예제 #1
    def test_py_func_wrap_known_function(self):
        def test_fn():
            return np.random.binomial(2, 0.5)

        node = self.parse_and_analyze(test_fn, {'np': np})
        node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx, (), ())

        with self.compiled(node, dtypes.int64) as result:
            result.np = np
            with self.test_session() as sess:
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(result.test_fn(), ops.Tensor))
                self.assertIn(sess.run(result.test_fn()), (0, 1, 2))
예제 #2
    def test_dynamic_function(self):
        def test_fn_1():
            raise ValueError('This should be masked by the mock.')

        def test_fn_2(f):
            return f() + 3

        node = self.parse_and_analyze(test_fn_2, {})
        node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx, (), ())

        with self.compiled(node) as result:
            # 10 = 7 (from the mock) + 3 (from test_fn_2)
            self.assertEquals(10, result.test_fn_2(test_fn_1))
예제 #3
  def test_py_func_wrap_known_function(self):

    def test_fn():
      return np.random.binomial(2, 0.5)

    node = self.parse_and_analyze(test_fn, {'np': np})
    node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx, (), ())

    with self.compiled(node, dtypes.int64) as result:
      result.np = np
      with self.test_session() as sess:
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(result.test_fn(), ops.Tensor))
        self.assertIn(sess.run(result.test_fn()), (0, 1, 2))
예제 #4
  def test_dynamic_function(self):

    def test_fn_1():
      raise ValueError('This should be masked by the mock.')

    def test_fn_2(f):
      return f() + 3

    node = self.parse_and_analyze(test_fn_2, {})
    node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx, (), ())

    with self.compiled(node) as result:
      # 10 = 7 (from the mock) + 3 (from test_fn_2)
      self.assertEquals(10, result.test_fn_2(test_fn_1))
예제 #5
    def test_simple_methods(self):
        class TestClass(object):
            def test_fn_1(self, a):
                return a + 1

            def test_fn_2(self, a):
                return self.test_fn_1(a) + 1

        node = self.parse_and_analyze(
            TestClass.test_fn_2, {'TestClass': TestClass},
            arg_types={'self': (TestClass.__name__, TestClass)})
        node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx, (), ())

        with self.compiled(node) as result:
            tc = TestClass()
            self.assertEquals(3, result.test_fn_2(tc, 1))
예제 #6
    def test_uncompiled_modules(self):
        def test_fn(a):
            a = math_ops.multiply(a, constant_op.constant(2))
            a = math_ops.add(a, constant_op.constant(1))
            return a

        ns = {'math_ops': math_ops, 'constant_op': constant_op}
        node, ctx = self.prepare(test_fn,
                                 arg_types=set(((math_ops.__name__, ),
                                                (constant_op.__name__, ))))
        node = call_trees.transform(node, ctx)

        with self.compiled(node, ns) as result:
            with self.test_session() as sess:
                result_tensor = result.test_fn(constant_op.constant(1))
                self.assertEquals(sess.run(result_tensor), 3)
예제 #7
    def test_basic(self):
        def test_fn_1(_):
            raise ValueError(
                'This should not be called in the compiled version.')

        def renamed_test_fn_1(a):
            return a + 1

        def test_fn_2(a):
            return test_fn_1(a) + 1

        node = self.parse_and_analyze(test_fn_2, {'test_fn_1': test_fn_1})
        node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx, (), ())

        with self.compiled(node) as result:
            # Only test_fn_2 is transformed, so we'll insert renamed_test_fn_1
            # manually.
            result.renamed_test_fn_1 = renamed_test_fn_1
            self.assertEquals(3, result.test_fn_2(1))
예제 #8
    def test_basic(self):
        def test_fn_1(_):
            raise ValueError(
                'This should not be called in the compiled version.')

