예제 #1
def fit_surrogate_posterior(target_log_prob_fn,
  """Fit a surrogate posterior to a target (unnormalized) log density.

  The default behavior constructs and minimizes the negative variational
  evidence lower bound (ELBO), given by

  q_samples = surrogate_posterior.sample(num_draws)
  elbo_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(
    target_log_prob_fn(q_samples) - surrogate_posterior.log_prob(q_samples))

  This corresponds to minimizing the 'reverse' Kullback-Liebler divergence
  (`KL[q||p]`) between the variational distribution and the unnormalized
  `target_log_prob_fn`, and  defines a lower bound on the marginal log
  likelihood, `log p(x) >= -elbo_loss`. [1]

  More generally, this function supports fitting variational distributions that
  minimize any
  [Csiszar f-divergence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-divergence).

    target_log_prob_fn: Python callable that takes a set of `Tensor` arguments
      and returns a `Tensor` log-density. Given
      `q_sample = surrogate_posterior.sample(sample_size)`, this
      will be called as `target_log_prob_fn(*q_sample)` if `q_sample` is a list
      or a tuple, `target_log_prob_fn(**q_sample)` if `q_sample` is a
      dictionary, or `target_log_prob_fn(q_sample)` if `q_sample` is a `Tensor`.
      It should support batched evaluation, i.e., should return a result of
      shape `[sample_size]`.
    surrogate_posterior: A `tfp.distributions.Distribution`
      instance defining a variational posterior (could be a
      `tfd.JointDistribution`). Crucially, the distribution's `log_prob` and
      (if reparameterized) `sample` methods must directly invoke all ops
      that generate gradients to the underlying variables. One way to ensure
      this is to use `tfp.util.TransformedVariable` and/or
      `tfp.util.DeferredTensor` to represent any parameters defined as
      transformations of unconstrained variables, so that the transformations
      execute at runtime instead of at distribution creation.
    optimizer: Optimizer instance to use. This may be a TF1-style
      `tf.train.Optimizer`, TF2-style `tf.optimizers.Optimizer`, or any Python
      object that implements `optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars)`.
    num_steps: Python `int` number of steps to run the optimizer.
    trace_fn: Python callable with signature `state = trace_fn(
      loss, grads, variables)`, where `state` may be a `Tensor` or nested
      structure of `Tensor`s. The state values are accumulated (by `tf.scan`)
      and returned. The default `trace_fn` simply returns the loss, but in
      general can depend on the gradients and variables (if
      `trainable_variables` is not `None` then `variables==trainable_variables`;
      otherwise it is the list of all variables accessed during execution of
      `loss_fn()`), as well as any other quantities captured in the closure of
      `trace_fn`, for example, statistics of a variational distribution.
      Default value: `lambda loss, grads, variables: loss`.
    variational_loss_fn: Python `callable` with signature
      `loss = variational_loss_fn(target_log_prob_fn, surrogate_posterior,
       sample_size, seed)` defining a variational loss function. The default is
       a Monte Carlo approximation to the standard evidence lower bound (ELBO),
       equivalent to minimizing the 'reverse' `KL[q||p]` divergence between the
       surrogate `q` and true posterior `p`. [1]
       Default value: `functools.partial(
    sample_size: Python `int` number of Monte Carlo samples to use
      in estimating the variational divergence. Larger values may stabilize
      the optimization, but at higher cost per step in time and memory.
      Default value: `1`.
    trainable_variables: Optional list of `tf.Variable` instances to optimize
      with respect to. If `None`, defaults to the set of all variables accessed
      during the computation of the variational bound, i.e., those defining
      `surrogate_posterior` and the model `target_log_prob_fn`.
      Default value: `None`
    seed: Python integer to seed the random number generator.
    name: Python `str` name prefixed to ops created by this function.
      Default value: 'fit_surrogate_posterior'.

    results: `Tensor` or nested structure of `Tensor`s, according to the
      return type of `result_fn`. Each `Tensor` has an added leading dimension
      of size `num_steps`, packing the trajectory of the result over the course
      of the optimization.

  #### Examples

  **Normal-Normal model**. We'll first consider a simple model
  `z ~ N(0, 1)`, `x ~ N(z, 1)`, where we suppose we are interested in the
  posterior `p(z | x=5)`:

  import tensorflow_probability as tfp
  from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd

  def log_prob(z, x):
    return tfd.Normal(0., 1.).log_prob(z) + tfd.Normal(z, 1.).log_prob(x)
  conditioned_log_prob = lambda z: log_prob(z, x=5.)

