGS.train_batch_size)) if FLAGS.eval_after_training: # Run evaluation after training finishes. eval_params = dict( params, strategy=FLAGS.strategy, input_rand_hflip=False, is_training_bn=False, mixed_precision=None, ) eval_estimator = tf.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimator( model_fn=model_fn_instance, use_tpu=use_tpu, train_batch_size=FLAGS.train_batch_size, eval_batch_size=FLAGS.eval_batch_size, config=run_config, params=eval_params) eval_results = eval_estimator.evaluate( input_fn=dataloader.InputReader( FLAGS.validation_file_pattern, is_training=False, max_instances_per_image=max_instances_per_image), steps=FLAGS.eval_samples // FLAGS.eval_batch_size, name=FLAGS.eval_name)'Eval results: %s', eval_results) ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) utils.archive_ckpt(eval_results, eval_results['AP'], ckpt) elif FLAGS.mode == 'eval': # Override the default options: disable randomization in the input pipeline # and don't run on the TPU. eval_params = dict( params, strategy=FLAGS.strategy, input_rand_hflip=False, is_training_bn=False, mixed_precision=None, ) eval_estimator = tf.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimator( model_fn=model_fn_instance, use_tpu=use_tpu, train_batch_size=FLAGS.train_batch_size, eval_batch_size=FLAGS.eval_batch_size, config=run_config, params=eval_params) def terminate_eval():'Terminating eval after %d seconds of no checkpoints', FLAGS.eval_timeout) return True # Run evaluation when there's a new checkpoint for ckpt in tf.train.checkpoints_iterator( FLAGS.model_dir, min_interval_secs=FLAGS.min_eval_interval, timeout=FLAGS.eval_timeout, timeout_fn=terminate_eval):'Starting to evaluate.') try: eval_results = eval_estimator.evaluate( input_fn=dataloader.InputReader( FLAGS.validation_file_pattern, is_training=False, max_instances_per_image=max_instances_per_image), steps=FLAGS.eval_samples // FLAGS.eval_batch_size, name=FLAGS.eval_name)'Eval results: %s', eval_results) # Terminate eval job when final checkpoint is reached. try: current_step = int(os.path.basename(ckpt).split('-')[1]) except IndexError:'%s has no global step info: stop!', ckpt) break utils.archive_ckpt(eval_results, eval_results['AP'], ckpt) total_step = int( (config.num_epochs * FLAGS.num_examples_per_epoch) / FLAGS.train_batch_size) if current_step >= total_step:'Evaluation finished after training step %d', current_step) break except tf.errors.NotFoundError: # Since the coordinator is on a different job than the TPU worker, # sometimes the TPU worker does not finish initializing until long after # the CPU job tells it to start evaluating. In this case, the checkpoint # file could have been deleted already. 'Checkpoint %s no longer exists, skipping checkpoint', ckpt) elif FLAGS.mode == 'train_and_eval': for cycle in range(config.num_epochs):'Starting training cycle, epoch: %d.', cycle) train_estimator = tf.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimator( model_fn=model_fn_instance, use_tpu=use_tpu, train_batch_size=FLAGS.train_batch_size, config=run_config, params=params) train_estimator.train(input_fn=dataloader.InputReader( FLAGS.training_file_pattern, is_training=True, use_fake_data=FLAGS.use_fake_data, max_instances_per_image=max_instances_per_image), steps=int(FLAGS.num_examples_per_epoch / FLAGS.train_batch_size))'Starting evaluation cycle, epoch: %d.', cycle) # Run evaluation after every epoch. eval_params = dict( params, strategy=FLAGS.strategy, input_rand_hflip=False, is_training_bn=False, ) eval_estimator = tf.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimator( model_fn=model_fn_instance, use_tpu=use_tpu, train_batch_size=FLAGS.train_batch_size, eval_batch_size=FLAGS.eval_batch_size, config=run_config, params=eval_params) eval_results = eval_estimator.evaluate( input_fn=dataloader.InputReader( FLAGS.validation_file_pattern, is_training=False, max_instances_per_image=max_instances_per_image), steps=FLAGS.eval_samples // FLAGS.eval_batch_size, name=FLAGS.eval_name)'Evaluation results: %s', eval_results) ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) utils.archive_ckpt(eval_results, eval_results['AP'], ckpt) else:'Mode not found.')
def main(argv=None): # if tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.save_dir): # tf.gfile.DeleteRecursively(FLAGS.save_dir) # tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.save_dir) # if tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.gen_frm_dir): # tf.gfile.DeleteRecursively(FLAGS.gen_frm_dir) # tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.gen_frm_dir) # if os.path.exists(FLAGS.save_dir): # shutil.rmtree(FLAGS.save_dir) # os.mkdir(FLAGS.save_dir) # if os.path.exists(FLAGS.gen_frm_dir): # shutil.rmtree(FLAGS.gen_frm_dir) # os.mkdir(FLAGS.gen_frm_dir) tf.disable_eager_execution() #toegevoegd anders error # load data train_input_handle, test_input_handle = datasets_factory.data_provider( FLAGS.dataset_name, FLAGS.train_data_paths, FLAGS.valid_data_paths, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.img_width) #exit(0) #deze exit gebruikt voor het maken van de dataset-maker print("Initializing models") model = Model() lr = delta = 0.00002 base = 0.99998 eta = 1 for itr in xrange(1, FLAGS.max_iterations + 1): if train_input_handle.no_batch_left(): train_input_handle.begin(do_shuffle=True) ims = train_input_handle.get_batch() ims = preprocess.reshape_patch(ims, FLAGS.patch_size) if itr < 50000: eta -= delta else: eta = 0.0 random_flip = np.random.random_sample( (FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length - 1)) true_token = (random_flip < eta) #true_token = (random_flip < pow(base,itr)) ones = np.ones((int(FLAGS.img_height / FLAGS.patch_size), int(FLAGS.img_width / FLAGS.patch_size), FLAGS.patch_size**2 * FLAGS.img_channel)) zeros = np.zeros((int(FLAGS.img_height / FLAGS.patch_size), int(FLAGS.img_width / FLAGS.patch_size), FLAGS.patch_size**2 * FLAGS.img_channel)) mask_true = [] for i in xrange(FLAGS.batch_size): for j in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length - 1): if true_token[i, j]: mask_true.append(ones) else: mask_true.append(zeros) mask_true = np.array(mask_true) mask_true = np.reshape( mask_true, (FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length - 1, int(FLAGS.img_height / FLAGS.patch_size), int(FLAGS.img_width / FLAGS.patch_size), FLAGS.patch_size**2 * FLAGS.img_channel)) print("Learning rate: " + str(lr)) cost = model.train(ims, lr, mask_true) if itr == 32000 or itr == 52000: lr /= 10 if FLAGS.reverse_input: ims_rev = ims[:, ::-1] cost += model.train(ims_rev, lr, mask_true) cost = cost / 2 if itr % FLAGS.display_interval == 0: print('itr: ' + str(itr)) print('training loss: ' + str(cost)) if itr % FLAGS.test_interval == 0: print('test...') test_input_handle.begin(do_shuffle=False) res_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.gen_frm_dir, str(itr)) os.mkdir(res_path) avg_mse = 0 batch_id = 0 img_mse, ssim, psnr, fmae, sharp = [], [], [], [], [] for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): img_mse.append(0) ssim.append(0) psnr.append(0) fmae.append(0) sharp.append(0) mask_true = np.zeros( (FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length - 1, int(FLAGS.img_height / FLAGS.patch_size), int(FLAGS.img_width / FLAGS.patch_size), FLAGS.patch_size**2 * FLAGS.img_channel)) while (test_input_handle.no_batch_left() == False): batch_id = batch_id + 1 test_ims = test_input_handle.get_batch() test_dat = preprocess.reshape_patch(test_ims, FLAGS.patch_size) img_gen = model.test(test_dat, mask_true) # concat outputs of different gpus along batch img_gen = np.concatenate(img_gen) img_gen = preprocess.reshape_patch_back( img_gen, FLAGS.patch_size) # MSE per frame for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): x = test_ims[:, i + FLAGS.input_length, :, :, 0] gx = img_gen[:, i, :, :, 0] fmae[i] += metrics.batch_mae_frame_float(gx, x) gx = np.maximum(gx, 0) gx = np.minimum(gx, 1) mse = np.square(x - gx).sum() img_mse[i] += mse avg_mse += mse real_frm = np.uint8(x * 255) pred_frm = np.uint8(gx * 255) psnr[i] += metrics.batch_psnr(pred_frm, real_frm) for b in xrange(FLAGS.batch_size): sharp[i] += np.max( cv2.convertScaleAbs(cv2.Laplacian(pred_frm[b], 3))) score, _ = compare_ssim(pred_frm[b], real_frm[b], full=True) ssim[i] += score # save prediction examples if batch_id <= 10: path = os.path.join(res_path, str(batch_id)) os.mkdir(path) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length): name = 'gt' + str(i + 1) + '.png' file_name = os.path.join(path, name) img_gt = np.uint8(test_ims[0, i, :, :, :] * 255) cv2.imwrite(file_name, img_gt) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): name = 'pd' + str(i + 1 + FLAGS.input_length) + '.png' file_name = os.path.join(path, name) img_pd = img_gen[0, i, :, :, :] img_pd = np.maximum(img_pd, 0) img_pd = np.minimum(img_pd, 1) img_pd = np.uint8(img_pd * 255) cv2.imwrite(file_name, img_pd) avg_mse = avg_mse / (batch_id * FLAGS.batch_size) print('mse per seq: ' + str(avg_mse)) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): print(img_mse[i] / (batch_id * FLAGS.batch_size)) psnr = np.asarray(psnr, dtype=np.float32) / batch_id fmae = np.asarray(fmae, dtype=np.float32) / batch_id ssim = np.asarray(ssim, dtype=np.float32) / (FLAGS.batch_size * batch_id) sharp = np.asarray( sharp, dtype=np.float32) / (FLAGS.batch_size * batch_id) print('psnr per frame: ' + str(np.mean(psnr))) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): print(psnr[i]) print('fmae per frame: ' + str(np.mean(fmae))) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): print(fmae[i]) print('ssim per frame: ' + str(np.mean(ssim))) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): print(ssim[i]) print('sharpness per frame: ' + str(np.mean(sharp))) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): print(sharp[i]) if itr % FLAGS.snapshot_interval == 0:
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tensorflow tensorflow.disable_eager_execution() config = tensorflow.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True import random import numpy import pickle from Dataset import Dataset from Embeddings.TransE import TransE from Embeddings.ComplEx import ComplEx from Embeddings.TuckER import TuckER import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '--dataset', type=str, default="NELL995") parser.add_argument('-t', '--task', type=str, default="concept_agentbelongstoorganization") parser.add_argument('-x', '--embedding-method', type=str, default="TransE") parser.add_argument('-e', '--embedding-size', type=int, default=100) parser.add_argument('-m', '--margin', type=float, default=1.0) parser.add_argument('-r', '--learning-rate', type=float, default=1e-3) parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch-size', type=int, default=1024) parser.add_argument('-g', '--sampling-type', type=str, default='bernoulli')
""" # pylint: disable=missing-docstring from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import re import sys import tarfile from six.moves import urllib #修改以适应TF2.0 import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf tf.disable_eager_execution( ) #tensorflow2.0运行1.0的代码会报错误:“AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'placeholder'” import cifar10_input FLAGS = # Basic model parameters.'batch_size', 128, """Number of images to process in a batch.""")'data_dir', 'cifar10_data', """Path to the CIFAR-10 data directory.""")'use_fp16', False, """Train the model using fp16.""") # Global constants describing the CIFAR-10 data set. IMAGE_SIZE = cifar10_input.IMAGE_SIZE
def main(argv=None): tf.disable_eager_execution() #toegevoegd anders error # load data _, test_input_handle = datasets_factory.data_provider( FLAGS.dataset_name, FLAGS.train_data_paths, FLAGS.test_data_paths, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.img_width) print("Initializing models") model = Model() lr = print('test...') test_input_handle.begin(do_shuffle=False) res_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.gen_frm_dir, 'test') os.mkdir(res_path) avg_mse = 0 batch_id = 0 img_mse, ssim, psnr, fmae, sharp = [], [], [], [], [] for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): img_mse.append(0) ssim.append(0) psnr.append(0) fmae.append(0) sharp.append(0) mask_true = np.zeros( (FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length - 1, int(FLAGS.img_height / FLAGS.patch_size), int(FLAGS.img_width / FLAGS.patch_size), FLAGS.patch_size**2 * FLAGS.img_channel)) while (test_input_handle.no_batch_left() == False): batch_id = batch_id + 1 test_ims = test_input_handle.get_batch() test_dat = preprocess.reshape_patch(test_ims, FLAGS.patch_size) img_gen = model.test(test_dat, mask_true) # concat outputs of different gpus along batch img_gen = np.concatenate(img_gen) img_gen = preprocess.reshape_patch_back(img_gen, FLAGS.patch_size) # MSE per frame for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): x = test_ims[:, i + FLAGS.input_length, :, :, 0] gx = img_gen[:, i, :, :, 0] fmae[i] += metrics.batch_mae_frame_float(gx, x) gx = np.maximum(gx, 0) gx = np.minimum(gx, 1) mse = np.square(x - gx).sum() img_mse[i] += mse avg_mse += mse real_frm = np.uint8(x * 255) pred_frm = np.uint8(gx * 255) psnr[i] += metrics.batch_psnr(pred_frm, real_frm) for b in xrange(FLAGS.batch_size): sharp[i] += np.max( cv2.convertScaleAbs(cv2.Laplacian(pred_frm[b], 3))) score, _ = compare_ssim(pred_frm[b], real_frm[b], full=True) ssim[i] += score # save prediction examples if batch_id <= 10: path = os.path.join(res_path, str(batch_id)) os.mkdir(path) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length): name = 'gt' + str(i + 1) + '.png' file_name = os.path.join(path, name) img_gt = np.uint8(test_ims[0, i, :, :, :] * 255) cv2.imwrite(file_name, img_gt) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): name = 'pd' + str(i + 1 + FLAGS.input_length) + '.png' file_name = os.path.join(path, name) img_pd = img_gen[0, i, :, :, :] img_pd = np.maximum(img_pd, 0) img_pd = np.minimum(img_pd, 1) img_pd = np.uint8(img_pd * 255) cv2.imwrite(file_name, img_pd) avg_mse = avg_mse / (batch_id * FLAGS.batch_size) print('mse per seq: ' + str(avg_mse)) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): print(img_mse[i] / (batch_id * FLAGS.batch_size)) psnr = np.asarray(psnr, dtype=np.float32) / batch_id fmae = np.asarray(fmae, dtype=np.float32) / batch_id ssim = np.asarray(ssim, dtype=np.float32) / (FLAGS.batch_size * batch_id) sharp = np.asarray(sharp, dtype=np.float32) / (FLAGS.batch_size * batch_id) print('psnr per frame: ' + str(np.mean(psnr))) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): print(psnr[i]) print('fmae per frame: ' + str(np.mean(fmae))) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): print(fmae[i]) print('ssim per frame: ' + str(np.mean(ssim))) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): print(ssim[i]) print('sharpness per frame: ' + str(np.mean(sharp))) for i in xrange(FLAGS.seq_length - FLAGS.input_length): print(sharp[i])
def __init__(self, log_dir): """Create a summary writer logging to log_dir.""" tf.disable_eager_execution() self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir)
