예제 #1
def sparse_add(sp_a, sp_b, thresh=0):
  """Adds two `SparseTensor` objects to produce another `SparseTensor`.

  The input `SparseTensor` objects' indices are assumed ordered in standard
  lexicographic order.  If this is not the case, before this step run
  `SparseReorder` to restore index ordering.

  By default, if two values sum to zero at some index, the output `SparseTensor`
  would still include that particular location in its index, storing a zero in
  the corresponding value slot.  To override this, callers can specify `thresh`,
  indicating that if the sum has a magnitude strictly smaller than `thresh`, its
  corresponding value and index would then not be included.  In particular,
  `thresh == 0.0` (default) means everything is kept and actual thresholding
  happens only for a positive value.

  For example, suppose the logical sum is (densified):

      [       2]
      [.1      ]
      [ 6   -.2]


      - thresh == 0 (the default): all 4 index/value pairs will be returned.
      - thresh == 0.11: only .1 will vanish, and the remaining three index/value
                        pairs will be returned.
      - thresh == 0.21: both .1 and -.2 will vanish.

    sp_a: The first input `SparseTensor`.
    sp_b: The second input `SparseTensor`.
    thresh: A 0-D `Tensor`.  The magnitude threshold that determines if an
    output value/index pair takes space.  Its dtype should match that of the
    values if they are real; if the latter are complex64/complex128, then the
    dtype should be float32/float64, correspondingly.

    A `SparseTensor` with the same shape, representing the sum.

    TypeError: If either `sp_a` or `sp_b` is not a `SparseTensor`.
  if not all(isinstance(sp_input, ops.SparseTensor) for sp_input in [sp_a,
    raise TypeError("All inputs must be SparseTensors")

  thresh = ops.convert_to_tensor(thresh, dtype=sp_a.values.dtype.real_dtype,
  output_ind, output_val, output_shape = (

  return ops.SparseTensor(output_ind, output_val, output_shape)
예제 #2
def sparse_add(sp_a, sp_b, thresh=0):
    """Adds two `SparseTensor` objects to produce another `SparseTensor`.

  The input `SparseTensor` objects' indices are assumed ordered in standard
  lexicographic order.  If this is not the case, before this step run
  `SparseReorder` to restore index ordering.

  By default, if two values sum to zero at some index, the output `SparseTensor`
  would still include that particular location in its index, storing a zero in
  the corresponding value slot.  To override this, callers can specify `thresh`,
  indicating that if the sum has a magnitude strictly smaller than `thresh`, its
  corresponding value and index would then not be included.  In particular,
  `thresh == 0.0` (default) means everything is kept and actual thresholding
  happens only for a positive value.

  For example, suppose the logical sum is (densified):

      [       2]
      [.1      ]
      [ 6   -.2]


      - thresh == 0 (the default): all 4 index/value pairs will be returned.
      - thresh == 0.11: only .1 will vanish, and the remaining three index/value
                        pairs will be returned.
      - thresh == 0.21: both .1 and -.2 will vanish.

    sp_a: The first input `SparseTensor`.
    sp_b: The second input `SparseTensor`.
    thresh: A 0-D `Tensor`.  The magnitude threshold that determines if an
    output value/index pair takes space.  Its dtype should match that of the
    values if they are real; if the latter are complex64/complex128, then the
    dtype should be float32/float64, correspondingly.

    A `SparseTensor` with the same shape, representing the sum.

    TypeError: If either `sp_a` or `sp_b` is not a `SparseTensor`.
    if not all(
            isinstance(sp_input, ops.SparseTensor)
            for sp_input in [sp_a, sp_b]):
        raise TypeError("All inputs must be SparseTensors")

    thresh = ops.convert_to_tensor(thresh,
    output_ind, output_val, output_shape = (gen_sparse_ops._sparse_add(
        sp_a.indices, sp_a.values, sp_a.shape, sp_b.indices, sp_b.values,
        sp_b.shape, thresh))

    return ops.SparseTensor(output_ind, output_val, output_shape)
예제 #3
def sparse_add(a, b, thresh=0):
  """Adds two tensors, at least one of each is a `SparseTensor`.

  If one `SparseTensor` and one `Tensor` are passed in, returns a `Tensor`.  If
  both arguments are `SparseTensor`s, this returns a `SparseTensor`.  The order
  of arguments does not matter.  Use vanilla `tf.add()` for adding two dense

  The indices of any input `SparseTensor` are assumed ordered in standard
  lexicographic order.  If this is not the case, before this step run
  `SparseReorder` to restore index ordering.

  If both arguments are sparse, we perform "clipping" as follows.  By default,
  if two values sum to zero at some index, the output `SparseTensor` would still
  include that particular location in its index, storing a zero in the
  corresponding value slot.  To override this, callers can specify `thresh`,
  indicating that if the sum has a magnitude strictly smaller than `thresh`, its
  corresponding value and index would then not be included.  In particular,
  `thresh == 0.0` (default) means everything is kept and actual thresholding
  happens only for a positive value.

  For example, suppose the logical sum of two sparse operands is (densified):

      [       2]
      [.1     0]
      [ 6   -.2]


      - thresh == 0 (the default): all 5 index/value pairs will be returned.
      - thresh == 0.11: only .1 and 0  will vanish, and the remaining three
          index/value pairs will be returned.
      - thresh == 0.21: .1, 0, and -.2 will vanish.

    a: The first operand; `SparseTensor` or `Tensor`.
    b: The second operand; `SparseTensor` or `Tensor`.  At least one operand
      must be sparse.
    thresh: A 0-D `Tensor`.  The magnitude threshold that determines if an
    output value/index pair takes space.  Its dtype should match that of the
    values if they are real; if the latter are complex64/complex128, then the
    dtype should be float32/float64, correspondingly.

    A `SparseTensor` or a `Tensor`, representing the sum.

    TypeError: If both `a` and `b` are `Tensor`s.  Use `tf.add()` instead.
  if not any(isinstance(inp, ops.SparseTensor) for inp in [a, b]):
    raise TypeError("At least one input should be SparseTensor; do you mean to"
                    " use tf.add()?")

  if all(isinstance(inp, ops.SparseTensor) for inp in [a, b]):
    thresh = ops.convert_to_tensor(thresh, dtype=a.values.dtype.real_dtype,
    output_ind, output_val, output_shape = (
    return ops.SparseTensor(output_ind, output_val, output_shape)
    # swap to make `a` the SparseTensor
    if isinstance(b, ops.SparseTensor):
      a, b = b, a
    return gen_sparse_ops._sparse_tensor_dense_add(
        a.indices, a.values, a.shape, b)