def get_input_evaluation_tensors(reader, data_pattern, batch_size=1024, num_readers=1): """Creates the section of the graph which reads the evaluation data. Args: reader: A class which parses the training data. data_pattern: A 'glob' style path to the data files. batch_size: How many examples to process at a time. num_readers: How many I/O threads to use. Returns: A tuple containing the features tensor, labels tensor, and optionally a tensor containing the number of frames per video. The exact dimensions depend on the reader being used. Raises: IOError: If no files matching the given pattern were found. """"Using batch size of " + str(batch_size) + " for evaluation.") with tf.name_scope("eval_input"): files = gfile.Glob(data_pattern) if not files: raise IOError("Unable to find the evaluation files.")"number of evaluation files: " + str(len(files))) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files, shuffle=False, num_epochs=1) eval_data = [ reader.prepare_reader(filename_queue) for _ in range(num_readers) ] return tf.train.batch_join(eval_data, batch_size=batch_size, capacity=3 * batch_size, allow_smaller_final_batch=True, enqueue_many=True)
def get_features_and_labels(feature_names, input_tfrecord_data_path, num_classes): """ Utility function to get the features and labels from the multiclass samples' tfrecords :param feature_names: :param input_tfrecord_data_path: :param num_classes: :return: """ list_of_feature_names = [ feature_names.strip() for feature_names in feature_names.split(',')] # now read the input tfrecord files from the given path files = gfile.Glob(input_tfrecord_data_path) if not files: raise IOError("Unable to find training files. tfrecord_data_path='" + input_tfrecord_data_path + "'.")"Number of training files: %s.", str(len(files))) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) reader = tf.TFRecordReader() filename, serialized_example = contexts, features = tf.parse_single_sequence_example( serialized_example, context_features={"video_id": tf.FixedLenFeature( [], tf.string), "labels": tf.VarLenFeature(tf.int64)}, sequence_features={ feature_name: tf.FixedLenSequenceFeature([], dtype=tf.string) for feature_name in list_of_feature_names }) context_video_id = contexts["video_id"] # read ground truth labels labels = (tf.cast( tf.sparse_to_dense(contexts["labels"].values, (num_classes,), 1, validate_indices=False), tf.int32)) return context_video_id, features, labels
def read(output_filename): files = gfile.Glob(output_filename) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files, shuffle=False, num_epochs=1) reader = tf.TFRecordReader() _, serialized_example = keys_to_features = { 'video_id': tf.FixedLenFeature((), tf.string, default_value=''), 'labels': tf.VarLenFeature(tf.int64), 'feas': tf.FixedLenFeature((), tf.string, default_value=''), } contexts = tf.parse_single_example(serialized_example, keys_to_features) feas = contexts["feas"] feas = tf.reshape(tf.decode_raw(feas, tf.float32), [-1]) dense_labels = (tf.cast( tf.sparse_to_dense(contexts["labels"].values, (10, ), 1, validate_indices=False), tf.bool)) with tf.Session() as sess: coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) # feas_val, labels, video_id =[feas, contexts["labels"], contexts["video_id"]]) feas_val, labels, video_id = [feas, dense_labels, contexts["video_id"]]) print(feas_val.shape) print(np.reshape(feas_val, [256, 256])) print(labels) print(video_id) # print( coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def get_input_data_tensors(reader, data_pattern, batch_size, num_readers=1): """Creates the section of the graph which reads the input data. Args: reader: A class which parses the input data. data_pattern: A 'glob' style path to the data files. batch_size: How many examples to process at a time. num_readers: How many I/O threads to use. Returns: A tuple containing the features tensor, labels tensor, and optionally a tensor containing the number of frames per video. The exact dimensions depend on the reader being used. Raises: IOError: If no files matching the given pattern were found. """ with tf.name_scope("input"): files = gfile.Glob(data_pattern) if not files: raise IOError("Unable to find input files. data_pattern='" + data_pattern + "'")"number of input files: " + str(len(files))) print(files) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) examples_and_labels = [ reader.prepare_reader(filename_queue) for _ in range(num_readers) ] imageInput, seq_len, target = (tf.train.batch_join( examples_and_labels, batch_size=batch_size, allow_smaller_final_batch=True, enqueue_many=True)) return imageInput, seq_len, target
def create_filename_queue(coordinates_file_pattern, shuffle=True): """Creates a queue for reading coordinates from coordinate file. Args: coordinates_file_pattern: File pattern for TFRecords of input examples of the form of a glob pattern or path@shards. shuffle: Whether to shuffle the coordinate file list. Note that the expanded coordinates_file_pattern is not guaranteed to be sorted alphabetically. Returns: Tensorflow queue with coordinate filenames """ m ='@(\d{1,})', coordinates_file_pattern) if m: num_shards = int( coord_file_list = [ re.sub(r'@(\d{1,})', '-%.5d-of-%.5d' % (i, num_shards), coordinates_file_pattern) for i in range(num_shards) ] else: coord_file_list = gfile.Glob(coordinates_file_pattern) return tf.train.string_input_producer(coord_file_list, shuffle=shuffle)
def get_input_train_tensors(reader, data_pattern, batch_size=128, num_epochs=None, num_readers=2): """ Creates the section of the graph which reads the training data . :param reader: A class which parses the training data . :param data_pattern: A 'glob' style path to the data files . :param batch_size: How many examples to process at a time . :param num_epochs: How many passes to make over the training data. Set to 'None' to run indefinitely. :param num_readers: How many I/O threads to use . :return: A tuple containing the features tensor, labels tensor """"Using batch size of {} for training . ".format(batch_size)) with tf.name_scope("train_input"): files = gfile.Glob(data_pattern) if not files: raise IOError( "Unable to find training files. data_pattern={} . ".format( data_pattern))"Number of training files: {}. ".format(len(files))) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files, num_epochs=num_epochs, shuffle=True) train_data = [ reader.prepare_reader(filename_queue, True) for _ in range(num_readers) ] return tf.train.shuffle_batch_join(train_data, batch_size=batch_size, capacity=batch_size * 5, min_after_dequeue=batch_size, allow_smaller_final_batch=True, enqueue_many=True)
