예제 #1
def test_appointment_shutdown_teos_trigger_while_offline(bitcoin_cli):
    global teosd_process

    teos_pid = teosd_process.pid

    commitment_tx, penalty_tx = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)
    commitment_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid")
    appointment_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, penalty_tx)
    locator = compute_locator(commitment_tx_id)

    appointment, _ = add_appointment(appointment_data)

    # Check that the appointment is still in the Watcher
    appointment_info = get_appointment_info(locator)
    assert appointment_info.get("status") == "being_watched"
    assert appointment_info.get("appointment") == appointment.to_dict()

    # Shutdown and trigger
    new_addr = bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress()
    broadcast_transaction_and_mine_block(bitcoin_cli, commitment_tx, new_addr)

    # Restart
    teosd_process = run_teosd()
    assert teos_pid != teosd_process.pid

    # The appointment should have been moved to the Responder
    appointment_info = get_appointment_info(locator)
    assert appointment_info.get("status") == "dispute_responded"

예제 #2
def test_appointment_wrong_decryption_key(bitcoin_cli):
    # This tests an appointment encrypted with a key that has not been derived from the same source as the locator.
    # Therefore the tower won't be able to decrypt the blob once the appointment is triggered.
    commitment_tx, penalty_tx = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)

    # The appointment data is built using a random 32-byte value.
    appointment_data = build_appointment_data(get_random_value_hex(32), penalty_tx)

    # We cannot use teos_cli.add_appointment here since it computes the locator internally, so let's do it manually.
    # We will encrypt the blob using the random value and derive the locator from the commitment tx.
    appointment_data["locator"] = compute_locator(bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid"))
    appointment_data["encrypted_blob"] = Cryptographer.encrypt(penalty_tx, get_random_value_hex(32))
    appointment = Appointment.from_dict(appointment_data)

    signature = Cryptographer.sign(appointment.serialize(), user_sk)
    data = {"appointment": appointment.to_dict(), "signature": signature}

    # Send appointment to the server.
    response = teos_cli.post_request(data, teos_add_appointment_endpoint)
    response_json = teos_cli.process_post_response(response)

    # Check that the server has accepted the appointment
    signature = response_json.get("signature")
    rpk = Cryptographer.recover_pk(appointment.serialize(), signature)
    assert teos_id == Cryptographer.get_compressed_pk(rpk)
    assert response_json.get("locator") == appointment.locator

    # Trigger the appointment
    new_addr = bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress()
    broadcast_transaction_and_mine_block(bitcoin_cli, commitment_tx, new_addr)

    # The appointment should have been removed since the decryption failed.
    with pytest.raises(TowerResponseError):
예제 #3
def test_add_appointment_trigger_on_cache_cannot_decrypt(bitcoin_cli):
    commitment_tx, penalty_tx = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)

    # Let's send the commitment to the network and mine a block
    broadcast_transaction_and_mine_block(bitcoin_cli, commitment_tx, bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress())

    # The appointment data is built using a random 32-byte value.
    appointment_data = build_appointment_data(get_random_value_hex(32), penalty_tx)

    # We cannot use teos_cli.add_appointment here since it computes the locator internally, so let's do it manually.
    appointment_data["locator"] = compute_locator(bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid"))
    appointment_data["encrypted_blob"] = Cryptographer.encrypt(penalty_tx, get_random_value_hex(32))
    appointment = Appointment.from_dict(appointment_data)

    signature = Cryptographer.sign(appointment.serialize(), user_sk)
    data = {"appointment": appointment.to_dict(), "signature": signature}

    # Send appointment to the server.
    response = teos_cli.post_request(data, teos_add_appointment_endpoint)
    response_json = teos_cli.process_post_response(response)

    # Check that the server has accepted the appointment
    signature = response_json.get("signature")
    rpk = Cryptographer.recover_pk(appointment.serialize(), signature)
    assert teos_id == Cryptographer.get_compressed_pk(rpk)
    assert response_json.get("locator") == appointment.locator

    # The appointment should should have been inmediately dropped
    with pytest.raises(TowerResponseError):
예제 #4
def test_appointment_malformed_penalty(bitcoin_cli):
    # Lets start by creating two valid transaction
    commitment_tx, penalty_tx = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)

    # Now we can modify the penalty so it is invalid when broadcast
    mod_penalty_tx = Tx.from_hex(penalty_tx)
    tx_in = mod_penalty_tx.tx_ins[0].copy(redeem_script=b"")
    mod_penalty_tx = mod_penalty_tx.copy(tx_ins=[tx_in])

    commitment_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid")
    appointment_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, mod_penalty_tx.hex())
    locator = compute_locator(commitment_tx_id)

    appointment, _ = add_appointment(appointment_data)

    # Get the information from the tower to check that it matches
    appointment_info = get_appointment_info(locator)
    assert appointment_info.get("status") == "being_watched"
    assert appointment_info.get("locator") == locator
    assert appointment_info.get("appointment") == appointment.to_dict()

