valid_loader =, batch_size=TEST_BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False, collate_fn=collate) best_mse = None best_epoch = -1 model_file_name = 'models/model_' + model_st + '_' + dataset + '_' + str( fold) + '.model' for epoch in range(NUM_EPOCHS): train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer, epoch + 1) print('predicting for valid data') G, P = predicting(model, device, valid_loader) val = get_mse(G, P) print('valid result:', val, best_mse) if best_mse is None or val < best_mse: best_mse = val best_epoch = epoch + 1, model_file_name) print('rmse improved at epoch ', best_epoch, '; best_test_mse', best_mse, model_st, dataset, fold) calculate_metrics(G, P, dataset) calculate_metrics(G[quadA], P[quadA], dataset + ' (quadA)') calculate_metrics(G[quadB], P[quadB], dataset + ' (quadB)') calculate_metrics(G[quadC], P[quadC], dataset + ' (quadC)') else: print('No improvement since epoch ', best_epoch, '; best_test_mse', best_mse, model_st, dataset, fold) sys.stdout.flush()
for batch in train_dataloader: optimizer.zero_grad() img = batch['img'] target_labels = batch['labels'] target_labels = { t: target_labels[t].to(device) for t in target_labels } output = model( loss_train, losses_train = model.get_loss(output, target_labels) total_loss += loss_train.item() batch_accuracy_color, batch_accuracy_gender, batch_accuracy_article = calculate_metrics( output, target_labels) accuracy_color += batch_accuracy_color accuracy_gender += batch_accuracy_gender accuracy_article += batch_accuracy_article loss_train.backward() optimizer.step() print( "epoch {:4d}, loss: {:.4f}, color {:.4f}, gender:{:.4f}, article: {:.4f}" .format(epoch, total_loss / n_train_samples, accuracy_color / n_train_samples, accuracy_gender / n_train_samples, accuracy_article / n_train_samples))
for batch in train_dataloader: optimizer.zero_grad() img = batch['img'] target_labels = batch['labels'] target_labels = { t: target_labels[t].to(device) for t in target_labels } output = model( loss_train, losses_train = model.get_loss(output, target_labels) total_loss += loss_train.item() batch_accuracy_age, batch_accuracy_gender, batch_accuracy_ethnicity = \ calculate_metrics(output, target_labels) accuracy_age += batch_accuracy_age accuracy_gender += batch_accuracy_gender accuracy_ethnicity += batch_accuracy_ethnicity loss_train.backward() optimizer.step() print( "epoch {:4d}, loss: {:.4f}, age: {:.4f}, gender: {:.4f}, ethnicity: {:.4f}" .format(epoch, total_loss / n_train_samples, accuracy_age / n_train_samples, accuracy_gender / n_train_samples, accuracy_ethnicity / n_train_samples))
def visualize_grid(model, dataloader, attr, device, show_cn_matrices=True, checkpoint=None, csv_filename=None, caption=''): if checkpoint is not None: checkpoint_load(model, checkpoint) model.eval() gt_all = {x: list() for x in attr.fld_names} predicted_all = {x: list() for x in attr.fld_names} accuracyes = {x: 0 for x in attr.fld_names} list_of_images_to_check = [] loitc_columns = ['filename', 'choice'] with torch.no_grad(): for batch in dataloader: img = batch['img'].to(device) gt_s = {x: batch['labels'][x] for x in attr.fld_names} fnames = batch['img_path'] output = model(img) batches = calculate_metrics(output, gt_s) for x in batches: accuracyes[x] += batches[x] predicted_s = { x: output[x].cpu().max(1)[1] for x in attr.fld_names } for i in range(img.shape[0]): predicted = { x: attr.labels_id_to_name[x][predicted_s[x][i].item()] for x in attr.fld_names } gt = { x: attr.labels_id_to_name[x][gt_s[x][i].item()] for x in attr.fld_names } for x in attr.fld_names: gt_v = gt[x] prdv = predicted[x] gt_all[x].append(gt_v) predicted_all[x].append(prdv) if gt_v == prdv: continue list_of_images_to_check.append({ loitc_columns[0]: os.path.split(fnames[i])[1], loitc_columns[1]: f'<{gt_v}> or <{prdv}>' }) if csv_filename is not None and list_of_images_to_check: with open(csv_filename, 'w', newline='') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=loitc_columns) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(list_of_images_to_check) # Draw confusion matrices if show_cn_matrices: for x in attr.fld_names: cn_matrix = confusion_matrix( y_true=gt_all[x], y_pred=predicted_all[x], labels=attr.labels[x], # ) normalize='true') ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cn_matrix, display_labels=attr.labels[x]).plot( include_values=True, xticks_rotation='vertical') plt.title(f"{x}:{caption}") plt.tight_layout() model.train()