예제 #1
def _log_average_probs_maybe_check_args(sample_axis, event_axis,
    """Assertions for `log_average_probs`."""
    assertions = []
    msg = 'Arguments `sample_axis` and `event_axis` must be distinct.'
    sample_setdiff = ps.setdiff1d(sample_axis, event_axis)
    if ps.is_numpy(sample_setdiff):
        if not np.array_equal(sample_setdiff,
            raise ValueError(msg)
    elif validate_args:
    event_setdiff = ps.setdiff1d(event_axis, sample_axis)
    if ps.is_numpy(event_setdiff):
        if not np.array_equal(event_setdiff, tf.get_static_value(event_axis)):
            raise ValueError(msg)
    elif validate_args:
    return assertions
예제 #2
 def test_dynamic(self):
     if tf.executing_eagerly(): return
     x = tf1.placeholder_with_default(np.arange(5), shape=None)
     self.assertAllEqual([0, 3, 4], self.evaluate(ps.setdiff1d(x, [1, 2])))
     x = tf1.placeholder_with_default(np.array([], np.int32), shape=None)
     self.assertAllEqual([], self.evaluate(ps.setdiff1d(x, [1, 2])))
     self.assertAllEqual([1, 2], self.evaluate(ps.setdiff1d([1, 2], x)))
예제 #3
 def test_static(self):
       [0, 3, 4],
       prefer_static.setdiff1d(np.arange(5), [1, 2]))
       prefer_static.setdiff1d([], [1, 2]))
       [1, 2],
       prefer_static.setdiff1d([1, 2], []))
예제 #4
def _squeeze(x, axis):
    """A version of squeeze that works with dynamic axis."""
    x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
    if axis is None:
        return tf.squeeze(x, axis=None)
    axis = ps.convert_to_shape_tensor(axis, name='axis', dtype=tf.int32)
    axis = _make_list_or_1d_tensor(axis)  # Ensure at least 1d.
    keep_axis = ps.setdiff1d(ps.range(0, ps.rank(x)), axis)
    return tf.reshape(x, ps.gather(ps.shape(x), keep_axis))
예제 #5
def _squeeze(x, axis):
    """A version of squeeze that works with dynamic axis."""
    x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
    if axis is None:
        return tf.squeeze(x, axis=None)
    axis = ps.convert_to_shape_tensor(axis, name='axis', dtype=tf.int32)
    axis = axis + ps.zeros([1], dtype=axis.dtype)  # Make axis at least 1d.
    keep_axis = ps.setdiff1d(ps.range(0, ps.rank(x)), axis)
    return tf.reshape(x, ps.gather(ps.shape(x), keep_axis))
예제 #6
def _log_average_probs_process_args(logits, validate_args, sample_axis,
    """Processes args for `log_average_probs`."""
    rank = ps.rank(logits)
    if sample_axis is None or validate_args:
        event_axis = ps.reshape(ps.non_negative_axis(event_axis, rank),
    if sample_axis is None:
        sample_axis = ps.setdiff1d(ps.range(rank), event_axis)
    elif validate_args:
        sample_axis = ps.reshape(ps.non_negative_axis(sample_axis, rank),
    return sample_axis, event_axis
예제 #7
def covariance(x,
    """Sample covariance between observations indexed by `event_axis`.

  Given `N` samples of scalar random variables `X` and `Y`, covariance may be
  estimated as

  Cov[X, Y] := N^{-1} sum_{n=1}^N (X_n - Xbar) Conj{(Y_n - Ybar)}
  Xbar := N^{-1} sum_{n=1}^N X_n
  Ybar := N^{-1} sum_{n=1}^N Y_n

  For vector-variate random variables `X = (X1, ..., Xd)`, `Y = (Y1, ..., Yd)`,
  one is often interested in the covariance matrix, `C_{ij} := Cov[Xi, Yj]`.

  x = tf.random.normal(shape=(100, 2, 3))
  y = tf.random.normal(shape=(100, 2, 3))

  # cov[i, j] is the sample covariance between x[:, i, j] and y[:, i, j].
  cov = tfp.stats.covariance(x, y, sample_axis=0, event_axis=None)

  # cov_matrix[i, m, n] is the sample covariance of x[:, i, m] and y[:, i, n]
  cov_matrix = tfp.stats.covariance(x, y, sample_axis=0, event_axis=-1)

  Notice we divide by `N`, which does not create `NaN` when `N = 1`, but is
  slightly biased.

