def add_metrics(is_root, is_neutral): """A block that adds metrics for loss and hits; output is the LSTM state.""" c = td.Composition(name='predict(is_root=%s, is_neutral=%s)' % (is_root, is_neutral)) with c.scope(): # destructure the input; (label, (logits, state)) y_ = c.input[0] logits = td.GetItem(0).reads(c.input[1]) state = td.GetItem(1).reads(c.input[1]) # predict the label from the logits y = td.Function(lambda x: tf.cast(tf.argmax(x, 1), tf.int32)).reads( logits) # calculate loss loss = td.Function(_loss) td.Metric('all_loss').reads(loss.reads(logits, y_)) if is_root: td.Metric('root_loss').reads(loss) # calculate hits hits = td.Function(lambda y, y_: tf.cast(tf.equal(y, y_), tf.float64)) td.Metric('all_hits').reads(hits.reads(y, y_)) if is_root: td.Metric('root_hits').reads(hits) # calculate binary hits, if the label is not neutral if not is_neutral: binary_hits = td.Function(tf_binary_hits).reads(logits, y_) td.Metric('all_binary_hits').reads(binary_hits) if is_root: td.Metric('root_binary_hits').reads(binary_hits) # output the state, which will be read by our by parent's LSTM cell c.output.reads(state) return c
def build_sequence_transcoder(vocab_filepath, word_embedding_size): vocab_size = 5 # From words to list of integers vocab = load_vocab(vocab_filepath) words2integers = td.InputTransform( lambda s: [word2index(vocab, w) for w in s]) # From interger to word embedding word2embedding = td.Scalar('int32') >> td.Function( td.Embedding(vocab_size, word_embedding_size)) # From word to array of embeddings sequence_transcoder = words2integers >> td.Map(word2embedding) return sequence_transcoder
def rnn_block(input_block, state_length): """Get a fully connected RNN block. The input is concatenated with the state vector and put through a fully connected layer to get the next state vector. Args: input_block: Put each input through this before concatenating it with the current state vector. state_length: Length of the RNN state vector. Returns: RNN Block (seq of input_block inputs -> output state) """ combine_block = ((td.Identity(), input_block) >> td.Concat() >> td.Function(td.FC(state_length))) return td.Fold(combine_block, tf.zeros(state_length))
def __init__(self, state_size): # Expressions are either constants, or calculator ops that take other # expressions as their arguments. Since an Expression is a recursive type, # the model must likewise be recursive. A ForwardDeclaration declares the # type of expression, so it can be used before it before it is defined. expr_decl = td.ForwardDeclaration(td.PyObjectType(), state_size) # Create a block for each type of expression. # The terminals are the digits 0-9, which we map to vectors using # an embedding table. digit = ( td.GetItem('number') >> td.Scalar(dtype='int32') >> td.Function( td.Embedding(10, state_size, name='terminal_embed'))) # For non terminals, recursively apply expression to the left/right sides, # concatenate the results, and pass them through a fully-connected layer. # Each operation uses different weights in the FC layer. def bin_op(name): return (td.Record([('left', expr_decl()), ('right', expr_decl())]) >> td.Concat() >> td.FC(state_size, name='FC_' + name)) # OneOf will dispatch its input to the appropriate case, based on the value # in the 'op'.'name' field. cases = td.OneOf( lambda x: x['op']['name'], { 'NUM': digit, 'PLUS': bin_op('PLUS'), 'MINUS': bin_op('MINUS'), 'TIMES': bin_op('TIMES'), 'DIV': bin_op('DIV') }) # We do preprocessing to add 'NUM' as a distinct case. expression = td.InputTransform(preprocess_expression) >> cases expr_decl.resolve_to(expression) # Get logits from the root of the expression tree expression_logits = ( expression >> td.FC(NUM_LABELS, activation=None, name='FC_logits')) # The result is stored in the expression itself. # We ignore it in td.Record above, and pull it out here. expression_label = ( td.GetItem('result') >> td.InputTransform(result_sign) >> td.OneHot(NUM_LABELS)) # For the overall model, return a pair of (logits, labels) # The AllOf block will run each of its children on the same input. model = td.AllOf(expression_logits, expression_label) self._compiler = td.Compiler.create(model) # Get the tensorflow tensors that correspond to the outputs of model. # `logits` and `labels` are TF tensors, and we can use them to # compute losses in the usual way. (logits, labels) = self._compiler.output_tensors self._loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=labels)) self._accuracy = tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(labels, 1), tf.argmax(logits, 1)), dtype=tf.float32)) self._global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False) optr = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01) self._train_op = optr.minimize(self._loss, global_step=self._global_step)