def run(p, params): """Defines Beam preprocessing pipeline. Performs the following: - Reads text files from pattern. - Split text files in train and validation sets. Args: p: PCollection, initial pipeline. params: Object holding a set of parameters as name-value pairs. """ path_pattern = os.path.join(params.input_dir, '*', '*{}'.format(constants.FILE_EXTENSION)) data = (p | 'ListFiles' >> beam.Create(gfile.Glob(path_pattern)) | 'ReadFiles' >> beam.ParDo(ReadFile()) | 'SplitData' >> beam.ParDo( _SplitData(), train_size=params.train_size,, schema = dataset_schema.from_feature_spec( utils.get_processed_data_schema()) for dataset in _DatasetType: if not dataset.value: continue _ = ( data[] | 'Shuffle{}'.format( >> shuffle() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter | 'WriteFiles{}'.format( >> tfrecordio.WriteToTFRecord( os.path.join(params.output_dir, + constants.TFRECORD), coder=example_proto_coder.ExampleProtoCoder(schema)))
def inputs(batch_size, num_epochs, input_tfrecord): if not num_epochs: num_epochs = None with tf.name_scope('input'): files = gfile.Glob(input_tfrecord) files = sorted(files) print("files num : ", len(files)) if not files: raise IOError("Unable to find training files. data_pattern='" + input_tfrecord + "'.")"Number of training files: %s.", str(len(files))) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files, num_epochs=num_epochs, shuffle=False) image, label = read_and_decode(filename_queue) print("image :", image.shape) print("label :", label.shape) image_batch, label_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch( [image, label], batch_size=batch_size, num_threads=10, capacity=10000 + 15 * batch_size, min_after_dequeue=10000, allow_smaller_final_batch=False # True --> error ... ) return image_batch, label_batch, len(files)
def GlobTest(): file_name = "E:\\mini_project\\python_test\\module_test\\tf_test\\data_space" file = gfile.Glob(file_name) print(file)
def main(argv): del argv if not gfile.Exists(FLAGS.save_dir): try: gfile.MkDir(FLAGS.save_dir) except: print(('WARNING: error creating save directory, ')) save_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.save_dir, FLAGS.dataset + '_' + FLAGS.sampling_method) if FLAGS.do_save == "True": if not gfile.Exists(save_dir): try: gfile.MkDir(save_dir) except: print(('WARNING: error creating save directory, ' 'directory most likely already created.')) # Set up logging filename = os.path.join( save_dir, "log-" + strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", gmtime()) + ".txt") sys.stdout = utils.Logger(filename) X, y = utils.get_mldata(FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.dataset) #load dataset! starting_seed = FLAGS.seed all_results = {} for seed in range(starting_seed, starting_seed + FLAGS.trials): sampler = get_AL_sampler(FLAGS.sampling_method) #load sampler! score_model = utils.get_model(FLAGS.score_method, seed) #load score model! if (FLAGS.select_method == "None" or #load select model! FLAGS.select_method == FLAGS.score_method): select_model = None else: select_model = utils.get_model(FLAGS.select_method, seed) results, sampler_state = \ generate_one_curve(X=X, y=y, sampler=sampler, score_model=score_model, seed=seed, warmstart_size=FLAGS.warmstart_size, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, select_model=select_model, max_points=FLAGS.max_dataset_size) key = (FLAGS.dataset, FLAGS.sampling_method, FLAGS.score_method, FLAGS.select_method, FLAGS.warmstart_size, FLAGS.batch_size, seed) #sampler_output = sampler_state.to_dict() #results['sampler_output'] = sampler_output results['sampler_output'] = None all_results[key] = results fields = [ 'dataset', 'sampling_methods', 'score_method', 'select_method', 'warmstart size', 'batch size', 'seed' ] all_results['tuple_keys'] = fields if FLAGS.do_save == "True": filename = ("results_score_" + FLAGS.score_method + "_select_" + FLAGS.select_method) existing_files = gfile.Glob(os.path.join(save_dir, filename + "*.pkl")) filename = os.path.join( save_dir, filename + "_" + str(1000 + len(existing_files))[1:] + ".pkl") pickle.dump(all_results, gfile.GFile(filename, "w")) sys.stdout.flush_file()
def upload_variants(self, dataset, variantset, source_vcfs, destination_table, expand_wildcards=False, new_dataset=False, new_variantset=False, description=None): """Imports variants stored in a VCF in Cloud Storage to BigQuery. Handle all intermediate steps, including finding dataset and variant sets. Args: dataset: Name or id of existing dataset, or name for a new dataset. variantset: Name or id of existing variant set, or name for a new one. source_vcfs: List of VCF file[s] in Cloud Storage, wildcards accepted (*, not **). destination_table: BigQuery output, as PROJECT_ID.DATASET_NAME.TABLE_NAME. expand_wildcards: Expand wildcards in VCF paths and use parallel imports. new_dataset: Always create a new dataset with the requested name. new_variantset: Always create a new variant set with the requested name. description: Optional description for the BigQuery table. Raises: RuntimeError: If an upload or export request does not succeed. """ dataset_id = self.find_or_create_dataset(dataset, always_create=new_dataset) variantset_id = self.find_or_create_variantset( variantset, dataset_id, description="\t".join(source_vcfs), always_create=new_variantset) # Spawn off parallel imports for each VCF. if expand_wildcards and gfile is not None: # Expand any wildcarded paths and concatenate all files together. source_vcfs = sum([gfile.Glob(source_vcf) for source_vcf in source_vcfs], []) operation_ids = [] for source_vcf in source_vcfs: operation_ids.append(self.import_variants(source_vcf, variantset_id))"Importing %s (%s)", source_vcf, operation_ids[-1]) # Wait for all imports to complete successfully before exporting variantset. for operation_id in operation_ids: if not self.wait_for_operation(operation_id): raise RuntimeError("Failed to import variants to Genomics (%s)" % operation_id) operation_id = self.export_variants(variantset_id, destination_table)"Exporting %s (%s)", variantset, operation_id) if not self.wait_for_operation(operation_id): raise RuntimeError("Failed to export variants to BigQuery (%s)" % operation_id) # Assume the VCF header is the same for all files and so just use the first."Updating schema for %s", variantset) schema_update_utils.update_table_schema(destination_table, source_vcfs[0], description=description)
