def optimize_loss(loss, global_step, learning_rate, optimizer, gradient_noise_scale=None, gradient_multipliers=None, clip_gradients=None, learning_rate_decay_fn=None, update_ops=None, variables=None, name=None, summaries=None, colocate_gradients_with_ops=False, increment_global_step=True): """Given loss and parameters for optimizer, returns a training op. Various ways of passing optimizers, include: - string, name of the optimizer like 'SGD', 'Adam', see OPTIMIZER_CLS_NAMES for full list. E.g. `optimize_loss(..., optimizer='Adam')`. - function, takes learning rate `Tensor` as argument and must return `Optimizer` instance. E.g. `optimize_loss(..., optimizer=lambda lr: tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(lr, momentum=0.5))`. Alternatively, if `learning_rate` is `None`, the function takes no arguments. E.g. `optimize_loss(..., learning_rate=None, optimizer=lambda: tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(0.5, momentum=0.5))`. - class, subclass of `Optimizer` that takes only one required argument - learning rate, such as AdamOptimizer, AdagradOptimizer. E.g. `optimize_loss(..., optimizer=tf.train.AdagradOptimizer)`. - object, instance of subclass of `Optimizer`. E.g., `optimizer_loss(..., optimizer=tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(0.5))`. Args: loss: Scalar `Tensor`. global_step: Scalar int `Tensor`, step counter to update on each step unless `increment_global_step` is `False`. If not supplied, it will be fetched from the default graph (see `tf.train.get_global_step` for details). If it's not been created, no step will be incremented with each weight update. `learning_rate_decay_fn` requires `global_step`. learning_rate: float or `Tensor`, magnitude of update per each training step. Can be `None`. optimizer: string, class or optimizer instance, used as trainer. string should be name of optimizer, like 'SGD', 'Adam', 'Adagrad'. Full list in OPTIMIZER_CLS_NAMES constant. class should be sub-class of `tf.Optimizer` that implements `compute_gradients` and `apply_gradients` functions. optimizer instance should be instantiation of `tf.Optimizer` sub-class and have `compute_gradients` and `apply_gradients` functions. gradient_noise_scale: float or None, adds 0-mean normal noise scaled by this value. gradient_multipliers: dict of variables or variable names to floats. If present, gradients for specified variables will be multiplied by given constant. clip_gradients: float, callable or `None`. If float, is provided, a global clipping is applied to prevent the norm of the gradient to exceed this value. Alternatively, a callable can be provided e.g.: adaptive_clipping. This callable takes a `list` of `(gradients, variables)` `tuple`s and returns the same thing with the gradients modified. learning_rate_decay_fn: function, takes `learning_rate` and `global_step` `Tensor`s, returns `Tensor`. Can be used to implement any learning rate decay functions. For example: `tf.train.exponential_decay`. Ignored if `learning_rate` is not supplied. update_ops: list of update `Operation`s to execute at each step. If `None`, uses elements of UPDATE_OPS collection. The order of execution between `update_ops` and `loss` is non-deterministic. variables: list of variables to optimize or `None` to use all trainable variables. name: The name for this operation is used to scope operations and summaries. summaries: List of internal quantities to visualize on tensorboard. If not set only the loss and the learning rate will be reported. The complete list is in OPTIMIZER_SUMMARIES. colocate_gradients_with_ops: If True, try colocating gradients with the corresponding op. increment_global_step: Whether to increment `global_step`. If your model calls `optimize_loss` multiple times per training step (e.g. to optimize different parts of the model), use this arg to avoid incrementing `global_step` more times than necessary. Returns: Training op. Raises: ValueError: if: * `loss` is an invalid type or shape. * `global_step` is an invalid type or shape. * `learning_rate` is an invalid type or value. * `optimizer` is wrong type. * `clip_gradients` is not float or callable. * `learning_rate` and `learning_rate_decay_fn` are supplied, but no `global_step` is available. * `gradients` is empty """ loss = ops.convert_to_tensor(loss) contrib_framework.assert_scalar(loss) if global_step is None: global_step = contrib_framework.get_global_step() else: contrib_framework.assert_global_step(global_step) with vs.variable_scope(name, "OptimizeLoss", [loss, global_step]): # Update