    x:  A numeric `Tensor` holding samples.
    y:  Optional `Tensor` with same `dtype` and `shape` as `x`.
      Default value: `None` (`y` is effectively set to `x`).
    sample_axis: Scalar or vector `Tensor` designating axis holding samples, or
      `None` (meaning all axis hold samples).
      Default value: `0` (leftmost dimension).
    event_axis:  Scalar or vector `Tensor`, or `None` (scalar events).
      Axis indexing random events, whose covariance we are interested in.
      If a vector, entries must form a contiguous block of dims. `sample_axis`
      and `event_axis` should not intersect.
      Default value: `-1` (rightmost axis holds events).
    keepdims:  Boolean.  Whether to keep the sample axis as singletons.
    name: Python `str` name prefixed to Ops created by this function.
          Default value: `None` (i.e., `'covariance'`).

    cov: A `Tensor` of same `dtype` as the `x`, and rank equal to
      `rank(x) - len(sample_axis) + 2 * len(event_axis)`.

    AssertionError:  If `x` and `y` are found to have different shape.
    ValueError:  If `sample_axis` and `event_axis` are found to overlap.
    ValueError:  If `event_axis` is found to not be contiguous.

    with tf.name_scope(name or 'covariance'):
        x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
        # Covariance *only* uses the centered versions of x (and y).
        x = x - tf.reduce_mean(x, axis=sample_axis, keepdims=True)

        if y is None:
            y = x
            y = tf.convert_to_tensor(y, name='y', dtype=x.dtype)
            # If x and y have different shape, sample_axis and event_axis will likely
            # be wrong for one of them!
            tensorshape_util.assert_is_compatible_with(x.shape, y.shape)
            y = y - tf.reduce_mean(y, axis=sample_axis, keepdims=True)

        if event_axis is None:
            return tf.reduce_mean(x * tf.math.conj(y),

        if sample_axis is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'sample_axis was None, which means all axis hold events, and this '
                'overlaps with event_axis ({})'.format(event_axis))

        event_axis = _make_positive_axis(event_axis, ps.rank(x))
        sample_axis = _make_positive_axis(sample_axis, ps.rank(x))

        # If we get lucky and axis is statically defined, we can do some checks.
        if _is_list_like(event_axis) and _is_list_like(sample_axis):
            event_axis = tuple(map(int, event_axis))
            sample_axis = tuple(map(int, sample_axis))
            if set(event_axis).intersection(sample_axis):
                raise ValueError(
                    'sample_axis ({}) and event_axis ({}) overlapped'.format(
                        sample_axis, event_axis))
            if (np.diff(np.array(sorted(event_axis))) > 1).any():
                raise ValueError(
                    'event_axis must be contiguous. Found: {}'.format(
            batch_axis = list(
                        x.shape))).difference(sample_axis + event_axis)))
            batch_axis = ps.setdiff1d(ps.range(0, ps.rank(x)),
                                      ps.concat((sample_axis, event_axis), 0))

        event_axis = ps.cast(event_axis, dtype=tf.int32)
        sample_axis = ps.cast(sample_axis, dtype=tf.int32)
        batch_axis = ps.cast(batch_axis, dtype=tf.int32)

        # Permute x/y until shape = B + E + S
        perm_for_xy = ps.concat((batch_axis, event_axis, sample_axis), 0)
        x_permed = tf.transpose(a=x, perm=perm_for_xy)
        y_permed = tf.transpose(a=y, perm=perm_for_xy)

        batch_ndims = ps.size(batch_axis)
        batch_shape = ps.shape(x_permed)[:batch_ndims]
        event_ndims = ps.size(event_axis)
        event_shape = ps.shape(x_permed)[batch_ndims:batch_ndims + event_ndims]
        sample_shape = ps.shape(x_permed)[batch_ndims + event_ndims:]
        sample_ndims = ps.size(sample_shape)
        n_samples = ps.reduce_prod(sample_shape)
        n_events = ps.reduce_prod(event_shape)

        # Flatten sample_axis into one long dim.
        x_permed_flat = tf.reshape(
            x_permed, ps.concat((batch_shape, event_shape, [n_samples]), 0))
        y_permed_flat = tf.reshape(
            y_permed, ps.concat((batch_shape, event_shape, [n_samples]), 0))
        # Do the same for event_axis.
        x_permed_flat = tf.reshape(
            x_permed, ps.concat((batch_shape, [n_events], [n_samples]), 0))
        y_permed_flat = tf.reshape(
            y_permed, ps.concat((batch_shape, [n_events], [n_samples]), 0))

