def kl_cross_div_loss(y_true, y_pred): repeated_pred = K.repeat_elements(instancing_tensor, num_lines, 1) h_pred = K.permute_dimensions(repeated_pred, (0, 1, 2, 3)) v_pred = K.permute_dimensions(repeated_pred, (0, 2, 1, 3)) d = h_pred * K.log(h_pred / v_pred) loss_layer = mask_equal * d + mask_not_equal * K.maximum( 0., margin - d) return K.identity(K.sum(loss_layer, axis=3) / 32., name='kl_cross_div_loss')
def __init__(self, input_tensor, losses, input_range=(0, 255), wrt_tensor=None, norm_grads=True): """Creates an optimizer that minimizes weighted loss function. Args: input_tensor: An input tensor of shape: `(samples, channels, image_dims...)` if `image_data_format= channels_first` or `(samples, image_dims..., channels)` if `image_data_format=channels_last`. losses: List of ([Loss](vis.losses#Loss), weight) tuples. input_range: Specifies the input range as a `(min, max)` tuple. This is used to rescale the final optimized input to the given range. (Default value=(0, 255)) wrt_tensor: Short for, with respect to. This instructs the optimizer that the aggregate loss from `losses` should be minimized with respect to `wrt_tensor`. `wrt_tensor` can be any tensor that is part of the model graph. Default value is set to None which means that loss will simply be minimized with respect to `input_tensor`. norm_grads: True to normalize gradients. Normalization avoids very small or large gradients and ensures a smooth gradient gradient descent process. If you want the actual gradient (for example, visualizing attention), set this to false. """ self.input_tensor = input_tensor self.input_range = input_range self.loss_names = [] self.loss_functions = [] self.wrt_tensor = self.input_tensor if wrt_tensor is None else wrt_tensor if self.input_tensor is self.wrt_tensor: self.wrt_tensor_is_input_tensor = True self.wrt_tensor = K.identity(self.wrt_tensor) else: self.wrt_tensor_is_input_tensor = False overall_loss = None for loss, weight in losses: # Perf optimization. Don't build loss function with 0 weight. if weight != 0: loss_fn = weight * loss.build_loss() overall_loss = loss_fn if overall_loss is None else overall_loss + loss_fn self.loss_names.append( self.loss_functions.append(loss_fn) # Compute gradient of overall with respect to `wrt` tensor. if self.wrt_tensor_is_input_tensor: grads = K.gradients(overall_loss, self.input_tensor)[0] else: grads = K.gradients(overall_loss, self.wrt_tensor)[0] if norm_grads: grads = K.l2_normalize(grads) # The main function to compute various quantities in optimization loop. self.compute_fn = K.function( [self.input_tensor, K.learning_phase()], self.loss_functions + [overall_loss, grads, self.wrt_tensor])
def tn_over_gt_n(y_true, y_pred): return K.identity(true_negatives / num_not_equal, name="tn_over_gt_n")
def tn_over_pred_n(y_ture, y_pred): return K.identity(true_negatives / num_negatives, name="tn_over_pred_n")
def _apply_map(self, x): return K.identity(x)
def _initialize_params(self, model, use_logits, input_layer, output_layer): """ Initialize most parameters of the classifier. This is a convenience function called by `__init__` and `__setstate__` to avoid code duplication. :param model: Keras model :type model: `keras.models.Model` :param use_logits: True if the output of the model are logits. :type use_logits: `bool` :param input_layer: Which layer to consider as the Input when the model has multiple input layers. :type input_layer: `int` :param output_layer: Which layer to consider as the Output when the model has multiple output layers. :type output_layer: `int` """ # pylint: disable=E0401 if self.is_tensorflow: import tensorflow as tf if tf.executing_eagerly(): raise ValueError( 'TensorFlow is executing eagerly. Please disable eager execution.' ) import tensorflow.keras as keras import tensorflow.keras.backend as k else: import keras import keras.backend as k if hasattr(model, 'inputs'): self._input_layer = input_layer self._input = model.inputs[input_layer] else: self._input = model.input self._input_layer = 0 if hasattr(model, 'outputs'): self._output = model.outputs[output_layer] self._output_layer = output_layer else: self._output = model.output self._output_layer = 0 _, self._nb_classes = k.int_shape(self._output) self._input_shape = k.int_shape(self._input)[1:] logger.debug( 'Inferred %i classes and %s as input shape for Keras classifier.', self.nb_classes(), str(self.input_shape)) # Get predictions and loss function self._use_logits = use_logits if not hasattr(self._model, 'loss'): logger.warning( 'Keras model has no loss set. Classifier tries to use `k.sparse_categorical_crossentropy`.' ) loss_function = k.sparse_categorical_crossentropy else: if isinstance(self._model.loss, six.string_types): loss_function = getattr(k, self._model.loss) elif self._model.loss.__name__ in [ 'categorical_hinge', 'kullback_leibler_divergence', 'cosine_proximity' ]: if self.is_tensorflow and self._model.loss.__name__ == 'cosine_proximity': loss_function = tf.keras.losses.cosine_similarity else: loss_function = getattr(keras.losses, self._model.loss.__name__) else: loss_function = getattr(k, self._model.loss.__name__) if loss_function.__name__ in [ 'categorical_hinge', 'categorical_crossentropy', 'binary_crossentropy', 'kullback_leibler_divergence', 'cosine_proximity' ]: self._reduce_labels = False label_ph = k.placeholder(shape=self._output.shape) elif loss_function.__name__ in ['sparse_categorical_crossentropy']: self._reduce_labels = True label_ph = k.placeholder(shape=[ None, ]) else: raise ValueError('Loss function not recognised.') # The implementation of categorical_crossentropy is different in keras and tensorflow.keras. To ensure # consistent behavior of `KerasClassifier` for keras and tensorflow.keras we follow the approach of # tensorflow.keras for all cases of `from_logits` if the loss_function is categorical_crossentropy. if hasattr(self._model, 'loss') and isinstance(self._model.loss, six.string_types) \ and loss_function.__name__ == 'categorical_crossentropy': predictions = self._output loss_ = loss_function(label_ph, self._output.op.inputs[-1], from_logits=True) elif loss_function.__name__ in [ 'categorical_hinge', 'cosine_proximity', 'kullback_leibler_divergence' ]: predictions = self._output loss_ = loss_function(label_ph, self._output.op.inputs[-1]) else: predictions = self._output loss_ = loss_function(label_ph, self._output, from_logits=use_logits) # recent TensorFlow version does not allow a model with an output same as the input. if predictions == self._input: predictions = k.identity(predictions) loss_gradients = k.gradients(loss_, self._input) if k.backend() == 'tensorflow': loss_gradients = loss_gradients[0] elif k.backend() == 'cntk': raise NotImplementedError( 'Only TensorFlow and Theano support is provided for Keras.') # Set loss, gradients and prediction functions self._predictions_op = predictions self._loss = loss_ self._loss_gradients = k.function([self._input, label_ph], [loss_gradients]) self._predictions = k.function([self._input], [predictions]) # Get the internal layer self._layer_names = self._get_layers()
def identity(x): return K.identity(x)