def predict_outputs(self, logits, outputs=None): """Predict a score that should correlate with each output. Args: logits: LabeledTensor with dtype=float32 and axes [batch, logit_axis]. outputs: optional LabeledTensor with dtype=float32 and axes [batch, output_axis]. Note that different output layers may not be directly comparable if they make sure of `outputs` from prior rounds of selection in predictions. Returns: LabeledTensor with dtype=float32 and axes [batch, output_axis] giving predictions for each count and binding array. """ predicted_counts = lt.rename_axis( self.predict_counts(logits, outputs), 'target', 'output') if self.binding_arrays_map: predicted_affinity = self.predict_affinity(logits) predicted_binding_arrays = lt.pack([, {'affinity': target}) for target in self.binding_arrays_map.values() ], ('output', list(self.binding_arrays_map.keys())), axis_position=1) preds = lt.concat([predicted_counts, predicted_binding_arrays], 'output') else: preds = predicted_counts if self.additional_output_axis: predicted_additional_output = lt.rename_axis( self.predict_additional_output(logits), 'target', 'output') preds = lt.concat([preds, predicted_additional_output], 'output') return preds
def _stack_inputs_by_rank(inputs): """Create 2D and 3D input tensors from a dictionary of inputs. 3D inputs are stacked together for use in (optional) convolutional layers. 2D inputs are only used in fully-connected layers. Args: inputs: Dict[str, lt.LabeledTensor] providing input features. All features must be 2D or 3D labeled tensors with a 'batch' axis as their first dimension. 3D tensors must have 'position' as their second axis. The last axis of all tensors is allowed to vary, because raw input features may have different names for labels that are more meaningful than generic "features" or "channels". Returns: Tuple[Optional[lt.LabeledTensor], Optional[lt.LabeledTensor]], where the first labeled tensor, if present, has axes ['batch', 'feature'] and the second labeled tensor, if present, has axes ['batch', 'position', 'channel']. Raises: ValueError: if the result tensors do not have the same batch axis. """ inputs_2d = [] inputs_3d = [] for key in sorted(inputs): # outputs should be fixed across randomized dict iteration order tensor = inputs[key] if len(tensor.axes) == 2: tensor = lt.rename_axis(tensor, list(tensor.axes.keys())[-1], 'feature') inputs_2d.append(tensor) elif len(tensor.axes) == 3: assert list(tensor.axes.values())[1].name == 'position' tensor = lt.rename_axis(tensor, list(tensor.axes.keys())[-1], 'channel') inputs_3d.append(tensor) else: raise AssertionError('unexpected rank') combined_2d = lt.concat(inputs_2d, 'feature') if inputs_2d else None combined_3d = lt.concat(inputs_3d, 'channel') if inputs_3d else None if combined_2d is not None and combined_3d is not None: if list(combined_2d.axes.values())[0] != list( combined_2d.axes.values())[0]: raise ValueError('mismatched batch axis') return combined_2d, combined_3d
def loss_per_example_and_target(self, logits, outputs, include_array=True): """See method on base class.""" targets = _targets_from_outputs(outputs, self.logit_axis) loss = self.loss.per_example_and_target(logits, targets) if bool(set(self.binding_arrays_map.keys()) & set(outputs.axes['output'].labels)) and include_array: affinity_loss = self.affinity_loss_per_example_and_target(logits, outputs) return lt.concat([loss, affinity_loss], 'target') else: return loss
def loss_per_example_and_target(self, logits, outputs, include_array=True): """See method on base class.""" with tf.name_scope('predictions'): if self.additional_output_axis: affinity_logits =, {'target': list(self.affinity_axis.labels)}) ao_logits =, {'target': list(self.additional_output_axis.labels)}) count_preds = self.predict_counts(affinity_logits, outputs) preds = lt.concat([count_preds, ao_logits], 'target') else: preds = self.predict_counts(logits, outputs) targets = _targets_from_outputs(outputs, self.all_target_axis) loss = self.loss.per_example_and_target(preds, targets) if bool(set(self.binding_arrays_map.keys()) & set(outputs.axes['output'].labels)) and include_array: affinity_loss = self.affinity_loss_per_example_and_target(logits, outputs) return lt.concat([loss, affinity_loss], 'target') else: return loss
def average_loss_per_target(self, logits, outputs, include_array=True): """Calculate averaged over examples. This is the loss to use for training. If affinity loss is calculated and "include_array" is set to True, the count loss for the novel sequences included in the microarray and the affinity loss for the sequences not included in the microarray are excluded from the average loss calculation. Otherwise, return the average count loss over all samples. Args: logits: LabeledTensor with dtype=float32 and axes [batch, logit_axis]. outputs: LabeledTensor with dtype=float32 and axes [batch, output_axis]. include_array: Optional boolean variable indicating whether to also compute affinity loss against binding array data. Returns: LabeledTensor with type=float32 with axes [output_axis]. """ # should be independent of mini-batch size loss_matrix = self.loss_per_example_and_target(logits, outputs, include_array) if