예제 #1
from users import authenticate
from behave import given, when, then, step
from test_config import TestConfig
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from ui_utils import go_to_page, input_text_by_id
from hamcrest import *

configs = TestConfig.configs()
user_email = configs.get('email')
user_password = configs.get('password')
orb_url = configs.get('orb_url')

@given("the Orb user logs in through the UI")
def logs_in_orb_ui(context):
    context.token = authenticate(user_email, user_password)['token']

@step("that the user is on the orb page")
def orb_page(context):
    current_url = go_to_page(orb_url, context)
    assert_that(current_url, equal_to(f"{orb_url}/auth/login"),
                "user not enabled to access orb login page")

@when("the Orb user logs in Orb UI")
def use_credentials(context):
예제 #2
import random

from behave import then, step
from utils import random_string, filter_list_by_parameter_start_with, validate_json
from hamcrest import *
import requests
from test_config import TestConfig
from datetime import datetime
from random import choice

dataset_name_prefix = "test_dataset_name_"

orb_url = TestConfig.configs().get('orb_url')
configs = TestConfig.configs()

@step("{amount_of_datasets} new dataset is created using the policy, {group_order} group and {amount_of_sinks}"
      " {sink_number}")
def create_new_dataset(context, amount_of_datasets, group_order, amount_of_sinks, sink_number):
    assert_that(sink_number, any_of(equal_to("sink"), equal_to("sinks")), "Unexpected value for sink")
    assert_that(group_order, any_of(equal_to("first"), equal_to("second"), equal_to("last"), equal_to("an existing")),
                "Unexpected value for group.")

    if group_order == "an existing":
        groups_to_be_used = random.sample(list(context.agent_groups.keys()), int(amount_of_datasets))
        assert_that(str(amount_of_datasets), equal_to(str(1)), "For more than one dataset, pass 'an existing' as group"
                                                          " parameter")
        order_convert = {"first": 0, "last": -1, "second": 1}
        groups_to_be_used = [list(context.agent_groups.keys())[order_convert[group_order]]]