  The posterior is itself normal by [conjugacy](
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugate_prior), and can be computed
  analytically (it's `N(loc=5/2., scale=1/sqrt(2)`). But suppose we don't want
  to bother doing the math: we can use variational inference instead!

  q_z = tfd.Normal(loc=tf.Variable(0., name='q_z_loc'),
                   scale=tfp.util.TransformedVariable(1., tfb.Softplus(),
  losses = tfp.vi.fit_surrogate_posterior(
  print(q_z.mean(), q_z.stddev())  # => approximately [2.5, 1/sqrt(2)]

  Note that we ensure positive scale by using a softplus transformation of
  the underlying variable, invoked via `TransformedVariable`. Deferring the
  transformation causes it to be applied upon evaluation of the distribution's
  methods, creating a gradient to the underlying variable. If we
  had simply specified `scale=tf.nn.softplus(scale_var)` directly,
  without the `TransformedVariable`, fitting would fail because calls to
  `q.log_prob` and `q.sample` would never access the underlying variable. In
  general, transformations of trainable parameters must be deferred to runtime,
  using either `TransformedVariable` or `DeferredTensor` or by the callable
  mechanisms available in joint distribution classes (demonstrated below).

  **Custom loss function**. Suppose we prefer to fit the same model using
    the forward KL divergence `KL[p||q]`. We can pass a custom loss function:

    import functools
    forward_kl_loss = functools.partial(
      tfp.vi.monte_carlo_csiszar_f_divergence, tfp.vi.kl_forward)
    losses = tfp.vi.fit_surrogate_posterior(

  Note that in practice this may have substantially higher-variance gradients
  than the reverse KL.

  **Inhomogeneous Poisson Process**. For a more interesting example, let's
  consider a model with multiple latent variables as well as trainable
  parameters in the model itself. Given observed counts `y` from spatial
  locations `X`, consider an inhomogeneous Poisson process model
  `log_rates = GaussianProcess(index_points=X); y = Poisson(exp(log_rates))`
  in which the latent (log) rates are spatially correlated following a Gaussian
  process. We'll fit a variational model to the latent rates while also
  optimizing the GP kernel hyperparameters (largely for illustration; in
  practice we might prefer to 'be Bayesian' about these parameters and include
  them as latents in our model and variational posterior). First we define
  the model, including trainable variables:

  # Toy 1D data.
  index_points = np.array(
      [-10., -7.2, -4., -1., 0.8, 4., 6.2, 9.]).astype(np.float32)
  observed_counts = np.array(
      [100, 90, 60, 1, 4, 37, 55, 42]).astype(np.float32)

  # Trainable GP hyperparameters.
  kernel_log_amplitude = tf.Variable(0., name='kernel_log_amplitude')
  kernel_log_lengthscale = tf.Variable(0., name='kernel_log_lengthscale')
  observation_noise_log_scale = tf.Variable(
    0., name='observation_noise_log_scale')

  # Generative model.
  Root = tfd.JointDistributionCoroutine.Root
  def model_fn():
    kernel = tfp.positive_semidefinite_kernels.ExponentiatedQuadratic(
    latent_log_rates = yield Root(tfd.GaussianProcess(
    y = yield tfd.Independent(tfd.Poisson(log_rate=latent_log_rates, name='y'),
  model = tfd.JointDistributionCoroutine(model_fn)

  Next we define a variational distribution. We incorporate the observations
  directly into the variational model using the 'trick' of representing them
  by a deterministic distribution (observe that the true posterior on an
  observed value is in fact a point mass at the observed value).

  logit_locs = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(observed_counts.shape), name='logit_locs')
  logit_softplus_scales = tf.Variable(tf.ones(observed_counts.shape) * -4,
  def variational_model_fn():
    latent_rates = yield Root(tfd.Independent(
      tfd.Normal(loc=logit_locs, scale=tf.nn.softplus(logit_softplus_scales)),
    y = yield tfd.VectorDeterministic(y)
  q = tfd.JointDistributionCoroutine(variational_model_fn)

  Note that here we could apply transforms to variables without using
  `DeferredTensor` because the `JointDistributionCoroutine` argument is a
  function, i.e., executed "on demand." (The same is true when
  distribution-making functions are supplied to `JointDistributionSequential`
  and `JointDistributionNamed`. That is, as long as variables are transformed
  *within* the callable, they will appear on the gradient tape when
  `q.log_prob()` or `q.sample()` are invoked.