# evaluating indivisual inputs print("one hot vector ======") onehot_block = td.OneHot(5) # evaluating block using eval print(onehot_block.eval(3)) # => array([0., 0., 0., 1., 0.], dtype=float32) # others print(onehot_block.eval(0)) print(onehot_block.eval(1)) print(onehot_block.eval(2)) print(onehot_block.eval(4)) print("composite blocks =====") composite_blocks = td.Scalar() >> td.AllOf(td.Function(tf.negative), td.Function(tf.square)) print(composite_blocks.eval(2)[0]) #negative print(composite_blocks.eval(2)[1]) #square print("batching inputs =====") # Compiler compiles out model down to TensorFlow graph. # Compiler will also do type inference and validation on the model. # The outputs are ordinary TensorFlow tensors, which can be connected to Tensorflow loss function and optimizer. print("blocks have associated input and output types =====") print(td.Scalar().input_type) scalar_block = td.Scalar() print(td.Scalar().output_type) print(scalar_block.eval(5))
def main(unused_argv): with tf.Session() as sess: random.seed(FLAGS.seed) tf.set_random_seed(random.randint(0, 2**32)) # First we set up TensorFlow Fold, building an RNN and one-hot labels: # 'process_next_digit' maps a state vector and a digit to a state vector. process_next_digit = ( # leave the state vector alone and one-hot encode the digit (td.Identity(), td.OneHot(FLAGS.base)) >> # concatenate the state vector and the encoded digit together td.Concat() >> # pass the resulting vector through a fully connected neural network # layer to produce a state vector as output td.Function(td.FC(FLAGS.state_vector_len))) # td.Fold unrolls the neural net defined in 'process_next_digit', and # applies it to every element of a sequence, using zero as the initial # state vector. Thus, process_digits takes a sequence of digits as input, # and returns the final state vector as output. process_digits = td.Fold(process_next_digit, tf.zeros(FLAGS.state_vector_len)) # This is the final model. It takes a dictionary (i.e, a record) of the # form {'digit': digit-sequence, 'label', label} as input, # and produces a tuple of (output-vector, OneHot(label)) as output. root_block = td.Record([('digits', process_digits), ('label', td.OneHot(NUM_LABELS))]) # An alternative to using Record is to use the following definition: # root_block = td.AllOf(td.GetItem('digits') >> process_digits, # td.GetItem('label') >> td.OneHot(NUM_LABELS)) # AllOf passes its input to each of its children, and GetItem extracts # a field. GetItem offers additional flexibility in more complex cases. # Compile root_block to get a tensorflow model that we can run. compiler = td.Compiler.create(root_block) # Get the tensorflow tensors that correspond to the outputs of root_block. digits_vecs, labels = compiler.output_tensors # We can now use digits_vecs and labels to compute losses and training # operations with tensorflow in the usual way. final_layer_weights = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( [FLAGS.state_vector_len, NUM_LABELS]), name='final_layer_weights') final_layer_biases = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([NUM_LABELS]), name='final_layer_biases') logits = tf.matmul(digits_vecs, final_layer_weights) + final_layer_biases loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=labels)) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(labels, 1), tf.argmax(logits, 1)), dtype=tf.float32)) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(FLAGS.learning_rate).minimize(loss) # Create a random batch of data to use for validation. validation_set = random_batch(FLAGS.validation_size) # TensorFlow Fold passes data into the model using feed_dict. validation_feed_dict = compiler.build_feed_dict(validation_set) # Now we actually train: for step in xrange(FLAGS.steps): for _ in xrange(FLAGS.batches_per_step): # Create more random batches of training data, and build feed_dicts training_fd = compiler.build_feed_dict( random_batch(FLAGS.batch_size)), feed_dict=training_fd) validation_loss, validation_accuracy = [loss, accuracy], feed_dict=validation_feed_dict) print('step:{:3}, loss ({}), accuracy: {:.0%}'.format( step, validation_loss, validation_accuracy))
def reduce_net_block(): net_block = td.Concat() >> td.FC(20) >> td.FC( 1, activation=None) >> td.Function(lambda xs: tf.squeeze(xs, axis=1)) return td.Map(td.Scalar()) >> td.Reduce(net_block)
from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import random from six.moves import xrange # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from six.moves import zip # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin import tensorflow as tf sess = tf.InteractiveSession() import tensorflow_fold.public.blocks as td print("[Sandbox] start. ==========") # Map and Reduce print("Map Reduce Processing sample. ==========") print(td.Map(td.Scalar())) print((td.Map(td.Scalar()) >> td.Reduce(td.Function(tf.multiply))).eval( range(1, 10))) # simple fc network def reduce_net_block(): net_block = td.Concat() >> td.FC(20) >> td.FC( 1, activation=None) >> td.Function(lambda xs: tf.squeeze(xs, axis=1)) return td.Map(td.Scalar()) >> td.Reduce(net_block) # generate ramdom example data, result def random_example(fn): length = random.randrange(1, 10) data = [random.uniform(0, 1) for _ in range(length)] result = fn(data)