ops take UPDATE_OPS collection if not provided. if update_ops is None: update_ops = set(ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)) # Make sure update ops are ran before computing loss. if update_ops: loss = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(list(update_ops), loss) # Learning rate variable, with possible decay. lr = None if learning_rate is not None: if (isinstance(learning_rate, ops.Tensor) and learning_rate.get_shape().ndims == 0): lr = learning_rate elif isinstance(learning_rate, float): if learning_rate < 0.0: raise ValueError("Invalid learning_rate %s.", learning_rate) lr = vs.get_variable( "learning_rate", [], trainable=False, initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(learning_rate)) else: raise ValueError("Learning rate should be 0d Tensor or float. " "Got %s of type %s" % (str(learning_rate), str(type(learning_rate)))) if summaries is None: summaries = ["loss", "learning_rate"] else: for summ in summaries: if summ not in OPTIMIZER_SUMMARIES: raise ValueError("Summaries should be one of [%s], you provided %s." % (", ".join(OPTIMIZER_SUMMARIES), summ)) if learning_rate is not None and learning_rate_decay_fn is not None: if global_step is None: raise ValueError("global_step is required for learning_rate_decay_fn.") lr = learning_rate_decay_fn(lr, global_step) if "learning_rate" in summaries: summary.scalar("learning_rate", lr) # Create optimizer, given specified parameters. if isinstance(optimizer, six.string_types): if lr is None: raise ValueError("Learning rate is None, but should be specified if " "optimizer is string (%s)." % optimizer) if optimizer not in OPTIMIZER_CLS_NAMES: raise ValueError( "Optimizer name should be one of [%s], you provided %s." % (", ".join(OPTIMIZER_CLS_NAMES), optimizer)) opt = OPTIMIZER_CLS_NAMES[optimizer](learning_rate=lr) elif (isinstance(optimizer, type) and issubclass(optimizer, optimizer_.Optimizer)): if lr is None: raise ValueError("Learning rate is None, but should be specified if " "optimizer is class (%s)." % optimizer) opt = optimizer(learning_rate=lr) elif isinstance(optimizer, optimizer_.Optimizer): opt = optimizer elif callable(optimizer): if learning_rate is not None: opt = optimizer(lr) else: opt = optimizer() if not isinstance(opt, optimizer_.Optimizer): raise ValueError("Unrecognized optimizer: function should return " "subclass of Optimizer. Got %s." % str(opt)) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized optimizer: should be string, " "subclass of Optimizer, instance of " "subclass of Optimizer or function with one argument. " "Got %s." % str(optimizer)) # All trainable variables, if specific variables are not specified. if variables is None: variables = vars_.trainable_variables() # Compute gradients. gradients = opt.compute_gradients( loss, variables, colocate_gradients_with_ops=colocate_gradients_with_ops) # Optionally add gradient noise. if gradient_noise_scale is not None: gradients = _add_scaled_noise_to_gradients(gradients, gradient_noise_scale) # Multiply some gradients. if gradient_multipliers is not None: gradients = _multiply_gradients(gradients, gradient_multipliers) if not gradients: raise ValueError( "Empty list of (gradient, var) pairs encountered. This is most " "likely to be caused by an improper value of gradient_multipliers.") if "gradient_norm" in summaries: summary.scalar("global_norm/gradient_norm", clip_ops.global_norm(list(zip(*gradients))[0])) # Optionally clip gradients by global norm. if isinstance(clip_gradients, float): gradients = _clip_gradients_by_norm(gradients, clip_gradients) elif callable(clip_gradients): gradients = clip_gradients(gradients) elif clip_gradients is not None: raise ValueError( "Unknown type %s for clip_gradients" % type(clip_gradients)) # Add scalar summary for loss. if "loss" in summaries: summary.scalar("loss", loss) # Add histograms for variables, gradients and gradient norms. for gradient, variable in gradients: if isinstance(gradient, ops.IndexedSlices): grad_values = gradient.values else: grad_values = gradient if grad_values is not None: var_name =":", "_") if "gradients" in summaries: summary.histogram("gradients/%s" % var_name, grad_values) if "gradient_norm" in summaries: summary.scalar("gradient_norm/%s" % var_name, clip_ops.global_norm([grad_values])) if clip_gradients is not None and "gradient_norm" in summaries: summary.scalar("global_norm/clipped_gradient_norm", clip_ops.global_norm(list(zip(*gradients))[0])) # Create gradient updates. grad_updates = opt.apply_gradients( gradients, global_step=global_step if increment_global_step else None, name="train") # Ensure the train_tensor computes grad_updates. train_tensor = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([grad_updates], loss) return train_tensor