        # After matmul, cov.shape = batch_shape + [n_events, n_events]
        cov = tf.matmul(x_permed_flat, y_permed_flat,
                        adjoint_b=True) / ps.cast(n_samples, x.dtype)

        # Insert some singletons to make
        # cov.shape = batch_shape + event_shape**2 + [1,...,1]
        # This is just like x_permed.shape, except the sample_axis is all 1's, and
        # the [n_events] became event_shape**2.
        cov = tf.reshape(
                    # event_shape**2 used here because it is the same length as
                    # event_shape, and has the same number of elements as one
                    # batch of covariance.
                    ps.ones([sample_ndims], tf.int32)),
        # Permuting by the argsort inverts the permutation, making
        # cov.shape have ones in the position where there were samples, and
        # [n_events * n_events] in the event position.
        cov = tf.transpose(a=cov, perm=ps.invert_permutation(perm_for_xy))

        # Now expand event_shape**2 into event_shape + event_shape.
        # We here use (for the first time) the fact that we require event_axis to be
        # contiguous.
        e_start = event_axis[0]
        e_len = 1 + event_axis[-1] - event_axis[0]
        cov = tf.reshape(
            ps.concat((ps.shape(cov)[:e_start], event_shape, event_shape,
                       ps.shape(cov)[e_start + e_len:]), 0))

        # tf.squeeze requires python ints for axis, not Tensor.  This is enough to
        # require our axis args to be constants.
        if not keepdims:
            squeeze_axis = ps.where(sample_axis < e_start, sample_axis,
                                    sample_axis + e_len)
            cov = _squeeze(cov, axis=squeeze_axis)

        return cov
예제 #8
def _log_loosum_exp_impl(logx, axis, keepdims, compute_mean):
    """Implementation for `*loosum*` functions."""
    with tf.name_scope('log_loosum_exp_impl'):
        logx = tf.convert_to_tensor(logx, name='logx')
        dtype = dtype_util.as_numpy_dtype(logx.dtype)

        if axis is not None:
            x = np.array(axis)
            axis = (tf.convert_to_tensor(
                axis, name='axis', dtype_hint=tf.int32)
                    if x.dtype is np.object else x.astype(np.int32))

        log_sum_x = tf.reduce_logsumexp(logx, axis=axis, keepdims=True)

        # Later we'll want to compute the mean from a sum so we calculate the number
        # of reduced elements, n.
        n = prefer_static.size(logx) // prefer_static.size(log_sum_x)
        n = prefer_static.cast(n, dtype)

        # log_loosum_x[i] =
        # = logsumexp(logx[j] : j != i)
        # = log( exp(logsumexp(logx)) - exp(logx[i]) )
        # = log( exp(logsumexp(logx - logx[i])) exp(logx[i])  - exp(logx[i]))
        # = logx[i] + log(exp(logsumexp(logx - logx[i])) - 1)
        # = logx[i] + log(exp(logsumexp(logx) - logx[i]) - 1)
        # = logx[i] + softplus_inverse(logsumexp(logx) - logx[i])
        d = log_sum_x - logx
        # We use `d != 0` rather than `d > 0.` because `d < 0.` should never happen;
        # if it does we want to complain loudly (which `softplus_inverse` will).
        d_ok = tf.not_equal(d, 0.)
        safe_d = tf.where(d_ok, d, 1.)
        d_ok_result = logx + softplus_inverse(safe_d)

        neg_inf = tf.constant(-np.inf, dtype=dtype)

        # When not(d_ok) and is_positive_and_largest then we manually compute the
        # log_loosum_x. (We can efficiently do this for any one point but not all,
        # hence we still need the above calculation.) This is good because when
        # this condition is met, we cannot use the above calculation; its -inf.
        # We now compute the log-leave-out-max-sum, replicate it to every
        # point and make sure to select it only when we need to.
        max_logx = tf.reduce_max(logx, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
        is_positive_and_largest = (logx > 0.) & tf.equal(logx, max_logx)
        log_lomsum_x = tf.reduce_logsumexp(tf.where(is_positive_and_largest,
                                                    neg_inf, logx),
        d_not_ok_result = tf.where(is_positive_and_largest, log_lomsum_x,

        log_loosum_x = tf.where(d_ok, d_ok_result, d_not_ok_result)

