예제 #1
 def _get_dataset():
   inputs = array_ops.expand_dims_v2(constant_op.constant(range(10)), axis=1)
   targets = array_ops.expand_dims_v2(
       constant_op.constant(range(10)), axis=1)
   # Make global batch size 12 for 2 replicas and a non-repeated dataset with
   # 10 elements so that we have partial batch
   dataset = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
       (inputs, targets)).batch(12, drop_remainder=False)
   return dataset
예제 #2
def match_dtype_and_rank(y_t, y_p, sw):
    """Match dtype and rank of predictions."""
    if y_t.shape.rank == 1 and y_p.shape.rank == 2:
        y_t = array_ops.expand_dims_v2(y_t, axis=-1)
    if sw is not None:
        if sw.shape.rank == 1 and y_p.shape.rank == 2:
            sw = array_ops.expand_dims_v2(sw, axis=-1)

    # Dtype.
    y_t = math_ops.cast(y_t, y_p.dtype)
    if sw is not None:
        sw = math_ops.cast(sw, y_p.dtype)
    return y_t, y_p, sw
예제 #3
def _gather(strategy, value):
    """Gathers a single value."""
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if not isinstance(value, values.DistributedValues):
        assert isinstance(value, core.Tensor)
        value = values.PerReplica([value])
    if not isinstance(
        return array_ops.stack(value._values)
    assert len(strategy.extended.worker_devices) == len(value._values)
    inputs = [array_ops.expand_dims_v2(v, axis=0) for v in value._values]
    collective_keys = strategy.extended._collective_keys
    devices = strategy.extended.worker_devices
    group_size = strategy.num_replicas_in_sync

    def gather_fn():
        gathered = cross_device_utils.build_collective_gather(
            inputs, devices, group_size, collective_keys)
        return distribute_utils.update_regroup(strategy.extended,

    return gather_fn()
예제 #4
파일: core.py 프로젝트: zxzm/tensorflow
    def call(self, inputs):
        if self._channels_first:
            rank = inputs.shape.rank
            if rank and rank > 1:
                # Switch to channels-last format.
                permutation = [0]
                permutation.extend(range(2, rank))
                inputs = array_ops.transpose(inputs, perm=permutation)

        if context.executing_eagerly():
            # Full static shape is guaranteed to be available.
            # Performance: Using `constant_op` is much faster than passing a list.
            flattened_shape = constant_op.constant([inputs.shape[0], -1])
            return gen_array_ops.reshape(inputs, flattened_shape)
            input_shape = inputs.shape
            rank = input_shape.rank
            if rank == 1:
                return array_ops.expand_dims_v2(inputs, axis=1)
                batch_dim = tensor_shape.dimension_value(input_shape[0])
                non_batch_dims = input_shape[1:]
                # Reshape in a way that preserves as much shape info as possible.
                if non_batch_dims.is_fully_defined():
                    last_dim = int(
                        functools.reduce(operator.mul, non_batch_dims))
                    flattened_shape = constant_op.constant([-1, last_dim])
                elif batch_dim is not None:
                    flattened_shape = constant_op.constant(
                        [int(batch_dim), -1])
                    flattened_shape = [array_ops.shape_v2(inputs)[0], -1]
                return array_ops.reshape(inputs, flattened_shape)
예제 #5
def _partial_shaped_bools():
    rand_vect = math_ops.range(
    return array_ops.expand_dims_v2(rand_vect, 0) < 0
예제 #6
def match_dtype_and_rank(y_t, y_p, sw):
    """Match dtype and rank of predictions."""
    if y_t.shape.rank == 1 and y_p.shape.rank == 2:
        y_t = array_ops.expand_dims_v2(y_t, axis=-1)
    if sw is not None:
        if sw.shape.rank == 1 and y_p.shape.rank == 2:
            sw = array_ops.expand_dims_v2(sw, axis=-1)