def optimize_loss(loss, global_step, learning_rate, optimizer, gradient_noise_scale=None, gradient_multipliers=None, clip_gradients=None, learning_rate_decay_fn=None, update_ops=None, variables=None, name=None, summaries=None, colocate_gradients_with_ops=False): """Given loss and parameters for optimizer, returns a training op. Various ways of passing optimizers, include: - string, name of the optimizer like 'SGD', 'Adam', see OPTIMIZER_CLS_NAMES for full list. E.g. `optimize_loss(..., optimizer='Adam')`. - function, takes learning rate `Tensor` as argument and must return `Optimizer` instance. E.g. `optimize_loss(..., optimizer=lambda lr: tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(lr, momentum=0.5))`. Alternatively, if `learning_rate` is `None`, the function takes no arguments. E.g. `optimize_loss(..., learning_rate=None, optimizer=lambda: tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(0.5, momentum=0.5))`. - class, subclass of `Optimizer` that takes only one required argument - learning rate, such as AdamOptimizer, AdagradOptimizer. E.g. `optimize_loss(..., optimizer=tf.train.AdagradOptimizer)`. - object, instance of subclass of `Optimizer`. E.g., `optimizer_loss(..., optimizer=tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(0.5))`. Args: loss: Scalar `Tensor`. global_step: Scalar int `Tensor`, step counter for each update. If not supplied, it will be fetched from the default graph (see `tf.contrib.framework.get_global_step` for details). If it's not been created, no step will be incremented with each weight update. `learning_rate_decay_fn` requires `global_step`. learning_rate: float or `Tensor`, magnitude of update per each training step. Can be `None`. optimizer: string, class or optimizer instance, used as trainer. string should be name of optimizer, like 'SGD', 'Adam', 'Adagrad'. Full list in OPTIMIZER_CLS_NAMES constant. class should be sub-class of `tf.Optimizer` that implements `compute_gradients` and `apply_gradients` functions. optimizer instance should be instantiation of `tf.Optimizer` sub-class and have `compute_gradients` and `apply_gradients` functions. gradient_noise_scale: float or None, adds 0-mean normal noise scaled by this value. gradient_multipliers: dict of variables or variable names to floats. If present, gradients for specified variables will be multiplied by given constant. clip_gradients: float, callable or `None`. If float, is provided, a global clipping is applied to prevent the norm of the gradient to exceed this value. Alternatively, a callable can be provided e.g.: adaptive_clipping. This callable takes a `list` of `(gradients, variables)` `tuple`s and returns the same thing with the gradients modified. learning_rate_decay_fn: function, takes `learning_rate` and `global_step` `Tensor`s, returns `Tensor`. Can be used to implement any learning rate decay functions. For example: `tf.train.exponential_decay`. Ignored if `learning_rate` is not supplied. update_ops: list of update `Operation`s to execute at each step. If `None`, uses elements of UPDATE_OPS collection. The order of execution between `update_ops` and `loss` is non-deterministic. variables: list of variables to optimize or `None` to use all trainable variables. name: The name for this operation is used to scope operations and summaries. summaries: List of internal quantities to visualize on tensorboard. If not set only the loss and the learning rate will be reported. The complete list is in OPTIMIZER_SUMMARIES. colocate_gradients_with_ops: If True, try colocating gradients with the corresponding op. Returns: Training op. Raises: ValueError: if: * `loss` is an invalid type or shape. * `global_step` is an invalid type or shape. * `learning_rate` is an invalid type or value. * `optimizer` is wrong type. * `clip_gradients` is not float or callable. * `learning_rate` and `learning_rate_decay_fn` are supplied, but no `global_step` is available. """ loss = ops.convert_to_tensor(loss) contrib_framework.assert_scalar(loss) if global_step is None: global_step = contrib_framework.get_global_step() else: contrib_framework.assert_global_step(global_step) with vs.variable_scope(name, "OptimizeLoss", [loss, global_step]): # Update ops take UPDATE_OPS collection if not provided. if