    # Broadcast the commitment transaction and mine a block
    new_addr = bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress()
    broadcast_transaction_and_mine_block(bitcoin_cli, commitment_tx, new_addr)

    # The appointment should have been removed since the penalty_tx was malformed.
    with pytest.raises(TowerResponseError):
예제 #5
def test_multiple_appointments_life_cycle(bitcoin_cli):
    global appointments_in_watcher, appointments_in_responder
    # Tests that get_all_appointments returns all the appointments the tower is storing at various stages in the
    # appointment lifecycle.
    appointments = []

    commitment_txs, penalty_txs = create_txs(bitcoin_cli, n=5)

    # Create five appointments.
    for commitment_tx, penalty_tx in zip(commitment_txs, penalty_txs):
        commitment_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid")
        appointment_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, penalty_tx)

        locator = compute_locator(commitment_tx_id)
        appointment = {
            "locator": locator,
            "commitment_tx": commitment_tx,
            "penalty_tx": penalty_tx,
            "appointment_data": appointment_data,


    # Send all of them to watchtower.
    for appt in appointments:
        appointments_in_watcher += 1

    # Two of these appointments are breached, and the watchtower responds to them.
    breached_appointments = []
    for i in range(2):
        new_addr = bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress()
        broadcast_transaction_and_mine_block(bitcoin_cli, appointments[i]["commitment_tx"], new_addr)
        bitcoin_cli.generatetoaddress(1, new_addr)
        appointments_in_watcher -= 1
        appointments_in_responder += 1

    # Test that they all show up in get_all_appointments at the correct stages.
    all_appointments = get_all_appointments()
    watching = all_appointments.get("watcher_appointments")
    responding = all_appointments.get("responder_trackers")
    assert len(watching) == appointments_in_watcher and len(responding) == appointments_in_responder
    responder_locators = [appointment["locator"] for uuid, appointment in responding.items()]
    assert set(responder_locators) == set(breached_appointments)

    new_addr = bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress()
    # Now let's mine some blocks so the appointment reaches its end. We need 100 + EXPIRY_DELTA -1
    bitcoin_cli.generatetoaddress(100 + teos_config.get("EXPIRY_DELTA") - 1, new_addr)

    # The appointment is no longer in the tower
    with pytest.raises(TowerResponseError):
        for appointment in appointments:
예제 #6
def test_add_appointment_trigger_on_cache(bitcoin_cli):
    # This tests sending an appointment whose trigger is in the cache
    commitment_tx, penalty_tx = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)
    commitment_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid")
    appointment_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, penalty_tx)
    locator = compute_locator(commitment_tx_id)

    # Let's send the commitment to the network and mine a block
    broadcast_transaction_and_mine_block(bitcoin_cli, commitment_tx, bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress())

    # Send the data to the tower and request it back. It should have gone straightaway to the Responder
    assert get_appointment_info(locator).get("status") == "dispute_responded"
예제 #7
def test_commands_non_registered(bitcoin_cli):
    # All commands should fail if the user is not registered

    # Add appointment
    commitment_tx, penalty_tx = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)
    commitment_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid")
    appointment_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, penalty_tx)

    with pytest.raises(TowerResponseError):
        assert add_appointment(appointment_data)

    # Get appointment
    with pytest.raises(TowerResponseError):
        assert get_appointment_info(appointment_data.get("locator"))
예제 #8
def test_add_appointment_invalid_trigger_on_cache(bitcoin_cli):
    # This tests sending an invalid appointment which trigger is in the cache
    commitment_tx, penalty_tx = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)
    commitment_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid")

    # We can just flip the justice tx so it is invalid
    appointment_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, penalty_tx[::-1])
    locator = compute_locator(commitment_tx_id)

    # Let's send the commitment to the network and mine a block
    broadcast_transaction_and_mine_block(bitcoin_cli, commitment_tx, bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress())

    # Send the data to the tower and request it back. It should get accepted but the data will be dropped.
    with pytest.raises(TowerResponseError):
예제 #9
def test_commands_registered(bitcoin_cli):
    global appointments_in_watcher

    # Test registering and trying again
    teos_cli.register(user_id, teos_base_endpoint)

    # Add appointment
    commitment_tx, penalty_tx = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)
    commitment_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid")
    appointment_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, penalty_tx)

    appointment, available_slots = add_appointment(appointment_data)
    assert isinstance(appointment, Appointment) and isinstance(available_slots, str)

    # Get appointment
    r = get_appointment_info(appointment_data.get("locator"))
    assert r.get("locator") == appointment.locator
    assert r.get("appointment") == appointment.to_dict()
    appointments_in_watcher += 1
예제 #10
def test_two_appointment_same_locator_different_penalty_different_users(bitcoin_cli):
    # This tests sending an appointment with two valid transaction with the same locator fro different users
    commitment_tx, penalty_tx1 = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)
    commitment_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid")

    # We need to create a second penalty spending from the same commitment
    decoded_commitment_tx = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx)
    new_addr = bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress()
    penalty_tx2 = create_penalty_tx(bitcoin_cli, decoded_commitment_tx, new_addr)

    appointment1_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, penalty_tx1)
    appointment2_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, penalty_tx2)
    locator = compute_locator(commitment_tx_id)

