예제 #1
def keypoint_prune_outside_window(keypoints, window, scope=None):
    """Prunes keypoints that fall outside a given window.

  This function replaces keypoints that fall outside the given window with nan.
  See also clip_to_window which clips any keypoints that fall outside the given

    keypoints: a tensor of shape [num_instances, num_keypoints, 2]
    window: a tensor of shape [4] representing the [y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]
      window outside of which the op should prune the keypoints.
    scope: name scope.

    new_keypoints: a tensor of shape [num_instances, num_keypoints, 2]
    if not scope:
        scope = 'PruneOutsideWindow'
    with tf.name_scope(scope):
        y, x = tf.split(value=keypoints, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=2)
        win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window)

        valid_indices = tf.logical_and(
            tf.logical_and(y >= win_y_min, y <= win_y_max),
            tf.logical_and(x >= win_x_min, x <= win_x_max))

        new_y = tf.where(valid_indices, y, np.nan * tf.ones_like(y))
        new_x = tf.where(valid_indices, x, np.nan * tf.ones_like(x))
        new_keypoints = tf.concat([new_y, new_x], 2)

        return new_keypoints
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, batch_size, max_len):
        """Class constructor.

        data_train, data_valid = tfds.load("ted_hrlr_translate/pt_to_en",
                                           split=['train', 'validation'],

        tokenizer_pt, tokenizer_en = self.tokenize_dataset(data_train)
        self.tokenizer_pt = tokenizer_pt
        self.tokenizer_en = tokenizer_en

        # data_train
        self.data_train = data_train.map(self.tf_encode)
        self.data_train = self.data_train.filter(lambda x, y: tf.logical_and(
            tf.size(x) <= max_len,
            tf.size(y) <= max_len))

        self.data_train = self.data_train.cache()
        dataset_size = self.data_train.reduce(0, lambda x, _: x + 1).numpy()
        self.data_train = self.data_train.shuffle(dataset_size)
        self.data_train = self.data_train.padded_batch(batch_size)
        self.data_train = self.data_train.prefetch(

        # data_valid
        self.data_valid = data_valid.map(self.tf_encode)
        self.data_valid = self.data_valid.filter(lambda x, y: tf.logical_and(
            tf.size(x) <= max_len,
            tf.size(y) <= max_len))
        self.data_valid = self.data_valid.padded_batch(batch_size)
예제 #3
def eval_step(model, x, fifth_embedding_1, fifth_embedding_2, label):
    """Evaluates a single example from the validation set."""
    assert x.shape[0] == 1, 'Only supports batch_size=1 for now'

    _, output_embedding = model(x, training=False)
    sim_1 = tf.matmul(output_embedding, fifth_embedding_1, transpose_b=True)
    sim_2 = tf.matmul(output_embedding, fifth_embedding_2, transpose_b=True)

    correct_1 = tf.squeeze(
        tf.logical_and(tf.greater(sim_1, sim_2), tf.equal(label, 0)))
    correct_2 = tf.squeeze(
        tf.logical_and(tf.greater(sim_2, sim_1), tf.equal(label, 1)))
    return tf.logical_or(correct_1, correct_2)
예제 #4
 def _cdf(self, x):
   concentration1 = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.concentration1)
   concentration0 = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.concentration0)
   safe_x = tf.where(tf.logical_and(x >= 0, x < 1), x, 0.5)
   answer = tfp_math.betainc(concentration1, concentration0, safe_x)
   return distribution_util.extend_cdf_outside_support(
       x, answer, low=0., high=1.)
예제 #5
  def call(self, inputs, count_weights=None):
    if isinstance(inputs, (list, np.ndarray)):
      inputs = tf.convert_to_tensor(inputs)
    if inputs.shape.rank == 1:
      inputs = tf.compat.v1.expand_dims(inputs, 1)

    if count_weights is not None and self.output_mode != COUNT:
      raise ValueError("count_weights is not used in "
                       "`output_mode='multi_hot'`. Please pass a single input.")