def main(argv): del argv # unused. tf.reset_default_graph() tf.disable_eager_execution() # set random seed. tf.set_random_seed(FLAGS.tf_rand_seed) np.random.seed(FLAGS.np_rand_seed) dataset_name = FLAGS.dataset_name n_labels = num_labels[dataset_name] num_train = num_train_dict[dataset_name] num_test = num_test_dict[dataset_name] matching = FLAGS.matching # load training and test data. print('--- Loading {} ---'.format(dataset_name)) # print('loading dataset') x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = get_data(dataset_name) # define the model. model_name = FLAGS.model_name if model_name == 'cnn': print('--- Building CNN model ---') model = models.CnnModel(n_labels) elif model_name == 'vgg': print('--- Building VGG model ---') model = models.VggModel(n_labels) else: raise NotImplementedError # num of batches to eval test data. eval_batch_size = FLAGS.eval_batch_size num_eval_batch = int(num_test / eval_batch_size) # num of batches to eval train data. num_eval_train_batch = int(num_train / eval_batch_size) batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size num_steps_per_epoch = int(num_train / batch_size) training_epochs = FLAGS.training_epochs # define training operations. global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() trainable_vars = tf.trainable_variables() grads = tf.gradients(model.total_loss, trainable_vars) learning_rate = FLAGS.learning_rate train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( model.total_loss, global_step=global_step) # define matching operations if matching != 'none': l_rate_match = get_matching_lr(matching, learning_rate, batch_size) trainable_vars_ph_0 = [] trainable_vars_ph_1 = [] for var in trainable_vars: trainable_vars_ph_0.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=var.shape)) trainable_vars_ph_1.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=var.shape)) matching_step = [] for var, ph_0, ph_1 in zip(trainable_vars, trainable_vars_ph_0, trainable_vars_ph_1): matching_step.append( tf.assign_add(var, l_rate_match * (ph_0 - ph_1))) # checkpoint saver saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1) checkpoint_dir = FLAGS.checkpoint_dir # start training. with tf.Session() as sess: # First, if checkpoint_dir does not exist, create a folder. if not tf.gfile.IsDirectory(checkpoint_dir): # checkpoint directory does not exist; create directory. tf.gfile.MakeDirs(checkpoint_dir) epoch = 0 train_acc_record = [] train_loss_record = [] test_acc_record = [] test_loss_record = [] while epoch < training_epochs: # compute train/test acc/loss and log, add to records. # compute test acc and loss on whole dataset. test_acc = 0.0 test_loss = 0.0 for b_id in range(num_eval_batch): data_dict_eval = { model.x_input: x_test[b_id * eval_batch_size:(b_id + 1) * eval_batch_size, ...], model.y_input: y_test[b_id * eval_batch_size:(b_id + 1) * eval_batch_size] } test_acc_batch, test_loss_batch = [model.accuracy, model.total_loss], feed_dict=data_dict_eval) test_acc += test_acc_batch test_loss += test_loss_batch test_acc /= float(num_eval_batch) test_loss /= float(num_eval_batch) test_acc_record.append(test_acc) test_loss_record.append(test_loss) # compute train acc, loss, and full gradient on whole dataset. train_acc = 0.0 train_loss = 0.0 for b_id in range(num_eval_train_batch): data_dict_eval_train = { model.x_input: x_train[b_id * eval_batch_size:(b_id + 1) * eval_batch_size, ...], model.y_input: y_train[b_id * eval_batch_size:(b_id + 1) * eval_batch_size] } train_acc_batch, train_loss_batch = [model.accuracy, model.total_loss], feed_dict=data_dict_eval_train) train_acc += train_acc_batch train_loss += train_loss_batch train_acc /= float(num_eval_train_batch) train_loss /= float(num_eval_train_batch) train_acc_record.append(train_acc) train_loss_record.append(train_loss) print('--- epoch {}, train acc {:.4f}, test acc {:.4f} ---'.format( epoch, train_acc, test_acc)) if (epoch + 1) % FLAGS.num_checkpoint_epochs == 0: # write a checkpoint. print('--- Saving checkpoint ---') # save checkpoints., os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'model.ckpt'), global_step=global_step) # save training and test records. print('--- Saving records ---') # save train/test records. + '/train_acc.npy', train_acc_record) + '/train_loss.npy', train_loss_record) + '/test_acc.npy', test_acc_record) + '/test_loss.npy', test_loss_record) # Actual training step for _ in range(num_steps_per_epoch): # sample a batch without replacement selected_index = np.random.choice(num_train, size=batch_size, replace=False) x_batch = x_train[selected_index, ...] x_aug = data_augment(x_batch) y_batch = y_train[selected_index] data_dict = {model.x_input: x_aug, model.y_input: y_batch}, feed_dict=data_dict) # If using matching schemes, do these after the gradient descent step. if matching == 'lr_matching': selected_index_0 = np.random.choice(num_train, size=batch_size, replace=True) selected_index_1 = np.random.choice(num_train, size=batch_size, replace=True) elif matching == 'batch_matching': selected_index_0 = np.random.choice( num_train, size=FLAGS.matching_batch_size, replace=True) selected_index_1 = np.random.choice( num_train, size=FLAGS.matching_batch_size, replace=True) if matching != 'none': x_batch_0 = x_train[selected_index_0, ...] x_batch_1 = x_train[selected_index_1, ...] x_aug_0 = data_augment(x_batch_0) x_aug_1 = data_augment(x_batch_1) y_batch_0 = y_train[selected_index_0] y_batch_1 = y_train[selected_index_1] data_dict_0 = { model.x_input: x_aug_0, model.y_input: y_batch_0 } data_dict_1 = { model.x_input: x_aug_1, model.y_input: y_batch_1 } # compute gradients and difference grads_val_0 =, feed_dict=data_dict_0) grads_val_1 =, feed_dict=data_dict_1) # add to variables grads_dict = {} for ph_0, ph_1, array_0, array_1 in zip( trainable_vars_ph_0, trainable_vars_ph_1, grads_val_0, grads_val_1): grads_dict[ph_0] = array_0 grads_dict[ph_1] = array_1, feed_dict=grads_dict) # This epoch finished, update the epoch counter. epoch += 1
def create_client_batches(clients: List[ReptileClient], batch_size: int) -> List[List[ReptileClient]]: if batch_size == -1: client_batches = [clients] else: client_batches = [ clients[i:i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(clients), batch_size) ] return client_batches num_clients_train = 10000 num_clients_test = 1000 num_classes_per_client = 5 num_shots_per_class = 5 eval_iters = 10 reptile_args = ReptileTrainingArgs(model=OmniglotModel, inner_optimizer=optim.Adam, inner_learning_rate=0.001, num_inner_steps=5, num_inner_steps_eval=50, log_every_n_steps=3, inner_batch_size=10, meta_batch_size=5, meta_learning_rate_initial=1, meta_learning_rate_final=0, num_meta_steps=3000) experiment_logger = create_tensorboard_logger(, "dataloading_ours;models_ours") # Load and prepare Omniglot data data_dir = REPO_ROOT / 'data' / 'omniglot' ####### tf.disable_eager_execution() ####### omniglot_train_clients, omniglot_test_clients = load_omniglot_datasets( str(data_dir.absolute()), num_clients_train=num_clients_train, num_clients_test=num_clients_test, num_classes_per_client=num_classes_per_client, num_shots_per_class=num_shots_per_class, inner_batch_size=reptile_args.inner_batch_size, random_seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Prepare ModelArgs for task training inner_optimizer_args = OptimizerArgs( optimizer_class=reptile_args.inner_optimizer, lr=reptile_args.inner_learning_rate, betas=(0, 0.999)) inner_model_args = ModelArgs(reptile_args.model, inner_optimizer_args, num_classes=num_classes_per_client) dummy_optimizer_args = OptimizerArgs(optimizer_class=optim.SGD) meta_model_args = ModelArgs(reptile_args.model, dummy_optimizer_args, num_classes=num_classes_per_client) """ # Set up clients # Since we are doing meta-learning, we need separate sets of training and # test clients train_clients = initialize_reptile_clients(context, train_datasets) test_clients = initialize_reptile_clients(context, test_datasets) # Set up server server = ReptileServer( participant_name='initial_server', model_args=context.meta_model_args, context=context, initial_model_state=initial_model_state )""" torch_model = OmniglotModel(num_classes=num_classes_per_client) torch_optimizer = inner_optimizer_args.optimizer_class( torch_model.parameters(), **inner_optimizer_args.optimizer_kwargs) reptile = Reptile(model=torch_model, optimizer=torch_optimizer, inner_iterations=reptile_args.num_inner_steps, inner_iterations_eval=reptile_args.num_inner_steps_eval) for i in range(reptile_args.num_meta_steps): frac_done = i / reptile_args.num_meta_steps cur_meta_step_size = frac_done * reptile_args.meta_learning_rate_final + ( 1 - frac_done) * reptile_args.meta_learning_rate_initial meta_batch = { k: omniglot_train_clients.train_data_local_dict[k] for k in cyclerange( i * reptile_args.meta_batch_size % len(omniglot_train_clients.train_data_local_dict), (i + 1) * reptile_args.meta_batch_size % len(omniglot_train_clients.train_data_local_dict), len(omniglot_train_clients.train_data_local_dict)) } reptile.train_step(meta_batch=meta_batch, meta_step_size=cur_meta_step_size) if i % eval_iters == 0: accuracies = [] k = RANDOM.randrange( len(omniglot_train_clients.train_data_local_dict)) train_train = omniglot_train_clients.train_data_local_dict[k] train_test = omniglot_train_clients.test_data_local_dict[k] k = RANDOM.randrange( len(omniglot_test_clients.train_data_local_dict)) test_train = omniglot_test_clients.train_data_local_dict[k] test_test = omniglot_test_clients.test_data_local_dict[k] for train_dl, test_dl in [(train_train, train_test), (test_train, test_test)]: correct = reptile.evaluate(train_dl, test_dl) accuracies.append(correct / num_classes_per_client) print('batch %d: train=%f test=%f' % (i, accuracies[0], accuracies[1])) # Write to TensorBoard experiment_logger.experiment.add_scalar( 'train-test/acc/{}/mean'.format('global_model'), accuracies[0], global_step=i) experiment_logger.experiment.add_scalar( 'test-test/acc/{}/mean'.format('global_model'), accuracies[1], global_step=i) """ import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf tf.disable_eager_execution() #启用动态图机制 #构建两个常数 matrix1 = tf.constant([[3, 3]]) matrix2 = tf.constant([[2], [2]]) product = tf.matmul(matrix1, matrix2) #矩阵相乘 ##part1 # sess = tf.Session() # result = # print(result) # sess.close()#关闭会话 #part2 with tf.Session() as sess: #进入Session会话 result = print(result)
import resnet import data as data_lib import model as model_lib import model_util as model_util import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf import tensorflow_datasets as tfds import tensorflow_hub as hub #boostx : ''' the tf2.0 have a issue with use instead of ''' ''' tf.disable_eager_execution() with tf.Session() as sess: saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('./tmp/simclr_test_ft/model.ckpt-196.meta') saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('./tmp/simclr_test_ft')) graph = tf.get_default_graph() print(graph.get_operations()) ''' FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 0.3, 'Initial learning rate per batch size of 256.')
def testPCgradBasic(self, denylist, allowlist, pcgrad_var_idx): tf.disable_eager_execution() for dtype in [tf.dtypes.float32, tf.dtypes.float64]: with self.session(graph=tf.Graph()): var0_np = np.array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=dtype.as_numpy_dtype) var1_np = np.array([3.0, 4.0], dtype=dtype.as_numpy_dtype) const0_np = np.array([1., 0.], dtype=dtype.as_numpy_dtype) const1_np = np.array([-1., -1.], dtype=dtype.as_numpy_dtype) const2_np = np.array([-1., 1.], dtype=dtype.as_numpy_dtype) var0 = tf.Variable(var0_np, dtype=dtype, name='first_var/var0') var1 = tf.Variable(var1_np, dtype=dtype, name='second_var/var1') const0 = tf.constant(const0_np) const1 = tf.constant(const1_np) const2 = tf.constant(const2_np) loss0 = tf.tensordot(var0, const0, 1) + tf.tensordot( var1, const2, 1) loss1 = tf.tensordot(var0, const1, 1) + tf.tensordot( var1, const0, 1) learning_rate = lambda: 0.001 opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate) losses = loss0 + loss1 opt_grads = opt.compute_gradients(losses, var_list=[var0, var1]) pcgrad_opt = pcgrad.PCGrad( tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate), denylist=denylist, allowlist=allowlist) pcgrad_col_opt = pcgrad.PCGrad( tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate), use_collection_losses=True, denylist=denylist, allowlist=allowlist) losses = [loss0, loss1] pcgrad_grads = pcgrad_opt.compute_gradients( losses, var_list=[var0, var1]) tf.add_to_collection(pcgrad.PCGRAD_LOSSES_COLLECTION, loss0) tf.add_to_collection(pcgrad.PCGRAD_LOSSES_COLLECTION, loss1) pcgrad_grads_collection = pcgrad_col_opt.compute_gradients( None, var_list=[var0, var1]) with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Shouldn't return non-slot variables from other graphs. self.assertEmpty(opt.variables()) self.evaluate(tf.global_variables_initializer()) grad_vec, pcgrad_vec, pcgrad_col_vec = self.evaluate( [opt_grads, pcgrad_grads, pcgrad_grads_collection]) # Make sure that both methods take grads of the same vars. self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType(pcgrad_vec, pcgrad_col_vec) results = [{ 'var': var0, 'pcgrad_vec': [0.5, -1.5], 'result': [0.9995, 2.0015] }, { 'var': var1, 'pcgrad_vec': [0.5, 1.5], 'result': [2.9995, 3.9985] }] grad_var_idx = {0, 1}.difference(pcgrad_var_idx) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType(grad_vec[0][0], [0.0, -1.0], atol=1e-5) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType(grad_vec[1][0], [0.0, 1.0], atol=1e-5) pcgrad_vec_idx = 0 for var_idx in pcgrad_var_idx: self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( pcgrad_vec[pcgrad_vec_idx][0], results[var_idx]['pcgrad_vec'], atol=1e-5) pcgrad_vec_idx += 1 for var_idx in grad_var_idx: self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( pcgrad_vec[pcgrad_vec_idx][0], grad_vec[var_idx][0], atol=1e-5) pcgrad_vec_idx += 1 self.evaluate(opt.apply_gradients(pcgrad_grads)) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( self.evaluate( [results[idx]['var'] for idx in pcgrad_var_idx]), [results[idx]['result'] for idx in pcgrad_var_idx])
def __init__( self, estimator: "SPEECH_RECOGNIZER_TYPE", masker: "PsychoacousticMasker", eps: float = 2000.0, learning_rate_1: float = 100.0, max_iter_1: int = 1000, alpha: float = 0.05, learning_rate_2: float = 1.0, max_iter_2: int = 4000, loss_theta_min: float = 0.05, decrease_factor_eps: float = 0.8, num_iter_decrease_eps: int = 10, increase_factor_alpha: float = 1.2, num_iter_increase_alpha: int = 20, decrease_factor_alpha: float = 0.8, num_iter_decrease_alpha: int = 50, batch_size: int = 1, ) -> None: """ Create an instance of the :class:`.ImperceptibleASR`. The default parameters assume that audio input is in `int16` range. If using normalized audio input, parameters `eps` and `learning_rate_{1,2}` need to be scaled with a factor `2^-15` :param estimator: A trained speech recognition estimator. :param masker: A Psychoacoustic masker. :param eps: Initial max norm bound for adversarial perturbation. :param learning_rate_1: Learning rate for stage 1 of attack. :param max_iter_1: Number of iterations for stage 1 of attack. :param alpha: Initial alpha value for balancing stage 2 loss. :param learning_rate_2: Learning rate for stage 2 of attack. :param max_iter_2: Number of iterations for stage 2 of attack. :param loss_theta_min: If imperceptible loss reaches minimum, stop early. Works best with `batch_size=1`. :param decrease_factor_eps: Decrease factor for epsilon (Paper default: 0.8). :param num_iter_decrease_eps: Iterations after which to decrease epsilon if attack succeeds (Paper default: 10). :param increase_factor_alpha: Increase factor for alpha (Paper default: 1.2). :param num_iter_increase_alpha: Iterations after which to increase alpha if attack succeeds (Paper default: 20). :param decrease_factor_alpha: Decrease factor for alpha (Paper default: 0.8). :param num_iter_decrease_alpha: Iterations after which to decrease alpha if attack fails (Paper default: 50). :param batch_size: Batch size. """ # Super initialization super().