def main(argv): options, extras = getopt.getopt(argv,'t:ag',['test:','tracelevel=']) testlist = [name for (opt,name) in options if opt == '-t'] compileargs =[] runargs=[] for (o,a) in options: if (o == '-g'): compileargs = compileargs +['--cxx-flags=-g']; if ('-a' == o): compileargs = compileargs + ['-a']; if ('--tracelevel' == o): runargs=['-t',str(level)] exec_noexit(['spl-make-toolkit','-i','source.common']) exec_noexit(['spl-make-toolkit','-i','../../']) if (len(extras) == 0): runDirectory('source',testlist,compileargs,runargs) runDirectory('sink',testlist,compileargs,runargs) else: runDirectory(extras[0],testlist,compileargs,runargs)
def run_test(dirname,extracompile,extrarun): print "Beginning test "+dirname topdir = os.getcwd(); os.chdir(dirname); # Cleanup first. We don't do this at the end because on failures we'll want to look. if os.path.isdir('output'): print "output directory found, removing" shutil.rmtree('output') # see if the data generation file exists. if os.path.isfile(''): sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) tester = __import__('scenario') else: tester = sys.modules[__name__] try: # any pre-compile steps?? try: tester.precompile() except AttributeError: precompile() # compile (stdout,stderr,code) = exec_noexit(['sc','-T','-t','../../../','--data-directory=../data.common','-M','Main']+extracompile); if code != 0: raise TestFailure("compile",stdout,stderr) # run try: except AttributeError: run(extrarun); # check results try: tester.postrun() except AttributeError: postrun() except TestFailure as tf: tf.say(dirname) return False finally: if os.path.isfile(''): del tester del sys.modules['scenario'] sys.path.remove(os.getcwd()) os.chdir(topdir) return True
def run(extrarun): (run_stdout,run_stderr,run_code) = exec_noexit(['output/bin/standalone']+extrarun) if (run_code != 0): raise TestFailure("run",run_stdout,run_stderr);