def __init__(self, team_name: str, test_teams: List[str], lenc_bitlen: int, folder_prefix: str) -> None: """ :param team_name: Current model's team name. :param test_teams: Teams that participate in test dataset. :param lenc_bitlen: Bitlength required to encode teams names. :param folder_prefix: Current output folder prefix. """ config = SPConfig() self._team_name = team_name self._lenc_bitlen = lenc_bitlen self._lr_decay = config.lrdecay self._lr_patience = config.lrpatience self._verbose = config.verbose self._target_variable = TargetVariable.FutureWD self._timesteps = config.timesteps self._features = FEATURES_COMMON + FEATURES_WD self._target_team = team_name in test_teams self.class_weights = {} self.states_after_training = None self.matches_data = {d: {"idx": 0, "data": {}} for d in Dataset} # Tracks best stats self.epochs_since_improvement = 0 self.best_epoch = None self.best_loss = float("inf") self.best_acc = float("-inf") self.best_params = {} # Create model's own session and graph self.graph = Graph() if FORCE_SINGLE_THREADS: with self.graph.as_default(): set_random_seed(config.seed) if FORCE_SINGLE_CPU: cp = ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads=1, inter_op_parallelism_threads=1, device_count={"CPU": 1}) else: cp = ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads=1, inter_op_parallelism_threads=1) self.session = Session(graph=self.graph, config=cp) else: with self.graph.as_default(): set_random_seed(config.seed) self.session = Session(graph=self.graph) self.tensorboard = SPTensorboard(self._team_name, self._target_team, self.session, folder_prefix) = SPNetwork(self._team_name, self._target_team, self.session, lenc_bitlen) self.snapshot = SPSnapshot()
def generate_feed_dict(graph: tf_v1.Graph, node: Node): """ The first value in the return tuple is True if all inputs for the node has constant values. The second returned value is mapping of placeholder tensor to the numpy arrays with the values for these placeholders. :param graph: the TensorFlow Graph to generate feed dictionary to. :param node: the node which represents TensorFlow sub-graph of operations. :return: pair where the first element is a flag that specifies that all node inputs are constants and a dictionary where key is the input Tensor object and the value is the tensor value. """ all_constants = True feed_dict = dict() for in_data_node_name, edge_attrs in node.get_inputs(): if 'control_flow_edge' in edge_attrs and edge_attrs[ 'control_flow_edge']: continue value = node.in_node(edge_attrs['in']).value if value is None: all_constants = False placeholder_pb = node['pbs'][edge_attrs['placeholder_name']] value = np.ones( shape=tf_tensor_shape(placeholder_pb.attr['shape'].shape), dtype=tf_dtype_extractor(placeholder_pb.attr['dtype'].type)) feed_dict[graph.get_tensor_by_name(edge_attrs['placeholder_name'] + ":0")] = value return all_constants, feed_dict
def main(args): with GFile(args.frozen_model_path, "rb") as f: graph_def = GraphDef() graph_def.ParseFromString( if os.path.exists(args.output_model_dir) and os.path.isdir( args.output_model_dir): shutil.rmtree(args.output_model_dir) with Session() as sess: # Then, we import the graph_def into a new Graph and returns it with Graph().as_default() as graph: import_graph_def(graph_def, name='') signature = predict_signature_def( inputs={ 'image_batch': graph.get_tensor_by_name('image_batch:0'), 'phase_train': graph.get_tensor_by_name('phase_train:0') }, outputs={ 'embeddings': graph.get_tensor_by_name('embeddings:0') }) builder = saved_model_builder.SavedModelBuilder( args.output_model_dir) builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables( sess=sess, tags=[tag_constants.SERVING], signature_def_map={'serving_default': signature})
def _get_containing_xla_context(graph: tf.Graph) -> Optional[object]: """Returns the first ancestor `XLAControlFlowContext` in the `graph`.""" ctxt = graph._get_control_flow_context() # pylint: disable=protected-access while ctxt: if ctxt.IsXLAContext(): return ctxt ctxt = ctxt.outer_context return None
def children(op_name: str, graph: tf_v1.Graph): op = graph.get_operation_by_name(op_name) return set(op for out in op.outputs for op in out.consumers())