__init__(estimator=estimator) self.masker = masker self.eps = eps self.learning_rate_1 = learning_rate_1 self.max_iter_1 = max_iter_1 self.alpha = alpha self.learning_rate_2 = learning_rate_2 self.max_iter_2 = max_iter_2 self._targeted = True self.batch_size = batch_size self.loss_theta_min = loss_theta_min self.decrease_factor_eps = decrease_factor_eps self.num_iter_decrease_eps = num_iter_decrease_eps self.increase_factor_alpha = increase_factor_alpha self.num_iter_increase_alpha = num_iter_increase_alpha self.decrease_factor_alpha = decrease_factor_alpha self.num_iter_decrease_alpha = num_iter_decrease_alpha self._check_params() # init some aliases self._window_size = masker.window_size self._hop_size = masker.hop_size self._sample_rate = masker.sample_rate self._framework: Optional[str] = None if isinstance(self.estimator, TensorFlowV2Estimator): import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf1 # set framework attribute self._framework = "tensorflow" # disable eager execution and use tensorflow.compat.v1 API, e.g. Lingvo uses TF2v1 AP tf1.disable_eager_execution() # TensorFlow placeholders self._delta = tf1.placeholder(tf1.float32, shape=[None, None], name="art_delta") self._power_spectral_density_maximum_tf = tf1.placeholder( tf1.float32, shape=[None], name="art_psd_max") self._masking_threshold_tf = tf1.placeholder( tf1.float32, shape=[None, None, None], name="art_masking_threshold") # TensorFlow loss gradient ops self._loss_gradient_masking_threshold_op_tf = self._loss_gradient_masking_threshold_tf( self._delta, self._power_spectral_density_maximum_tf, self._masking_threshold_tf) elif isinstance(self.estimator, PyTorchEstimator): # set framework attribute self._framework = "pytorch"
def test_sum(self): tf.disable_eager_execution() nodes = tf.constant([1, 3]) nodes2 = tf.constant([1, 3]) fused = efficientdet_arch.fuse_features([nodes, nodes2], 'sum') self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType(fused, [2, 6])
def main(_): tf.disable_eager_execution() if not FLAGS.dataset_dir: raise ValueError('You must supply the dataset directory with --dataset_dir') tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) with tf.Graph().as_default(): ###################### # Select the dataset # ###################### dataset = dataset_factory.get_dataset( FLAGS.dataset_name, FLAGS.dataset_split_name, FLAGS.dataset_dir) ######################### # Configure the network # ######################### inception_params = network_params.InceptionV3FCNParams( receptive_field_size=FLAGS.receptive_field_size, prelogit_dropout_keep_prob=0.8, depth_multiplier=0.1, min_depth=16, inception_fcn_stride=0, ) conv_params = network_params.ConvScopeParams( dropout=False, dropout_keep_prob=0.8, batch_norm=True, batch_norm_decay=0.99, l2_weight_decay=4e-05, ) network_fn = inception_v3_fcn.get_inception_v3_fcn_network_fn( inception_params, conv_params, num_classes=dataset.num_classes, is_training=True, ) ##################################### # Select the preprocessing function # ##################################### image_preprocessing_fn = preprocessing_factory.get_preprocessing( 'inception_v3', is_training=True) ############################################################## # Create a dataset provider that loads data from the dataset # ############################################################## provider = slim.dataset_data_provider.DatasetDataProvider( dataset, num_readers=DATASET_READERS, common_queue_capacity=20 * FLAGS.batch_size, common_queue_min=10 * FLAGS.batch_size) [image, label] = provider.get(['image', 'label']) train_image_size = FLAGS.receptive_field_size image = image_preprocessing_fn(image, train_image_size, train_image_size) images, labels = tf.train.batch([image, label], batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, num_threads=PREPROCESSING_THREADS, capacity=5 * FLAGS.batch_size) labels = slim.one_hot_encoding(labels, dataset.num_classes) #################### # Define the model # #################### logits, _ = network_fn(images) slim.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(logits, labels) total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss() tf.summary.scalar('losses/Total_Loss', total_loss) optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.01) train_op = slim.learning.create_train_op( total_loss, optimizer, variables_to_train=_get_variables_to_train()) ########################### # Kicks off the training. # ########################### slim.learning.train( train_op, logdir=FLAGS.train_dir, init_fn=_get_init_fn(), number_of_steps=FLAGS.max_number_of_steps, log_every_n_steps=FLAGS.log_every_n_steps, save_summaries_secs=FLAGS.save_summaries_secs, save_interval_secs=FLAGS.save_interval_secs, session_config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True))
def validate_yolo_model_pb(model_path, image_file, anchors, class_names, model_image_size, elim_grid_sense, v5_decode, loop_count): # check tf version to be compatible with TF 2.x global tf if tf.__version__.startswith('2'): import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf tf.disable_eager_execution() # NOTE: TF 1.x frozen pb graph need to specify input/output tensor name # so we hardcode the input/output tensor names here to get them from model if len(anchors) == 6: output_tensor_names = [ 'graph/predict_conv_1/BiasAdd:0', 'graph/predict_conv_2/BiasAdd:0' ] elif len(anchors) == 9: output_tensor_names = [ 'graph/predict_conv_1/BiasAdd:0', 'graph/predict_conv_2/BiasAdd:0', 'graph/predict_conv_3/BiasAdd:0' ] elif len(anchors) == 5: # YOLOv2 use 5 anchors and have only 1 prediction output_tensor_names = ['graph/predict_conv/BiasAdd:0'] else: raise ValueError('invalid anchor number') # assume only 1 input tensor for image input_tensor_name = 'graph/image_input:0' #load frozen pb graph def load_pb_graph(model_path): # We parse the graph_def file with tf.gfile.GFile(model_path, "rb") as f: graph_def = tf.GraphDef() graph_def.ParseFromString( # We load the graph_def in the default graph with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, input_map=None, return_elements=None, name="graph", op_dict=None, producer_op_list=None) return graph graph = load_pb_graph(model_path) # We can list operations, op.values() gives you a list of tensors it produces # gives you the name. These op also include input & output node # print output like: # prefix/Placeholder/inputs_placeholder # ... # prefix/Accuracy/predictions # # NOTE: prefix/Placeholder/inputs_placeholder is only op's name. # tensor name should be like prefix/Placeholder/inputs_placeholder:0 #for op in graph.get_operations(): #print(, op.values()) image_input = graph.get_tensor_by_name(input_tensor_name) output_tensors = [ graph.get_tensor_by_name(output_tensor_name) for output_tensor_name in output_tensor_names ] batch, height, width, channel = image_input.shape model_image_size = (int(height), int(width)) img = image = np.array(img, dtype='uint8') image_data = preprocess_image(img, model_image_size) #origin image shape, in (height, width) format image_shape = tuple(reversed(img.size)) # predict once first to bypass the model building time with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: prediction =, feed_dict={image_input: image_data}) start = time.time() for i in range(loop_count): with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: prediction =, feed_dict={image_input: image_data}) end = time.time() print("Average Inference time: {:.8f}ms".format( (end - start) * 1000 / loop_count)) prediction.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[0])) handle_prediction(prediction, image_file, image, image_shape, anchors, class_names, model_image_size, elim_grid_sense, v5_decode)