  Finally, we fit the variational posterior and model variables jointly: by not
  explicitly specifying `trainable_variables`, the optimization will
  automatically include all variables accessed. We'll
  use a custom `trace_fn` to see how the kernel amplitudes and a set of sampled
  latent rates with fixed seed evolve during the course of the optimization:

  losses, log_amplitude_path, sample_path = tfp.vi.fit_surrogate_posterior(
    target_log_prob_fn=lambda *args: model.log_prob(args),
    trace_fn=lambda loss, grads, vars: (loss, kernel_log_amplitude,
                                        q.sample(5, seed=42)[0]))

  #### References

  [1]: Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.
       Springer, 2006.

  def complete_variational_loss_fn():
    return variational_loss_fn(

  return tfp_math.minimize(complete_variational_loss_fn,
예제 #2
def fit_surrogate_posterior(target_log_prob_fn,
    """Fit a surrogate posterior to a target (unnormalized) log density.

  The default behavior constructs and minimizes the negative variational
  evidence lower bound (ELBO), given by

  q_samples = surrogate_posterior.sample(num_draws)
  elbo_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(
    target_log_prob_fn(q_samples) - surrogate_posterior.log_prob(q_samples))

  This corresponds to minimizing the 'reverse' Kullback-Liebler divergence
  (`KL[q||p]`) between the variational distribution and the unnormalized
  `target_log_prob_fn`, and  defines a lower bound on the marginal log
  likelihood, `log p(x) >= -elbo_loss`. [1]

  More generally, this function supports fitting variational distributions that
  minimize any
  [Csiszar f-divergence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-divergence).

    target_log_prob_fn: Python callable that takes a set of `Tensor` arguments
      and returns a `Tensor` log-density. Given
      `q_sample = surrogate_posterior.sample(sample_size)`, this
      will be called as `target_log_prob_fn(*q_sample)` if `q_sample` is a list
      or a tuple, `target_log_prob_fn(**q_sample)` if `q_sample` is a
      dictionary, or `target_log_prob_fn(q_sample)` if `q_sample` is a `Tensor`.
      It should support batched evaluation, i.e., should return a result of
      shape `[sample_size]`.
    surrogate_posterior: A `tfp.distributions.Distribution`
      instance defining a variational posterior (could be a
      `tfd.JointDistribution`). Crucially, the distribution's `log_prob` and
      (if reparameterized) `sample` methods must directly invoke all ops
      that generate gradients to the underlying variables. One way to ensure
      this is to use `tfp.util.TransformedVariable` and/or
      `tfp.util.DeferredTensor` to represent any parameters defined as
      transformations of unconstrained variables, so that the transformations
      execute at runtime instead of at distribution creation.
    optimizer: Optimizer instance to use. This may be a TF1-style
      `tf.train.Optimizer`, TF2-style `tf.optimizers.Optimizer`, or any Python
      object that implements `optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars)`.
    num_steps: Python `int` number of steps to run the optimizer.
    convergence_criterion: Optional instance of
      representing a criterion for detecting convergence. If `None`,
      the optimization will run for `num_steps` steps, otherwise, it will run
      for at *most* `num_steps` steps, as determined by the provided criterion.
      Default value: `None`.
    trace_fn: Python callable with signature `traced_values = trace_fn(
      traceable_quantities)`, where the argument is an instance of
      `tfp.math.MinimizeTraceableQuantities` and the returned `traced_values`
      may be a `Tensor` or nested structure of `Tensor`s. The traced values are
      stacked across steps and returned.
      The default `trace_fn` simply returns the loss. In general, trace
      functions may also examine the gradients, values of parameters,
      the state propagated by the specified `convergence_criterion`, if any (if
      no convergence criterion is specified, this will be `None`),
      as well as any other quantities captured in the closure of `trace_fn`,
      for example, statistics of a variational distribution.
      Default value: `lambda traceable_quantities: traceable_quantities.loss`.
    variational_loss_fn: Optional Python `callable` with signature
      `loss = variational_loss_fn(target_log_prob_fn, surrogate_posterior,
       sample_size, seed)` defining a variational loss function. The default is
       a Monte Carlo approximation to the standard evidence lower bound (ELBO),
       equivalent to minimizing the 'reverse' `KL[q||p]` divergence between the
       surrogate `q` and true posterior `p`. [1]
       Default value: `None` (equivalent to `functools.partial(
    discrepancy_fn: Python `callable` representing a Csiszar `f` function in
      in log-space. See the docs for `tfp.vi.monte_carlo_variational_loss` for
      examples. This argument is ignored if a `variational_loss_fn` is
      explicitly specified.
      Default value: `tfp.vi.kl_reverse`.
    sample_size: Python `int` number of Monte Carlo samples to use
      in estimating the variational divergence. Larger values may stabilize
      the optimization, but at higher cost per step in time and memory.
      Default value: `1`.
    importance_sample_size: Python `int` number of terms used to define an
      importance-weighted divergence. If `importance_sample_size > 1`, then the
      `surrogate_posterior` is optimized to function as an importance-sampling
      proposal distribution. In this case, posterior expectations should be
      approximated by importance sampling, as demonstrated in the example below.
      This argument is ignored if a `variational_loss_fn` is explicitly
      Default value: `1`.
    trainable_variables: Optional list of `tf.Variable` instances to optimize
      with respect to. If `None`, defaults to the set of all variables accessed
      during the computation of the variational bound, i.e., those defining
      `surrogate_posterior` and the model `target_log_prob_fn`.
      Default value: `None`
    jit_compile: If True, compiles the loss function and gradient update using
      XLA. XLA performs compiler optimizations, such as fusion, and attempts to
      emit more efficient code. This may drastically improve the performance.
      See the docs for `tf.function`. (In JAX, this will apply `jax.jit`).
      Default value: `None`.
    seed: PRNG seed; see `tfp.random.sanitize_seed` for details.
    name: Python `str` name prefixed to ops created by this function.
      Default value: 'fit_surrogate_posterior'.