def __init__(self, observation_size, net_arch, initializer, activation, clip_range, value_coef, entropy_coef, learning_rate, pre_training_learning_rate, action_bounds, policy): """ :param observation_size: :param net_arch: :param initializer: :param activation: :param clip_range: :param value_coef: :param entropy_coef: :param learning_rate: :param pre_training_learning_rate: :param action_bounds: :param policy: """ """Set class constants""" self.observation_size = observation_size self.net_arch = net_arch self.initializer = initializer self.activation = activation self.clip_range = clip_range self.value_coef = value_coef self.entropy_coef = entropy_coef if action_bounds is None: action_bounds = [0.0, 1.5] self.action_bounds = action_bounds self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.pre_training_learning_rate = pre_training_learning_rate if policy is None: policy = GaussFull() self.policy = policy """Set up the tensorflow graph""" self.graph = Graph() with self.graph.as_default(): self.sess = Session(graph=self.graph) """ core """ # place holders self.observation_string_ph = placeholder( shape=(None, 1), dtype=string, name="observation_string_ph") self.action_ph = placeholder(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 1), name="action_ph") self.old_neg_logits = placeholder(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 1), name="old_neg_logits") self.advantage_ph = placeholder(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 1), name="advantage_ph") self.value_target_ph = placeholder(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 1), name="value_target_ph") # learning rate tensors self.learning_rate_ph = placeholder_with_default( input=self.learning_rate, shape=()) self.pre_training_learning_rate_ph = placeholder_with_default( input=self.pre_training_learning_rate, shape=()) # observation tensor replaced1 = regex_replace(self.observation_string_ph, "/", "_") replaced2 = regex_replace(replaced1, r"\+", "-") byte_tensor = decode_base64(replaced2) decoded = decode_raw(byte_tensor, out_type=float32) squeezed = squeeze(decoded, axis=1) self.observation_input = ensure_shape( squeezed, shape=(None, self.observation_size), name="observation_input") # policy net latent_policy = net_core(self.observation_input, self.net_arch, self.initializer, self.activation) self.policy.construct(latent_policy=latent_policy) self.clipped_action = clip_by_value( cast(self.policy.action, float32), self.action_bounds[0], self.action_bounds[1], "clipped_action") # value net latent_value = net_core(self.observation_input, self.net_arch, self.initializer, self.activation) self.value = identity( input=Dense(units=1, activation=None, kernel_initializer=self.initializer)(latent_value), name="value") """loss calculation""" # policy loss self.neg_logits = self.policy.neg_logits_from_actions( self.action_ph) ratio = exp(self.old_neg_logits - self.neg_logits) standardized_adv = (self.advantage_ph - reduce_mean( self.advantage_ph)) / (reduce_std(self.advantage_ph) + 1e-8) raw_policy_loss = -standardized_adv * ratio clipped_policy_loss = -standardized_adv * clip_by_value( ratio, 1 - self.clip_range, 1 + self.clip_range) self.policy_loss = reduce_mean( maximum(raw_policy_loss, clipped_policy_loss)) self.value_loss = mean_squared_error(self.value_target_ph, self.value) # entropy loss self.entropy_loss = -reduce_mean(self.policy.entropy) # total loss self.total_loss = self.policy_loss + self.value_coef * self.value_loss + self.entropy_coef * self.entropy_loss # optimizer optimizer = AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate_ph) # training ops self.training_op = optimizer.minimize(self.total_loss) # pre training self.dist_param_target_ph = placeholder( dtype=float32, shape=(None, self.policy.dist_params.shape[1]), name="dist_param_label_ph") self.pre_training_loss = mean_squared_error( self.dist_param_target_ph, self.policy.dist_params) pre_training_optimizer = GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate=self.pre_training_learning_rate_ph) self.pre_training_op = pre_training_optimizer.minimize( self.pre_training_loss) """utility nodes""" # inspect model weights self.trainable_variables = trainable_variables() # saviour self.saver = Saver() # tensorboard summaries self.summary = merge([ histogram("values", self.value), histogram("advantages", standardized_adv), histogram("actions", self.clipped_action), histogram("det_actions", replace_nan(self.policy.det_action, 0.0)), histogram("value_targets", self.value_target_ph), scalar("policy_loss", self.policy_loss), scalar("value_loss", self.value_loss), scalar("entropy_loss", self.entropy_loss) ]) self.pre_summary = merge([ histogram("pretraining_actions", self.clipped_action), scalar("pretraining_loss", self.pre_training_loss) ]) # initialization init = global_variables_initializer()