def load_tf_weights_in_bert_generation( model, tf_hub_path, model_class, is_encoder_named_decoder=False, is_encoder=False ): try: import numpy as np import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf import tensorflow_hub as hub import tensorflow_text # noqa: F401 tf.disable_eager_execution() except ImportError: logger.error( "Loading a TensorFlow model in PyTorch, requires TensorFlow to be installed. Please see " " for installation instructions." ) raise tf_model = hub.Module(tf_hub_path) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: all_variables = tf_model.variable_map keep_track_variables = all_variables.copy() for key in list(all_variables.keys()): if "global" in key:"Skipping {key}...") continue if not is_encoder: model_pointer = getattr(model, model_class) else: model_pointer = model is_embedding = False"Trying to match {key}...") # remove start_string = "module/bert/" sub_layers = key.split("/")[2:] if is_encoder_named_decoder and sub_layers[0] == "encoder":"Skipping encoder layer {key} for decoder") continue if is_encoder and sub_layers[0] == "decoder":"Skipping decoder layer {key} for encoder") continue for i, sub_layer in enumerate(sub_layers): if sub_layer == "embeddings": is_embedding = True elif sub_layer == "LayerNorm": is_embedding = False if "layer" in sub_layer: model_pointer = model_pointer.layer[int(sub_layer.split("_")[-1])] elif sub_layer in ["kernel", "gamma"]: model_pointer = model_pointer.weight elif sub_layer == "beta": model_pointer = model_pointer.bias elif sub_layer == "encdec": model_pointer = model_pointer.crossattention.self elif sub_layer == "encdec_output": model_pointer = model_pointer.crossattention.output elif is_encoder_named_decoder and sub_layer == "decoder": model_pointer = model_pointer.encoder else: if sub_layer == "attention" and "encdec" in sub_layers[i + 1]: continue try: model_pointer = getattr(model_pointer, sub_layer) except AttributeError:"Skipping to initialize {key} at {sub_layer}...") raise AttributeError array = np.asarray([key])) if not is_embedding:"Transposing numpy weight of shape {array.shape} for {key}") array = np.transpose(array) else: model_pointer = model_pointer.weight if model_pointer.shape != array.shape: raise ValueError(f"Pointer shape {model_pointer.shape} and array shape {array.shape} mismatched")"Initialize PyTorch weight {key}") = torch.from_numpy(array.astype(np.float32)) keep_track_variables.pop(key, None)"Weights not copied to PyTorch model: {', '.join(keep_track_variables.keys())}") return model
def setUpModule(): tf.disable_eager_execution()
# encoding: utf-8 #import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf tf.disable_eager_execution() # 忽略占位符 import numpy as np #from auxiliaryTools.ExtractData import Dataset #from auxiliaryTools.GetTest import get_test_list from ExtractData import Dataset from GetTest import get_test_list from time import time import math, os def get_train_instance(train): user_input, item_input, rates = [], [], [] for (u, i) in train.keys(): # positive instance user_input.append(u) item_input.append(i) rates.append(train[u, i]) return user_input, item_input, rates def get_train_instance_batch_change(count, batch_size, user_input, item_input, ratings, user_reviews, item_reviews): users_batch, items_batch, user_input_batch, item_input_batch, labels_batch = [], [], [], [], [] for idx in range(batch_size): index = (count * batch_size + idx) % len(user_input) users_batch.append(user_input[index])
def load_tf_graph_def(graph_file_name: str = "", is_binary: bool = True, checkpoint: str = "", model_dir: str = "", saved_model_tags: list = [], meta_graph_file: str = "", user_output_node_names_list: list = []): # As a provisional solution, use a native TF methods to load a model protobuf graph_def = tf_v1.GraphDef() if isinstance(graph_file_name, str) and (re.match('.*\.(ckpt|meta)$', graph_file_name)): print( '[ WARNING ] The value for the --input_model command line parameter ends with ".ckpt" or ".meta" ' 'extension.\n' 'It means that the model is not frozen.\n' 'To load non frozen model to Model Optimizer run:' '\n\n1. For "*.ckpt" file:' '\n- if inference graph is in binary format' '\npython3 --input_model "path/to/inference_graph.pb" --input_checkpoint "path/to/*.ckpt"' '\n- if inference graph is in text format' '\npython3 --input_model "path/to/inference_graph.pbtxt" --input_model_is_text ' '--input_checkpoint "path/to/*.ckpt"' '\n\n2. For "*.meta" file:' '\npython3 --input_meta_graph "path/to/*.meta"') variables_values = {} try: if graph_file_name and not meta_graph_file and not checkpoint: # frozen graph return read_file_to_graph_def(graph_def, graph_file_name, is_binary), variables_values if graph_file_name and not meta_graph_file and checkpoint: # inference graph and checkpoint graph_def = read_file_to_graph_def(graph_def, graph_file_name, is_binary) outputs = get_output_node_names_list(graph_def, user_output_node_names_list) if os.path.isfile(checkpoint): graph_def = freeze_checkpoint(graph_def=graph_def, checkpoint=checkpoint, output_node_names=outputs) elif os.path.isdir(checkpoint): graph_def, variables_values = freeze_checkpoints( graph_def=graph_def, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint, output_node_names=outputs) # we are sure that checkpoint is existing file or directory due to cli_parser configuration return graph_def, variables_values if not graph_file_name and meta_graph_file: meta_graph_file = deducing_metagraph_path(meta_graph_file) input_meta_graph_def = read_file_to_graph_def( tf_v1.MetaGraphDef(), meta_graph_file, is_binary) # pylint: disable=no-member with tf_v1.Session() as sess: restorer = tf_v1.train.import_meta_graph(input_meta_graph_def) restorer.restore(sess, re.sub('\.meta$', '', meta_graph_file)) outputs = get_output_node_names_list( input_meta_graph_def.graph_def, user_output_node_names_list) graph_def = tf_v1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, input_meta_graph_def.graph_def, outputs) return graph_def, variables_values if model_dir: # saved model directory try: env_setup = get_environment_setup() # enable eager execution temporarily while TensorFlow 2 model is being loaded tf_v1.enable_eager_execution() # code to extract GraphDef for TF 2.0 SavedModel format # tf.saved_model.load function throws TypeError for TF 1.x SavedModel format in case TF 1.x installed imported = tf.saved_model.load(model_dir, saved_model_tags) # pylint: disable=E1120 # to get a signature by key throws KeyError for TF 1.x SavedModel format in case TF 2.x installed concrete_func = imported.signatures[ tf.saved_model.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY] # the aggressive inlining parameter needs to freeze a table of embeddings for Keras Embedding operation # and a model with Embedding operation cannot properly converted to IR without this function parameter if "tensorflow" in env_setup and env_setup[ "tensorflow"] >= LooseVersion("2.2.0"): frozen_func = convert_variables_to_constants_v2( concrete_func, lower_control_flow=False, aggressive_inlining=True) # pylint: disable=E1123 else: frozen_func = convert_variables_to_constants_v2( concrete_func, lower_control_flow=False) # pylint: disable=E1123 graph_def = frozen_func.graph.as_graph_def(add_shapes=True) # disable eager execution since next steps are executed with a graph in non-eager mode tf_v1.disable_eager_execution() return graph_def, variables_values except (TypeError, KeyError): # disable eager execution since TensorFlow 1 model is handled tf_v1.disable_eager_execution() # code to extract GraphDef for TF 1.0 SavedModel format tags = saved_model_tags if saved_model_tags is not None else [ tf_v1.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING ] with tf_v1.Session() as sess: meta_graph_def = tf_v1.saved_model.loader.load( sess, tags, model_dir) outputs = get_output_node_names_list( meta_graph_def.graph_def, user_output_node_names_list) graph_def = tf_v1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, meta_graph_def.graph_def, outputs) return graph_def, variables_values except Exception as e: raise FrameworkError('SavedModel format load failure: {}', e) from e except Exception as e: raise FrameworkError('Cannot load input model: {}', e) from e raise Error("Unknown configuration of input model parameters")
