예제 #1
    def test_wave_through_drained_linear_elastic_soil(self):
        Test dynamic calculation on a drained linear elastic soil column. a line load of -1kN is instantly placed
        on the soil column. The soil parameters are chosen such that after 0.002 seconds, the wave is reflected at the
        bottom of the geometry such that half the stress in the soil column is cancelled out.
        test_name = 'test_1d_wave_prop_drained_soil.gid'
        file_path = test_helper.get_file_path(os.path.join('.', test_name))

        simulation = test_helper.run_kratos(file_path)

        # get effective stress
        efective_stresses = test_helper.get_cauchy_stress_tensor(simulation)
        efective_stresses_yy = [
            integration_point[1, 1] for element in efective_stresses
            for integration_point in element

        # get coordinates of the gauss points
        gauss_coordinates = test_helper.get_gauss_coordinates(simulation)
        gauss_coordinates_y = [
            integration_point[1] for element in gauss_coordinates
            for integration_point in element

        # calculate the expected effective stress in the soil column
        expected_effective_stresses_yy = [
            -1000 if gauss_coordinate_y >= -0.49 else
            0 if gauss_coordinate_y <= -0.51 else -500
            for gauss_coordinate_y in gauss_coordinates_y

        # calculate root mean square error
        square_errors = [
            (efective_stress_yy - expected_effective_stresses_yy[idx])**2
            for idx, efective_stress_yy in enumerate(efective_stresses_yy)
        rmse = (sum(square_errors) / len(square_errors))**0.5

        # assert root mean square error, the allowable error is 10% of the applied load
        self.assertLess(rmse, 100)
예제 #2
    def assert_linear_elastic_block(self, simulation, top_node_nbrs, n_dim):
        Assert results of a linear elastic block. The sides of the block can move freely in vertical direction and are
        fixed in horizontal direction. The bottom of the block is fixed. On top of the block, a load of 10kN/m2 is
        placed. Results are: total stresses, effective stresses, displacements and green langrange strains.

        :param simulation: Kratos simulation
        :param top_node_nbrs: node numbers of the nodes at the top of the geometry
        :param n_dim: number of dimensions
        total_stresses = test_helper.get_total_stress_tensor(simulation)
        total_stresses_xx = [
            integration_point[0, 0] for element in total_stresses
            for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 2:
            total_stresses_yy = [
                integration_point[1, 1] for element in total_stresses
                for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 3:
            total_stresses_zz = [
                integration_point[2, 2] for element in total_stresses
                for integration_point in element

        efective_stresses = test_helper.get_cauchy_stress_tensor(simulation)
        efective_stresses_xx = [
            integration_point[0, 0] for element in efective_stresses
            for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 2:
            efective_stresses_yy = [
                integration_point[1, 1] for element in efective_stresses
                for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 3:
            efective_stresses_zz = [
                integration_point[2, 2] for element in efective_stresses
                for integration_point in element

        displacements = test_helper.get_displacement(simulation)
        x_displacements = [displacement[0] for displacement in displacements]
        if n_dim >= 2:
            y_displacements = [
                displacement[1] for displacement in displacements
        if n_dim >= 3:
            z_displacements = [
                displacement[2] for displacement in displacements

        green_lagrange_strains = test_helper.get_green_lagrange_strain_tensor(
        green_lagrange_strains_xx = [
            integration_point[0, 0] for element in green_lagrange_strains
            for integration_point in element
        if n_dim == 2:
            green_lagrange_strains_yy = [
                integration_point[1, 1] for element in green_lagrange_strains
                for integration_point in element
        elif n_dim == 3:
            green_lagrange_strains_yy = [
                integration_point[1, 1] for element in green_lagrange_strains
                for integration_point in element
            green_lagrange_strains_zz = [
                integration_point[2, 2] for element in green_lagrange_strains
                for integration_point in element

        # Assert integration point information
        for idx, total_stress_xx in enumerate(total_stresses_xx):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, total_stress_xx)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(-1e4, total_stresses_yy[idx])
            if n_dim >= 3:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, total_stresses_zz[idx])

            self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, efective_stresses_xx[idx])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(-1e4, efective_stresses_yy[idx])
            if n_dim >= 3:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, efective_stresses_zz[idx])

            self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, green_lagrange_strains_xx[idx])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(-0.00033333, green_lagrange_strains_yy[idx])
            if n_dim >= 3:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, green_lagrange_strains_zz[idx])