class PpoGraph: """ Proximal Policy Implementation in tensorflow. ("Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms", J. Schulman et al, 2017) This class encapsulates all tensorflow interactions """ def __init__(self, observation_size, net_arch, initializer, activation, clip_range, value_coef, entropy_coef, learning_rate, pre_training_learning_rate, action_bounds, policy): """ :param observation_size: :param net_arch: :param initializer: :param activation: :param clip_range: :param value_coef: :param entropy_coef: :param learning_rate: :param pre_training_learning_rate: :param action_bounds: :param policy: """ """Set class constants""" self.observation_size = observation_size self.net_arch = net_arch self.initializer = initializer self.activation = activation self.clip_range = clip_range self.value_coef = value_coef self.entropy_coef = entropy_coef if action_bounds is None: action_bounds = [0.0, 1.5] self.action_bounds = action_bounds self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.pre_training_learning_rate = pre_training_learning_rate if policy is None: policy = GaussFull() self.policy = policy """Set up the tensorflow graph""" self.graph = Graph() with self.graph.as_default(): self.sess = Session(graph=self.graph) """ core """ # place holders self.observation_string_ph = placeholder( shape=(None, 1), dtype=string, name="observation_string_ph") self.action_ph = placeholder(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 1), name="action_ph") self.old_neg_logits = placeholder(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 1), name="old_neg_logits") self.advantage_ph = placeholder(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 1), name="advantage_ph") self.value_target_ph = placeholder(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 1), name="value_target_ph") # learning rate tensors self.learning_rate_ph = placeholder_with_default( input=self.learning_rate, shape=()) self.pre_training_learning_rate_ph = placeholder_with_default( input=self.pre_training_learning_rate, shape=()) # observation tensor replaced1 = regex_replace(self.observation_string_ph, "/", "_") replaced2 = regex_replace(replaced1, r"\+", "-") byte_tensor = decode_base64(replaced2) decoded = decode_raw(byte_tensor, out_type=float32) squeezed = squeeze(decoded, axis=1) self.observation_input = ensure_shape( squeezed, shape=(None, self.observation_size), name="observation_input") # policy net latent_policy = net_core(self.observation_input, self.net_arch, self.initializer, self.activation) self.policy.construct(latent_policy=latent_policy) self.clipped_action = clip_by_value( cast(self.policy.action, float32), self.action_bounds[0], self.action_bounds[1], "clipped_action") # value net latent_value = net_core(self.observation_input, self.net_arch, self.initializer, self.activation) self.value = identity( input=Dense(units=1, activation=None, kernel_initializer=self.initializer)(latent_value), name="value") """loss calculation""" # policy loss self.neg_logits = self.policy.neg_logits_from_actions( self.action_ph) ratio = exp(self.old_neg_logits - self.neg_logits) standardized_adv = (self.advantage_ph - reduce_mean( self.advantage_ph)) / (reduce_std(self.advantage_ph) + 1e-8) raw_policy_loss = -standardized_adv * ratio clipped_policy_loss = -standardized_adv * clip_by_value( ratio, 1 - self.clip_range, 1 + self.clip_range) self.policy_loss = reduce_mean( maximum(raw_policy_loss, clipped_policy_loss)) self.value_loss = mean_squared_error(self.value_target_ph, self.value) # entropy loss self.entropy_loss = -reduce_mean(self.policy.entropy) # total loss self.total_loss = self.policy_loss + self.value_coef * self.value_loss + self.entropy_coef * self.entropy_loss # optimizer optimizer = AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate_ph) # training ops self.training_op = optimizer.minimize(self.total_loss) # pre training self.dist_param_target_ph = placeholder( dtype=float32, shape=(None, self.policy.dist_params.shape[1]), name="dist_param_label_ph") self.pre_training_loss = mean_squared_error( self.dist_param_target_ph, self.policy.dist_params) pre_training_optimizer = GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate=self.pre_training_learning_rate_ph) self.pre_training_op = pre_training_optimizer.minimize( self.pre_training_loss) """utility nodes""" # inspect model weights self.trainable_variables = trainable_variables() # saviour self.saver = Saver() # tensorboard summaries self.summary = merge([ histogram("values", self.value), histogram("advantages", standardized_adv), histogram("actions", self.clipped_action), histogram("det_actions", replace_nan(self.policy.det_action, 0.0)), histogram("value_targets", self.value_target_ph), scalar("policy_loss", self.policy_loss), scalar("value_loss", self.value_loss), scalar("entropy_loss", self.entropy_loss) ]) self.pre_summary = merge([ histogram("pretraining_actions", self.clipped_action), scalar("pretraining_loss", self.pre_training_loss) ]) # initialization init = global_variables_initializer() def predict(self, observation): """ :param observation: input environment state :return: action, deterministic action (mode), negative log dist value, value prediction """ fetches = [ self.clipped_action, self.policy.dist_params, self.policy.neg_logits, self.value ] action, dist_params, neg_logit, value = fetches, {self.observation_input: observation}) return action, dist_params, neg_logit, value def train_step(self, observations, actions, old_neg_logits, value_targets, advantages, obs_as_string=False, learning_rate=None, additional_fetches=None): fetches = [self.training_op, self.summary] + ( [] if additional_fetches is None else additional_fetches) obs_tensor = self.observation_string_ph if obs_as_string else self.observation_input feed_dict = { obs_tensor: observations, self.action_ph: actions, self.old_neg_logits: old_neg_logits, self.value_target_ph: value_targets, self.advantage_ph: advantages } if learning_rate is not None: feed_dict.update({self.learning_rate_ph: learning_rate}) return, feed_dict) def pre_train_step(self, observations, dist_param_targets, obs_as_string=False, learning_rate=None, additional_fetches=None): fetches = [self.pre_training_op, self.pre_summary] + ( [] if additional_fetches is None else additional_fetches) obs_tensor = self.observation_string_ph if obs_as_string else self.observation_input feed_dict = { obs_tensor: observations, self.dist_param_target_ph: dist_param_targets } if learning_rate is not None: feed_dict.update( {self.pre_training_learning_rate_ph: learning_rate}) return, feed_dict) def simple_save(self, path): with self.graph.as_default(): simple_save(self.sess, path, inputs={"obs": self.observation_input}, outputs={"action": self.clipped_action}) def save(self, path): with self.graph.as_default():, save_path=path) def restore(self, path): with self.graph.as_default(): self.saver.restore(sess=self.sess, save_path=path) def close_session(self): self.sess.close() def get_trainable_variables(self): return
class SPModel: """ Represents a single team's model which encapsulates network. Handles data preparation and its formatting, and manages the network. Attributes: class_weights: Class weights for training. matches_data: Contains prepared input data to network for each dataset. Index is pointing to current data that will be used. The index is incremented after every match (and is individual for each dataset). states_after_training: Contains copy of the best states of the main head right after training (before testing). """ def __init__(self, team_name: str, test_teams: List[str], lenc_bitlen: int, folder_prefix: str) -> None: """ :param team_name: Current model's team name. :param test_teams: Teams that participate in test dataset. :param lenc_bitlen: Bitlength required to encode teams names. :param folder_prefix: Current output folder prefix. """ config = SPConfig() self._team_name = team_name self._lenc_bitlen = lenc_bitlen self._lr_decay = config.lrdecay self._lr_patience = config.lrpatience self._verbose = config.verbose self._target_variable = TargetVariable.FutureWD self._timesteps = config.timesteps self._features = FEATURES_COMMON + FEATURES_WD self._target_team = team_name in test_teams self.class_weights = {} self.states_after_training = None self.matches_data = {d: {"idx": 0, "data": {}} for d in Dataset} # Tracks best stats self.epochs_since_improvement = 0 self.best_epoch = None self.best_loss = float("inf") self.best_acc = float("-inf") self.best_params = {} # Create model's own session and graph self.graph = Graph() if FORCE_SINGLE_THREADS: with self.graph.as_default(): set_random_seed(config.seed) if FORCE_SINGLE_CPU: cp = ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads=1, inter_op_parallelism_threads=1, device_count={"CPU": 1}) else: cp = ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads=1, inter_op_parallelism_threads=1) self.session = Session(graph=self.graph, config=cp) else: with self.graph.as_default(): set_random_seed(config.seed) self.session = Session(graph=self.graph) self.tensorboard = SPTensorboard(self._team_name, self._target_team, self.session, folder_prefix) = SPNetwork(self._team_name, self._target_team, self.session, lenc_bitlen) self.snapshot = SPSnapshot() def build_model(self) -> None: """ Builds model individually. """ self.best_params = include_optimizer=False) def build_model_from(self, team2_model: "SPModel") -> None: """ Builds model based on another model. Copies params from the second model into the current one. Useful for initializing both models with same weights and states. Should be used only during init if we do not resume training. Optimizer does not need to be copied during first run because all models should be compiled identically anyway. :param team2_model: Model to copy from. """ params = include_optimizer=False), include_optimizer=False) self.best_params = params def update_performance( self, stats: pd.DataFrame, best_stats: pd.DataFrame, epoch: int, metrics: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, bool]: """ Checks whether performance of the model improved at the end of