    # Dtype.
    # This is required mainly for custom loss functions which do not take care
    # casting dtypes.
    if ((y_t.dtype.is_floating and y_p.dtype.is_floating)
            or (y_t.dtype.is_integer and y_p.dtype.is_integer)):
        y_t = math_ops.cast(y_t, y_p.dtype)

    if sw is not None:
        sw = math_ops.cast(sw, y_p.dtype)
    return y_t, y_p, sw
def _get_total_loss_tensor(activations):
  losses = []
  for activation in activations:
                gen_math_ops.squared_difference(activation, 0), 1)))
  total_loss = array_ops.expand_dims_v2(sum(losses), 0)
  return total_loss
예제 #8
def _gather(strategy, value):
  """Gathers a single value."""
  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  if not isinstance(value, values.DistributedValues):
    value = values.PerReplica([ops.convert_to_tensor(value)])
  if not isinstance(strategy.extended,
    return array_ops.stack(value._values)
  assert len(strategy.extended.worker_devices) == len(value._values)
  inputs = [array_ops.expand_dims_v2(v, axis=0) for v in value._values]
  return strategy.gather(values.PerReplica(inputs), axis=0)
예제 #9
    def all_gather(
            input_tensor: core.TensorLike,
            axis: core.TensorLike,
            options: Optional[collective_util.Options] = None) -> core.Tensor:
        """All-gather a dense tensor.

    This method must be called inside a tf.function.

      input_tensor: a dense tensor. It must have the same rank on all replicas,
        and dimensions other than `axis` need to be the same as well.
      axis: 0-D int32 Tensor. Dimension along which to gather. Must be in the
        range [0, rank(value)).
      options: an optional tf.distribute.experimental.CommunicationOptions. If
        provided, it overrides the default options.

      The gathered Tensor.

      RuntimeError: if called in eager mode.
        if context.executing_eagerly():
            raise RuntimeError('all_gather is not supported in eager mode.')

        with ops.device(self._device), \
            # 1. Transpose
            # E.g. Given an input_tensor with shape [2,2,5,1] and axis to gather is 3,
            # we use perm_pre=[3 0 1 2] to reshape it to [1,2,2,5], which
            # brings the 3rd dim first; afterwards we use perm_after=[1,2,3,0] to
            # place it back.
            perm_pre = array_ops.concat(
                ([axis], math_ops.range(axis),
                 math_ops.range(axis + 1, array_ops.rank(input_tensor))),
            input_tensor_t = array_ops.transpose(input_tensor, perm=perm_pre)
            # 2. Pad
            gathered_shape = self._all_gather(
                                         axis=0), options)
            first_dims = gathered_shape[:, 0]
            full_axis_dim = math_ops.reduce_max(first_dims)
            padded_input_tensor = _pad_util(input_tensor_t, full_axis_dim)

            # 3. Gather
            gather_padded_out_tensor = self._all_gather(
                padded_input_tensor, options)
            # 4. Unpad
            split_tensors = []
            for i in range(self._group_size):
                start_pos = i * full_axis_dim
                    gather_padded_out_tensor[start_pos:start_pos +
            out_tensor_t = array_ops.concat(split_tensors, 0)

            # 5. Transpose back
            perm_after = array_ops.concat(
                (math_ops.range(1, axis + 1), [0],
                 math_ops.range(axis + 1, array_ops.rank(input_tensor_t))),
            return array_ops.transpose(out_tensor_t, perm=perm_after)
예제 #10
def pinv(a, rcond=None, validate_args=False, name=None):
    """Compute the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of one or more matrices.

  Calculate the [generalized inverse of a matrix](
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore%E2%80%93Penrose_inverse) using its
  singular-value decomposition (SVD) and including all large singular values.

  The pseudo-inverse of a matrix `A`, is defined as: 'the matrix that 'solves'
  [the least-squares problem] `A @ x = b`,' i.e., if `x_hat` is a solution, then
  `A_pinv` is the matrix such that `x_hat = A_pinv @ b`. It can be shown that if
  `U @ Sigma @ V.T = A` is the singular value decomposition of `A`, then
  `A_pinv = V @ inv(Sigma) U^T`. [(Strang, 1980)][1]

  This function is analogous to [`numpy.linalg.pinv`](
  It differs only in default value of `rcond`. In `numpy.linalg.pinv`, the
  default `rcond` is `1e-15`. Here the default is
  `10. * max(num_rows, num_cols) * np.finfo(dtype).eps`.