def main(argv): del argv if not gfile.Exists(FLAGS.save_dir): try: gfile.MkDir(FLAGS.save_dir) except: print(('WARNING: error creating save directory, ' 'directory most likely already created.')) save_dir = os.path.join( FLAGS.save_dir, FLAGS.dataset + "_" + FLAGS.sampling_method) do_save = FLAGS.do_save == "True" if do_save: if not gfile.Exists(save_dir): try: gfile.MkDir(save_dir) except: print(('WARNING: error creating save directory, ' 'directory most likely already created.')) # Set up logging filename = os.path.join( save_dir, "log-" + strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", gmtime()) + ".txt") sys.stdout = utils.Logger(filename) confusions = [float(t) for t in FLAGS.confusions.split(" ")] mixtures = [float(t) for t in FLAGS.active_sampling_percentage.split(" ")] all_results = {} max_dataset_size = None if FLAGS.max_dataset_size == "0" else int( FLAGS.max_dataset_size) normalize_data = FLAGS.normalize_data == "True" standardize_data = FLAGS.standardize_data == "True" X, y = utils.get_mldata(FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.dataset) starting_seed = FLAGS.seed for c in confusions: for m in mixtures: for seed in range(starting_seed, starting_seed + FLAGS.trials): sampler = get_AL_sampler(FLAGS.sampling_method) score_model = utils.get_model(FLAGS.score_method, seed) if (FLAGS.select_method == "None" or FLAGS.select_method == FLAGS.score_method): select_model = None else: select_model = utils.get_model(FLAGS.select_method, seed) results, sampler_state = generate_one_curve( X, y, sampler, score_model, seed, FLAGS.warmstart_size, FLAGS.batch_size, select_model, c, m, max_dataset_size, standardize_data, normalize_data, FLAGS.train_horizon) key = (FLAGS.dataset, FLAGS.sampling_method, FLAGS.score_method, FLAGS.select_method, m, FLAGS.warmstart_size, FLAGS.batch_size, c, standardize_data, normalize_data, seed) sampler_output = sampler_state.to_dict() results["sampler_output"] = sampler_output all_results[key] = results fields = [ "dataset", "sampler", "score_method", "select_method", "active percentage", "warmstart size", "batch size", "confusion", "standardize", "normalize", "seed" ] all_results["tuple_keys"] = fields if do_save: filename = ("results_score_" + FLAGS.score_method + "_select_" + FLAGS.select_method + "_norm_" + str(normalize_data) + "_stand_" + str(standardize_data)) existing_files = gfile.Glob(os.path.join(save_dir, filename + "*.pkl")) filename = os.path.join(save_dir, filename + "_" + str(1000+len(existing_files))[1:] + ".pkl") pickle.dump(all_results, gfile.GFile(filename, "w")) sys.stdout.flush_file()
# import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim from tensorflow import gfile from tensorflow import logging from yt8m_util import cross_entropy_loss, logistic_regress_model from yt8m_reader import YT8MVideoLevelFeatureReader import time batch_size = 1024 # data_dir = '/tmp/audioset_v1_embedings/unbal_train' data_dir = '/home/showlove/cc/youtube-8m/tmp/audioset_v1_embeddings/unbal_train' train_dir = '/tmp/yt8m_model' class_size = 4716 max_epoch = 100 max_step = 10000 files = gfile.Glob(data_dir) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True) reader = YT8MVideoLevelFeatureReader(num_classes=class_size) unused_id, input_feature, lables, num_frames = reader.get_batch_data( filename_queue) unused_id, input_feature, lables, num_frames = tf.train.shuffle_batch( [unused_id, input_feature, lables, num_frames], batch_size=batch_size, capacity=5 * batch_size, min_after_dequeue=batch_size, allow_smaller_final_batch=True, enqueue_many=True) y_out = logistic_regress_model(input_feature, class_size) loss = cross_entropy_loss(y_out, lables)
def count_games(): # returns number of games in the selfplay directory if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(SELFPLAY_DIR, model_name)): # directory not existing implies no games have been played yet return 0 return len(gfile.Glob(os.path.join(SELFPLAY_DIR, model_name, '*.zz')))
def train(self): logger.log(logger._snapshot_dir) basedir = logger._snapshot_dir if basedir is None: basedir = 'model/' else: basedir += "/" nlen = self.nlen videos = gfile.Glob("model/videos/*.mp4") # videos = pickle.load(open('videolist.pkl', 'rb')) idata = [[] for _ in range(nlen)] nfail = 0 itr = 0 np.random.shuffle(videos) for name in videos: try: vid = imageio.get_reader(name, 'ffmpeg') if itr % 100 == 0: logger.log("%s %s" % (itr, len(idata[0]))) if len(vid) == 51: frames = [] for j in range(1, 51, self.nskip): frame = transform(vid.get_data(j), self.idims[0], self.idims[1], self.rescale) if not self.inception and np.max(frame) == -1: logger.log("rip %s %s" % (itr, name)) frames = [] break frames.append(frame) if len(frames) != nlen: continue for j, f in enumerate(frames): idata[j].append(f) else: logger.log("%s %s" % (name, len(vid))) itr += 1 except: nfail += 1 logger.log("Unexpected error:" + str(sys.exc_info())) logger.log(name) if nfail > 10: break if itr >= self.nvideos: break vdata = np.array(idata) + 'vdata_strike' + str(itr), vdata) logger.log(str(vdata.shape)) # tf.reset_default_graph() batch_size = self.batch_size if self.inception: tfinput = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, ( 3, batch_size, ) + self.idims + (3, ), name='image') image_trans = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(tf.reshape( tensor=tfinput, shape=(3 * batch_size, ) + self.idims + (3, )), dtype=tf.float32) image_trans = tf.subtract(image_trans, 0.5) image_trans = tf.multiply(image_trans, 2.0) with slim.arg_scope(inception_v3.inception_v3_arg_scope()): model = inception_v3.inception_v3(image_trans, num_classes=1001, is_training=False, dropout_keep_prob=1.0) variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore() restorer = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) bird = scipy.misc.imread('model/bird.jpg') bird = scipy.misc.imresize(bird, self.idims) test = self.model(strides=self.strides, kernels=self.kernels, filters=self.filters) featlayer = model[1]['Mixed_7c'] featshape = featlayer.get_shape().as_list() featreshape = tf.reshape( featlayer, (3, batch_size, featshape[1], featshape[2], featshape[3])) with tf.variable_scope("contextmodel") as scope: else: tfinput = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (3, batch_size) + self.idims + (3, ), name='x') test = self.model() with tf.variable_scope("contextmodel") as scope: sess = tf.Session() learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[]) train_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, "contextmodel") optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( test.loss, var_list=train_vars) allloss = [] validloss = [] itr = 0 saver = tf.train.Saver() if self.inception: restorer.restore(sess, "model/inception_v3.ckpt") logits =[0], {tfinput: [[bird] * batch_size] * 3}) print(np.argsort(logits[0])[-20:]) # vid = imageio.get_reader('/home/andrewliu/research/viewpoint/train/strikebig/videos/', 'ffmpeg') # frame = scipy.misc.imresize(vid.get_data(0), self.idims) # layersout =[1]['Mixed_5d'], {tfinput:[[frame]*batch_size]*3}) # print(np.max(layersout)) n = vdata.shape[1] ntrain = self.ntrain nvalid = n - ntrain logger.log("%s %s" % (ntrain, nvalid)) nn_err = tf.reduce_sum( tf.abs( tf.argmin(tf.reduce_mean( (featreshape[2][:, None] - test.out)**2, axis=(2, 3, 4)), axis=0) - np.arange(0, batch_size) % nlen)) validdata = vdata[:, ntrain:] traindata = vdata[:, :ntrain] logger.log(str(validdata.shape) + str(traindata.shape)) + 'vdata_train', traindata[:, :200]) for itr in range(1, self.nitr): choicesrc = np.random.choice(ntrain, batch_size) choicetgt = np.random.choice(ntrain, batch_size) srcdata = traindata[np.arange(0, batch_size) % nlen, choicesrc] tgtdata = traindata[np.arange(0, batch_size) % nlen, choicetgt] tgtctx = traindata[0, choicetgt] batch = [srcdata, tgtctx, tgtdata] # logger.log( [test.recon1, test.recon2, test.loss, test.simloss], {tfinput: batch, learning_rate:1e-4, tftrain:False})) if itr % 4 == 0: _, loss, sim, r1, r2, err =[ optimizer, test.loss, test.simloss, test.recon1, test.recon2, nn_err ], { tfinput: batch, learning_rate: 1e-4 }) logger.log("%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (itr, loss, sim, r1, r2, err)) allloss.append(loss) else:, {tfinput: batch, learning_rate: 1e-4}) if itr % 40 == 0 or itr % self.save_every == 0: choicesrc = np.random.choice(nvalid, batch_size) choicetgt = np.random.choice(nvalid, batch_size) srcdata = validdata[np.arange(0, batch_size) % nlen, choicesrc] tgtdata = validdata[np.arange(0, batch_size) % nlen, choicetgt] tgtctx = validdata[0, choicetgt] batch = [srcdata, tgtctx, tgtdata] loss, sim, r1, r2, err =[ test.loss, test.simloss, test.recon1, test.recon2, nn_err ], {tfinput: batch}) logger.log("%s %s %s %s %s %s E" % (itr, loss, sim, r1, r2, err)) validloss.append(loss) if itr % self.save_every == 0: os.mkdir(basedir + str(itr)) sess, '%s%d/model_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%.2f_%d' % (basedir, itr, itr, loss, r1, r2, err))'%s%d/validloss' % (basedir, itr), validloss) if not self.inception: for kk in range(10): choicesrc = [np.random.randint(nvalid) ] * batch_size choicetgt = [np.random.randint(nvalid) ] * batch_size srcdata = validdata[np.arange(0, batch_size) % nlen, choicesrc] tgtdata = validdata[np.arange(0, batch_size) % nlen, choicetgt] tgtctx = validdata[0, choicetgt] batch = [srcdata, tgtctx, tgtdata] L, r1, r2, testouts =[ test.loss, test.recon1, test.recon2, test.out ], {tfinput: batch}) L, r1, r2, testouts2 =[ test.loss, test.recon1, test.recon2, test.out2 ], {tfinput: batch}) savegif("%s%d/__%dtrans.gif" % (basedir, itr, kk), testouts[:nlen]) savegif("%s%d/__%drecon.gif" % (basedir, itr, kk), testouts2[:nlen]) if itr >= self.save_every: logger.record_tabular('Iteration', itr) logger.record_tabular('Loss', loss) logger.record_tabular('Sim', sim) logger.record_tabular('R1', r1) logger.record_tabular('R2', r2) logger.record_tabular('NNErr', err) logger.dump_tabular(with_prefix=False)
def main(args): # make the export folder structure # this is made here because the Logger uses the filename if args.do_save: # make a base save directory utils.make_dir(args.save_dir) # make a directory in the base save directory with for the specific # method. save_subdir = os.path.join(args.save_dir, args.dataset + "_" + args.sampling_method) utils.make_dir(save_subdir) filename = os.path.join( save_subdir, "log-" + strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", gmtime()) + ".txt") sys.stdout = utils.Logger(filename) # confusion argument can have multiple values confusions = [float(t) for t in args.confusions.split(" ")] mixtures = [float(t) for t in args.active_sampling_percentage.split(" ")] max_dataset_size = None if args.max_dataset_size == 0 else args.max_dataset_size starting_seed = args.seed # get the dataset from file based on the data directory and dataset name X, y = utils.get_mldata(args.data_dir, args.dataset) # object to store the results in all_results = {} # percentage of labels to randomize for c in confusions: # Mixture weights on active sampling." for m in mixtures: # the number of curves created during multiple trials for seed in range(starting_seed, starting_seed + args.trials): # get the sampler based on the name # returns a python object # also named: query strategy sampler = get_AL_sampler(args.sampling_method) # get the model score_model = utils.get_model(args.score_method, seed) # if (args.select_method == "None" or args.select_method == args.score_method): select_model = None else: select_model = utils.get_model(args.select_method, seed) # create the learning curve results, sampler_state = generate_one_curve( X, y, sampler, score_model, seed, args.warmstart_size, args.batch_size, select_model, confusion=c, active_p=m, max_points=max_dataset_size, standardize_data=args.standardize_data, norm_data=args.normalize_data, train_horizon=args.train_horizon) key = (args.dataset, args.sampling_method, args.score_method, args.select_method, m, args.warmstart_size, args.batch_size, c, args.standardize_data, args.normalize_data, seed) sampler_output = sampler_state.to_dict() results["sampler_output"] = sampler_output all_results[key] = results # Not sure why this is done in a qay like this. fields = [ "dataset", "sampler", "score_method", "select_method", "active percentage", "warmstart size", "batch size", "confusion", "standardize", "normalize", "seed" ] all_results["tuple_keys"] = fields # write the results to a file if args.do_save: # format the filename filename = "results_score_{}_select_{}_norm_{}_stand_{}".format( args.score_method, args.select_method, args.normalize_data, args.standardize_data) existing_files = gfile.Glob( os.path.join(save_subdir, "{}*.pkl".format(filename))) filepath = os.path.join( save_subdir, "{}_{}.pkl".format(filename, 1000 + len(existing_files))[1:]) # dump the dict to a pickle file pickle.dump(all_results, gfile.GFile(filepath, "w")) # flush stfout sys.stdout.flush_file()
def main(stage, split_id=""): feature_names = "rgb" feature_sizes = "1024" feature_names, feature_sizes = utils.GetListOfFeatureNamesAndSizes( feature_names, feature_sizes) reader = readers.YT8MFrameFeatureReader( feature_names=feature_names, feature_sizes=feature_sizes, ) # data_pattern = "/data/uts700/linchao/yt8m/data/{0}/{0}*.tfrecord".format(stage) data_pattern = "/data/uts700/linchao/yt8m/data/splits/{0}/{1}/{0}*.tfrecord".format( stage, split_id) # data_pattern = "/data/uts700/linchao/yt8m/data/splits/train/5/traincc.tfrecord"#.format(stage, split_id) num_readers = 3 batch_size = 128 input_shuffle = False files = gfile.Glob(data_pattern) if not files: raise IOError("Unable to find the evaluation files.") filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files, shuffle=input_shuffle, num_epochs=1) eval_data = [ reader.prepare_reader(filename_queue) for _ in xrange(num_readers) ] # eval_data = reader.prepare_reader(filename_queue) if input_shuffle: eval_data = tf.train.shuffle_batch_join(eval_data, batch_size=batch_size, capacity=5 * batch_size, min_after_dequeue=batch_size, allow_smaller_final_batch=True) else: eval_data = tf.train.batch_join(eval_data, batch_size=batch_size, capacity=5 * batch_size, allow_smaller_final_batch=True) video_id_batch, model_input_raw, labels_batch, num_frames = eval_data inputs = { 'video_id': video_id_batch, 'input_raw': model_input_raw, 'labels': labels_batch, 'num_frames': num_frames } task = Stats() task = HDFS(stage, split_id) with tf.Session() as sess:[tf.local_variables_initializer()]) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() try: threads = [] for qr in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.QUEUE_RUNNERS): threads.extend( qr.create_threads(sess, coord=coord, daemon=True, start=True)) examples_processed = 0 cnt = 0 while not coord.should_stop(): if not, inputs): break examples_processed += batch_size cnt += 1 if cnt % 5 == 0: print("examples processed: {}".format(examples_processed)) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError as e: "Done with batched inference. Now calculating global performance " "metrics.") coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads, stop_grace_period_secs=10) task.done()
def _get(pattern): files = gfile.Glob(pattern) pool = multiprocessing.Pool() all_results =, files) return pd.DataFrame(all_results)
def get_existing_corners(segmentation_dir): corners = [] for path in gfile.Glob(os.path.join(segmentation_dir, 'seg-*_*_*.npz')): corners.append(get_corner_from_path(path)) return corners
def main(unused_argv): for i in range(0, NUM_LOOP): if i == 0: src_model_name = shipname.generate(0) fsdb.switch_base(os.path.join(base_dir, src_model_name)) src_model_path = os.path.join(fsdb.models_dir(), src_model_name) bootstrap_model_path = os.path.join(fsdb.models_dir(), src_model_name) mask_flags.checked_run([ 'python3', '', '--export_path={}'.format(bootstrap_model_path), '--work_dir={}'.format(fsdb.working_dir()), '--flagfile=rl_loop/local_flags' ]) dst_model_name = shipname.generate(1) fsdb.switch_base(os.path.join(base_dir, dst_model_name)) else: src_model_name = dst_model_name src_model_path = os.path.join(fsdb.models_dir(), src_model_name) dst_model_name = shipname.generate(i + 1) fsdb.switch_base(os.path.join(base_dir, dst_model_name)) utils.ensure_dir_exists(fsdb.models_dir()) utils.ensure_dir_exists(fsdb.selfplay_dir()) utils.ensure_dir_exists(fsdb.holdout_dir()) utils.ensure_dir_exists(fsdb.sgf_dir()) utils.ensure_dir_exists(fsdb.eval_dir()) utils.ensure_dir_exists(fsdb.golden_chunk_dir()) utils.ensure_dir_exists(fsdb.working_dir()) #bootstrap_name = shipname.generate(0) #bootstrap_model_path = os.path.join(fsdb.models_dir(), bootstrap_name) print(src_model_name) print(src_model_path) selfplay_cmd = [ 'python3', '', '--load_file={}'.format(src_model_path), '--selfplay_dir={}'.format( os.path.join(fsdb.selfplay_dir(), dst_model_name)), '--holdout_dir={}'.format( os.path.join(fsdb.holdout_dir(), dst_model_name)), '--sgf_dir={}'.format(fsdb.sgf_dir()), '--holdout_pct=0', '--flagfile=rl_loop/local_flags' ] # Selfplay twice mask_flags.checked_run(selfplay_cmd) mask_flags.checked_run(selfplay_cmd) # and once more to generate a held out game for validation # exploits flags behavior where if you pass flag twice, second one wins. mask_flags.checked_run(selfplay_cmd + ['--holdout_pct=100']) # Double check that at least one sgf has been generated. assert os.listdir(os.path.join(fsdb.sgf_dir(), 'full')) print("Making shuffled golden chunk from selfplay data...") # TODO(amj): refactor example_buffer so it can be called the same way # as everything else. eb.make_chunk_for(output_dir=fsdb.golden_chunk_dir(), local_dir=fsdb.working_dir(), game_dir=fsdb.selfplay_dir(), model_num=1, positions=64, threads=8, sampling_frac=1) tf_records = sorted( gfile.Glob(os.path.join(fsdb.golden_chunk_dir(), '*.tfrecord.zz'))) #trained_model_name = shipname.generate(1) trained_model_name = dst_model_name trained_model_path = os.path.join(fsdb.models_dir(), trained_model_name) # Train on shuffled game data mask_flags.checked_run([ 'python3', '', *tf_records, '--work_dir={}'.format(fsdb.working_dir()), '--export_path={}'.format(trained_model_path), '--flagfile=rl_loop/local_flags' ]) print("Finished!")