        def other_test_fn_1(a):
            return a + 1

        def test_fn_2(a):
            return test_fn_1(a) + 1

        ns = {'test_fn_1': test_fn_1}
        node, ctx = self.prepare(test_fn_2, ns)
        node = call_trees.transform(node, ctx)

        with self.compiled(node, ns) as result:
            new_name, _ = ctx.namer.compiled_function_name(('test_fn_1', ))
            setattr(result, new_name, other_test_fn_1)
            self.assertEquals(result.test_fn_2(1), 3)
예제 #9
    def test_basic_method(self):
        class TestClass(object):
            def test_fn_1(self, a):
                return a + 1

            def test_fn_2(self, a):
                return self.test_fn_1(a) + 1

        ns = {'TestClass': TestClass}
        node, ctx = self.prepare(
            arg_types={'self': (TestClass.__name__, TestClass)})
        node = call_trees.transform(node, ctx)

        with self.compiled(node, ns) as result:
            tc = TestClass()
            self.assertEquals(3, result.test_fn_2(tc, 1))
예제 #10
  def test_simple_methods(self):

    class TestClass(object):

      def test_fn_1(self, a):
        return a + 1

      def test_fn_2(self, a):
        return self.test_fn_1(a) + 1

    node = self.parse_and_analyze(
        TestClass.test_fn_2, {'TestClass': TestClass},
        arg_types={'self': (TestClass.__name__, TestClass)})
    node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx, (), ())

    with self.compiled(node) as result:
      tc = TestClass()
      self.assertEquals(3, result.test_fn_2(tc, 1))
예제 #11
  def test_basic(self):

    def test_fn_1(_):
      raise ValueError('This should not be called in the compiled version.')

    def renamed_test_fn_1(a):
      return a + 1

    def test_fn_2(a):
      return test_fn_1(a) + 1

    node = self.parse_and_analyze(test_fn_2, {'test_fn_1': test_fn_1})
    node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx, (), ())

    with self.compiled(node) as result:
      # Only test_fn_2 is transformed, so we'll insert renamed_test_fn_1
      # manually.
      result.renamed_test_fn_1 = renamed_test_fn_1
      self.assertEquals(3, result.test_fn_2(1))
예제 #12
    def test_py_func_wrap_no_retval(self):
        def test_fn(a):
            setattr(a, 'foo', 'bar')

        node = self.parse_and_analyze(test_fn, {'setattr': setattr})
        node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx, (), ())

        with self.compiled(node) as result:
            with self.test_session() as sess:
                # The function has no return value, so we do some tricks to grab the
                # generated py_func node and ensure its effect only happens at graph
                # execution.

                class Dummy(object):

                a = Dummy()
                self.assertFalse(hasattr(a, 'foo'))
                self.assertEquals('bar', a.foo)
예제 #13
  def test_py_func_wrap_no_retval(self):

    def test_fn(a):
      setattr(a, 'foo', 'bar')

    node = self.parse_and_analyze(test_fn, {'setattr': setattr})
    node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx, (), ())

    with self.compiled(node) as result:
      with self.test_session() as sess:
        # The function has no return value, so we do some tricks to grab the
        # generated py_func node and ensure its effect only happens at graph
        # execution.

        class Dummy(object):

        a = Dummy()
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(a, 'foo'))
        self.assertEquals('bar', a.foo)
예제 #14
    def test_uncompiled_modules(self):
        def test_fn(a):
            a = math_ops.multiply(a, constant_op.constant(2))
            a = math_ops.add(a, constant_op.constant(1))
            return a

        node = self.parse_and_analyze(test_fn, {
            'math_ops': math_ops,
            'constant_op': constant_op
        node = call_trees.transform(
            node, self.ctx,
            set(((math_ops.__name__, ), (constant_op.__name__, ))), ())

        with self.compiled(node) as result:
            result.math_ops = math_ops
            result.constant_op = constant_op
            with self.test_session() as sess:
                # Not renamed, because the converter doesn't rename the definition
                # itself (the caller is responsible for that).
                result_tensor = result.test_fn(constant_op.constant(1))
                self.assertEquals(3, sess.run(result_tensor))
예제 #15
  def test_uncompiled_modules(self):

    def test_fn(a):
      a = math_ops.multiply(a, constant_op.constant(2))
      a = math_ops.add(a, constant_op.constant(1))
      return a

    node = self.parse_and_analyze(test_fn, {
        'math_ops': math_ops,
        'constant_op': constant_op
    node = call_trees.transform(node, self.ctx,
                                     (constant_op.__name__,))), ())

    with self.compiled(node) as result:
      result.math_ops = math_ops
      result.constant_op = constant_op
      with self.test_session() as sess:
        # Not renamed, because the converter doesn't rename the definition
        # itself (the caller is responsible for that).
        result_tensor = result.test_fn(constant_op.constant(1))
        self.assertEquals(3, sess.run(result_tensor))
def node_to_graph(node, ctx, nocompile_decorators):
    """Convert Python code to equivalent TF graph mode code.

    node: A Python AST node representing the code to convert.
    ctx: An EntityContext object.
    nocompile_decorators: A tuple containing decorators to be stripped from
        functions during conversion.