    out_depth = self.num_tokens
    multi_hot_output = (self.output_mode == MULTI_HOT)
    if isinstance(inputs, tf.SparseTensor):
      max_value = tf.reduce_max(inputs.values)
      min_value = tf.reduce_min(inputs.values)
      max_value = tf.reduce_max(inputs)
      min_value = tf.reduce_min(inputs)
    condition = tf.logical_and(
            tf.cast(out_depth, max_value.dtype), max_value),
            min_value, tf.cast(0, min_value.dtype)))
    tf.Assert(condition, [
        "Input values must be in the range 0 <= values < num_tokens"
        " with num_tokens={}".format(out_depth)
    if self.sparse:
      return sparse_bincount(inputs, out_depth, multi_hot_output, count_weights)
      return dense_bincount(inputs, out_depth, multi_hot_output, count_weights)
예제 #6
  def call(self, inputs, count_weights=None):
    inputs = utils.ensure_tensor(inputs)

    if count_weights is not None:
      if self.output_mode != COUNT:
        raise ValueError(
            "`count_weights` is not used when `output_mode` is not `'count'`. "
            "Received `count_weights={}`.".format(count_weights))
      count_weights = utils.ensure_tensor(count_weights, self.compute_dtype)

    depth = self.num_tokens
    if isinstance(inputs, tf.SparseTensor):
      max_value = tf.reduce_max(inputs.values)
      min_value = tf.reduce_min(inputs.values)
      max_value = tf.reduce_max(inputs)
      min_value = tf.reduce_min(inputs)
    condition = tf.logical_and(
        tf.greater(tf.cast(depth, max_value.dtype), max_value),
        tf.greater_equal(min_value, tf.cast(0, min_value.dtype)))
    assertion = tf.Assert(condition, [
        "Input values must be in the range 0 <= values < num_tokens"
        " with num_tokens={}".format(depth)
    with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
      return utils.encode_categorical_inputs(
예제 #7
    def validate(self, sentences):
        tokens, lookup_ids = self._tokens_to_lookup_ids(sentences)
        # Targets are the next word for each word of the sentence.
        tokens_ids_seq = lookup_ids[:, 0:-1]
        tokens_ids_target = lookup_ids[:, 1:]
        tokens_prefix = tokens[:, 0:-1]

        # Mask determining which positions we care about for a loss: all positions
        # that have a valid non-terminal token.
        mask = tf.logical_and(tf.logical_not(tf.equal(tokens_prefix, "")),
                              tf.logical_not(tf.equal(tokens_prefix, "<E>")))

        input_mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.int32)

        lstm_output = self.model(tokens_ids_seq)
        lstm_output = tf.reshape(lstm_output, [-1, self._state_size])
        logits = self._logit_layer(lstm_output)

        targets = tf.reshape(tokens_ids_target, [-1])
        weights = tf.cast(tf.reshape(input_mask, [-1]), tf.float32)

        losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=targets,

        # Final loss is the mean loss for all token losses.
        final_loss = tf.math.divide(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(losses,

        return final_loss
예제 #8
        def generate_and_test_samples(seed):
            """Generate and test samples."""
            v_seed, u_seed = samplers.split_seed(seed)

            x = samplers.normal(shape, dtype=internal_dtype, seed=v_seed)
            # This implicitly broadcasts concentration up to sample shape.
            v = 1 + c * x
            # In [1], there is an 'inner' rejection sampling loop which checks that
            # v > 0 and generates a new normal sample if it's not, saving the rest of
            # the computations below. We found that merging the check for  v > 0 with
            # the `good_sample_mask` not only simplifies the code, but leads to a
            # ~2x speedup for small concentrations on GPU, at the cost of deviating
            # slightly from the implementation given in Ref. [1].
            accept_v = v > 0.
            logv = tf.math.log1p(c * x)
            x2 = x * x
            v3 = v * v * v
            logv3 = logv * 3

            u = samplers.uniform(shape, dtype=internal_dtype, seed=u_seed)

            # In [1], the suggestion is to first check u < 1 - 0.331 * x2 * x2, and to
            # run the check below only if it fails, in order to avoid the relatively
            # expensive logarithm calls. Our algorithm operates in batch mode: we will
            # have to compute or not compute the logarithms for the entire batch, and
            # as the batch gets larger, the odds we compute it grow. Therefore we
            # don't bother with the "cheap" check.
            good_sample_mask = tf.logical_and(
                tf.math.log(u) < (x2 / 2. + d * (1 - v3 + logv3)), accept_v)

