예제 #1
    def test_get_path(self):
        """ Unit test for ChessPiece.get_path() method """
        pcs = {
            'white': {
                'initial': [(7, 0), (7, 2)],
                'final': [(3, 3), (3, 4)]
        test_board = generate_scenario(pcs)

        # test for vertical/horizontal case
        piece = test_board.get_piece('d5')
        self.assertEqual(piece.get_path((3, 0)), [(3, 3), (3, 2), (3, 1),
                                                  (3, 0)])
        self.assertEqual(piece.get_path((3, 6)), [(3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5),
                                                  (3, 6)])
        self.assertEqual(piece.get_path((0, 3)), [(3, 3), (2, 3), (1, 3),
                                                  (0, 3)])
        self.assertEqual(piece.get_path((6, 3)), [(3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 3),
                                                  (6, 3)])

        # test for diagonal case
        piece = test_board.get_piece('e5')
        self.assertEqual(piece.get_path((1, 2)), [(3, 4), (2, 3), (1, 2)])
        self.assertEqual(piece.get_path((1, 6)), [(3, 4), (2, 5), (1, 6)])
        self.assertEqual(piece.get_path((5, 2)), [(3, 4), (4, 3), (5, 2)])
        self.assertEqual(piece.get_path((5, 6)), [(3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6)])
예제 #2
    def test_is_move_valid(self):
        """ Unit test for King.is_move_valid() method """
        pcs = {
            'black': {
                'initial': [(1, 3)],
                'final': [(4, 3)]
            'white': {
                'initial': [(7, 4)],
                'final': [(5, 4)]
        test_board = generate_scenario(pcs)

        # test rejection of one-square vertical move blocked by friendly piece
        king = test_board.get_piece('e3')
        self.assertFalse(king.is_move_valid((6, 4), test_board.board))

        # test success of one-square diagonal move to eliminate opponent piece
        self.assertTrue(king.is_move_valid((4, 3), test_board.board))

        # test success of one-square horizontal move to empty square
        self.assertTrue(king.is_move_valid((5, 5), test_board.board))

        # test rejection of multi-square vertical move to empty square
        self.assertFalse(king.is_move_valid((3, 4), test_board.board))
예제 #3
    def test_is_checked(self):
        """ Unit test for King.is_checked() method """
        # test king is not in check at beginning of game
        test_board = Board()
        king = test_board.get_piece('e1')
            king.is_checked(king.position, test_board.board,

        # test king is checked in checked scenario
        pcs = {
            'black': {
                'initial': [(0, 3)],
                'final': [(3, 0)]
            'white': {
                'initial': [(7, 4)],
                'final': [(4, 0)]
        test_board = generate_scenario(pcs)
        king = test_board.get_piece('a4')
            king.is_checked(king.position, test_board.board,
예제 #4
    def test_is_move_valid(self):
        """ Unit test for Queen.is_move_valid() method """
        pcs = {'white': {'initial': [(7, 3)], 'final': [(4, 3)]}}
        test_board = generate_scenario(pcs)

        # test rejection of vertical move blocked by friendly piece
        queen = test_board.get_piece('d4')
        self.assertFalse(queen.is_move_valid((7, 3), test_board.board))

        # test rejection of diagonal move blocked by friendly piece
        self.assertFalse(queen.is_move_valid((7, 0), test_board.board))

        # test rejection of vertical move blocked by opponent piece
        self.assertFalse(queen.is_move_valid((0, 3), test_board.board))

        # test rejection of diagonal move blocked by opponent piece
        self.assertFalse(queen.is_move_valid((0, 7), test_board.board))

        # test success of vertical move to eliminate opponent piece
        self.assertTrue(queen.is_move_valid((1, 3), test_board.board))

        # test success of diagonal move to eliminate opponent piece
        self.assertTrue(queen.is_move_valid((1, 6), test_board.board))

        # test success of horizontal move to empty square
        self.assertTrue(queen.is_move_valid((4, 7), test_board.board))

        # test rejection of L-shaped move to empty square
        self.assertFalse(queen.is_move_valid((2, 4), test_board.board))
예제 #5
    def test_check(self):
        """ Unit test for Match.check() method """
        test_match = Match()