        # We now squeeze log_sum_x so as if we used `keepdims=False`.
        # TODO(b/136176077): These mental gymnastics could all be replaced with
        # `tf.squeeze(log_sum_x, axis)` if tf.squeeze supported Tensor valued `axis`
        # arguments.
        if not keepdims:
            if axis is None:
                keepdims = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
                rank = prefer_static.rank(logx)
                keepdims = prefer_static.setdiff1d(
                    prefer_static.non_negative_axis(axis, rank))
            squeeze_shape = tf.gather(prefer_static.shape(logx),
            log_sum_x = tf.reshape(log_sum_x, shape=squeeze_shape)
            if prefer_static.is_numpy(keepdims):

        # Set static shapes just in case we lost them.
        tensorshape_util.set_shape(n, [])
        tensorshape_util.set_shape(log_loosum_x, logx.shape)

        if not compute_mean:
            return log_loosum_x, log_sum_x, n

        log_nm1 = prefer_static.log(max(1., n - 1.))
        log_n = prefer_static.log(n)
        return log_loosum_x - log_nm1, log_sum_x - log_n, n
예제 #9
  def _parameter_control_dependencies(self, is_init):
    assertions = []

    axis = None
    paddings = None

    if is_init != tensor_util.is_ref(self.axis):
      # First we check the shape of the axis argument.
      msg = 'Argument `axis` must be scalar or vector.'
      if tensorshape_util.rank(self.axis.shape) is not None:
        if tensorshape_util.rank(self.axis.shape) > 1:
          raise ValueError(msg)
      elif self.validate_args:
        if axis is None: axis = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.axis)
            axis, 1, message=msg))
      # Next we check the values of the axis argument.
      axis_ = tf.get_static_value(self.axis)
      msg = 'Argument `axis` must be negative.'
      if axis_ is not None:
        if np.any(axis_ > -1):
          raise ValueError(msg)
      elif self.validate_args:
        if axis is None: axis = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.axis)
        assertions.append(assert_util.assert_less(axis, 0, message=msg))
      msg = 'Argument `axis` elements must be unique.'
      if axis_ is not None:
        if len(np.array(axis_).reshape(-1)) != len(np.unique(axis_)):
          raise ValueError(msg)
      elif self.validate_args:
        if axis is None: axis = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.axis)

    if is_init != tensor_util.is_ref(self.paddings):
      # First we check the shape of the paddings argument.
      msg = 'Argument `paddings` must be a vector of pairs.'
      if tensorshape_util.is_fully_defined(self.paddings.shape):
        shape = np.int32(self.paddings.shape)
        if len(shape) != 2 or shape[0] < 1 or shape[1] != 2:
          raise ValueError(msg)
      elif self.validate_args:
        if paddings is None: paddings = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.paddings)
        with tf.control_dependencies([
            assert_util.assert_equal(tf.rank(paddings), 2, message=msg)]):
          shape = tf.shape(paddings)
              assert_util.assert_greater(shape[0], 0, message=msg),
              assert_util.assert_equal(shape[1], 2, message=msg),
      # Next we check the values of the paddings argument.
      paddings_ = tf.get_static_value(self.paddings)
      msg = 'Argument `paddings` must be non-negative.'
      if paddings_ is not None:
        if np.any(paddings_ < 0):
          raise ValueError(msg)
      elif self.validate_args:
        if paddings is None: paddings = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.paddings)
            paddings, -1, message=msg))

    if is_init != (tensor_util.is_ref(self.axis) and
      axis_ = tf.get_static_value(self.axis)
      if axis_ is None and axis is None:
        axis = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.axis)
      len_axis = prefer_static.size0(prefer_static.reshape(
          axis if axis_ is None else axis_, shape=-1))

      paddings_ = tf.get_static_value(self.paddings)
      if paddings_ is None and paddings is None:
        paddings = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.paddings)
      len_paddings = prefer_static.size0(
          paddings if paddings_ is None else paddings_)

      msg = ('Arguments `axis` and `paddings` must have the same number '
             'of elements.')
      if (prefer_static.is_numpy(len_axis) and
        if len_axis != len_paddings:
          raise ValueError(msg + ' Saw: {}, {}.'.format(
              self.axis, self.paddings))
      elif self.validate_args:
            len_axis, len_paddings, message=msg))

    return assertions