            return logv3 if log_space else v3, good_sample_mask
예제 #9
 def quadratic_with_spike(x):
   quadratic = tf.reduce_sum(
       scales * tf.math.squared_difference(x, minimum), axis=-1)
   square_hole = tf.reduce_all(tf.logical_and((x > 0.7), (x < 1.3)), axis=-1)
   infty = tf.constant(float('+inf'), dtype=quadratic.dtype)
   answer = tf.where(square_hole, infty, quadratic)
   return answer
예제 #10
 def filter_max_length(x, y, max_length=max_len):
     filter method
     return tf.logical_and(
         tf.size(x) <= max_length,
         tf.size(y) <= max_length)
  def train(self, sentences):
    token_ids, token_values, token_dense_shape = self._tokenize(sentences)
    tokens_sparse = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(
        indices=token_ids, values=token_values, dense_shape=token_dense_shape)
    tokens = tf.sparse.to_dense(tokens_sparse, default_value="")

    sparse_lookup_ids = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(
    lookup_ids = tf.sparse.to_dense(sparse_lookup_ids, default_value=0)

    # Targets are the next word for each word of the sentence.
    tokens_ids_seq = lookup_ids[:, 0:-1]
    tokens_ids_target = lookup_ids[:, 1:]

    tokens_prefix = tokens[:, 0:-1]

    # Mask determining which positions we care about for a loss: all positions
    # that have a valid non-terminal token.
    mask = tf.logical_and(
        tf.logical_not(tf.equal(tokens_prefix, "")),
        tf.logical_not(tf.equal(tokens_prefix, "<E>")))

    input_mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.int32)

    with tf.GradientTape() as t:
      sentence_embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self._embeddings,

      lstm_initial_state = self._lstm_cell.get_initial_state(

      lstm_output = self._rnn_layer(
          inputs=sentence_embeddings, initial_state=lstm_initial_state)

      # Stack LSTM outputs into a batch instead of a 2D array.
      lstm_output = tf.reshape(lstm_output, [-1, self._lstm_cell.output_size])

      logits = self._logit_layer(lstm_output)

      targets = tf.reshape(tokens_ids_target, [-1])
      weights = tf.cast(tf.reshape(input_mask, [-1]), tf.float32)

      losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
          labels=targets, logits=logits)

      # Final loss is the mean loss for all token losses.
      final_loss = tf.math.divide(
          tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(losses, weights)),

    watched = t.watched_variables()
    gradients = t.gradient(final_loss, watched)

    for w, g in zip(watched, gradients):

    return final_loss
예제 #12
  def _prob(self, x):
    if self.validate_args:
      with tf.control_dependencies([
          assert_util.assert_greater_equal(x, self.low),
          assert_util.assert_less_equal(x, self.high)
        x = tf.identity(x)

    broadcast_x_to_high = _broadcast_to(x, [self.high])
    left_of_peak = tf.logical_and(
        broadcast_x_to_high > self.low, broadcast_x_to_high <= self.peak)

    interval_length = self.high - self.low
    # This is the pdf function when a low <= high <= x. This looks like
    # a triangle, so we have to treat each line segment separately.
    result_inside_interval = tf.where(
        # Line segment from (self.low, 0) to (self.peak, 2 / (self.high -
        # self.low).
        2. * (x - self.low) / (interval_length * (self.peak - self.low)),
        # Line segment from (self.peak, 2 / (self.high - self.low)) to
        # (self.high, 0).
        2. * (self.high - x) / (interval_length * (self.high - self.peak)))

    broadcast_x_to_peak = _broadcast_to(x, [self.peak])
    outside_interval = tf.logical_or(
        broadcast_x_to_peak < self.low, broadcast_x_to_peak > self.high)

    broadcast_shape = tf.broadcast_dynamic_shape(
        tf.shape(input=x), self.batch_shape_tensor())

    return tf.where(
        tf.zeros(broadcast_shape, dtype=self.dtype),
예제 #13
  def _cdf(self, x):
    broadcast_shape = tf.broadcast_dynamic_shape(
        tf.shape(input=x), self.batch_shape_tensor())

    broadcast_x_to_high = _broadcast_to(x, [self.high])
    left_of_peak = tf.logical_and(
        broadcast_x_to_high > self.low, broadcast_x_to_high <= self.peak)