        # Assert displacements
        for x_displacement in x_displacements:
            self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, x_displacement)

        for top_node_nbr in top_node_nbrs:
            self.assertAlmostEqual(-0.00033333, y_displacements[top_node_nbr],

        if n_dim >= 3:
            for z_displacement in z_displacements:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, z_displacement)
예제 #3
    def test_benchmark2_2(self):
        In this benchmark a two stage model is tested, where a simple clay dike is put on top of a sand layer.
        The test is calculated using gravity loading. And UMAT-Mohr-Coulomb

        This test compares minimum, maximum stress in the last stage.

        test_name = os.path.join('Simple_Dike_Gravity_Loading',
        project_path = test_helper.get_file_path(os.path.join('.', test_name))
        n_stages = 2
        stages = test_helper.run_stages(project_path, n_stages)

        max_x_total_stress_plaxis = 0.0
        min_x_total_stress_plaxis = -140430.9

        max_y_total_stress_plaxis = -1377.6
        min_y_total_stress_plaxis = -424253.415

        cauchy_stresses_kratos = test_helper.get_cauchy_stress_tensor(

        x_cauchy_stress_kratos = [[
            gauss_point[0, 0] for gauss_point in element
        ] for element in cauchy_stresses_kratos]
        y_cauchy_stress_kratos = [[
            gauss_point[1, 1] for gauss_point in element
        ] for element in cauchy_stresses_kratos]

        min_x_cauchy_stress_kratos, max_x_cauchy_stress_kratos = min(
            min(x_cauchy_stress_kratos)), max(max(x_cauchy_stress_kratos))
        min_y_cauchy_stress_kratos, max_y_cauchy_stress_kratos = min(
            min(y_cauchy_stress_kratos)), max(max(y_cauchy_stress_kratos))

        relative_precision_stress = 0.05

        absolute_precision_stress = 1e3

                                   abs(max_x_total_stress_plaxis *
                                   abs(min_x_total_stress_plaxis *

            delta=max(max_y_total_stress_plaxis * relative_precision_stress,
                                   abs(min_x_total_stress_plaxis *
예제 #4
    def test_benchmark1_3(self):
        smooth rigid strip footing on elastic soil
        from analytical_solutions import rigid_footing
        import math
        test_name = 'smoothrigidfootingonelasticsoil_2'
        file_path = test_helper.get_file_path(
            os.path.join('.', test_name + '.gid'))

        simulation = test_helper.run_kratos(file_path)

        cauchy_stress_tensor = test_helper.get_cauchy_stress_tensor(simulation)

        step_size = 0.005
        B = 1
        delta = 0.88
        G = 500
        nu = 0.333
        settlement = 0.01
        F = settlement * 2 * (1 + nu) * G / delta

        sigma_v = rigid_footing(0, B, delta, G, nu, settlement)
        print("sigma_v = " + str(sigma_v))

        x = [i * step_size for i in range(int(B / step_size) + 1)]
        xmid = [(x[i] + x[i + 1]) / 2 for i in range(len(x) - 1)]

        # sigma_v = [2 / math.pi * F / 2 / (B * math.sqrt(1 - (xi / B) ** 2)) for xi in xmid]

        model_part = simulation._list_of_output_processes[0].model_part
        elements = model_part.Elements

        distances = []
        min_distance_elements = []
        min_distance_idxs = []
        for xi in xmid:
            min_distance = 10**10
            min_distance_element = None
            for element_idx, element in enumerate(elements):

                nodes = element.GetNodes()
                #integration_points = element.GetIntegrationPoints()

                centroid = [0, 0, 0]
                centre_x = sum([node.X0 for node in nodes]) / len(nodes)
                centre_y = sum([node.X0 for node in nodes]) / len(nodes)
                centre_z = sum([node.X0 for node in nodes]) / len(nodes)

                centroid = [[centre_x[i], centre_y[i], centre_z[i]]
                            for i in range(len(centre_x))]
                for node in nodes:
                    centroid[0] = centroid[0] + node.X0
                    centroid[1] = centroid[1] + node.Y0
                    centroid[2] = centroid[2] + node.Z0
                centroid = [x / len(nodes) for x in centroid]
                # for integration_point in integration_points:
                #    distance = compute_distance(integration_point,[xi,0.0,0.0])
                distance = test_helper.compute_distance(
                    centroid, [xi, 0.0, 0.0])
                if distance < min_distance:
                    min_distance = distance
                    min_distance_element = element
                    min_distance_idx = element_idx

        cauchy_stresses_at_load = [
            for min_distance_idx in min_distance_idxs
        reaction_force = [
            (cauchy_stress_at_load[0][3] + cauchy_stress_at_load[1][3] +
             cauchy_stress_at_load[2][3]) / 3 * step_size
            for cauchy_stress_at_load in cauchy_stresses_at_load
예제 #5
    def assert_linear_elastic_saturated_block(self, simulation, n_dim):
        Assert results of a linear elastic fully saturated block. The sides of the block can move freely in vertical
        direction and are fixed in horizontal direction. The bottom of the block is fixed. On top of the block, a
        hydrostatic water load is applied with a hydraulic head 1 meter above the top of the soil placed. Results are:
        total stresses, effective stresses, displacements, green langrange strains and water pressure.

