예제 #1
def run_tests():
    This function runs a set of tests to help you debug your
    program as you develop it.
    print("**** TESTING --- 5 iterations for sqrt of 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000")
    testEQ("1.0", my_sqrt(1.0, 5), 1.0)
    testEQ("10.0", my_sqrt(10.0, 5), 3.162277665175675)
    testEQ("100.0", my_sqrt(100.0, 5), 10.032578510960604)
    testEQ("1000.0", my_sqrt(1000.0, 5), 41.24542607499115)
    testEQ("10000.0", my_sqrt(10000.0, 5), 323.0844833048122)
    print("*** End of provided test cases.  Add some of your own? ****")
예제 #2
def run_tests():
    This function runs a set of tests to help you debug your
    program as you develop it.
    print("**** TESTING --- Check string reversal functionality")
    testEQ("'12345' -> '54321'", string_reverse('12345'), '54321')
    testEQ("'zyxwvut' -> 'tuvwxyz'", string_reverse('zyxwvut'), 'tuvwxyz')
    testEQ("'a string' -> 'gnirts a'", string_reverse('a string'), 'gnirts a')
    testEQ("'able was i ere i saw elba' -> 'able was i ere i saw elba'",
           string_reverse('able was i ere i saw elba'),
           'able was i ere i saw elba')
    print("*** End of provided test cases.  Add some of your own? ****")
예제 #3
#   To test your game_dict module, invoke it on the
#   command line:
#      python3  game_dict.py    (in MacOS), or
#      python  game_dict.py     (in Windows)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This code executes only if we execute game_dict.py by itself,
    # not if we import it into boggler.py
    from test_harness import testEQ
    # shortdict contains "alpha", "beta", "delta", "gamma", "omega"
    testEQ("First word in dictionary (alpha)", search("alpha"), WORD)
    testEQ("Last word in dictionary (omega)", search("omega"), WORD)
    testEQ("Within dictionary (beta)", search("beta"), WORD)
    testEQ("Within dictionary (delta)", search("delta"), WORD)
    testEQ("Within dictionary (gamma)", search("gamma"), WORD)
    testEQ("Prefix of first word (al)", search("al"), PREFIX)
    testEQ("Prefix of last word (om)", search("om"), PREFIX)
    testEQ("Prefix of interior word (bet)", search("bet"),PREFIX)
    testEQ("Prefix of interior word (gam)", search("gam"),PREFIX)
    testEQ("Prefix of interior word (del)", search("del"),PREFIX)
    testEQ("Before any word (aardvark)", search("aardvark"), NO_MATCH)
    testEQ("After all words (zephyr)", search("zephyr"), NO_MATCH)
    testEQ("Interior non-word (axe)", search("axe"), NO_MATCH)
    testEQ("Interior non-word (carrot)", search("carrot"), NO_MATCH)
    testEQ("Interior non-word (hagiography)",
        search("hagiography"), NO_MATCH)
예제 #4
def run_tests():
    This function runs a set of tests to help you debug your
    program as you develop it.
    l = [-27, -12, -5, -1, 0, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 25, 46, 99]
    print("**** TESTING --- Check membership of locally-defined set")
    testEQ("-99 is False", is_member(l, -99), False)
    testEQ("115 is False", is_member(l, 115), False)
    testEQ("-27 is True", is_member(l, -27), True)
    testEQ("99 is True", is_member(l, 99), True)
    testEQ("0 is True", is_member(l, 0), True)
    testEQ("-4 is False", is_member(l, -4), False)
    testEQ("14 is False", is_member(l, 14), False)
    print("*** End of provided test cases.  Add some of your own? ****")
예제 #5
def run_tests():
    This function runs a set of tests to help you debug your
    program as you develop it.
    print("**** TESTING --- examples from course assignment page")
    testEQ("4327 => lohi", alphacode(4327), "lohi")
    testEQ("1298 => dizo", alphacode(1298), "dizo")
    testEQ("1111 => dede", alphacode(1111), "dede")
    print("***** Longer PIN codes ****")
    testEQ("1234567 => begomari?", alphacode(1234567), "begomari")
    testEQ("42424242 => lililili ?", alphacode(42424242), "lililili")
    testEQ("98765 => cuwira?", alphacode(98765), "cuwira")
    testEQ("987654 => zotenu?", alphacode(987654), "zotenu")
    testEQ("246801 => gurobe", alphacode(246801), "gurobe")
    testEQ("(same digit pairs, reverse order) 547698 => nutezo ?",
           alphacode(547698), "nutezo")
    print("**** Edge cases (robustness testing) ****")
    testEQ("0 => empty mnemonic ?", alphacode(0), "")
    testEQ("-42 and all negative numbers => empty mnemonic? ", alphacode(-42),
    print("*** End of provided test cases.  Add some of your own? ****")
예제 #6
#  Test driver
#    for testing game_dict.py by itself,
#    separate from boggler.py
#   Note we will need shortdict.txt for testing

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This code executes only if we execute game_dict.py by itself,
    # not if we import it into boggler.py
    from test_harness import testEQ
    # shortdict contains "alpha", "beta","delta", "gamma", "omega"
    testEQ("First word in dictionar (alpha)", search("alpha"), WORD)
    testEQ("Last word in dictionary (omega)", search("omega"), WORD)
    testEQ("Within dictionary (beta)", search("beta"), WORD)
    testEQ("Within dictionary (delta)", search("delta"), WORD)
    testEQ("Within dictionary (gamma)", search("gamma"), WORD)
    testEQ("Prefix of first word (al)", search("al"), PREFIX)
    testEQ("Prefix of last word (om)", search("om"), PREFIX)
    testEQ("Prefix of interior word (bet)", search("bet"), PREFIX)
    testEQ("Prefix of interior word (gam)", search("gam"), PREFIX)
    testEQ("Prefix of interior word (del)", search("del"), PREFIX)
    testEQ("Before any word (aardvark)", search("aardvark"), NO_MATCH)
    testEQ("After all words (zephyr)", search("zephyr"), NO_MATCH)
    testEQ("Interior non-word (axe)", search("axe"), NO_MATCH)
    testEQ("Interior non-word (carrot)", search("carrot"), NO_MATCH)
    testEQ("Interior non-word (hagiography)", search("hagiography"), NO_MATCH)
    # Try again with only words of length at least 5