    interval_length = self.high - self.low
    # Due to the PDF being not smooth at the peak, we have to treat each side
    # somewhat differently. The PDF is two line segments, and thus we get
    # quadratics here for the CDF.
    result_inside_interval = tf.where(
        # (x - low) ** 2 / ((high - low) * (peak - low))
        tf.math.squared_difference(x, self.low) / (interval_length *
                                                   (self.peak - self.low)),
        # 1 - (high - x) ** 2 / ((high - low) * (high - peak))
        1. - tf.math.squared_difference(self.high, x) /
        (interval_length * (self.high - self.peak)))

    broadcast_x_to_high_peak = _broadcast_to(broadcast_x_to_high, [self.peak])
    zeros = tf.zeros(broadcast_shape, dtype=self.dtype)
    # We now add that the left tail is 0 and the right tail is 1.
    result_if_not_big = tf.where(
        broadcast_x_to_high_peak < self.low, zeros, result_inside_interval)

    broadcast_x_to_peak_low = _broadcast_to(x, [self.low, self.peak])
    ones = tf.ones(broadcast_shape, dtype=self.dtype)
    return tf.where(
        broadcast_x_to_peak_low >= self.high, ones, result_if_not_big)
예제 #14
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: scape1989/Open-L2O
def shrink_ss(inputs_, theta_, q, return_index=False):
    Special shrink that does not apply soft shrinkage to entries of top q%
    :inputs_: TODO
    :thres_: TODO
    :q: TODO
    :returns: TODO
    abs_ = tf.abs(inputs_)
    thres_ = tfp.stats.percentile(abs_, 100.0 - q, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    Entries that are greater than thresholds and in the top q% simultnaneously
    will be selected into the support, and thus will not be sent to the
    shrinkage function.
    index_ = tf.logical_and(abs_ > theta_, abs_ > thres_)
    index_ = tf.cast(index_, tf.float32)
    """Stop gradient at index_, considering it as constant."""
    index_ = tf.stop_gradient(index_)
    cindex_ = 1.0 - index_  # complementary index

    output = (tf.multiply(index_, inputs_) +
              shrink_free(tf.multiply(cindex_, inputs_), theta_))
    if return_index:
        return output, cindex_
        return output
예제 #15
    def loop_body_fn(matrices, column):
        # shape: (dim, log_num_results)
        column_values = tf.gather(matrices, [column], axis=1)

        # shape: (dim, log_num_results)
        should_be_updated = tf.logical_and(
            # Columns whose index is smaller than the degree of the primitive
            # polynomial are obtained from direction numbers and should not be
            # updated.
            tf.less_equal(tf.math.maximum(degree, column + 1), indices),
            # During a given iteration, only the next `n` columns (where `n` is the
            # degree of the primitive polynomial) should be updated.
            tf.less_equal(indices, column + degree))

        # shape: (dim, log_num_results)
        updated_matrices = tf.bitwise.bitwise_xor(
            tf.where(tf.equal(indices, column + degree),
                     tf.bitwise.right_shift(column_values, degree), matrices),
            utils.filter_tensor(column_values, polynomial,
                                column + degree - indices))

        # shape: (dim, log_num_results)
        returned_matrices = tf.where(should_be_updated, updated_matrices,

        return (returned_matrices, column + 1)
    def __init__(self, batch_size, max_len):
        """class init"""
        self.data_train = tfds.load('ted_hrlr_translate/pt_to_en',

        self.data_valid = tfds.load('ted_hrlr_translate/pt_to_en',

        pt, en = self.tokenize_dataset(self.data_train)

        self.tokenizer_pt = pt
        self.tokenizer_en = en
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.max_len = max_len
        int_64 = (tf.int64, tf.int64)

        self.data_train = self.data_train.map(lambda x, y:
                                                             [x, y],

        self.data_train = self.data_train.filter(lambda x, y: tf.logical_and(
            tf.size(x) <= self.max_len,
            tf.size(y) <= self.max_len))

        self.data_train = self.data_train.cache()

        self.data_train = self.data_train.shuffle(10000000)
        self.data_train = self.data_train.padded_batch(self.batch_size,
                                                       ([None], [None]))

        self.data_train = self.data_train.prefetch(

        self.data_valid = self.data_valid.map(lambda x, y:
                                                             [x, y],

        self.data_valid = self.data_valid.filter(lambda x, y: tf.logical_and(
            tf.size(x) <= self.max_len,
            tf.size(y) <= self.max_len))

        self.data_valid = self.data_valid.padded_batch(self.batch_size,
                                                       ([None], [None]))
예제 #17
def filter_boxes(boxes, scores, image_shape, min_size_threshold):
  """Filter and remove boxes that are too small or fall outside the image.