    a: (Batch of) `float`-like matrix-shaped `Tensor`(s) which are to be
    rcond: `Tensor` of small singular value cutoffs.  Singular values smaller
      (in modulus) than `rcond` * largest_singular_value (again, in modulus) are
      set to zero. Must broadcast against `tf.shape(a)[:-2]`.
      Default value: `10. * max(num_rows, num_cols) * np.finfo(a.dtype).eps`.
    validate_args: When `True`, additional assertions might be embedded in the
      Default value: `False` (i.e., no graph assertions are added).
    name: Python `str` prefixed to ops created by this function.
      Default value: 'pinv'.

    a_pinv: (Batch of) pseudo-inverse of input `a`. Has same shape as `a` except
      rightmost two dimensions are transposed.

    TypeError: if input `a` does not have `float`-like `dtype`.
    ValueError: if input `a` has fewer than 2 dimensions.

  #### Examples

  import tensorflow as tf
  import tensorflow_probability as tfp

  a = tf.constant([[1.,  0.4,  0.5],
                   [0.4, 0.2,  0.25],
                   [0.5, 0.25, 0.35]])
  tf.matmul(tf.linalg..pinv(a), a)
  # ==> array([[1., 0., 0.],
               [0., 1., 0.],
               [0., 0., 1.]], dtype=float32)

  a = tf.constant([[1.,  0.4,  0.5,  1.],
                   [0.4, 0.2,  0.25, 2.],
                   [0.5, 0.25, 0.35, 3.]])
  tf.matmul(tf.linalg..pinv(a), a)
  # ==> array([[ 0.76,  0.37,  0.21, -0.02],
               [ 0.37,  0.43, -0.33,  0.02],
               [ 0.21, -0.33,  0.81,  0.01],
               [-0.02,  0.02,  0.01,  1.  ]], dtype=float32)

  #### References

  [1]: G. Strang. 'Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2nd Ed.' Academic Press,
       Inc., 1980, pp. 139-142.
    with ops.name_scope(name or 'pinv'):
        a = ops.convert_to_tensor(a, name='a')

        assertions = _maybe_validate_matrix(a, validate_args)
        if assertions:
            with ops.control_dependencies(assertions):
                a = array_ops.identity(a)

        dtype = a.dtype.as_numpy_dtype

        if rcond is None:

            def get_dim_size(dim):
                dim_val = tensor_shape.dimension_value(a.shape[dim])
                if dim_val is not None:
                    return dim_val
                return array_ops.shape(a)[dim]

            num_rows = get_dim_size(-2)
            num_cols = get_dim_size(-1)
            if isinstance(num_rows, int) and isinstance(num_cols, int):
                max_rows_cols = float(max(num_rows, num_cols))
                max_rows_cols = math_ops.cast(
                    math_ops.maximum(num_rows, num_cols), dtype)
            rcond = 10. * max_rows_cols * np.finfo(dtype).eps

        rcond = ops.convert_to_tensor(rcond, dtype=dtype, name='rcond')

        # Calculate pseudo inverse via SVD.
        # Note: if a is Hermitian then u == v. (We might observe additional
        # performance by explicitly setting `v = u` in such cases.)
            singular_values,  # Sigma
            left_singular_vectors,  # U
            right_singular_vectors,  # V
        ] = svd(a, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True)

        # Saturate small singular values to inf. This has the effect of make
        # `1. / s = 0.` while not resulting in `NaN` gradients.
        cutoff = rcond * math_ops.reduce_max(singular_values, axis=-1)
        singular_values = array_ops.where_v2(
            singular_values > array_ops.expand_dims_v2(cutoff, -1),
            singular_values, np.array(np.inf, dtype))

        # By the definition of the SVD, `a == u @ s @ v^H`, and the pseudo-inverse
        # is defined as `pinv(a) == v @ inv(s) @ u^H`.
        a_pinv = math_ops.matmul(right_singular_vectors /
                                 array_ops.expand_dims_v2(singular_values, -2),

        if a.shape is not None and a.shape.rank is not None:
                [a.shape[-1], a.shape[-2]]))

        return a_pinv
예제 #11
 def _expand_single_1d_tensor(t):
   # Leaves `CompositeTensor`s as-is.
   if (isinstance(t, ops.Tensor) and
       isinstance(t.shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape) and t.shape.rank == 1):
     return array_ops.expand_dims_v2(t, axis=-1)
   return t
예제 #12
def audio(name, tensor, sample_rate, max_outputs=3, collections=None,
  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
  """Outputs a `Summary` protocol buffer with audio.

