class BaseTestCase(TestCase): s = WebdriverFactory.createDriver() #driver p = TestConfig() @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): "open the testUrl" testUrl = cls.p.get('url') user = cls.p.get('user') pwd = cls.p.get('pwd') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.s.quit() def setUp(self):">>>>>>start " + self._testMethodName + " <<<<<<") def tearDown(self): if sys.exc_info()[0]: log.error(sys.exc_info()[1]) self.s.screenshot(self._testMethodName + '.png')">>>>>>end " + self._testMethodName + " <<<<<<")
def runTestSuite(self): # call static method of the base class for all Sahana test case classes # this method will ensure that one Selenium instance exists and can be shared SahanaTest.setUpHierarchy(self.radioB.get(), self.browserPath.get(), self.ipAddr.get(), self.ipPort.get(), self.URL.get() + # SahanaTest.useSahanaAccount(self.adminUser.get(), # self.adminPassword.get(), # ) self.clean = False testConfig = TestConfig() testModuleList = self.getTestCasesToRun() testConfig.test_main(testModuleList, self.radioB.get()) call(["firefox", os.path.join("..", "results", testConfig.fileName)]) if (not self.keepOpen): SahanaTest.selenium.stop( ) # This will close the Selenium/Browser window self.clean = True
def testModulepanel(self, panel): self.moduleList = TestConfig().getTestModuleDetails() Label(panel, text="Test Modules").pack(side=TOP) Label(panel, text="Select the test modules that you would like to run.").pack( side=TOP, anchor=W) detailPanel = Frame(panel) detailPanel.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, fill=X) self.checkboxModules = [] self.buttonList = [] self.moduleName = [] self.labelList = [] i = 0 details = {} for details in self.moduleList: name = details["name"] self.moduleName.append(name) var = IntVar() chk = Checkbutton(detailPanel, text=name, variable=var, command=self.toggleButton) self.checkboxModules.append(var) btnFrame = Frame(detailPanel) chk.grid(row=i // 2, column=i % 2 * 3, sticky=NW) lbl = Label(detailPanel, text=self.testcaseTotals(self.moduleList[i])) lbl["fg"] = self.testcaseColour lbl.grid(row=i // 2, column=i % 2 * 3 + 1, sticky=NW) self.labelList.append(lbl) btn = Button(btnFrame, text="Select tests") btn.grid() btnFrame.grid(row=i // 2, column=i % 2 * 3 + 2, sticky=NW) btnFrame.grid_remove() self.buttonList.append(btnFrame) def handler(event, i=i, module=name, details=details): return self.selectTests(i, module, details) btn.bind(sequence="<ButtonRelease-1>", func=handler) i += 1
os.chdir(path) sys.path = [path] + [os.path.join(path, "config") ] + [p for p in sys.path] exec("from %s import Settings" % config_filename) testSettings = Settings() browser = testSettings.radioB SahanaTest.setUpHierarchy(browser, testSettings.browserPath, testSettings.ipAddr, testSettings.ipPort, testSettings.URL + # When running non-interactively, Username/Password are blank SahanaTest.useSahanaAccount( "", "", ) testConfig = TestConfig() moduleList = testConfig.getTestModuleDetails() testList = testConfig.getTestCasesToRun(moduleList) suite = testConfig.suite for testModule in testList: # dotted notation module.class testConfig.overrideClassSortList(testModule["class"], testModule["tests"]) # Invoke TestRunner buf = StringIO.StringIO() try: report_format = args[2] except: report_format = "html" if report_format == "xml": # Arg 2 is used to generate xml output for jenkins runner = XMLTestRunner(
#-*- coding:UTF-8 -*- __author__ = 'andluo' from selenium import webdriver from testConfig import TestConfig from selenium2 import Selenium2 p = TestConfig() class DeviceFactory: '设备工厂' @classmethod def creatAndroidDev(cls): nexus4 = { "deviceMetrics": { "width": 384, "height": 640, "pixelRatio": 2 }, "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; Nexus 4 Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.23 Mobile Safari/537.36" } return nexus4 @classmethod def createIosDev(cls): ip5 = { "deviceMetrics": { "width": 375, "height": 667,