예제 #1
def plot():
	train_time,trainingX,trainingY = read_data(0,70000)
	test_time,testingX,testingY = read_data(130000,162000)

	plt.plot(trainingX[:,2], scale*trainingY, 'b.', markersize=6, label=u'Observations', color=BLUE)
	plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
	plt.ylabel('Acceleration [g]')
	plt.legend(loc='upper left')

	# Plot the training time series
	fig = plt.figure()
	plt.plot(train_time, scale*trainingY, 'b', label=u'Observations', color=BLUE)
	plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
	plt.ylabel('Acceleration [g]')
	plt.title('Predictions for Training Set')

	# Plot the testing time series
	fig = plt.figure()
	plt.plot(test_time, scale*testingY, 'b', label=u'Observations', color=BLUE)
	plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
	plt.ylabel('Acceleration [g]')
	plt.title('Bridge Acceleration')
	plt.legend(['Recorded time series','Predicted Values'])
    def run(self):
        # Get command line arguments and initialize test_dir with directory
        self.test_dir = self.args.directory

        # Get test_set by calling read_data from test_data.py
        test_set = test_data.read_data(self.test_dir)

        for test_doc in test_set.values():
            # Initially creates a .key file from default rake and adds default keywords to the file
            # Gets optimum parameters by using .key file created in previous step, and creates
            # a rake object using these parameters
            self.get_final_keywords(test_doc, test_set)

        print('Keywords will be stored in a .key file with the same name as the input file.')
__author__ = 'a_medelyan'
import test_data
import rake
import sys

# reading a directory with test documents
input_dir = sys.argv[1]
# number of top ranked keywords to evaluate
top = int(sys.argv[2])

test_set = test_data.read_data(input_dir)

best_fmeasure = 0
best_vals = []

for min_char_length in range(3, 8):
    for max_words_length in range(3, 6):
        for min_keyword_frequency in range(1, 7):

            rake_object = rake.Rake("SmartStoplist.txt", min_char_length,
                                    max_words_length, min_keyword_frequency)
            total_fmeasure = 0
            for test_doc in test_set.values():
                keywords = rake_object.run(test_doc.text)

                num_manual_keywords = len(test_doc.keywords)
                correct = 0
                    for i in range(0, min(top, len(keywords))):
                        if keywords[i][0] in set(test_doc.keywords):
                            correct += 1
예제 #4
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from six.moves import range
__author__ = 'a_medelyan'
import test_data
import rake
import sys

# reading a directory with test documents
input_dir = sys.argv[1]
# number of top ranked keywords to evaluate
top = int(sys.argv[2])

test_set = test_data.read_data(input_dir)

best_fmeasure = 0
best_vals = []

for min_char_length in range(3,8):
    for max_words_length in range(3,6):
        for min_keyword_frequency in range(1,7):

            rake_object = rake.Rake("SmartStoplist.txt", min_char_length, max_words_length, min_keyword_frequency)
            total_fmeasure = 0
            for test_doc in test_set.values():
                keywords = rake_object.run(test_doc.text)

                num_manual_keywords = len(test_doc.keywords)
                correct = 0
                    for i in range(0,min(top, len(keywords))):