  The summary has up to `max_outputs` summary values containing audio. The
  audio is built from `tensor` which must be 3-D with shape `[batch_size,
  frames, channels]` or 2-D with shape `[batch_size, frames]`. The values are
  assumed to be in the range of `[-1.0, 1.0]` with a sample rate of

  The `tag` in the outputted Summary.Value protobufs is generated based on the
  name, with a suffix depending on the max_outputs setting:

  *  If `max_outputs` is 1, the summary value tag is '*name*/audio'.
  *  If `max_outputs` is greater than 1, the summary value tags are
     generated sequentially as '*name*/audio/0', '*name*/audio/1', etc

    name: A name for the generated node. Will also serve as a series name in
    tensor: A 3-D `float32` `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size, frames, channels]`
      or a 2-D `float32` `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size, frames]`.
    sample_rate: A Scalar `float32` `Tensor` indicating the sample rate of the
      signal in hertz.
    max_outputs: Max number of batch elements to generate audio for.
    collections: Optional list of ops.GraphKeys.  The collections to add the
      summary to.  Defaults to [_ops.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES]
    family: Optional; if provided, used as the prefix of the summary tag name,
      which controls the tab name used for display on Tensorboard.

    A scalar `Tensor` of type `string`. The serialized `Summary` protocol

  For compatibility purposes, when invoked in TF2 where the outermost context is
  eager mode, this API will check if there is a suitable TF2 summary writer
  context available, and if so will forward this call to that writer instead. A
  "suitable" writer context means that the writer is set as the default writer,
  and there is an associated non-empty value for `step` (see
  `tf.summary.SummaryWriter.as_default`, or alternatively
  `tf.summary.experimental.set_step`). For the forwarded call, the arguments
  here will be passed to the TF2 implementation of `tf.summary.audio`, and the
  return value will be an empty bytestring tensor, to avoid duplicate summary
  writing. This forwarding is best-effort and not all arguments will be
  preserved. Additionally:

  * The TF2 op just outputs the data under a single tag that contains multiple
    samples, rather than multiple tags (i.e. no "/0" or "/1" suffixes).

  To migrate to TF2, please use `tf.summary.audio` instead. Please check
  [Migrating tf.summary usage to
  TF 2.0](https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard/migrate#in_tf_1x) for concrete
  steps for migration.

  #### How to Map Arguments

  | TF1 Arg Name  | TF2 Arg Name    | Note                                   |
  | :------------ | :-------------- | :------------------------------------- |
  | `name`        | `name`          | -                                      |
  | `tensor`      | `data`          | Input for this argument now must be    |
  :               :                 : three-dimensional `[k, t, c]`, where   :
  :               :                 : `k` is the number of audio clips, `t`  :
  :               :                 : is the number of frames, and `c` is    :
  :               :                 : the number of channels. Two-dimensional:
  :               :                 : input is no longer supported.          :
  | `sample_rate` | `sample_rate`   | -                                      |
  | -             | `step`          | Explicit int64-castable monotonic step |
  :               :                 : value. If omitted, this defaults to    :
  :               :                 : `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()`.  :
  | `max_outputs` | `max_outputs`   | -                                      |
  | `collections` | Not Supported   | -                                      |
  | `family`      | Removed         | Please use `tf.name_scope` instead to  |
  :               :                 : manage summary name prefix.            :
  | -             | `encoding`      | Optional constant str for the desired  |
  :               :                 : encoding. Check the docs for           :
  :               :                 : `tf.summary.audio` for latest supported:
  :               :                 : audio formats.                         :
  | -             | `description`   | Optional long-form `str` description   |
  :               :                 : for the summary. Markdown is supported.:
  :               :                 : Defaults to empty.                     :

