def test_lower_bound_raises_on_different_dtypes(self):
        """Make sure that lower_bound() raises when given different dtypes."""
        value1 = 3.1
        value2 = 2.7
        expression1 = operations.wrap_rate(
            tf.constant(value1, dtype=tf.float32))
        expression2 = operations.wrap_rate(
            tf.constant(value2, dtype=tf.float64))

        # List elements have different dtypes.
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            operations.lower_bound([expression1, expression2])
예제 #2
    def test_wrap_rate_penalty_and_constraint(self):
        """Make sure that wrap_rate() works correctly when given two parameters."""
        penalty_value = 3.1
        constraint_value = 2.7
        penalty_tensor = tf.constant(penalty_value, dtype=tf.float32)
        constraint_tensor = tf.constant(constraint_value, dtype=tf.float32)

        wrapped = operations.wrap_rate(penalty_tensor, constraint_tensor)
        wrapped = operations.wrap_rate(penalty_tensor)
        actual_penalty_value, actual_constraint_value = self._evaluate_expression(
        # The penalty and constraint portions of the Expression were initialized to
        # penalty_tensor and constraint_tensor, respectively.
        self.assertNear(penalty_value, actual_penalty_value, err=1e-6)
        self.assertNear(penalty_value, actual_constraint_value, err=1e-6)
예제 #3
    def test_keras_layer(self):
        """Tests the `KerasLayer` class."""
        zero_placeholder = keras.KerasPlaceholder(
            lambda y_true, y_pred: tf.constant(0.0))
        one_constant = lambda: tf.constant(1.0)
        two_placeholder = keras.KerasPlaceholder(
            lambda y_true, y_pred: tf.constant(0.2))
        three_constant = lambda: tf.constant(0.03)
        four_placeholder = keras.KerasPlaceholder(
            lambda y_true, y_pred: tf.constant(0.004))

        zero = operations.wrap_rate(zero_placeholder)
        one = operations.wrap_rate(one_constant)
        two = operations.wrap_rate(two_placeholder)
        three = operations.wrap_rate(three_constant)
        four = operations.wrap_rate(four_placeholder)

        objective = sum([one, two, three, four], zero)
        constraints = [zero <= one]

        # Trying to create a KerasLayer without including the input placeholders
        # should raise.
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = keras.KerasLayer(objective=objective, constraints=constraints)

        placeholders = [zero_placeholder, two_placeholder, four_placeholder]
        layer = MockKerasLayer(objective=objective,

        # Make sure that we created the variables we expected.
        expected_names = {"tfco_global_step", "tfco_lagrange_multipliers"}
        actual_names = set(layer.names)
        self.assertEqual(expected_names, actual_names)
        # and that the layer is aware of them.
        keras_names = [ for weight in layer.weights]

        # Make sure that the loss evaluates to the correct value, including both the
        # constant and placeholder inputs.
        with self.wrapped_session() as session:
            result =, -100.0))
        self.assertNear(1.234, result, err=1e-6)
  def test_lower_bound_raises_on_tensor(self):
    """Make sure that lower_bound() raises when given a non-Expression."""
    value1 = 3.1
    value2 = 2.7
    tensor1 = tf.constant(value1, dtype=tf.float32)
    expression2 = operations.wrap_rate(tf.constant(value2, dtype=tf.float64))

    # List element is a Tensor, instead of an Expression.
    with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
      operations.lower_bound([tensor1, expression2])
예제 #5
 def test_lower_bound_raises_on_minimization(self):
     """Make sure that lower_bound() raises if it's minimized."""
     bounded = operations.lower_bound([operations.wrap_rate(1.0)])
     # All three of "penalty_expression", "constraint_expression" and
     # "extra_constraints" should raise.
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
         _ = bounded.penalty_expression
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
         _ = bounded.constraint_expression
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
         _ = bounded.extra_constraints
예제 #6
    def test_wrap_rate_penalty(self):
        """Make sure that wrap_rate() works correctly when given one parameter."""
        penalty_value = 3.1
        penalty_tensor = tf.constant(penalty_value, dtype=tf.float32)

        wrapped = operations.wrap_rate(penalty_tensor)
        actual_penalty_value, actual_constraint_value = self._evaluate_expression(
        # Both the penalty and the constraint portions of the Expression were
        # initialized to penalty_tensor.
        self.assertNear(penalty_value, actual_penalty_value, err=1e-6)
        self.assertNear(penalty_value, actual_constraint_value, err=1e-6)
예제 #7
    def test_wrap_rate_raises(self):
        """Make sure that wrap_rate() raises if given an `Expression`."""
        penalty_value = 3.1
        constraint_value = 2.7