    results: `Tensor` or nested structure of `Tensor`s, according to the return
      type of `trace_fn`. Each `Tensor` has an added leading dimension of size
      `num_steps`, packing the trajectory of the result over the course of the

  #### Examples

  **Normal-Normal model**. We'll first consider a simple model
  `z ~ N(0, 1)`, `x ~ N(z, 1)`, where we suppose we are interested in the
  posterior `p(z | x=5)`:

  import tensorflow_probability as tfp
  from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd

  def log_prob(z, x):
    return tfd.Normal(0., 1.).log_prob(z) + tfd.Normal(z, 1.).log_prob(x)
  conditioned_log_prob = lambda z: log_prob(z, x=5.)

  The posterior is itself normal by [conjugacy](
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugate_prior), and can be computed
  analytically (it's `N(loc=5/2., scale=1/sqrt(2)`). But suppose we don't want
  to bother doing the math: we can use variational inference instead!

  q_z = tfp.experimental.util.make_trainable(tfd.Normal, name='q_z')
  losses = tfp.vi.fit_surrogate_posterior(
  print(q_z.mean(), q_z.stddev())  # => approximately [2.5, 1/sqrt(2)]

  **Custom loss function**. Suppose we prefer to fit the same model using
    the forward KL divergence `KL[p||q]`. We can pass a custom discrepancy

    losses = tfp.vi.fit_surrogate_posterior(

  Note that in practice this may have substantially higher-variance gradients
  than the reverse KL.

  **Importance weighting**. A surrogate posterior may be corrected by
  interpreting it as a proposal for an [importance sampler](
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Importance_sampling). That is, one can use
  weighted samples from the surrogate to estimate expectations under the true

  zs, q_log_prob = surrogate_posterior.experimental_sample_and_log_prob(

  # Naive expectation under the surrogate posterior.
  expected_x = tf.reduce_mean(f(zs), axis=0)

  # Importance-weighted estimate of the expectation under the true posterior.
  self_normalized_log_weights = tf.nn.log_softmax(
    target_log_prob_fn(zs) - q_log_prob)
  expected_x = tf.reduce_sum(
    tf.exp(self_normalized_log_weights) * f(zs),

  Any distribution may be used as a proposal, but it is often natural to
  consider surrogates that were themselves fit by optimizing an
  importance-weighted variational objective [2], which directly optimizes the
  surrogate's effectiveness as an proposal distribution. This may be specified
  by passing `importance_sample_size > 1`. The importance-weighted objective
  may favor different characteristics than the original objective.
  For example, effective proposals are generally overdispersed, whereas a
  surrogate optimizing reverse KL would otherwise tend to be underdispersed.

  Although importance sampling is guaranteed to tighten the variational bound,
  some research has found that this does not necessarily improve the quality
  of deep generative models, because it also introduces gradient noise that can
  lead to a weaker training signal [3]. As always, evaluation is important to
  choose the approach that works best for a particular task.

  When using an importance-weighted loss to fit a surrogate, it is also
  recommended to apply importance sampling when computing expectations
  under that surrogate.