current epoch. Either accuracy must increase, or loss must decrease without accuracy decreasing to acknowledge that model has improved. If there are no improvements for more epochs than threshold given by lrpatience then model's learning rate is decreased (multiplied by 0.95 by default). Further, no tracking of performance is made for first few initial epochs until model's accuracy and loss settle down a bit - depending on initialization there can be some high accuracy spikes at the beggining which would be logged and model would not be able to improve later. :param stats: Df with train or test stats. :param best_stats: Df with best train or test stats. :param epoch: Current epoch. :param metrics: Current metrics. :return Modified best stats and whether model improved. """ # Default values loss = metrics["loss"] acc = metrics["acc"] improved = True # Wait a few epochs until the loss/acc settles down a bit if epoch < TRACK_PERF_FROM_EPOCH: self._record_new_best_epoch(stats, epoch, metrics) # Loss or acc improved elif (acc > self.best_acc) or (np.isclose(acc, self.best_acc) and loss < self.best_loss): self._record_new_best_epoch(stats, epoch, metrics) # No improvement to loss nor acc else: self.epochs_since_improvement += 1 # Set loss and acc to nan loss = np.nan acc = np.nan improved = False # Decay learning rate after every nth epoch if there was no improvement for given # patience threshold if self._lr_patience and (self.epochs_since_improvement % self._lr_patience) == 0: best_stats.loc[epoch, (self._team_name, "loss")] = loss best_stats.loc[epoch, (self._team_name, "acc")] = acc return best_stats, improved def _record_new_best_epoch(self, stats: pd.DataFrame, epoch: int, metrics: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Records new best epoch. :param stats: Train or test stats. :param epoch: Current epoch. :param metrics: Current metrics. """ if self._target_team: self.tensorboard.notify_best_test(self.best_epoch, epoch, stats) else: self.tensorboard.notify_best_train(self.best_epoch, epoch, stats) self.epochs_since_improvement = 0 self.best_epoch = epoch self.best_loss = metrics["loss"] self.best_acc = metrics["acc"] # Store current weights as new best self.restore_states_after_training() self.best_params = include_optimizer=True) def train_on_batch( self, x_input: Dict[str, np.ndarray], y_input: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Wrapper for network train_on_batch. :param x_input: X input values. :param y_input: Y target value. :return: Training loss and acc metrics. """ return, y_input, self.class_weights) def test_on_batch( self, x_input: Dict[str, np.ndarray], y_input: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Wrapper for network test_on_batch. :param x_input: X input values. :param y_input: Y target value. :return: Test loss and acc metrics. """ return, y_input) def predict_on_batch(self, x_input: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """ Wrapper for network predict_on_batch. :param x_input: X input values. :return: Predictions probabilities. """ return def warm_up(self) -> None: """ Warms up model before loading weights from file to properly initialize optimizer weights. This must be done in order to restore optimizer. Warming up is done by training on a single batch with arbitrary weights because they will be overwritten with the weights from file anyway. """ x_input, y_input = self.form_input(Dataset.Train, team2_model=self), y_input, self.class_weights) def save_states_after_training(self) -> None: """ Saves states of the main head after training. """ self.states_after_training = def restore_states_after_training(self) -> None: """ Restores previously saved states of the main head after training. """ def revert_to_best_params(self, include_optimizer: bool) -> None: """ Restores params of the main head back to best params. :param include_optimizer: Whether to restore optimizer. """, include_optimizer) def set_network_head2_params(self, team: str) -> None: """ Sets head2 params with given team's params from snapshot. :param team: Team params to be set. """[team]) def store_network_head2_states(self, team2: str) -> None: """ Saves head2 states of given team's model in snapshot. :param team2: Team params to be saved. """ states = self.snapshot.update_states(team2, states) def prepare_matches_data(self, dataset: Dataset, matches_data: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ Loops over given dataset to create timestep-sized windows of data. Data are properly formed (reshaped, encoded) to be ready to be passed as input to model. The datasets are quite small so they can be prepared this way before particular chunk of data is actually needed. This is helpful in order to avoid preparing data every time when looping over datasets. :param dataset: Dataset