        wrapped = operations.wrap_rate(penalty_value, constraint_value)
        # We should raise a TypeError if either or both of the parameters to
        # wrap_rate() are Expressions.
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            operations.wrap_rate(penalty_value, wrapped)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            operations.wrap_rate(wrapped, constraint_value)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            operations.wrap_rate(wrapped, wrapped)
예제 #8
    def test_lower_bound(self):
        """Make sure that lower_bound() creates the correct Expression."""
        values = [0.8, 3.1, -1.6, 2.7]
        bound_value = 1.4
        expressions = [operations.wrap_rate(value) for value in values]

        # We need to negate "bounded" since it's implicitly being minimized, and we
        # cannot minimize a lower bound.
        bounded = -operations.lower_bound(expressions)

        # Before evaluating any expressions, we'll assign "bound_value" to the slack
        # variable, so that we can make sure that the same slack variable is being
        # used for all of the constraints.
        def update_ops_fn(memoizer, variables):
            lower_bound_tensor = None
            for variable in variables:
                tensor = variable(memoizer)
                    lower_bound_tensor = tensor
            return [lower_bound_tensor.assign(bound_value)]

        # Extract the set of constraints, and make sure that there is one for each
        # quantity that is being bounded.
        self.assertEqual(len(values), len(bounded.extra_constraints))
        constraints = list(bounded.extra_constraints)

        # Evaluate the constraint expressions.
        actual_values = []
        for constraint in constraints:
            actual_penalty_value, actual_constraint_value = self._evaluate_expression(
                constraint.expression, update_ops_fn)
            self.assertEqual(actual_penalty_value, actual_constraint_value)
        # Constraints take the form expression <= 0, and these are lower-bound
        # constraints, so we're expecting:
        #     bound_value - value1 <= 0
        #     bound_value - value2 <= 0
        #       ....
        # We sort the constraint expression values since they occur in no particular
        # order.
        actual_values = sorted(actual_values)
        expected_values = sorted(bound_value - value for value in values)
        self.assertAllClose(expected_values, actual_values, rtol=0, atol=1e-6)
    def test_wrap_rate_raises(self):
        """Make sure that wrap_rate() raises if given an `Expression`."""
        penalty_value = 3.1
        constraint_value = 2.7
        penalty_tensor = tf.constant(penalty_value, dtype=tf.float32)
        constraint_tensor = tf.constant(constraint_value, dtype=tf.float32)

        wrapped = operations.wrap_rate(penalty_tensor, constraint_tensor)
        # We should raise a TypeError if either or both of the parameters to
        # wrap_rate() are Expressions.
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            operations.wrap_rate(penalty_tensor, wrapped)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            operations.wrap_rate(wrapped, constraint_tensor)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            operations.wrap_rate(wrapped, wrapped)
    def test_lower_bound(self):
        """Make sure that lower_bound() creates the correct Expression."""
        values = [0.8, 3.1, -1.6, 2.7]
        bound_value = 1.4
        tensors = [tf.constant(value, dtype=tf.float32) for value in values]
        expressions = [operations.wrap_rate(tt) for tt in tensors]

        bounded = operations.lower_bound(expressions)

        # Before evaluating any expressions, we'll assign "bound_value" to the slack
        # variable, so that we can make sure that the same slack variable is being
        # used for all of the constraints.
        bound_tensor = bounded.penalty_expression.tensor
        self.assertEqual(tf.float32, bound_tensor.dtype.base_dtype)
        pre_train_ops = [tf.assign(bound_tensor, bound_value)]

        # Extract the set of constraints, and make sure that there is one for each
        # quantity that is being bounded.
        self.assertEqual(len(values), len(bounded.extra_constraints))
        constraints = list(bounded.extra_constraints)

        # Evaluate the constraint expressions.
        actual_values = []
        for constraint in constraints:
            actual_penalty_value, actual_constraint_value = self._evaluate_expression(
                constraint.expression, pre_train_ops)
            self.assertEqual(actual_penalty_value, actual_constraint_value)
        # Constraints take the form expression <= 0, and these are lower-bound
        # constraints, so we're expecting:
        #     bound_value - value1 <= 0
        #     bound_value - value2 <= 0
        #       ....
        # We sort the constraint expression values since they occur in no particular
        # order.
        actual_values = sorted(actual_values)
        expected_values = sorted(bound_value - value for value in values)
        self.assertAllClose(expected_values, actual_values, rtol=0, atol=1e-6)