        # craft scenario where black made a move that placed white king in check, but not checkmate
        pcs = {
            'black': {
                'initial': [(0, 0)],
                'final': [(4, 0)]
            'white': {
                'initial': [(7, 4)],
                'final': [(4, 4)]
        test_match.chessboard = generate_scenario(pcs)
        test_match.turn = 'black'
        test_match.not_turn = 'white'

        # test Match can detect king is in check without checkmate

        # craft complex checkmate scenario where black wins (involves 5 black pieces)
        pcs = {
            'black': {
                'initial': [(0, 0), (0, 2), (1, 3), (0, 5), (1, 6), (0, 6)],
                'final': [(4, 0), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 7), (4, 7), (1, 6)]
            'white': {
                'initial': [(7, 4), (6, 3)],
                'final': [(4, 4), (5, 3)]
        test_match.chessboard = generate_scenario(pcs)
        test_match.black = 'black'

        # test Match can detect complex checkmate scenario
예제 #6
    def test_is_move_valid(self):
        """ Unit test for Knight.is_move_valid() method """
        pcs = {'white': {'initial': [(7, 6)], 'final': [(2, 6)]}}
        test_board = generate_scenario(pcs)

        # test rejection of move blocked by friendly piece
        knight = test_board.get_piece('b1')
        self.assertFalse(knight.is_move_valid((6, 3), test_board.board))

        # test success of L-shaped move into empty square
        self.assertTrue(knight.is_move_valid((5, 2), test_board.board))

        # test success of L-shaped move to eliminate opponent piece
        knight = test_board.get_piece('g6')
        self.assertTrue(knight.is_move_valid((0, 5), test_board.board))

        # test success of different L-shaped move to eliminate opponent piece
        self.assertTrue(knight.is_move_valid((1, 4), test_board.board))
예제 #7
    def test_is_move_valid(self):
        """ Unit test for Rook.is_move_valid() method """
        pcs = {'white': {'initial': [(7, 7)], 'final': [(5, 7)]}}
        test_board = generate_scenario(pcs)

        # test for rejection of move that is blocked by friendly piece
        rook = test_board.get_piece('a1')
        self.assertFalse(rook.is_move_valid((5, 0), test_board.board))

        # test for success of horizontal move across board
        rook = test_board.get_piece('h3')
        self.assertTrue(rook.is_move_valid((5, 0), test_board.board))

        # test for success of move to eliminate opponent piece
        self.assertTrue(rook.is_move_valid((1, 7), test_board.board))

        # test for rejection of move that is blocked by opponent piece
        self.assertFalse(rook.is_move_valid((0, 7), test_board.board))
예제 #8
    def test_is_move_valid(self):
        """ Unit test for Bishop.is_move_valid() method """
        pcs = {'white': {'initial': [(7, 5)], 'final': [(4, 4)]}}
        test_board = generate_scenario(pcs)

        # test rejection of diagonal move into square occupied by friendly piece
        bishop = test_board.get_piece('e4')
        self.assertFalse(bishop.is_move_valid((6, 2), test_board.board))

        # test rejection of diagonal move that is blocked by opponent piece
        self.assertFalse(bishop.is_move_valid((0, 0), test_board.board))

        # test success of diagonal move to eliminate opponent piece
        self.assertTrue(bishop.is_move_valid((1, 7), test_board.board))

        # test success of diagonal move into empty square
        self.assertTrue(bishop.is_move_valid((2, 6), test_board.board))

        # test rejection of non-diagonal move into empty square
        self.assertFalse(bishop.is_move_valid((2, 4), test_board.board))
예제 #9
 def test_en_passant(self):
     """ Unit test for Pawn.en_passant() method """
     # craft en passant scenario
     pcs = {
         'black': {
             'initial': [(1, 2)],
             'final': [(3, 2)]
         'white': {
             'initial': [(6, 1)],
             'final': [(3, 1)]
     test_board = generate_scenario(pcs)
     wpawn = test_board.get_piece('b5')  # white pawn in en passant position
     bpawn = test_board.get_piece('c5')  # black pawn
     bpawn.first_move = 2
     bpawn.two_step = True
     # test proper detection of en passant move
     turn = 3
     result, side = wpawn.en_passant(test_board.board, turn)
     self.assertTrue(result)  # assert en passant move is valid
                      'E')  # assert correct direction of en passant move
     # test no detection of valid en passant move
     turn = 5
     result, side = wpawn.en_passant(test_board.board, turn)
     )  # assert move is invalid since en passant move was forfeited
     turn = 3
     bpawn.two_step = False
     result, side = wpawn.en_passant(test_board.board, turn)
     )  # assert move is invalid since black pawn did not use two step
예제 #10
    def test_move(self):
        """ Unit test for Match.move() method """
        test_match = Match()