update_ops is None: update_ops = set(ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)) # Make sure update ops are ran before computing loss. if update_ops: loss = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(list(update_ops), loss) # Learning rate variable, with possible decay. lr = None if learning_rate is not None: if (isinstance(learning_rate, ops.Tensor) and learning_rate.get_shape().ndims == 0): lr = learning_rate elif isinstance(learning_rate, float): if learning_rate < 0.0: raise ValueError("Invalid learning_rate %s.", learning_rate) lr = vs.get_variable( "learning_rate", [], trainable=False, initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(learning_rate)) else: raise ValueError( "Learning rate should be 0d Tensor or float. " "Got %s of type %s" % (str(learning_rate), str(type(learning_rate)))) if summaries is None: summaries = ["loss", "learning_rate"] else: for summ in summaries: if summ not in OPTIMIZER_SUMMARIES: raise ValueError( "Summaries should be one of [%s], you provided %s." % (", ".join(OPTIMIZER_SUMMARIES), summ)) if learning_rate is not None and learning_rate_decay_fn is not None: if global_step is None: raise ValueError( "global_step is required for learning_rate_decay_fn.") lr = learning_rate_decay_fn(lr, global_step) if "learning_rate" in summaries: summary.scalar("learning_rate", lr) # Create optimizer, given specified parameters. if isinstance(optimizer, six.string_types): if lr is None: raise ValueError( "Learning rate is None, but should be specified if " "optimizer is string (%s)." % optimizer) if optimizer not in OPTIMIZER_CLS_NAMES: raise ValueError( "Optimizer name should be one of [%s], you provided %s." % (", ".join(OPTIMIZER_CLS_NAMES), optimizer)) opt = OPTIMIZER_CLS_NAMES[optimizer](learning_rate=lr) elif (isinstance(optimizer, type) and issubclass(optimizer, optimizer_.Optimizer)): if lr is None: raise ValueError( "Learning rate is None, but should be specified if " "optimizer is class (%s)." % optimizer) opt = optimizer(learning_rate=lr) elif isinstance(optimizer, optimizer_.Optimizer): opt = optimizer elif callable(optimizer): if learning_rate is not None: opt = optimizer(lr) else: opt = optimizer() if not isinstance(opt, optimizer_.Optimizer): raise ValueError( "Unrecognized optimizer: function should return " "subclass of Optimizer. Got %s." % str(opt)) else: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized optimizer: should be string, " "subclass of Optimizer, instance of " "subclass of Optimizer or function with one argument. " "Got %s." % str(optimizer)) # All trainable variables, if specific variables are not specified. if variables is None: variables = vars_.trainable_variables() # Compute gradients. gradients = opt.compute_gradients( loss, variables, colocate_gradients_with_ops=colocate_gradients_with_ops) # Optionally add gradient noise. if gradient_noise_scale is not None: gradients = _add_scaled_noise_to_gradients(gradients, gradient_noise_scale) # Multiply some gradients. if gradient_multipliers is not None: gradients = _multiply_gradients(gradients, gradient_multipliers) if "gradient_norm" in summaries: summary.scalar("global_norm/gradient_norm", clip_ops.global_norm(list(zip(*gradients))[0])) # Optionally clip gradients by global norm. if isinstance(clip_gradients, float): gradients = _clip_gradients_by_norm(gradients, clip_gradients) elif callable(clip_gradients): gradients = clip_gradients(gradients) elif clip_gradients is not None: raise ValueError("Unknown type %s for clip_gradients" % type(clip_gradients)) # Add scalar summary for loss. if "loss" in summaries: summary.scalar("loss", loss) # Add histograms for variables, gradients and gradient norms. for gradient, variable in gradients: if isinstance(gradient, ops.IndexedSlices): grad_values = gradient.values else: grad_values = gradient if grad_values is not None: var_name =":", "_") if "gradients" in summaries: summary.histogram("gradients/%s" % var_name, grad_values) if "gradient_norm" in summaries: summary.scalar("gradient_norm/%s" % var_name, clip_ops.global_norm([grad_values])) if clip_gradients is not None and "gradient_norm" in summaries: summary.scalar("global_norm/clipped_gradient_norm", clip_ops.global_norm(list(zip(*gradients))[0])) # Create gradient updates. grad_updates = opt.apply_gradients(gradients, global_step=global_step, name="train") # Ensure the train_tensor computes grad_updates. train_tensor = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([grad_updates], loss) return train_tensor