    # tmp keys for a different user
    tmp_user_sk = PrivateKey()
    tmp_user_id = hexlify(tmp_user_sk.public_key.format(compressed=True)).decode("utf-8")
    teos_cli.register(tmp_user_id, teos_base_endpoint)

    appointment, _ = add_appointment(appointment1_data)
    appointment_2, _ = add_appointment(appointment2_data, sk=tmp_user_sk)

    # Broadcast the commitment transaction and mine a block
    new_addr = bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress()
    broadcast_transaction_and_mine_block(bitcoin_cli, commitment_tx, new_addr)

    # One of the transactions must have made it to the Responder while the other must have been dropped for
    # double-spending. That means that one of the responses from the tower should fail
    appointment_info = None
    with pytest.raises(TowerResponseError):
        appointment_info = get_appointment_info(locator)
        appointment2_info = get_appointment_info(locator, sk=tmp_user_sk)

    if appointment_info is None:
        appointment_info = appointment2_info
        appointment1_data = appointment2_data

    assert appointment_info.get("status") == "dispute_responded"
    assert appointment_info.get("locator") == appointment1_data.get("locator")
    assert appointment_info.get("appointment").get("penalty_tx") == appointment1_data.get("penalty_tx")
예제 #11
def test_two_identical_appointments(bitcoin_cli):
    # Tests sending two identical appointments to the tower.
    # This tests sending an appointment with two valid transaction with the same locator.
    # If they come from the same user, the last one will be kept.
    commitment_tx, penalty_tx = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)
    commitment_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid")

    appointment_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, penalty_tx)
    locator = compute_locator(commitment_tx_id)

    # Send the appointment twice

    # Broadcast the commitment transaction and mine a block
    new_addr = bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress()
    broadcast_transaction_and_mine_block(bitcoin_cli, commitment_tx, new_addr)

    # The last appointment should have made it to the Responder
    appointment_info = get_appointment_info(locator)

    assert appointment_info.get("status") == "dispute_responded"
    assert appointment_info.get("appointment").get("penalty_rawtx") == penalty_tx
예제 #12
def test_appointment_life_cycle(bitcoin_cli):
    global appointments_in_watcher, appointments_in_responder

    # First of all we need to register
    response = teos_cli.register(user_id, teos_base_endpoint)
    available_slots = response.get("available_slots")

    # After that we can build an appointment and send it to the tower
    commitment_tx, penalty_tx = create_txs(bitcoin_cli)
    commitment_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(commitment_tx).get("txid")
    appointment_data = build_appointment_data(commitment_tx_id, penalty_tx)
    locator = compute_locator(commitment_tx_id)
    appointment, signature = add_appointment(appointment_data)
    appointments_in_watcher += 1

    # Get the information from the tower to check that it matches
    appointment_info = get_appointment_info(locator)
    assert appointment_info.get("status") == "being_watched"
    assert appointment_info.get("locator") == locator
    assert appointment_info.get("appointment") == appointment.to_dict()

    # Check also the get_all_appointment endpoint
    all_appointments = get_all_appointments()
    watching = all_appointments.get("watcher_appointments")
    responding = all_appointments.get("responder_trackers")
    assert len(watching) == appointments_in_watcher and len(responding) == 0

    # Trigger a breach and check again
    new_addr = bitcoin_cli.getnewaddress()
    broadcast_transaction_and_mine_block(bitcoin_cli, commitment_tx, new_addr)
    appointment_info = get_appointment_info(locator)
    assert appointment_info.get("status") == "dispute_responded"
    assert appointment_info.get("locator") == locator
    appointments_in_watcher -= 1
    appointments_in_responder += 1

    all_appointments = get_all_appointments()
    watching = all_appointments.get("watcher_appointments")
    responding = all_appointments.get("responder_trackers")
    assert len(watching) == appointments_in_watcher and len(responding) == appointments_in_responder

    # It can be also checked by ensuring that the penalty transaction made it to the network
    penalty_tx_id = bitcoin_cli.decoderawtransaction(penalty_tx).get("txid")

        assert True

    except JSONRPCException:
        # If the transaction is not found.
        assert False

    # Now let's mine some blocks so the appointment reaches its end. We need 100 + EXPIRY_DELTA -1
    bitcoin_cli.generatetoaddress(100 + teos_config.get("EXPIRY_DELTA") - 1, new_addr)
    appointments_in_responder -= 1

    # The appointment is no longer in the tower
    with pytest.raises(TowerResponseError):

    # Check that the appointment is not in the Gatekeeper by checking the available slots (should have increase by 1)
    # We can do so by topping up the subscription (FIXME: find a better way to check this).
    response = teos_cli.register(user_id, teos_base_endpoint)
    assert (
        == available_slots
        + teos_config.get("SUBSCRIPTION_SLOTS")
        + 1
        - appointments_in_watcher
        - appointments_in_responder