예제 #1
def _WhileGrad(op, *grads):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  """The gradient of a While op produced by while_loop."""
  # Note that op is not always the same as while_op because the gradient tape,
  # for eager mode compatibility, forgets information about the proper op. Since
  # the loop cannot run in eager mode, however, we can safely introspect into
  # the graph here.
  while_op = op.outputs[0].op
  cond_graph = _get_graph(while_op, "cond")
  body_graph = _get_graph(while_op, "body")
  orig_num_params = len(body_graph.outputs)

  maximum_iterations = op.inputs[1]
  parallel_iterations = op.get_attr("parallel_iterations")

    num_original_outputs = while_op.get_attr("_num_original_outputs")
  except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
    num_original_outputs = len(while_op.outputs)

  num_intermediates = len(while_op.outputs) - num_original_outputs
  grads = [
      _preprocess_grad(grad, body_out, while_out)  # pylint: disable=g-complex-comprehension
      for grad, body_out, while_out in zip(
  ] + [None] * num_intermediates

  # We compute the gradient for the sub-graph between trainable ys and xs
  # with non-None incoming gradients. We later pad the None's to the list of
  # outputs.
  ys, xs, non_none_grads = zip(*[(y, x, grad) for (y, x, grad) in zip(
      body_graph.outputs, body_graph.inputs, grads) if grad is not None])

  body_grad_graph, args = _create_grad_func(
      ys, xs, non_none_grads, cond_graph, body_graph,
      util.unique_grad_fn_name(body_graph.name), op, maximum_iterations)

  if body_grad_graph.while_op_needs_rewrite:
    # Modify 'op' to output the intermediate accumulators needed by the grad
    # function.
    # NOTE(skyewm): if there are any active sessions, this modification to `op`
    # may make them unrunnable!

    cond_graph.name += "_rewritten"
    body_graph.name += "_rewritten"

    new_inputs = body_grad_graph.empty_tensor_lists
    new_outputs = body_graph.outputs[orig_num_params:]

    while_op._set_func_attr("cond", util.create_new_tf_function(cond_graph))
    while_op._set_func_attr("body", util.create_new_tf_function(body_graph))
    while_op._set_type_list_attr("T", body_graph.output_types)
    while_op._set_shape_list_attr("output_shapes", body_graph.output_shapes)
    while_op._add_outputs([t.dtype for t in new_outputs],
                          [t.shape for t in new_outputs])
    _copy_handle_data(new_outputs, op.outputs[orig_num_params:])

  # Do not ingore grads wrt extra outputs when computing higher order
  # derivatives.

  captured_inputs = _resolve_grad_captures(body_graph, body_grad_graph,
  loop_vars = args + captured_inputs

  # This modifies body_grad_graph.
  loop_vars = while_v2_indexed_slices_rewriter.rewrite_grad_indexed_slices(
      grads, body_grad_graph, loop_vars, while_op.inputs)

  def grad_cond(counter, unused_maximum_iterations_arg, forward_loop_iters,
    return counter < forward_loop_iters

  grad_cond_name = util.unique_grad_fn_name(op.get_attr("cond").name)
  cond_grad_graph = func_graph_module.func_graph_from_py_func(
      grad_cond_name, grad_cond, loop_vars, {},

  _check_num_inputs_outputs(cond_grad_graph, body_grad_graph, len(loop_vars))

  outputs = gen_functional_ops._while(
      output_shapes=[t.shape for t in body_grad_graph.outputs],
      name="%s_grad" % while_op.name)
  grad_op = outputs[0].op

  _copy_handle_data(body_grad_graph.outputs, outputs)

  # See comment in while_loop.
  outputs = [array_ops.identity(t) for t in outputs]
  return _get_structured_grad_output(outputs, grads, body_grad_graph)
예제 #2
def _WhileGrad(op, *grads):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  """The gradient of a While op produced by while_loop."""
  # Note that op is not always the same as while_op because the gradient tape,
  # for eager mode compatibility, forgets information about the proper op. Since
  # the loop cannot run in eager mode, however, we can safely introspect into
  # the graph here.
  while_op = op.outputs[0].op
  cond_graph = _get_graph(while_op, "cond")
  body_graph = _get_graph(while_op, "body")
  orig_num_params = len(body_graph.outputs)

  maximum_iterations = op.get_attr(
      "_maximum_iterations") if _is_in_xla_context() else None
  parallel_iterations = op.get_attr("parallel_iterations")
  assert not _is_in_xla_context() or maximum_iterations is not None
  maximum_iterations = _validate_and_convert_to_tensor(maximum_iterations)

  grads = [_preprocess_grad(grad, body_out, while_out)
           for grad, body_out, while_out
           in zip(grads, body_graph.outputs, while_op.outputs)]

  # We compute the gradient for the sub-graph between trainable ys and xs
  # with non-None incoming gradients. We later pad the None's to the list of
  # outputs.
  ys, xs, non_none_grads = zip(*[(y, x, grad) for (y, x, grad) in zip(
      body_graph.outputs, body_graph.inputs, grads) if grad is not None])

  body_grad_graph, args = _create_grad_func(
      ys, xs, non_none_grads, cond_graph, body_graph,
      util.unique_grad_fn_name(body_graph.name), op, maximum_iterations)

  if body_grad_graph.while_op_needs_rewrite:
    # Modify 'op' to output the intermediate accumulators needed by the grad
    # function.
    # NOTE(skyewm): if there are any active sessions, this modification to `op`
    # may make them unrunnable!

    cond_graph.name += "_rewritten"
    body_graph.name += "_rewritten"

    new_inputs = body_grad_graph.empty_tensor_lists
    new_outputs = body_graph.outputs[orig_num_params:]

    while_op._set_func_attr("cond", util.create_new_tf_function(cond_graph))
    while_op._set_func_attr("body", util.create_new_tf_function(body_graph))
    while_op._set_type_list_attr("T", body_graph.output_types)
    while_op._set_shape_list_attr("output_shapes", body_graph.output_shapes)
    while_op._add_outputs([t.dtype for t in new_outputs],
                          [t.shape for t in new_outputs])
    _copy_handle_data(new_outputs, op.outputs[orig_num_params:])

  captured_inputs = _resolve_grad_captures(body_graph, body_grad_graph,
  loop_vars = args + captured_inputs

  # This modifies body_grad_graph.
  loop_vars = while_v2_indexed_slices_rewriter.rewrite_grad_indexed_slices(
      grads, body_grad_graph, loop_vars, while_op.inputs)

  def grad_cond(counter, max_iters, *unused_args):
    return counter < max_iters

  grad_cond_name = util.unique_grad_fn_name(op.get_attr("cond").name)
  cond_grad_graph = func_graph_module.func_graph_from_py_func(
      grad_cond_name, grad_cond, loop_vars, {},

  _check_num_inputs_outputs(cond_grad_graph, body_grad_graph, len(loop_vars))

  outputs = gen_functional_ops._while(
      output_shapes=[t.shape for t in body_grad_graph.outputs],
      name="%s_grad" % while_op.name)
  grad_op = outputs[0].op

  _copy_handle_data(body_grad_graph.outputs, outputs)
  _maybe_set_maximum_iterations_attr(grad_op, maximum_iterations)

  # See comment in while_loop.
  outputs = [array_ops.identity(t) for t in outputs]
  return _get_structured_grad_output(outputs, grads, body_grad_graph)