예제 #1
    def addTwoNumbers2(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        Regular solution using a stack.
        def get_stack(l: ListNode) -> List[int]:
            stack, curr = [], l
            while curr:
                curr = curr.next

            return stack

        s1, s2 = get_stack(l1), get_stack(l2)
        carry, nextNode = 0, None
        while s1 or s2 or carry:
            curr = 0
            if s1:
                curr += s1.pop()

            if s2:
                curr += s2.pop()

            carry, curr = divmod(curr + carry, 10)
            currNode = ListNode(curr)
            currNode.next = nextNode
            nextNode = currNode

        return nextNode
    def removeNthFromEnd(self, head: 'ListNode', n: 'int') -> 'ListNode':
        refDict = {}
        cnt = 0
        fakeHead = ListNode(None)
        fakeHead.next = head

        while fakeHead is not None:
            cnt += 1
            refDict[cnt] = fakeHead
            fakeHead = fakeHead.next

        # When list is too short, return the original list head directly.
        if cnt > n:
            # The node to be deleted is stored at refDict[cnt - n + 1].
            refDict[cnt - n].next = refDict.get(cnt - n + 2)

        return refDict[1].next
 def deleteNode(self, node: ListNode):
     node.val = node.next.val
     node.next = node.next.next