def count_games(): # returns number of games in the selfplay directory if not os.path.exists(selfplay_dir): # directory not existing implies no games have been played yet return 0 return len(gfile.Glob(os.path.join(selfplay_dir, '*.zz')))
import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import gfile from tensorflow import logging num_epochs = 1 batch_size = 1 num_classes = 4716 data_pattern = '/Users/super/yt8m/train*.tfrecord' #files = [gfile.Glob(data_pattern[i]) for i in range(len(data_pattern))] files = gfile.Glob(data_pattern) if not files: raise IOError("Unable to find training files. data_pattern='" + str(data_pattern) + "'.")"Number of training files: %s.", str(len(files))) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files, num_epochs=num_epochs, shuffle=False) reader = tf.TFRecordReader() _, serialized_examples = reader.read_up_to(filename_queue, batch_size) feature_map = { "video_id": tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
def read_and_return_stats(tfrecord_data_path, feature_names, feature_sizes, num_classes, max_frames=300, max_quantized_value=2, min_quantized_value=-2): """ This reads all the tfrecord files in a given directory and provides stats as to how many number of total tfrecords, in that how many are water samples and non-water samples. :param tfrecord_data_path: :param feature_names: :param feature_sizes: :param num_classes: :param max_frames: :param max_quantized_value: :param min_quantized_value: :return: """ # grab the tensorflow session with tf.Session() as sess: list_of_feature_names = [ feature_names.strip() for feature_names in feature_names.split(',') ] list_of_feature_sizes = [ int(feature_sizes) for feature_sizes in feature_sizes.split(',') ] files = gfile.Glob(tfrecord_data_path) if not files: raise IOError( "Unable to find training files. tfrecord_data_path='" + tfrecord_data_path + "'.")"Number of training files: %s.", str(len(files))) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) # training_data = [ # reader.prepare_reader(filename_queue) for _ in range(num_readers) # ] reader = tf.TFRecordReader() filename, serialized_example = contexts, features = tf.parse_single_sequence_example( serialized_example, context_features={ "video_id": tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string), "labels": tf.VarLenFeature(tf.int64) }, sequence_features={ feature_name: tf.FixedLenSequenceFeature([], dtype=tf.string) for feature_name in list_of_feature_names }) # read ground truth labels labels = (tf.cast( tf.sparse_to_dense(contexts["labels"].values, (num_classes, ), 1, validate_indices=False), tf.int32)) num_features = len(list_of_feature_names) # loads different types of features in the feature_lists and concatenates them feature_matrices = [None] * num_features for feature_index in range(num_features): feature_matrix, num_frames_in_this_feature = get_audio_feature_matrix( features[list_of_feature_names[feature_index]], list_of_feature_sizes[feature_index], max_frames, max_quantized_value, min_quantized_value) # add to the feature_matrices list feature_matrices[feature_index] = feature_matrix # concatenate different features audio_matrices = tf.concat(feature_matrices, 1) batch_video_ids, batch_audio_matrices, batch_labels = tf.train.batch( [ tf.expand_dims(contexts["video_id"], 0), tf.expand_dims(audio_matrices, 0), tf.expand_dims(labels, 0) ], batch_size=1, capacity=1 * 3, num_threads=1) # create a Coordinator and run all QueueRunners coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) count_tfrecord = 0 count_water_samples = 0 count_non_water_samples = 0 # indices representing water related classes.. # These are identified as labels containing water samples # 288 - 297, 370 - 372, 374, 444 - 446, 448 - 456 indices_of_water_classes = { 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 370, 371, 372, 374, 444, 445, 446, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456 } # Run the tensorflow session to read from the tfrecord files.. try: while not coord.should_stop(): video_id, audio_feature_matrix, label = [batch_video_ids, batch_audio_matrices, batch_labels]) count_tfrecord = count_tfrecord + 1 # print context # print('Context:') # print('video_id: {}'.format(video_id)) # print('label: {}'.format(label)) indices_of_classes_present = np.where(label == 1)[2] if any(x in indices_of_water_classes for x in indices_of_classes_present): count_water_samples = count_water_samples + 1 else: count_non_water_samples = count_non_water_samples + 1 # print feature lists # print('\nFeature Lists:') # import numpy # numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=numpy.nan) # print('audio_feature_matrix: {}'.format(audio_feature_matrix)) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print("Done reading tfrecords") # print the count of tfrecord print('TFRecord count: {}'.format(count_tfrecord)) print('Total count of water samples: {}'.format(count_water_samples)) print('Total count of non-water samples: {}'.format( count_non_water_samples)) # request to stop the threads coord.request_stop() # wait for the threads to stop coord.join(threads) sess.close() return count_tfrecord, count_water_samples, count_non_water_samples
def build_graph(reader, model, train_data_pattern, train_data_pattern2, train_data_pattern3, eval_data_pattern, label_loss_fn=losses.CrossEntropyLoss(), batch_size=1000, base_learning_rate=0.01, learning_rate_decay_examples=1000000, learning_rate_decay=0.95, optimizer_class=tf.train.AdamOptimizer, clip_gradient_norm=1.0, regularization_penalty=1, num_readers=1, num_epochs=None, l2_penalty=1e-8, gpu_only=1): """Creates the Tensorflow graph. This will only be called once in the life of a training model, because after the graph is created the model will be restored from a meta graph file rather than being recreated. Args: reader: The data file reader. It should inherit from BaseReader. model: The core model (e.g. logistic or neural net). It should inherit from BaseModel. train_data_pattern: glob path to the training data files. label_loss_fn: What kind of loss to apply to the model. It should inherit from BaseLoss. batch_size: How many examples to process at a time. base_learning_rate: What learning rate to initialize the optimizer with. optimizer_class: Which optimization algorithm to use. clip_gradient_norm: Magnitude of the gradient to clip to. regularization_penalty: How much weight to give the regularization loss compared to the label loss. num_readers: How many threads to use for I/O operations. num_epochs: How many passes to make over the data. 