    boxes: a tensor whose last dimension is 4 representing the coordinates of
      boxes in ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax order.
    scores: a tensor whose shape is the same as tf.shape(boxes)[:-1]
      representing the original scores of the boxes.
    image_shape: a tensor whose shape is the same as, or `broadcastable` to
      `boxes` except the last dimension, which is 2, representing [height,
      width] of the scaled image.
    min_size_threshold: a float representing the minimal box size in each side
      (w.r.t. the scaled image). Boxes whose sides are smaller than it will be
      filtered out.

    filtered_boxes: a tensor whose shape is the same as `boxes` but with
      the position of the filtered boxes are filled with 0.
    filtered_scores: a tensor whose shape is the same as 'scores' but with
      the positinon of the filtered boxes filled with 0.
  if boxes.shape[-1] != 4:
    raise ValueError('boxes.shape[1] is {:d}, but must be 4.'.format(

  with tf.name_scope('filter_boxes'):
    if isinstance(image_shape, list) or isinstance(image_shape, tuple):
      height, width = image_shape
      image_shape = tf.cast(image_shape, dtype=boxes.dtype)
      height = image_shape[..., 0]
      width = image_shape[..., 1]

    ymin = boxes[..., 0]
    xmin = boxes[..., 1]
    ymax = boxes[..., 2]
    xmax = boxes[..., 3]

    h = ymax - ymin + 1.0
    w = xmax - xmin + 1.0
    yc = ymin + 0.5 * h
    xc = xmin + 0.5 * w

    min_size = tf.cast(
        tf.math.maximum(min_size_threshold, 1.0), dtype=boxes.dtype)

    filtered_size_mask = tf.math.logical_and(
        tf.math.greater(h, min_size), tf.math.greater(w, min_size))
    filtered_center_mask = tf.logical_and(
        tf.math.logical_and(tf.math.greater(yc, 0.0), tf.math.less(yc, height)),
        tf.math.logical_and(tf.math.greater(xc, 0.0), tf.math.less(xc, width)))
    filtered_mask = tf.math.logical_and(filtered_size_mask,

    filtered_scores = tf.where(filtered_mask, scores, tf.zeros_like(scores))
    filtered_boxes = tf.cast(
        tf.expand_dims(filtered_mask, axis=-1), dtype=boxes.dtype) * boxes

    return filtered_boxes, filtered_scores
예제 #18
파일: nn.py 프로젝트: FlexCouncil/ddsp4
def get_short_note_loss_mask(note_mask, note_lengths,
                             note_pitches, min_length=40):
  """Creates a 1-D binary mask for notes shorter than min_length."""
  short_notes = tf.logical_and(note_lengths < min_length, note_pitches > 0.0)
  short_notes = tf.cast(short_notes, tf.float32)
  short_note_mask = note_mask * short_notes[:, None, :]
  loss_mask = tf.reduce_sum(short_note_mask, axis=-1)
  return loss_mask
예제 #19
def is_cudnn_supported_inputs(mask, time_major):
    if time_major:
        mask = tf.transpose(mask)

    return tf.logical_and(
예제 #20
 def filter_max_length(x, y, max_len=max_len):
     Filters data by max_len
     filtered = tf.logical_and(
         tf.size(x) <= max_len,
         tf.size(y) <= max_len)
     return filtered
예제 #21
 def num_episodes(self) -> Union[int, tf.Tensor]:
     all_episode_infos = self._episode_info_table.read(
         tf.range(self._last_episode_id + 1))
     full_episodes = tf.logical_and(
     return tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(full_episodes, tf.float32)),
 def filter_max_length(x, y, max_length=max_len):
     Function that filter out all examples that have
     either sentence with more than max_len tokens
     return tf.logical_and(
         tf.size(x) <= max_length,
         tf.size(y) <= max_length)
예제 #23
def get_non_empty_box_indices(boxes):
  """Get indices for non-empty boxes."""
  # Selects indices if box height or width is 0.
  height = boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]
  width = boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]
  indices = tf.where(tf.logical_and(tf.greater(height, 0),
                                    tf.greater(width, 0)))
  return indices[:, 0]
예제 #24
 def is_absorbing(self):
   """Checks if step is an absorbing (terminal) step of an episode."""
   if tf.is_tensor(self.discount):
     return tf.logical_and(
         tf.equal(self.discount, tf.constant(0, self.discount.dtype)),
   return np.logical_and(
       np.equal(self.discount, 0),
 def filter_by_max_len(x, y, max_len=max_len):
     Function to filter datasets, removing examples where either input
     or target sentences have more tokens than max_len
     return tf.logical_and(
         tf.size(x) <= max_len,
         tf.size(y) <= max_len
예제 #26
def _suppression_loop_body(boxes, iou_threshold, output_size, idx):
    """Process boxes in the range [idx*NMS_TILE_SIZE, (idx+1)*NMS_TILE_SIZE).