def main(_): if FLAGS.strategy == 'tpu': tf.disable_eager_execution() tpu_cluster_resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver( FLAGS.tpu, zone=FLAGS.tpu_zone, project=FLAGS.gcp_project) tpu_grpc_url = tpu_cluster_resolver.get_master() tf.Session.reset(tpu_grpc_url) else: tpu_cluster_resolver = None # Check data path if FLAGS.mode in ('train', 'train_and_eval'): if FLAGS.training_file_pattern is None: raise RuntimeError('Must specify --training_file_pattern for train.') if FLAGS.mode in ('eval', 'train_and_eval'): if FLAGS.validation_file_pattern is None: raise RuntimeError('Must specify --validation_file_pattern for eval.') # Parse and override hparams config = hparams_config.get_detection_config(FLAGS.model_name) config.override(FLAGS.hparams) if FLAGS.num_epochs: # NOTE: remove this flag after updating all docs. config.num_epochs = FLAGS.num_epochs # Parse image size in case it is in string format. config.image_size = utils.parse_image_size(config.image_size) # The following is for spatial partitioning. `features` has one tensor while # `labels` had 4 + (`max_level` - `min_level` + 1) * 2 tensors. The input # partition is performed on `features` and all partitionable tensors of # `labels`, see the partition logic below. # In the TPUEstimator context, the meaning of `shard` and `replica` is the # same; follwing the API, here has mixed use of both. if FLAGS.use_spatial_partition: # Checks input_partition_dims agrees with num_cores_per_replica. if FLAGS.num_cores_per_replica != raise RuntimeError('--num_cores_per_replica must be a product of array' 'elements in --input_partition_dims.') labels_partition_dims = { 'mean_num_positives': None, 'source_ids': None, 'groundtruth_data': None, 'image_scales': None, 'image_masks': None, } # The Input Partition Logic: We partition only the partition-able tensors. feat_sizes = utils.get_feat_sizes( config.get('image_size'), config.get('max_level')) for level in range(config.get('min_level'), config.get('max_level') + 1): def _can_partition(spatial_dim): partitionable_index = np.where( spatial_dim % np.array(FLAGS.input_partition_dims) == 0) return len(partitionable_index[0]) == len(FLAGS.input_partition_dims) spatial_dim = feat_sizes[level] if _can_partition(spatial_dim['height']) and _can_partition( spatial_dim['width']): labels_partition_dims['box_targets_%d' % level] = FLAGS.input_partition_dims labels_partition_dims['cls_targets_%d' % level] = FLAGS.input_partition_dims else: labels_partition_dims['box_targets_%d' % level] = None labels_partition_dims['cls_targets_%d' % level] = None num_cores_per_replica = FLAGS.num_cores_per_replica input_partition_dims = [FLAGS.input_partition_dims, labels_partition_dims] num_shards = FLAGS.num_cores // num_cores_per_replica else: num_cores_per_replica = None input_partition_dims = None num_shards = FLAGS.num_cores params = dict( config.as_dict(), model_name=FLAGS.model_name, iterations_per_loop=FLAGS.iterations_per_loop, model_dir=FLAGS.model_dir, num_shards=num_shards, num_examples_per_epoch=FLAGS.num_examples_per_epoch, strategy=FLAGS.strategy, backbone_ckpt=FLAGS.backbone_ckpt, ckpt=FLAGS.ckpt, val_json_file=FLAGS.val_json_file, testdev_dir=FLAGS.testdev_dir, profile=FLAGS.profile, mode=FLAGS.mode) config_proto = tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) if FLAGS.strategy != 'tpu': if FLAGS.use_xla: config_proto.graph_options.optimizer_options.global_jit_level = ( tf.OptimizerOptions.ON_1) config_proto.gpu_options.allow_growth = True model_dir = FLAGS.model_dir model_fn_instance = det_model_fn.get_model_fn(FLAGS.model_name) max_instances_per_image = config.max_instances_per_image if FLAGS.eval_samples: eval_steps = int((FLAGS.eval_samples + FLAGS.eval_batch_size - 1) // FLAGS.eval_batch_size) else: eval_steps = None total_examples = int(config.num_epochs * FLAGS.num_examples_per_epoch) train_steps = total_examples // FLAGS.train_batch_size if not config_file = os.path.join(model_dir, 'config.yaml') if not, 'w').write(str(config)) train_input_fn = dataloader.InputReader( FLAGS.training_file_pattern, is_training=True, use_fake_data=FLAGS.use_fake_data, max_instances_per_image=max_instances_per_image) eval_input_fn = dataloader.InputReader( FLAGS.validation_file_pattern, is_training=False, use_fake_data=FLAGS.use_fake_data, max_instances_per_image=max_instances_per_image) if FLAGS.strategy == 'tpu': tpu_config = tf.estimator.tpu.TPUConfig( FLAGS.iterations_per_loop if FLAGS.strategy == 'tpu' else 1, num_cores_per_replica=num_cores_per_replica, input_partition_dims=input_partition_dims, per_host_input_for_training=tf.estimator.tpu.InputPipelineConfig .PER_HOST_V2) run_config = tf.estimator.tpu.RunConfig( cluster=tpu_cluster_resolver, model_dir=model_dir, log_step_count_steps=FLAGS.iterations_per_loop, session_config=config_proto, tpu_config=tpu_config, save_checkpoints_steps=FLAGS.save_checkpoints_steps, tf_random_seed=FLAGS.tf_random_seed, ) # TPUEstimator can do both train and eval. train_est = tf.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimator( model_fn=model_fn_instance, train_batch_size=FLAGS.train_batch_size, eval_batch_size=FLAGS.eval_batch_size, config=run_config, params=params) eval_est = train_est else: strategy = None if FLAGS.strategy == 'gpus': strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() run_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig( model_dir=model_dir, train_distribute=strategy, log_step_count_steps=FLAGS.iterations_per_loop, session_config=config_proto, save_checkpoints_steps=FLAGS.save_checkpoints_steps, tf_random_seed=FLAGS.tf_random_seed, ) def get_estimator(global_batch_size): params['num_shards'] = getattr(strategy, 'num_replicas_in_sync', 1) params['batch_size'] = global_batch_size // params['num_shards'] return tf.estimator.Estimator( model_fn=model_fn_instance, config=run_config, params=params) # train and eval need different estimator due to different batch size. train_est = get_estimator(FLAGS.train_batch_size) eval_est = get_estimator(FLAGS.eval_batch_size) # start train/eval flow. if FLAGS.mode == 'train': train_est.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, max_steps=train_steps) if FLAGS.eval_after_training: eval_est.evaluate(input_fn=eval_input_fn, steps=eval_steps) elif FLAGS.mode == 'eval': # Run evaluation when there's a new checkpoint for ckpt in tf.train.checkpoints_iterator( FLAGS.model_dir, min_interval_secs=FLAGS.min_eval_interval, timeout=FLAGS.eval_timeout):'Starting to evaluate.') try: eval_results = eval_est.evaluate(eval_input_fn, steps=eval_steps) # Terminate eval job when final checkpoint is reached. try: current_step = int(os.path.basename(ckpt).split('-')[1]) except IndexError:'%s has no global step info: stop!', ckpt) break utils.archive_ckpt(eval_results, eval_results['AP'], ckpt) if current_step >= train_steps:'Eval finished step %d/%d', current_step, train_steps) break except tf.errors.NotFoundError: # Checkpoint might be not already deleted by the time eval finished. # We simply skip ssuch case.'Checkpoint %s no longer exists, skipping.', ckpt) elif FLAGS.mode == 'train_and_eval': ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) try: step = int(os.path.basename(ckpt).split('-')[1]) current_epoch = ( step * FLAGS.train_batch_size // FLAGS.num_examples_per_epoch)'found ckpt at step %d (epoch %d)', step, current_epoch) except (IndexError, TypeError):'Folder %s has no ckpt with valid step.', FLAGS.model_dir) current_epoch = 0 def run_train_and_eval(e): print('\n =====> Starting training, epoch: %d.' % e) train_est.train( input_fn=train_input_fn, max_steps=e * FLAGS.num_examples_per_epoch // FLAGS.train_batch_size) print('\n =====> Starting evaluation, epoch: %d.' % e) eval_results = eval_est.evaluate(input_fn=eval_input_fn, steps=eval_steps) ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) utils.archive_ckpt(eval_results, eval_results['AP'], ckpt) epochs_per_cycle = 1 # higher number has less graph construction overhead. for e in range(current_epoch + 1, config.num_epochs + 1, epochs_per_cycle): if FLAGS.run_epoch_in_child_process: p = multiprocessing.Process(target=run_train_and_eval, args=(e,)) p.start() p.join() if p.exitcode != 0: return p.exitcode else: tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() run_train_and_eval(e) else:'Invalid mode: %s', FLAGS.mode)
