예제 #1
    def _check_md_cert(self, dnsList):
        name = dnsList[0]
        md = TestEnv.a2md([ "list", name ])['jout']['output'][0]
        # check tos agreement, cert url
        assert md['state'] == TestEnv.MD_S_COMPLETE

        # check private key, validate certificate
        # TODO: find storage-independent way to read local certificate
        # md_store = json.loads( open( TestEnv.path_store_json(), 'r' ).read() )
        # encryptKey = md_store['key']
        # print "key (%s): %s" % ( type(encryptKey), encryptKey )
        cert = CertUtil( TestEnv.path_domain_pubcert(name) )
        cert.validate_cert_matches_priv_key( TestEnv.path_domain_privkey(name) )

        # check SANs and CN
        assert cert.get_cn() == name
        # compare sets twice in opposite directions: SAN may not respect ordering
        sanList = cert.get_san_list()
        assert len(sanList) == len(dnsList)
        assert set(sanList).issubset(dnsList)
        assert set(dnsList).issubset(sanList)
        # check valid dates interval
        notBefore = cert.get_not_before()
        notAfter = cert.get_not_after()
        assert notBefore < datetime.now(notBefore.tzinfo)
        assert notAfter > datetime.now(notAfter.tzinfo)
예제 #2
 def test_702_005(self):
     domain = self.test_domain
     nameA = "test-a." + domain
     domains = [domain, nameA]
     # generate 1 MD and 1 vhost
     conf = HttpdConf()
     conf.add_admin("admin@" + domain)
     conf.add_vhost(nameA, docRoot="htdocs/a")
     # create docRoot folder
     self._write_res_file(os.path.join(TestEnv.APACHE_HTDOCS_DIR, "a"),
                          "name.txt", nameA)
     # restart, check that md is in store
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     # check: that request to domains give 503 Service Unavailable
     cert1 = TestEnv.get_cert(nameA)
     assert nameA in cert1.get_san_list()
     assert TestEnv.getStatus(nameA, "/name.txt") == 503
     # check temporary cert from server
     cert2 = CertUtil(TestEnv.path_fallback_cert(domain))
     assert cert1.get_serial() == cert2.get_serial(), \
         "Unexpected temporary certificate on vhost %s. Expected cn: %s , but found cn: %s" % ( nameA, cert2.get_cn(), cert1.get_cn() )
예제 #3
    def test_700_005(self):
        domain = "test700-005-" + TestAuto.dns_uniq
        nameA = "test-a." + domain
        dns_list = [ domain, nameA ]

        # generate 1 MD and 1 vhost
        conf = HttpdConf( TestAuto.TMP_CONF )
        conf.add_admin( "admin@" + domain )
        conf.add_drive_mode( "manual" )
        conf.add_md( dns_list )
        conf.add_vhost( TestEnv.HTTPS_PORT, nameA, aliasList=[], docRoot="htdocs/a", 
                        withSSL=True, certPath=TestEnv.path_domain_pubcert( domain ), 
                        keyPath=TestEnv.path_domain_privkey( domain ) )

        # create docRoot folder
        self._write_res_file(os.path.join(TestEnv.APACHE_HTDOCS_DIR, "a"), "name.txt", nameA)

        # restart, check that md is in store
        assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
        self._check_md_names(domain, dns_list)
        assert TestEnv.await_renew_state( [ domain ] )
        # check: that request to domains give 503 Service Unavailable
        cert1 = CertUtil.load_server_cert(TestEnv.HTTPD_HOST, TestEnv.HTTPS_PORT, nameA)
        assert nameA in cert1.get_san_list()
        assert TestEnv.getStatus(nameA, "/name.txt") == 503

        # check temporary cert from server
        cert2 = CertUtil( TestEnv.path_fallback_cert( domain ) )
        assert cert1.get_serial() == cert2.get_serial(), \
            "Unexpected temporary certificate on vhost %s. Expected cn: %s , but found cn: %s" % ( nameA, cert2.get_cn(), cert1.get_cn() )