to prepare matches for. :param matches_data: Df of matches data for current team. """ i = 0 while True: iend = i + self._timesteps - 1 subset = matches_data.loc[i:iend] if subset.empty: break # Default x, y values are none. # If model encounters none values during training it will skip them x_input = None y_input = None # Consider only chunks which length is equal to number of timesteps and which are not the # last chunk of data in the dataset (the last chunk is skipped to properly align match sequences) if len(subset) == self._timesteps and len( matches_data.loc[i:iend + 1]) != self._timesteps: x_input = {} # Reshape features for f in self._features: # Teams names are stored as lists so they need to be stacked if f in FEATURES_TO_LENC: team1_names = np.vstack( subset.loc[:, f].values).reshape( (1, -1, self._lenc_bitlen)) x_input[f"input_team1_{f}"] = team1_names else: x_input[ f"input_team1_{f}"] = subset.loc[:, f].values.reshape( 1, -1, 1) # Get target variable from last row and ignore it if it is none y = subset.loc[iend, self._target_variable.value] if y is not None and not np.isnan(y): y_input = {"output": y.reshape(-1, 1)} self.matches_data[dataset]["data"][i] = { "x_input": x_input, "y_input": y_input } i += 1 def form_input( self, dataset: Dataset, team2_model: "SPModel" ) -> Tuple[Optional[Dict[str, np.array]], Optional[Dict[str, np.array]]]: """ Selects current chunk of data for the model's input. Names of input data from team2's model needs to be renamed from "team1" to "team2" to correctly match team1's model second head inputs. :param dataset: Dataset type. :param team2_model: Second team's model. :return: X and Y inputs for model. """ # Get current data chunk based on index position for both models i = self.matches_data[dataset]["idx"] d1 = self.matches_data[dataset]["data"][i] j = team2_model.matches_data[dataset]["idx"] d2 = team2_model.matches_data[dataset]["data"][j] x_input = None d2_as_team2 = {} if d1["x_input"] and d2["x_input"]: for k, v in d2["x_input"].items(): d2_as_team2[k.replace("team1", "team2")] = v # Unpack both inputs into a single dict x_input = {**d1["x_input"], **d2_as_team2} return x_input, d1["y_input"] def compute_class_weights(self, team_matches_data: pd.DataFrame, fixtures_ids: List[int], verbose: bool = False) -> None: """ Computes class weights which will be used to handle imbalances in the target classes. Usable for train set only. :param team_matches_data: Team matches data to count class weights from. :param fixtures_ids: Fixtures ids to select from the dataset. :param verbose: Whether to print computed class weights. """ values = team_matches_data.loc[ team_matches_data["id"].isin(fixtures_ids), self._target_variable.value].dropna().values # Add a single class sample to values if there is none (usually should not happen) if 0 not in values and not self.class_weights: values = np.append(values, 0) if 1 not in values and not self.class_weights: values = np.append(values, 1) cnt_total = { int(k): v for k, v in dict(sorted(Counter(values).items())).items() } cnt_ratio = { k: v / sum(cnt_total.values()) for k, v in cnt_total.items() } class_weights = compute_class_weight("balanced", np.unique(values), values) class_weights = dict(enumerate(class_weights)) if verbose: print(f"cnt_total: {cnt_total}") print(f"cnt_ratio: {cnt_ratio}") print(f"class_weights: {class_weights}") if not self.class_weights: self.class_weights = class_weights def load_data_from_file(self, save_data: Dict[str, Any], load_optimizer: bool) -> None: """ Loads previously saved model data. :param save_data: Previously saved data. :param load_optimizer: Whether to load optimzier state as well. """ self.snapshot.load_params_from_file(save_data["snapshot_params"], save_data["snapshot_best_params"]) self.snapshot.load_states_from_file( save_data["snapshot_states_after_training"])["current_params"], include_optimizer=load_optimizer) self.best_params = save_data["best_params"] self.states_after_training = save_data["states_after_training"] self.epochs_since_improvement = save_data["epochs_since_improvement"] self.best_epoch = save_data["best_epoch"] self.best_acc = save_data["best_acc"] self.best_loss = save_data["best_loss"] def get_save_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Gathers data neeeded to properly save model. :return: Model data to save. """ params, best_params = self.snapshot.serialize_params() return { "snapshot_params": params, "snapshot_best_params": best_params, "snapshot_states_after_training": self.snapshot.serialize_states(), "current_params":, "best_params": self.best_params, "states_after_training": self.states_after_training, "epochs_since_improvement": self.epochs_since_improvement, "best_epoch": self.best_epoch, "best_acc": self.best_acc, "best_loss": self.best_loss, }