    boxes: a tensor with a shape of [batch_size, anchors, 4].
    iou_threshold: a float representing the threshold for deciding whether boxes
      overlap too much with respect to IOU.
    output_size: an int32 tensor of size [batch_size]. Representing the number
      of selected boxes for each batch.
    idx: an integer scalar representing induction variable.

    boxes: updated boxes.
    iou_threshold: pass down iou_threshold to the next iteration.
    output_size: the updated output_size.
    idx: the updated induction variable.
    num_tiles = tf.shape(boxes)[1] // NMS_TILE_SIZE
    batch_size = tf.shape(boxes)[0]

    # Iterates over tiles that can possibly suppress the current tile.
    box_slice = tf.slice(boxes, [0, idx * NMS_TILE_SIZE, 0],
                         [batch_size, NMS_TILE_SIZE, 4])
    _, box_slice, _, _ = tf.while_loop(
        lambda _boxes, _box_slice, _threshold, inner_idx: inner_idx < idx,
        _cross_suppression, [boxes, box_slice, iou_threshold,

    # Iterates over the current tile to compute self-suppression.
    iou = box_utils.bbox_overlap(box_slice, box_slice)
    mask = tf.expand_dims(
        tf.reshape(tf.range(NMS_TILE_SIZE), [1, -1]) > tf.reshape(
            tf.range(NMS_TILE_SIZE), [-1, 1]), 0)
    iou *= tf.cast(tf.logical_and(mask, iou >= iou_threshold), iou.dtype)
    suppressed_iou, _, _ = tf.while_loop(
        lambda _iou, loop_condition, _iou_sum: loop_condition,
        [iou, tf.constant(True),
         tf.reduce_sum(iou, [1, 2])])
    suppressed_box = tf.reduce_sum(suppressed_iou, 1) > 0
    box_slice *= tf.expand_dims(1.0 - tf.cast(suppressed_box, box_slice.dtype),

    # Uses box_slice to update the input boxes.
    mask = tf.reshape(tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.range(num_tiles), idx), boxes.dtype),
                      [1, -1, 1, 1])
    boxes = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(
        box_slice, [1]), [1, num_tiles, 1, 1]) * mask + tf.reshape(
            boxes, [batch_size, num_tiles, NMS_TILE_SIZE, 4]) * (1 - mask)
    boxes = tf.reshape(boxes, [batch_size, -1, 4])

    # Updates output_size.
    output_size += tf.reduce_sum(
        tf.cast(tf.reduce_any(box_slice > 0, [2]), tf.int32), [1])
    return boxes, iou_threshold, output_size, idx + 1
  def _get_rpn_samples(self, match_results):
    """Computes anchor labels.

    This function performs subsampling for foreground (fg) and background (bg)
      match_results: A integer tensor with shape [N] representing the
        matching results of anchors. (1) match_results[i]>=0,
        meaning that column i is matched with row match_results[i].
        (2) match_results[i]=-1, meaning that column i is not matched.
        (3) match_results[i]=-2, meaning that column i is ignored.
      score_targets: a integer tensor with the a shape of [N].
        (1) score_targets[i]=1, the anchor is a positive sample.
        (2) score_targets[i]=0, negative. (3) score_targets[i]=-1, the anchor is
        don't care (ignore).
    sampler = (
            positive_fraction=self._rpn_fg_fraction, is_static=False))
    # indicator includes both positive and negative labels.
    # labels includes only positives labels.
    # positives = indicator & labels.
    # negatives = indicator & !labels.
    # ignore = !indicator.
    indicator = tf.greater(match_results, -2)
    labels = tf.greater(match_results, -1)