        # test success of moving pawn two spaces forward on first turn
        test_match.select_piece('d2')  # select white pawn
        self.assertTrue(test_match.move('d4'))  # move two spaces forward
        pawn = test_match.chessboard.get_piece(
            'd4')  # get occupant at new position
        self.assertIs(type(pawn), Pawn)  # ensure pawn is at the new position
        empty = test_match.chessboard.get_piece(
            'd2')  # get occupant at pawn's old position
        self.assertEqual(empty, 0)  # ensure pawn's old position is empty

        # test rejection of moving pawn two spaces forward after first turn

        # test success of moving pawn one space forward after first turn

        # craft scenario where moving a white pawn forward one space will result in white's king in check
        pcs = {
            'black': {
                'initial': [(0, 0)],
                'final': [(4, 0)]
            'white': {
                'initial': [(7, 4), (6, 3)],
                'final': [(4, 4), (4, 3)]
        test_match.chessboard = generate_scenario(pcs)

        # test rejection of moving white pawn forward leaving white king in check
        test_match.select_piece('d4')  # select white pawn
예제 #11
    def test_is_move_valid(self):
        """ Unit test for Pawn.is_move_valid() method """
        pcs = {
            'black': {
                'initial': [(1, 2)],
                'final': [(5, 2)]
            'white': {
                'initial': [(6, 5)],
                'final': [(4, 5)]
        test_board = generate_scenario(pcs)

        # test for success of two spaces forward on first move
        pawn = test_board.get_piece('a2')
        self.assertTrue(pawn.is_move_valid((4, 0), test_board.board))

        # test for rejection of two spaces forward after first move
        pawn.moved = True
        self.assertFalse(pawn.is_move_valid((4, 0), test_board.board))

        # test for success of one space forward
        self.assertTrue(pawn.is_move_valid((5, 0), test_board.board))

        # test for rejection of move one space forward when opponent is blocking
        pawn = test_board.get_piece('c2')
        self.assertFalse(pawn.is_move_valid((5, 2), test_board.board))

        # test for rejection of move two spaces forward when opponent is blocking first space but not second
        self.assertFalse(pawn.is_move_valid((4, 2), test_board.board))

        # test for success of diagonal move to eliminate opponent
        pawn = test_board.get_piece('d2')
        self.assertTrue(pawn.is_move_valid((5, 2), test_board.board))

        # test for rejection of diagonal move into an empty square
        self.assertFalse(pawn.is_move_valid((5, 4), test_board.board))

        # test for rejection of move backward
        pawn = test_board.get_piece('f4')
        self.assertFalse(pawn.is_move_valid((5, 5), test_board.board))

        # craft en passant scenario
        pcs = {
            'black': {
                'initial': [(1, 2)],
                'final': [(3, 2)]
            'white': {
                'initial': [(6, 1)],
                'final': [(3, 1)]
        test_board = generate_scenario(pcs)
        wpawn = test_board.get_piece('b5')  # white pawn in en passant position
        bpawn = test_board.get_piece('c5')  # black pawn
        bpawn.first_move = 2
        bpawn.two_step = True
        # test success of en passant move
        turn = 3  # immediate turn after black pawn moved forward two spaces
            (2, 2), test_board.board, turn))  # assert en passant move is valid
            wpawn.enpassant)  # assert enpassant attribute was turned on
            (0, 2), test_board.board,
            turn))  # assert move only goes one direction
        # test rejection of en passant move after it is forfeited
        turn = 5
            (2, 2), test_board.board,
            turn))  # assert en passant move is invalid