  # Fit `q` with an importance-weighted variational loss.
  losses = tfp.vi.fit_surrogate_posterior(

  # Estimate posterior statistics with importance sampling.
  zs, q_log_prob = q_z.experimental_sample_and_log_prob(1000)
  self_normalized_log_weights = tf.nn.log_softmax(
    conditioned_log_prob(zs) - q_log_prob)
  posterior_mean = tf.reduce_sum(
    tf.exp(self_normalized_log_weights) * zs,
  posterior_variance = tf.reduce_sum(
    tf.exp(self_normalized_log_weights) * (zs - posterior_mean)**2,

  **Inhomogeneous Poisson Process**. For a more interesting example, let's
  consider a model with multiple latent variables as well as trainable
  parameters in the model itself. Given observed counts `y` from spatial
  locations `X`, consider an inhomogeneous Poisson process model
  `log_rates = GaussianProcess(index_points=X); y = Poisson(exp(log_rates))`
  in which the latent (log) rates are spatially correlated following a Gaussian
  process. We'll fit a variational model to the latent rates while also
  optimizing the GP kernel hyperparameters (largely for illustration; in
  practice we might prefer to 'be Bayesian' about these parameters and include
  them as latents in our model and variational posterior). First we define
  the model, including trainable variables:

  # Toy 1D data.
  index_points = np.array([-10., -7.2, -4., -0.1, 0.1, 4., 6.2, 9.]).reshape(
      [-1, 1]).astype(np.float32)
  observed_counts = np.array(
      [100, 90, 60, 13, 18, 37, 55, 42]).astype(np.float32)

  # Trainable GP hyperparameters.
  kernel_log_amplitude = tf.Variable(0., name='kernel_log_amplitude')
  kernel_log_lengthscale = tf.Variable(0., name='kernel_log_lengthscale')
  observation_noise_log_scale = tf.Variable(
    0., name='observation_noise_log_scale')

  # Generative model.
  Root = tfd.JointDistributionCoroutine.Root
  def model_fn():
    kernel = tfp.math.psd_kernels.ExponentiatedQuadratic(
    latent_log_rates = yield Root(tfd.GaussianProcess(
    y = yield tfd.Independent(tfd.Poisson(log_rate=latent_log_rates, name='y'),
  model = tfd.JointDistributionCoroutine(model_fn)

  Next we define a variational distribution. We incorporate the observations
  directly into the variational model using the 'trick' of representing them
  by a deterministic distribution (observe that the true posterior on an
  observed value is in fact a point mass at the observed value).

  logit_locs = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(observed_counts.shape), name='logit_locs')
  logit_softplus_scales = tf.Variable(tf.ones(observed_counts.shape) * -4,
  def variational_model_fn():
    latent_rates = yield Root(tfd.Independent(
      tfd.Normal(loc=logit_locs, scale=tf.nn.softplus(logit_softplus_scales)),
    y = yield tfd.VectorDeterministic(observed_counts)
  q = tfd.JointDistributionCoroutine(variational_model_fn)

  Note that here we could apply transforms to variables without using
  `DeferredTensor` because the `JointDistributionCoroutine` argument is a
  function, i.e., executed "on demand." (The same is true when
  distribution-making functions are supplied to `JointDistributionSequential`
  and `JointDistributionNamed`. That is, as long as variables are transformed
  *within* the callable, they will appear on the gradient tape when
  `q.log_prob()` or `q.sample()` are invoked.

  Finally, we fit the variational posterior and model variables jointly: by not
  explicitly specifying `trainable_variables`, the optimization will
  automatically include all variables accessed. We'll
  use a custom `trace_fn` to see how the kernel amplitudes and a set of sampled
  latent rates with fixed seed evolve during the course of the optimization:

  losses, log_amplitude_path, sample_path = tfp.vi.fit_surrogate_posterior(
    target_log_prob_fn=lambda *args: model.log_prob(args),
    trace_fn=lambda loss, grads, vars: (loss, kernel_log_amplitude,
                                        q.sample(5, seed=42)[0]))

  #### References

  [1]: Christopher M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.
       Springer, 2006.

  [2]  Yuri Burda, Roger Grosse, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. Importance Weighted
       Autoencoders. In _International Conference on Learning
       Representations_, 2016. https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.00519

  [3]  Tom Rainforth, Adam R. Kosiorek, Tuan Anh Le, Chris J. Maddison,
       Maximilian Igl, Frank Wood, and Yee Whye Teh. Tighter Variational Bounds
       are Not Necessarily Better. In _International Conference on Machine
       Learning (ICML)_, 2018. https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.04537


    if variational_loss_fn is None:
        variational_loss_fn = functools.partial(
            # Silent fallback to score-function gradients leads to
            # difficult-to-debug failures, so force reparameterization gradients by
            # default.

    def complete_variational_loss_fn(seed=None):
        return variational_loss_fn(target_log_prob_fn,

    return tfp_math.minimize(complete_variational_loss_fn,