def test_multidim(self):
     y = tf.ones((4, 5, 6), dtype=tf.float32)
     integral_0 = self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y, axis=0))
     integral_1 = self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y, axis=1))
     integral_2 = self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y))
     self.assertTupleEqual(integral_0.shape, (5, 6))
     self.assertTupleEqual(integral_1.shape, (4, 6))
     self.assertTupleEqual(integral_2.shape, (4, 5))
     self.assertAllClose(integral_0, np.ones((5, 6)) * 3.0)
     self.assertAllClose(integral_1, np.ones((4, 6)) * 4.0)
     self.assertAllClose(integral_2, np.ones((4, 5)) * 5.0)
 def test_multidim_with_x(self):
     y = tf.ones((4, 5), dtype=tf.float64)
     v0 = tf.cast(tf.linspace(0., 1., 4), tf.float64)
     v1 = tf.cast(tf.linspace(0., 4.2, 5), tf.float64)
     x0, x1 = tf.meshgrid(v0, v1, indexing='ij')
     integral_0 = self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y, x0, axis=0))
     integral_1 = self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y, x1, axis=1))
     self.assertTupleEqual(integral_0.shape, (5, ))
     self.assertTupleEqual(integral_1.shape, (4, ))
     self.assertAllClose(integral_0, np.ones((5, )) * 1.0)
     self.assertAllClose(integral_1, np.ones((4, )) * 4.2)
 def test_against_numpy(self, data):
     dtype = data.draw(hps.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float64]))
     shp = (data.draw(hps.integers(5, 10)), data.draw(hps.integers(5, 10)))
     axis = data.draw(hps.integers(0, len(shp) - 1))
     y = data.draw(
         tfp_hps.constrained_tensors(tfp_hps.identity_fn, shp, dtype))
     x_dx = data.draw(hps.sampled_from(['x', 'dx', None]))
     if x_dx is None:
         x = None
         dx = None
     elif x_dx == 'dx':
         x = None
         dx = data.draw(hps.floats(0.1, 10))
         x = data.draw(
             tfp_hps.constrained_tensors(tfp_hps.identity_fn, shp, dtype))
         dx = None
     np_soln = np.trapz(
         if x is not None else None,  # cannot evaluate(None)
         dx=dx or 1.0,  # numpy default is 1.0
     tf_soln = tfp_math.trapz(y, x, dx, axis)
     self.assertAllClose(np_soln, tf_soln)
 def trapz_sin_fn(x_min, x_max, n, expected, rtol):
     pi = tf.constant(np.pi, dtype=tf.float32)
     x = tf.cast(tf.linspace(x_min, x_max, n), tf.float32)
     y = tf.sin(pi * x)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y, x)),
예제 #5
 def trapz_sin_fn(x_min, x_max, n, expected, rtol):
   pi = tf.constant(np.pi, dtype=tf.float32)
   s = np.linspace(0, 1, n)**1.5
   x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x_min + s * (x_max - x_min), tf.float32)
   y = tf.sin(pi * x)
       self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y, x)), expected, rtol=rtol)
 def test_multidim_with_nonhomogeneous_x(self):
     # integration domain from x is different for each batch dim
     y = tf.ones((3, 4), dtype=tf.float32)
     x = tf.constant([[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 2, 4, 6], [0, 3, 6, 9]],
     integral = self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y, x, axis=-1))
     self.assertTupleEqual(integral.shape, (3, ))
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(integral, [3, 6, 9])
 def test_multidim_broadcast_1d_x(self):
     # To use trapz() with a 1d x array, first broadcast it with the shape of y
     y = tf.ones((4, 5), dtype=tf.float64)
     x1 = tf.cast(tf.linspace(0., 4.2, 5), tf.float64)
     x = x1 * tf.ones((4, 5), dtype=tf.float64)
     integral = self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y, x, axis=1))
     self.assertTupleEqual(integral.shape, (4, ))
     self.assertAllClose(integral, np.ones((4, )) * 4.2)
 def test_incompatible_x_y_shape_raises(self):
     with self.assertRaisesWithLiteralMatch(
             ValueError, 'Shapes (3,) and (2, 3) are incompatible'):
         tfp_math.trapz(y=tf.ones((2, 3)), x=tf.ones((3, )))
 def test_provide_x_and_dx_args_raises(self):
     with self.assertRaisesWithLiteralMatch(
             'Not permitted to specify both x and dx input args.'):
         tfp_math.trapz(y=[0, 0.1], x=[0, 0.1], dx=0.5)
 def test_non_scalar_dx_raises(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'Expected dx to be a scalar'):
         tfp_math.trapz(y=tf.ones((2, 3)), dx=[0.1, 0.2])
 def test_provide_multiple_axes_raises(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError,
                                  'Only permitted to specify one axis'):
         tfp_math.trapz(y=tf.ones((2, 3)), axis=[0, 1])
 def test_simple_use_with_dx_arg(self):
     y = tf.linspace(0., 10., 11)
     dx = 0.1
     integral = self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y, dx=dx))
     self.assertAllClose(integral, 5.0)
 def test_simple_use_with_x_arg(self):
     y = tf.linspace(0., 10., 11)
     x = tf.linspace(0., 10., 11)
     integral = self.evaluate(tfp_math.trapz(y, x))
     self.assertAllClose(integral, 50.)
 def g(y, x=None, dx=None):
     return tfp_math.trapz(y, x=x, dx=dx, axis=axis, name=name)