  # Special case: invoke v2 op for TF2 users who have a v2 writer.
  if _should_invoke_v2_op():
    # Defer the import to happen inside the symbol to prevent breakage due to
    # missing dependency.
    from tensorboard.summary.v2 import audio as audio_v2  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
    if tensor.shape.rank == 2:
      # TF2 op requires 3-D tensor, add the `channels` dimension.
      tensor = _array_ops.expand_dims_v2(tensor, axis=2)
    with _compat_summary_scope(name, family) as tag:
    # Return an empty Tensor, which will be acceptable as an input to the
    # `tf.compat.v1.summary.merge()` API.
    return _constant_op.constant(b'')

  # Fall back to legacy v1 audio implementation.
  if _distribute_summary_op_util.skip_summary():
    return _constant_op.constant('')
  with _summary_op_util.summary_scope(
      name, family=family, values=[tensor]) as (tag, scope):
    sample_rate = _ops.convert_to_tensor(
        sample_rate, dtype=_dtypes.float32, name='sample_rate')
    val = _gen_logging_ops.audio_summary_v2(
        tag=tag, tensor=tensor, max_outputs=max_outputs,
        sample_rate=sample_rate, name=scope)
    _summary_op_util.collect(val, collections, [_ops.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES])
  return val
def build_collective_gather(input_tensors,
  """Build a subgraph that does one full all-gather, using the collective Op.

  This method must be called in graph mode or inside a tf.function.

    input_tensors: tensors within a single worker graph that are to be gathered
      together; must be one per device. Input tensors cannot have rank 0.
    devices: a list of device strings to run the collective on.
    group_size: total number of devices globally that will be doing this same
      gathering. The gathering will actually include the corresponding tensors
      at all these workers.
    collective_keys: a CollectiveKeys object.
    axis: 0-D int32 Tensor. Dimension along which to gather. Must be in the
      range [0, rank(value)).
    communication_hint: string providing hint to runtime for choosing collective
      implementation. Available options are `AUTO`, `NCCL`, and `RING`.
    control_inputs: if not None, add control edges between control_inputs and
      (index-wise) corresponding collective_gather tensors
    timeout: a float or None. The timeout in seconds.

    An array of final tensors, one per device, computed by the full gather.
  if len(input_tensors) != len(devices):
    raise ValueError(
        'collective requires one input tensor for each device, %d != %d' %
        (len(input_tensors), len(devices)))

  if group_size < 2:
    return input_tensors
  group_key = collective_keys.get_group_key(devices)
  instance_key_tensor = collective_keys.get_op_instance_key()
  instance_key_shape = collective_keys.get_op_instance_key()

  out_tensors = []
  for idx, input_tensor in enumerate(input_tensors):
    with ops.device(devices[idx]), ops.control_dependencies(
        _control_input(devices, control_inputs, idx)):
      # 1. Transpose
      # E.g. Given an input_tensor with shape [2,2,5,1] and axis to gather is 3,
      # we use perm_pre=[3 0 1 2] to reshape it to [1,2,2,5], which
      # brings the 3rd dim first; afterwards we use perm_after=[1,2,3,0] to
      # place it back.
      perm_pre = array_ops.concat(
          ([axis], math_ops.range(axis),
           math_ops.range(axis + 1, array_ops.rank(input_tensor))),
      input_tensor_t = array_ops.transpose(input_tensor, perm=perm_pre)
      # 2. Pad
      gathered_shape = collective_ops.all_gather(
          array_ops.expand_dims_v2(array_ops.shape_v2(input_tensor_t), axis=0),
      first_dims = gathered_shape[:, 0]
      full_axis_dim = math_ops.reduce_max(first_dims)
      padded_input_tensor = _pad_util(input_tensor_t, full_axis_dim)

      # 3. Gather
      gather_padded_out_tensor = collective_ops.all_gather(
      # 4. Unpad
      split_tensors = []
      for i in range(first_dims.shape[0]):
        start_pos = i * full_axis_dim
        split_tensors.append(gather_padded_out_tensor[start_pos:start_pos +
      out_tensor_t = array_ops.concat(split_tensors, 0)

      # 5. Transpose back
      perm_after = array_ops.concat(
          (math_ops.range(1, axis + 1), [0],
           math_ops.range(axis + 1, array_ops.rank(input_tensor_t))),
      out_tensor = array_ops.transpose(out_tensor_t, perm=perm_after)
  return out_tensors
예제 #14
    def all_gather(self,
        """All-gather a dense tensor.