bool(set(self.binding_arrays_map.keys()) & set(outputs.axes['output'].labels)) and include_array: count_loss =, {'target': list(self.target_axis.labels)}) # Only the count loss for the samples with at least one non-zero # count output will be kept. loss_matrix_keep_idx = lt.reduce_any(lt.not_equal(, {'output': list(self.target_axis.labels)}) , 0.0), 'output') loss_matrix_keep = lt.boolean_mask(count_loss, loss_matrix_keep_idx) reduce_loss_matrix = utils.reduce_nanmean(loss_matrix_keep, 'batch') affinity_loss = loss_matrix, {'target': list(self.binding_arrays_map.keys())}) # Only the affinity loss for the samples with at least one non-zero # affinity output wil be kept. affinity_loss_keep_idx = lt.reduce_any( lt.not_equal(, {'output': list(self.binding_arrays_map.keys())}), 0.0), 'output') affity_loss_keep = lt.boolean_mask(affinity_loss, affinity_loss_keep_idx) reduce_affity_loss = utils.reduce_nanmean(affity_loss_keep, 'batch') # Count loss and affinity loss are concatenated avg_loss = lt.concat([reduce_loss_matrix, reduce_affity_loss], 'target') # Only the additional output loss for the samples with at least one # non-zero output value wil be kept. if self.additional_output_axis: ao_labels = list(self.additional_output_axis.labels) af_loss =, {'target': ao_labels}) af_loss_keep_idx = lt.reduce_any( lt.not_equal(, {'output': ao_labels}), 0.0), 'output') af_loss_keep = lt.boolean_mask(af_loss, af_loss_keep_idx) reduce_af_loss = utils.reduce_nanmean(af_loss_keep, 'batch') avg_loss = lt.concat([avg_loss, reduce_af_loss], 'target') else: avg_loss = utils.reduce_nanmean(loss_matrix, 'batch') return avg_loss
def preprocess(strs, experiment_proto, input_features=(SEQUENCE_ONE_HOT, ), mode=PREPROCESS_SKIP_ALL_ZERO_COUNTS, kmer_k_max=4, ratio_random_dna=1, total_reads_defining_positive=0, additional_output=None): """Build a small TF graph to preprocess a minibatch of tf.Example protos. Args: strs: LabeledTensor holding a minibatch of serialized tf.Example protos experiment_proto: selection_pb2.Experiment describing the experiment. input_features: optional sequence of feature constants defined in this module. mode: optional preprocess mode defined in this module. kmer_k_max: optional integer giving the maximum kmer length to use if SEQUENCE_KMER_COUNT is in `input_features`. ratio_random_dna: optional ratio of random sequences to inject if mode == PREPROCESS_INJECT_RANDOM_SEQUENCES total_reads_defining_positive: optional integer indicating the sum of all read counts required to be seen to classify the tensor as a "positive" example when balancing input classes. additional_output: optional list of strings contains additional outputs. Returns: inputs: LabeledTensor with dtype=float32 and axes [batch_axis, input_position_axis, input_channel_axis], of one-hot-encoded rasterized sequences for input into machine learning models. outputs: LabeledTensor with dtype=float32 and axes [batch_axis, output_axis] denoting possible output tensors, including counts and binding array measurements. """ with tf.name_scope('preprocess'): features = build_features(experiment_proto) parsed_feature_tensors = lt.parse_example(strs, features) count_names = selection.all_count_names(experiment_proto) if mode == PREPROCESS_SKIP_ALL_ZERO_COUNTS: skip_all_zero_counts = True feature_tensors = parsed_feature_tensors elif mode == PREPROCESS_ALL_COUNTS: skip_all_zero_counts = False feature_tensors = parsed_feature_tensors elif mode == PREPROCESS_INJECT_RANDOM_SEQUENCES: skip_all_zero_counts = False # replace zero counts with NaN in real data for count_name in count_names: count = parsed_feature_tensors[count_name] parsed_feature_tensors[count_name] = lt.LabeledTensor( tf.where(count != 0, tf.cast(count, tf.float32), tf.fill(tf.shape(count), np.float32(np.nan))), count.axes) # only random sequences will have a count of zero input_batch_size = tf.shape(strs.tensor)[list( strs.axes.keys()).index('batch')] n_randoms = tf.cast( tf.cast(input_batch_size, tf.float32) * ratio_random_dna, tf.int32) random_feature_tensors = random_dna_features( experiment_proto, n_randoms) for count_name in count_names: random_feature_tensors[count_name] = lt.cast( random_feature_tensors[count_name], tf.float32) feature_tensors = { k: lt.concat( [random_feature_tensors[k], parsed_feature_tensors[k]], 'batch') for k in features } # shuffle random and non-random inputs because preprocess batches get # split across many mini-batches for training batch_size = tf.shape(feature_tensors['sequence'].tensor)[0] order = tf.random_shuffle(tf.range(batch_size, dtype=tf.int32)) order.set_shape(feature_tensors['sequence'].tensor.get_shape()) feature_tensors = { k: lt.LabeledTensor(tf.gather(v.tensor, order), v.axes) for k, v in feature_tensors.items() } else: raise ValueError('unknown mode: %r' % mode) # pylint: disable=g-doc-exception feature_tensors = upsample_positives( feature_tensors, count_names, total_reads_defining_positive=total_reads_defining_positive, min_fraction_positive=0.1) inputs, outputs = create_input_and_outputs( feature_tensors, experiment_proto, input_features=input_features, kmer_k_max=kmer_k_max, skip_all_zero_counts=skip_all_zero_counts, additional_output=additional_output) return inputs, outputs