'None' means an unlimited number of passes. """ # data files files1 = gfile.Glob(train_data_pattern) files2 = gfile.Glob(train_data_pattern2) files3 = gfile.Glob(train_data_pattern3) files = files1 + files2 + files3 if not files: raise IOError("Unable to find training files. data_pattern='" + data_pattern + "'.")"Total number of training files: %s + %s + %s = %s.", str(len(files1)), str(len(files2)), str(len(files3)), str(len(files))) files4 = gfile.Glob(eval_data_pattern)"Total number of eval files: %s.", str(len(files4))) if FLAGS.fold == -1: validate_files = files4 train_files = files else: validate_files = files[FLAGS.fold::5] train_files = [x for x in files if x not in validate_files]"train files: {}, first is: {}.".format( len(train_files), train_files[0].split('/')[-1]))"eval files: {}, first is: {}.".format( len(validate_files), validate_files[0].split('/')[-1])) # label weights for loss function. ugly hard coded for now. wgts_np = np.ones(FLAGS.truncated_num_classes) over_weight_labels = False if over_weight_labels: labels_to_overwgt = [ 38, 47, 49, 55, 72, 76, 86, 89, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 120, 121 ] wgts_np[labels_to_overwgt] = 2.0 wgts_4_lossfn = tf.constant(wgts_np, dtype=tf.float32) global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name="global_step") restart_learning_rate = tf.Variable(base_learning_rate, trainable=False, name="restart_learning_rate") local_device_protos = device_lib.list_local_devices() gpus = [ for x in local_device_protos if x.device_type == 'GPU'] num_gpus = len(gpus) if num_gpus > 0:"Using the following GPUs to train: " + str(gpus)) num_towers = num_gpus device_string = '/gpu:%d' else:"No GPUs found. Training on CPU.") num_towers = 1 device_string = '/cpu:%d' learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(restart_learning_rate, global_step * batch_size * num_towers, learning_rate_decay_examples, learning_rate_decay, staircase=True) tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learning_rate) optimizer = optimizer_class(learning_rate) unused_video_id, model_input_raw, labels_batch, num_frames = ( get_input_data_tensors(reader, train_files, batch_size=batch_size * num_towers, num_readers=num_readers, num_epochs=num_epochs)) tf.summary.histogram("model/input_raw", model_input_raw) # model params # probabilities for keeping a neuron in a layer, assuming max 10 layers, below default value with tf.variable_scope("tower", reuse=True) as scope: layers_keep_probs = tf.Variable( [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], trainable=False, name="layers_keep_probs") model_input = model_input_raw if FLAGS.apply_global_normalization: g_mean, g_std = model_utils.load_global_moments() g_inv_std = 1.0 / g_std global_mean = tf.constant(g_mean, dtype=tf.float32) # expand global mean to match new dimension and fill rest with zeros new_dim = tf.cast(model_input_raw.shape[1], tf.int32) zero_padding = tf.zeros(new_dim - tf.shape(global_mean), tf.float32) global_mean_padded = tf.concat([global_mean, zero_padding], 0) # expand global inv std to match new dimension and fill rest with ones global_inv_std = tf.constant(g_inv_std, dtype=tf.float32) one_padding = tf.ones(new_dim - tf.shape(global_inv_std), tf.float32) global_inv_std_padded = tf.concat([global_inv_std, one_padding], 0) # apply normalizations (can do both) if requested # global L2 normalization model_input = tf.multiply(tf.subtract(model_input, global_mean_padded), global_inv_std_padded) # regular L2 normalization if FLAGS.apply_batch_l2_normalization: feature_dim = len(model_input.get_shape()) - 1 model_input = tf.nn.l2_normalize(model_input, feature_dim) tower_inputs = tf.split(model_input, num_towers) tower_labels = tf.split(labels_batch, num_towers) tower_num_frames = tf.split(num_frames, num_towers) tower_gradients = [] tower_predictions = [] tower_label_losses = [] tower_reg_losses = [] # eval graph - to monitor performance out of sample during training e_video_id, e_input_raw, e_labels_batch, e_num_frames = ( get_input_data_tensors(reader, validate_files, batch_size=batch_size * num_towers, num_readers=num_readers, num_epochs=2 * num_epochs)) e_input = e_input_raw if FLAGS.apply_global_normalization: e_input = tf.multiply(tf.subtract(e_input, global_mean_padded), global_inv_std_padded) if FLAGS.apply_batch_l2_normalization: feature_dim = len(model_input.get_shape()) - 1 e_input = tf.nn.l2_normalize(e_input, feature_dim) e_tower_inputs = tf.split(e_input, num_towers) e_tower_labels = tf.split(e_labels_batch, num_towers) e_tower_num_frames = tf.split(e_num_frames, num_towers) e_tower_predictions = [] e_tower_layers_keep_probs = tf.Variable( [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], trainable=False, name="layers_keep_probs") # end eval for i in range(num_towers): # For some reason these 'with' statements can't be combined onto the same # line. They have to be nested.'For tower: ' + str(i)) with tf.device(device_string % i): with (tf.variable_scope(("tower"), reuse=True if i > 0 else None)): with (slim.arg_scope( [slim.model_variable, slim.variable], device="/cpu:0" if num_gpus != 1 else "/gpu:0")): result = model.create_model( tower_inputs[i], num_frames=tower_num_frames[i], vocab_size=reader.num_classes, labels=tower_labels[i], layers_keep_probs=layers_keep_probs, l2_penalty=l2_penalty, is_training=True) for variable in slim.get_model_variables(): tf.summary.histogram(, variable) # create shadow moving average model variables if FLAGS.use_ema == True: model_vars = [x for x in slim.get_model_variables()] ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( decay=1.0 - 1.0 / FLAGS.ema_halflife) ema_op = ema.apply(model_vars)"model_vars:")" || ".join([str(x) for x in model_vars])) ema_vars = [ema.average(x) for x in model_vars] ema_vars_pair_dict = { ema.average_name(x): for x in model_vars }"ema_vars_pair_dict:") for x, y in ema_vars_pair_dict.items(): + ': ' + y) for v in ema_vars: tf.summary.histogram(, v) tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, ema_op) tf.add_to_collection("ema_op", ema_op) predictions = result["predictions"] tower_predictions.append(predictions) if "loss" in result.keys(): label_loss = result["loss"] else: label_loss = label_loss_fn.calculate_loss( predictions, tower_labels[i], FLAGS.loss_epsilon) if "regularization_loss" in result.keys(): reg_loss = result["regularization_loss"] else: reg_loss = tf.constant(0.0) reg_losses = tf.losses.get_regularization_losses() if reg_losses: reg_loss += tf.add_n(reg_losses) tower_reg_losses.append(reg_loss) # Adds update_ops (e.g., moving average updates in batch normalization) as # a dependency to the train_op. update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) if "update_ops" in result.keys(): update_ops += result["update_ops"] if update_ops: with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): barrier = tf.no_op(name="gradient_barrier") with tf.control_dependencies([barrier]): label_loss = tf.identity(label_loss) tower_label_losses.append(label_loss) # Incorporate the L2 weight penalties etc. final_loss = regularization_penalty * reg_loss + label_loss gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients( final_loss, colocate_gradients_with_ops=False) tower_gradients.append(gradients) # eval ops"eval ops") e_result = model.create_model( e_tower_inputs[i], num_frames=e_tower_num_frames[i], vocab_size=reader.num_classes, labels=e_tower_labels[i], layers_keep_probs= e_tower_layers_keep_probs, #tf.Variable([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], tf.float32, name="layers_keep_probs") l2_penalty=l2_penalty, is_training=False) e_predictions = e_result["predictions"] e_tower_predictions.append(e_predictions) # end eval ops label_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.stack(tower_label_losses)) tf.summary.scalar("label_loss", label_loss) if regularization_penalty != 0: reg_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.stack(tower_reg_losses)) tf.summary.scalar("reg_loss", reg_loss) merged_gradients = utils.combine_gradients(tower_gradients) if clip_gradient_norm > 0: with tf.name_scope('clip_grads'): merged_gradients = utils.clip_gradient_norms( merged_gradients, clip_gradient_norm) train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(merged_gradients, global_step=global_step) tf.add_to_collection("global_step", global_step) tf.add_to_collection("restart_learning_rate", restart_learning_rate) tf.add_to_collection("layers_keep_probs", layers_keep_probs) tf.add_to_collection("loss", label_loss) tf.add_to_collection("predictions", tf.concat(tower_predictions, 0)) tf.add_to_collection("input_batch_raw", model_input_raw) tf.add_to_collection("input_batch", model_input) tf.add_to_collection("num_frames", num_frames) tf.add_to_collection("labels", tf.cast(labels_batch, tf.float32)) tf.add_to_collection("train_op", train_op) #tf.add_to_collection("ema_op", ema_op) # add eval graph e_label_loss = label_loss_fn.calculate_loss( tf.concat(e_tower_predictions, 0), e_labels_batch, FLAGS.loss_epsilon) tf.summary.scalar("e_label_loss", e_label_loss) tf.add_to_collection("e_predictions", tf.concat(e_tower_predictions, 0)) tf.add_to_collection("e_labels", tf.cast(e_labels_batch, tf.float32)) tf.add_to_collection("e_loss", e_label_loss)
def train_dir(chunk_dir: 'Directory where training chunks are.', model_save_path: 'Where to export the completed generation.'): tf_records = sorted(gfile.Glob(os.path.join(chunk_dir, '*.tfrecord.zz'))) tf_records = tf_records[-1 * (WINDOW_SIZE // EXAMPLES_PER_RECORD):] train(tf_records, model_save_path)
def game_counts(n_back=20): """Prints statistics for the most recent n_back models""" for _, model_name in get_models[-n_back:]: games = gfile.Glob(os.path.join(selfplay_dir(), model_name, '*.zz')) print(model_name, len(games))
def get_games(model_name): return gfile.Glob(os.path.join(selfplay_dir(), model_name, '*.zz'))
def get_input_data_tensors(reader, data_pattern, batch_size, num_readers=1): """Creates the section of the graph which reads the input data. Args: reader: A class which parses the input data. data_pattern: A 'glob' style path to the data files. batch_size: How many examples to process at a time. num_readers: How many I/O threads to use. Returns: A tuple containing the features tensor, labels tensor, and optionally a tensor containing the number of frames per video. The exact dimensions depend on the reader being used. Raises: IOError: If no files matching the given pattern were found. """ with tf.name_scope("input"): if 'validate' in data_pattern: # randomly chosen 60 validate files # note that validate file names are different on gcloud and locally, due to `curl` download command # gcloud if FLAGS.google_cloud: a_list = list(string.ascii_lowercase) A_list = list(string.ascii_uppercase) n_list = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] n_list = n_list + a_list + A_list result = [] for a in n_list: for n in n_list: result.append(n + a) #random.seed(7) #random.shuffle(result) validate_file_nums = result[:300] else: # local results = [] for i in range(3844): results.append(str(i).zfill(4)) #random.seed(7) #random.shuffle(results) validate_file_nums = results[:300] validate_file_list_60 = [FLAGS.input_data_pattern.split('*')[0]\ + x +'.tfrecord' for x in validate_file_nums] files = validate_file_list_60 else: files = gfile.Glob(data_pattern) if not files: raise IOError("Unable to find input files. data_pattern='" + data_pattern + "'")"number of input files: " + str(len(files))) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer( files, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) examples_and_labels = [ reader.prepare_reader(filename_queue) for _ in range(num_readers) ] input_data_dict = ( tf.train.batch_join( examples_and_labels, batch_size=batch_size, allow_smaller_final_batch=True, enqueue_many=True)) video_id_batch = input_data_dict["video_ids"] video_batch = input_data_dict["video_matrix"] num_frames_batch = input_data_dict["num_frames"] return video_id_batch, video_batch, num_frames_batch
def get_input_evaluation_tensors(reader, data_pattern, batch_size=1024, num_readers=1): """Creates the section of the graph which reads the evaluation data. Args: reader: A class which parses the training data. data_pattern: A 'glob' style path to the data files. batch_size: How many examples to process at a time. num_readers: How many I/O threads to use. Returns: A tuple containing the features tensor, labels tensor, and optionally a tensor containing the number of frames per video. The exact dimensions depend on the reader being used. Raises: IOError: If no files matching the given pattern were found. """"Using batch size of " + str(batch_size) + " for evaluation.") with tf.name_scope("eval_input"): if FLAGS.image_server: files = ["/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validate15.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validate3w.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validate4r.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validate8l.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validate9_.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validatea0.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateAG.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateay.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateBE.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateCH.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateDH.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateel.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateet.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateFk.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateFp.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateHW.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateI4.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateiB.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validatek4.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validateks.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validatelt.tfrecord", "/imatge/dsuris/documents/validationdata/yt8m_video_level/validatem1.tfrecord"] else: files = gfile.Glob(data_pattern) if not files: raise IOError("Unable to find the evaluation files.")"number of evaluation files: " + str(len(files))) filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer( files, shuffle=False, num_epochs=1) eval_data = [ reader.prepare_reader(filename_queue, batch_size) for _ in range(num_readers) ] return tf.train.batch_join( eval_data, batch_size=batch_size, capacity=3 * batch_size, allow_smaller_final_batch=True, enqueue_many=True)
def get_pbs(): all_pbs = gfile.Glob(os.path.join(models_dir(), '*.pb')) return all_pbs