    A tuple (node, deps):
        * node: A Python ast node, representing the converted code.
        * deps: A set of strings, the fully qualified names of entity
            dependencies that this node has.
    # TODO(mdan): Verify arguments for correctness.

    # TODO(mdan): Factor out common elements.
    # These include:
    #   * code move between blocks
    #   * visiting blocks in transformers

    # Certain steps, especially canonicalization, insert new symbols into the
    # tree, which must be accounted. Although less efficient, it is most robust
    # to re-run the analysis.

    node = _static_analysis_pass(node, ctx)

    # TODO(mdan): Clean this up.
    # Some intermediate analyses are not required, and some comments got orphaned.

    # Past this point, line numbers are no longer accurate so we ignore the
    # source.
    # TODO(mdan): Is it feasible to reconstruct intermediate source code?
    ctx.source_code = None
    node = ifexp.transform(node, ctx)
    node, deps = decorators.transform(node, nocompile_decorators)
    node = break_statements.transform(node, ctx)
    node = asserts.transform(node, ctx)

    # Note: sequencing continue canonicalization before for loop one avoids
    # dealing with the extra loop increment operation that the for
    # canonicalization creates.
    node = continue_statements.transform(node, ctx)
    ctx.namespace['len'] = len

    node = _static_analysis_pass(node, ctx)
    node = single_return.transform(node, ctx)

    node = _static_analysis_pass(node, ctx)
    node = lists.transform(node, ctx)
    node = builtin_functions.transform(node, ctx)

    node = _static_analysis_pass(node, ctx)
    node = call_trees.transform(node, ctx, config.DEFAULT_UNCOMPILED_MODULES,
    node = control_flow.transform(node, ctx)

    # control_flow may create new symbols and change scopes.
    node = _static_analysis_pass(node, ctx)
    node = logical_expressions.transform(node, ctx)
    node = side_effect_guards.transform(node, ctx)
    node = name_scopes.transform(node, ctx)

    return node, deps
예제 #17
def node_to_graph(node, ctx, nocompile_decorators):
  """Convert Python code to equivalent TF graph mode code.

    node: A Python AST node representing the code to convert.
    ctx: An EntityContext object.
    nocompile_decorators: A tuple containing decorators to be stripped from
        functions during conversion.

    A tuple (node, deps):
        * node: A Python ast node, representing the converted code.
        * deps: A set of strings, the fully qualified names of entity
            dependencies that this node has.
  # TODO(mdan): Verify arguments for correctness.

  # TODO(mdan): Factor out common elements.
  # These include:
  #   * code move between blocks
  #   * visiting blocks in transformers

  # Certain steps, especially canonicalization, insert new symbols into the
  # tree, which must be accounted. Although less efficient, it is most robust
  # to re-run the analysis.

  node = _static_analysis_pass(node, ctx)

  # TODO(mdan): Clean this up.
  # Some intermediate analyses are not required, and some comments got orphaned.

  # Past this point, line numbers are no longer accurate so we ignore the
  # source.
  # TODO(mdan): Is it feasible to reconstruct intermediate source code?
  ctx.source_code = None
  node = ifexp.transform(node, ctx)
  node, deps = decorators.transform(node, nocompile_decorators)
  node = break_statements.transform(node, ctx)
  node = asserts.transform(node, ctx)

  # Note: sequencing continue canonicalization before for loop one avoids
  # dealing with the extra loop increment operation that the for
  # canonicalization creates.
  node = continue_statements.transform(node, ctx)
  ctx.namespace['len'] = len

  node = _static_analysis_pass(node, ctx)
  node = single_return.transform(node, ctx)

  node = _static_analysis_pass(node, ctx)
  node = lists.transform(node, ctx)
  node = builtin_functions.transform(node, ctx)

  node = _static_analysis_pass(node, ctx)
  node = call_trees.transform(node, ctx, config.DEFAULT_UNCOMPILED_MODULES,
  node = control_flow.transform(node, ctx)

  # control_flow may create new symbols and change scopes.
  node = _static_analysis_pass(node, ctx)
  node = logical_expressions.transform(node, ctx)
  node = side_effect_guards.transform(node, ctx)
  node = name_scopes.transform(node, ctx)

  return node, deps