    This method must be called inside a tf.function.

      input_tensor: a dense tensor. It must have the same rank on all replicas,
        and dimensions other than `axis` need to be the same as well.
      axis: 0-D int32 Tensor. Dimension along which to gather. Must be in the
        range [0, rank(value)).
      communication_hint: string providing hint to runtime for choosing
        collective implementation. Available options are `AUTO`, `NCCL`, and
      timeout: a float. The timeout in seconds.

      The gathered Tensor.

      RuntimeError: if called in eager mode.
        if context.executing_eagerly():
            raise RuntimeError('all_gather in eager mode is not supported')

        with ops.device(self._device), \
            # 1. Transpose
            # E.g. Given an input_tensor with shape [2,2,5,1] and axis to gather is 3,
            # we use perm_pre=[3 0 1 2] to reshape it to [1,2,2,5], which
            # brings the 3rd dim first; afterwards we use perm_after=[1,2,3,0] to
            # place it back.
            perm_pre = array_ops.concat(
                ([axis], math_ops.range(axis),
                 math_ops.range(axis + 1, array_ops.rank(input_tensor))),
            input_tensor_t = array_ops.transpose(input_tensor, perm=perm_pre)
            # 2. Pad
            gathered_shape = self._all_gather(array_ops.expand_dims_v2(
                array_ops.shape_v2(input_tensor_t), axis=0),
            first_dims = gathered_shape[:, 0]
            full_axis_dim = math_ops.reduce_max(first_dims)
            padded_input_tensor = _pad_util(input_tensor_t, full_axis_dim)

            # 3. Gather
            gather_padded_out_tensor = self._all_gather(padded_input_tensor,
            # 4. Unpad
            split_tensors = []
            for i in range(self._group_size):
                start_pos = i * full_axis_dim
                    gather_padded_out_tensor[start_pos:start_pos +
            out_tensor_t = array_ops.concat(split_tensors, 0)

            # 5. Transpose back
            perm_after = array_ops.concat(
                (math_ops.range(1, axis + 1), [0],
                 math_ops.range(axis + 1, array_ops.rank(input_tensor_t))),
            return array_ops.transpose(out_tensor_t, perm=perm_after)
예제 #15
def pinv(a, rcond=None, validate_args=False, name=None):
    """Compute the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of one or more matrices."""
    with ops.name_scope(name or 'pinv'):
        a = ops.convert_to_tensor(a, name='a')

        assertions = _maybe_validate_matrix(a, validate_args)
        if assertions:
            with ops.control_dependencies(assertions):
                a = array_ops.identity(a)

        dtype = a.dtype.as_numpy_dtype

        if rcond is None:

            def get_dim_size(dim):
                dim_val = tensor_shape.dimension_value(a.shape[dim])
                if dim_val is not None:
                    return dim_val
                return array_ops.shape(a)[dim]

            num_rows = get_dim_size(-2)
            num_cols = get_dim_size(-1)
            if isinstance(num_rows, int) and isinstance(num_cols, int):
                max_rows_cols = float(max(num_rows, num_cols))
                max_rows_cols = math_ops.cast(
                    math_ops.maximum(num_rows, num_cols), dtype)
            rcond = 10. * max_rows_cols * np.finfo(dtype).eps

        rcond = ops.convert_to_tensor(rcond, dtype=dtype, name='rcond')

        # Calculate pseudo inverse via SVD.
        # Note: if a is Hermitian then u == v. (We might observe additional
        # performance by explicitly setting `v = u` in such cases.)
            singular_values,  # Sigma
            left_singular_vectors,  # U
            right_singular_vectors,  # V
        ] = tf.svd(a, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True)

        # Saturate small singular values to inf. This has the effect of make
        # `1. / s = 0.` while not resulting in `NaN` gradients.
        cutoff = rcond * math_ops.reduce_max(singular_values, axis=-1)
        singular_values = array_ops.where(
            singular_values > array_ops.expand_dims_v2(cutoff, -1),