tensorrt=FLAGS.tensorrt, use_xla=FLAGS.use_xla, ckpt_path=FLAGS.ckpt_path, export_ckpt=FLAGS.export_ckpt, saved_model_dir=FLAGS.saved_model_dir, tflite_path=FLAGS.tflite_path, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, hparams=FLAGS.hparams, score_thresh=FLAGS.min_score_thresh, max_output_size=FLAGS.max_boxes_to_draw, nms_method=FLAGS.nms_method) inspector.run_model(FLAGS.runmode, input_image=FLAGS.input_image, output_image_dir=FLAGS.output_image_dir, input_video=FLAGS.input_video, output_video=FLAGS.output_video, line_thickness=FLAGS.line_thickness, max_boxes_to_draw=FLAGS.max_boxes_to_draw, min_score_thresh=FLAGS.min_score_thresh, nms_method=FLAGS.nms_method, bm_runs=FLAGS.bm_runs, threads=FLAGS.threads, trace_filename=FLAGS.trace_filename) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.set_verbosity(logging.WARNING) tf.enable_v2_tensorshape() tf.disable_eager_execution()
def main(_):"Seed: %d", FLAGS.seed) np.random.seed(FLAGS.seed) torch.random.manual_seed(FLAGS.seed) if FLAGS.save_freq % FLAGS.small_eval_freq != 0: raise ValueError( ("Save frequency ({}) must be a multiple of evaluation frequency ({})." " Allows choosing checkpoints based on their evaluation scores.") .format(FLAGS.save_freq, FLAGS.small_eval_freq)) if FLAGS.full_eval_freq % FLAGS.small_eval_freq != 0: raise ValueError( ("Full evaluation frequency ({}) must be a multiple of small" " evaluation frequency ({}) so that their values can be compared.") .format(FLAGS.full_eval_freq, FLAGS.small_eval_freq)) exp_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.experiment_base_dir, FLAGS.experiment_name) common_utils.create_experiment_directory(exp_dir, FLAGS.force_overwrite) tensorboard_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, "tensorboard") tf.disable_eager_execution() tb_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(tensorboard_dir) predictions_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, "predictions") os.makedirs(predictions_dir, exist_ok=True) checkpoints_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, "checkpoints") os.makedirs(checkpoints_dir, exist_ok=True) evict_trace_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, "evictions") os.makedirs(evict_trace_dir, exist_ok=True) model_config = cfg.Config.from_files_and_bindings( FLAGS.model_configs, FLAGS.model_bindings)"Model config: %s", model_config) with open(os.path.join(exp_dir, "model_config.json"), "w") as f: model_config.to_file(f) cache_config = cfg.Config.from_files_and_bindings( FLAGS.cache_configs, FLAGS.cache_bindings)"Cache config: %s", cache_config) with open(os.path.join(exp_dir, "cache_config.json"), "w") as f: cache_config.to_file(f) dagger_schedule_config = cfg.Config.from_files_and_bindings( FLAGS.dagger_schedule_configs, FLAGS.dagger_schedule_bindings)"DAgger config: %s", dagger_schedule_config) with open(os.path.join(exp_dir, "dagger_config.json"), "w") as f: dagger_schedule_config.to_file(f) dagger_schedule = schedule_from_config(dagger_schedule_config) # Process everything on GPU if available device = torch.device("cpu") if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) device = torch.device("cuda:0")"Device: %s", device) policy_model = model.EvictionPolicyModel.from_config(model_config).to(device) optimizer = optim.Adam(policy_model.parameters(), lr=model_config.get("lr")) step = 0 get_step = lambda: step oracle_valid_data, hit_rates = next(measure_cache_hit_rate( FLAGS.valid_memtrace, cache_config, policy_model, schedules.ConstantSchedule(0), get_step, os.path.join(evict_trace_dir, "oracle_valid.txt"))) log_hit_rates(tb_writer, "cache_hit_rate/oracle_valid", hit_rates, step) with tqdm.tqdm(total=FLAGS.total_steps) as pbar: while True: # loop for waiting until steps == FLAGS.total_steps # Optimization: Instead of passing through the whole memory trace for # training and only using update_freq many of them, we lazily gather k * # update_freq batches and still train on a subsample of update_freq. # The value of k=collection_multiplier trades off between: # - The set of k * update_freq examples are all consecutive in the # memory trace. As k gets small, the set of these examples becomes less # i.i.d., as they are temporally correlated. The examples cannot be # random access within the memory trace, since at time t, we require the # previous cache accesses to compute the cache state at time t. # - As k gets large, training becomes slower, as we must perform k times # as much collecting work than training work. max_examples = (dagger_schedule_config.get("update_freq") * FLAGS.collection_multiplier * FLAGS.batch_size) train_data_generator = measure_cache_hit_rate( FLAGS.train_memtrace, cache_config, policy_model, dagger_schedule, get_step, os.path.join(evict_trace_dir, "mixture-train-{}.txt"), max_examples=max_examples) for train_data, hit_rates in train_data_generator: log_hit_rates( tb_writer, "cache_hit_rate/train_mixture_policy", hit_rates, step) utils.log_scalar( tb_writer, "cache_hit_rate/mixture_parameter", dagger_schedule.value(step), step) for batch_num, batch in enumerate(utils.as_batches( [train_data], FLAGS.batch_size, model_config.get("sequence_length"))): def evaluate_helper(eval_size, suffix): """Evaluates the model on train / valid data on and off-policy. Args: eval_size (int): the number of examples to evaluate on. suffix (str): appended to all logging and tensorboard paths. """ evaluate(policy_model, oracle_valid_data[-eval_size:], step, "off_policy_valid" + suffix, tb_writer, predictions_dir) # train_data is defined in the loop, but evaluate_helper is only # called in the same loop iteration. # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop evaluate(policy_model, train_data[-eval_size:], step, "train" + suffix, tb_writer, predictions_dir) # pylint: enable=cell-var-from-loop # Log the cache hit rates on portions of train / valid _, hit_rates = next(measure_cache_hit_rate( FLAGS.train_memtrace, cache_config, policy_model, schedules.ConstantSchedule(1), get_step, os.path.join( evict_trace_dir, "train{}-{}.txt".format(suffix, step)), max_examples=eval_size, use_oracle_scores=False)) log_hit_rates( tb_writer, "cache_hit_rate/train" + suffix, hit_rates, step) # Use oracle scores, since eviction trace in log_evaluate_stats will # log with on-policy scores. on_policy_valid_data, hit_rates = next(measure_cache_hit_rate( FLAGS.valid_memtrace, cache_config, policy_model, schedules.ConstantSchedule(1), get_step, os.path.join( evict_trace_dir, "valid{}-{}.txt".format(suffix, step)), max_examples=eval_size)) log_hit_rates( tb_writer, "cache_hit_rate/valid" + suffix, hit_rates, step) evaluate(policy_model, on_policy_valid_data[-eval_size:], step, "on_policy_valid" + suffix, tb_writer, predictions_dir) if step % FLAGS.small_eval_freq == 0: evaluate_helper(FLAGS.small_eval_size, "") if step % FLAGS.full_eval_freq == 0: evaluate_helper(len(oracle_valid_data), "_full") if step % FLAGS.save_freq == 0 and step != 0: save_path = os.path.join(checkpoints_dir, "{}.ckpt".format(step)) with open(save_path, "wb") as save_file: checkpoint_buffer = io.BytesIO(), checkpoint_buffer)"Saving model checkpoint to: %s", save_path) save_file.write(checkpoint_buffer.getvalue()) optimizer.zero_grad() losses = policy_model.loss( batch, model_config.get("sequence_length") // 2) total_loss = sum(losses.values()) total_loss.backward() optimizer.step() pbar.update(1) step += 1 if step % FLAGS.tb_freq == 0: utils.log_scalar(tb_writer, "loss/total", total_loss, step) for loss_name, loss_value in losses.items(): utils.log_scalar( tb_writer, "loss/{}".format(loss_name), loss_value, step) if step == FLAGS.total_steps: return # Break out of inner-loop to get next set of k * update_freq batches if batch_num == dagger_schedule_config.get("update_freq"): break