        :param simulation: Kratos simulation
        :param top_node_nbrs: node numbers of the nodes at the top of the geometry
        :param n_dim: number of dimensions
        # get total stresses
        total_stresses = test_helper.get_total_stress_tensor(simulation)
        total_stresses_xx = [
            integration_point[0, 0] for element in total_stresses
            for integration_point in element

        if n_dim >= 2:
            total_stresses_yy = [
                integration_point[1, 1] for element in total_stresses
                for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 3:
            total_stresses_zz = [
                integration_point[2, 2] for element in total_stresses
                for integration_point in element

        # get effective stresses
        efective_stresses = test_helper.get_cauchy_stress_tensor(simulation)
        efective_stresses_xx = [
            integration_point[0, 0] for element in efective_stresses
            for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 2:
            efective_stresses_yy = [
                integration_point[1, 1] for element in efective_stresses
                for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 3:
            efective_stresses_zz = [
                integration_point[2, 2] for element in efective_stresses
                for integration_point in element

        # get strains
        green_lagrange_strains = test_helper.get_green_lagrange_strain_tensor(
        green_lagrange_strains_xx = [
            integration_point[0, 0] for element in green_lagrange_strains
            for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 2:
            green_lagrange_strains_yy = [
                integration_point[1, 1] for element in green_lagrange_strains
                for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 3:
            green_lagrange_strains_zz = [
                integration_point[2, 2] for element in green_lagrange_strains
                for integration_point in element

        # get displacements
        displacements = test_helper.get_displacement(simulation)
        x_displacements = [displacement[0] for displacement in displacements]
        if n_dim >= 2:
            y_displacements = [
                displacement[1] for displacement in displacements
        if n_dim >= 3:
            z_displacements = [
                displacement[2] for displacement in displacements

        # get water pressures
        water_pressures = test_helper.get_water_pressure(simulation)

        # get coordinates
        nodal_coordinates = test_helper.get_nodal_coordinates(simulation)
        gauss_coordinates = test_helper.get_gauss_coordinates(simulation)

        # get the coordinates of all gauss points in a list
        gauss_coordinates_x = [
            integration_point[0] for element in gauss_coordinates
            for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 2:
            gauss_coordinates_y = [
                integration_point[1] for element in gauss_coordinates
                for integration_point in element
        if n_dim >= 3:
            gauss_coordinates_z = [
                integration_point[2] for element in gauss_coordinates
                for integration_point in element

        # Calculate expected values
        expected_water_pressure = [
            coord[1] * 1e4 - 2e4 for coord in nodal_coordinates
        #todo correct this
        expected_displacements_y = [
            coord[1] * 0.0001667 for coord in nodal_coordinates

        expected_total_stress_xx = [
            gauss_coordinate_y * 1e4 - 2e4
            for gauss_coordinate_y in gauss_coordinates_y
        if n_dim >= 2:
            expected_eff_stress_yy = [
                (1 - gauss_coordinate_y) * 1e4
                for gauss_coordinate_y in gauss_coordinates_y
            expected_strain_yy = [(1 - gauss_coordinate_y) * 0.00033333
                                  for gauss_coordinate_y in gauss_coordinates_y
        if n_dim >= 3:
            expected_total_stress_zz = expected_total_stress_xx

        # Assert integration point information
        for idx, total_stress_xx in enumerate(total_stresses_xx):
                                   total_stress_xx, 4)
            if n_dim >= 2:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(-1e4, total_stresses_yy[idx], 1)
            if n_dim >= 3:
                                       total_stresses_zz[idx], 4)

            self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, efective_stresses_xx[idx], 4)
            if n_dim >= 2:
                                       efective_stresses_yy[idx], 4)
            if n_dim >= 3:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, efective_stresses_zz[idx], 4)

            self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, green_lagrange_strains_xx[idx])
            if n_dim >= 2:
            if n_dim >= 3:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, green_lagrange_strains_zz[idx])

        # Assert displacements
        for x_displacement in x_displacements:
            self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, x_displacement)

        for node_idx in range(len(nodal_coordinates)):
            #todo correct expected displacement
            # if n_dim >= 2:
            #     self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_displacements_y[node_idx], y_displacements[node_idx], 6)
                                   water_pressures[node_idx], 6)

        if n_dim >= 3:
            for z_displacement in z_displacements:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, z_displacement)