    samples = sampler.subsample(
        indicator, self._rpn_batch_size_per_im, labels)
    positive_labels = tf.where(
        tf.logical_and(samples, labels),
        tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32, shape=match_results.shape),
        tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32, shape=match_results.shape))
    negative_labels = tf.where(
        tf.logical_and(samples, tf.logical_not(labels)),
        tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32, shape=match_results.shape),
        tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32, shape=match_results.shape))
    ignore_labels = tf.fill(match_results.shape, -1)

    return (ignore_labels + positive_labels + negative_labels,
            positive_labels, negative_labels)
예제 #28
 def length_norm_fn(log_probs_BxM, length_int):
   """Normalize sum log probabilities given a sequence length."""
   dtype = log_probs_BxM.dtype
   norm_flt = tf.pow(((start + tf.cast(length_int, dtype)) / (1. + start)),
   log_probs_BxM /= norm_flt
   too_short_bool = tf.less(length_int, min_len)
   too_long_bool = tf.logical_and(tf.greater(length_int, max_len), max_len > 0)
   out_of_range_bool = tf.logical_or(too_long_bool, too_short_bool)
   log_probs_BxM += out_of_range_penalty * tf.cast(out_of_range_bool, dtype)
   return log_probs_BxM
    def __init__(self, batch_size, max_len):
        '''Class constructor'''
        self.data_train, self.data_valid = tfds.load(
            split=['train', 'validation'],
        self.tokenizer_pt, self.tokenizer_en = self.tokenize_dataset(
        self.data_train = data_train.map(self.tf_encode)
            lambda x, y: tf.logical_and(
                tf.size(x) <= max_len,
                tf.size(y) <= max_len
        self.data_train = self.data_train.cache()
        data_size = sum(
            1 for __ in self.data_train
        self.data_train = self.data_train.shuffle(
        self.data_train = self.data_train.padded_batch(
        self.data_train = self.data_train.prefetch(

        self.data_valid = data_valid.map(self.tf_encode)
            lambda x, y: tf.logical_and(
                tf.size(x) <= max_len,
                tf.size(y) <= max_len
        self.data_valid = self.data_valid.padded_batch(
예제 #30
    def call(self, inputs, count_weights=None):
        if isinstance(inputs, (list, np.ndarray)):
            inputs = tf.convert_to_tensor(inputs)

        def expand_dims(inputs, axis):
            if tf_utils.is_sparse(inputs):
                return tf.sparse.expand_dims(inputs, axis)
                return tf.compat.v1.expand_dims(inputs, axis)

        original_shape = inputs.shape
        # In all cases, we should uprank scalar input to a single sample.
        if inputs.shape.rank == 0:
            inputs = expand_dims(inputs, -1)
        # One hot will unprank only if the final output dimension is not already 1.
        if self.output_mode == ONE_HOT:
            if inputs.shape[-1] != 1:
                inputs = expand_dims(inputs, -1)

        # TODO(b/190445202): remove output rank restriction.
        if inputs.shape.rank > 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "Received input shape {}, which would result in output rank {}. "
                "Currently only outputs up to rank 2 are supported.".format(
                    original_shape, inputs.shape.rank))

        if count_weights is not None and self.output_mode != COUNT:
            raise ValueError(
                "`count_weights` is not used when `output_mode` is not `'count'`. "
                "Received `count_weights={}`.".format(count_weights))

        out_depth = self.num_tokens
        binary_output = self.output_mode in (MULTI_HOT, ONE_HOT)
        if isinstance(inputs, tf.SparseTensor):
            max_value = tf.reduce_max(inputs.values)
            min_value = tf.reduce_min(inputs.values)
            max_value = tf.reduce_max(inputs)
            min_value = tf.reduce_min(inputs)
        condition = tf.logical_and(
            tf.greater(tf.cast(out_depth, max_value.dtype), max_value),
            tf.greater_equal(min_value, tf.cast(0, min_value.dtype)))
        assertion = tf.Assert(condition, [
            "Input values must be in the range 0 <= values < num_tokens"
            " with num_tokens={}".format(out_depth)
        with tf.control_dependencies([assertion]):
            if self.sparse:
                return sparse_bincount(inputs, out_depth, binary_output,
                return dense_bincount(inputs, out_depth, binary_output,