        # By the definition of the SVD, `a == u @ s @ v^H`, and the pseudo-inverse
        # is defined as `pinv(a) == v @ inv(s) @ u^H`.
        a_pinv = math_ops.matmul(right_singular_vectors /
                                 array_ops.expand_dims_v2(singular_values, -2),

        if a.shape is not None and a.shape.rank is not None:
                [a.shape[-1], a.shape[-2]]))

        return a_pinv
예제 #16
  def test_slicing(self):
    v = [
        variables_lib.Variable([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]),
        variables_lib.Variable([[7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]]),
        variables_lib.Variable([[13, 14], [15, 16]])
    sv = sharded_variable.ShardedVariable(v)
    empty = v[0][0:0]

    # Test cases: positive step
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[:], array_ops.concat(v, axis=0))
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[:2], [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[-8:2], [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[-10:2], [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[5:], [[11, 12], [13, 14], [15, 16]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[5:-1], [[11, 12], [13, 14]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[::3], [[1, 2], [7, 8], [13, 14]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[::5], [[1, 2], [11, 12]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[1::6], [[3, 4], [15, 16]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[1:5:6], [[3, 4]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[1::7], [[3, 4]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[2:7], [[5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12], [13, 14]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[2:7:2], [[5, 6], [9, 10], [13, 14]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[2:7:3], [[5, 6], [11, 12]])

    # Test cases: negative step
        sv[::-1], array_ops.reverse(array_ops.concat(v, axis=0), axis=[0]))
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[2::-1], [[5, 6], [3, 4], [1, 2]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[2:-8:-1], [[5, 6], [3, 4]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[2:-10:-1], [[5, 6], [3, 4], [1, 2]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[4::-1], [[9, 10], [7, 8], [5, 6], [3, 4], [1, 2]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[-1:-3:-1], [[15, 16], [13, 14]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[::-5], [[15, 16], [5, 6]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[6::-6], [[13, 14], [1, 2]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[6:5:-6], [[13, 14]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[6::-7], [[13, 14]])
                        [[15, 16], [13, 14], [11, 12], [9, 10], [7, 8], [5, 6]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[7:1:-2], [[15, 16], [11, 12], [7, 8]])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[7:1:-4], [[15, 16], [7, 8]])

    # Test cases: empty slice
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[0:0], empty)
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[5:3], empty)
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[3:5:-1], empty)
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[-1:0], empty)
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[2:-1:-1], empty)

    # Test cases: slicing other dimensions
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[:, 0], [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[:, 0:1], [[1], [3], [5], [7], [9], [11], [13], [15]])

    # Test cases: normal indexing
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[2], [5, 6])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[6], [13, 14])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[2, 1], 6)
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[-2], [13, 14])
    with self.assertRaisesRegex(IndexError, 'out of bounds'):
      _ = sv[100]
    with self.assertRaisesRegex(IndexError, 'out of bounds'):
      _ = sv[-100]

    # Test cases: Ellipsis
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[...], array_ops.concat(v, axis=0))
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[..., 0], [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15])
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[0:1, ...], [[1, 2]])

    # Test cases: newaxis
        sv[array_ops.newaxis, ...],
        array_ops.expand_dims_v2(array_ops.concat(v, axis=0), axis=0))

    # Test cases: boolean masks
    self.assertAllEqual(sv[ops.convert_to_tensor(sv) > 10],
                        [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16])

    # Test cases: tensor input
    with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'not allowed'):
      _ = sv[constant_op.constant(1)::]
    with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'not allowed'):
      _ = sv[:constant_op.constant(1):]
    with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'not allowed'):
      _ = sv[constant_op.constant(1)]

    # Test cases: inside tf.function
    def func():
      a = sv[:, 0]
      return a

    self.assertAllEqual(func(), [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15])
예제 #17
 def _expand_single_1d_tensor(t):
   if (hasattr(t, "shape") and
       isinstance(t.shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape) and t.shape.rank == 1):
     return array_ops.expand_dims_v2(t, axis=-1)
   return t