def part_one():
    text = getLines("resources/22.txt", to_int=False)
    deck = new_deck(10007)
#     text = """
# deal with increment 7
# deal with increment 9
# cut -2""".splitlines()[1:]
#     text = """
# deal into new stack
# cut -2
# deal with increment 7
# cut 8
# cut -4
# deal with increment 7
# cut 3
# deal with increment 9
# deal with increment 3
# cut -1""".splitlines()[1:]
    # deck = new_deck(10)
    for i in range(0, 2)
        for t in text:
            deck = shuf(deck, t)
        for k, v in enumerate(deck):
            if i == 2019:
def part_two():
    text = getLines("resources/22.txt", to_int=False)
    # front = list(range(0, 100000))
    # back = list(range(119315717514047-100000, 119315717514047))
    front = list(range(0, 400000))
    back = list(range(119315717514047-400000, 119315717514047))
#     text = """
# deal with increment 7
# deal with increment 9
# cut -2""".splitlines()[1:]
#     text = """
# deal into new stack
# cut -2
# deal with increment 7
# cut 8
# cut -4
# deal with increment 7
# cut 3
# deal with increment 9
# deal with increment 3
# cut -1""".splitlines()[1:]
    # deck = new_deck(10)
    deck = (front, back)
    last = 0
    for i in range(0, 10):
        for t in text:
            deck = shuf2(deck, t, 10011931571751404707)
        for i, v in enumerate(deck[0]):
            if i == 2020:
                print(last - v)
                last = v
예제 #3
def test_part_one():
    lines = getLines("resources/8.txt", False)
    layers = get_layers(lines[0], height=6, width=25)
    counts = []
    for layer in layers:
        counts.append((layer.count('0'), layer.count('1') * layer.count('2')))
    assert sorted(counts)[0][1] == 1848
예제 #4
def test_part_two_file():
    a = get_asteroids(getLines('resources/10.txt', to_int=False))
    d = distances(a)
    t = d[(20, 18)]

    s = sorted(t, key=attrgetter('angle', 'length'))
    abc = accumulate(s)
    result = rotate_laser(abc)

    assert (result[199].tox == 7 and result[199].toy == 6)
예제 #5
def get_orbiters(filename):
    lines = test_one.getLines(filename, to_int=False)
    d = dict()
    for line in lines:
        planets = str.split(line, ')')
        orbiter = planets[1]
        orbited = planets[0]
        if orbiter not in d:
            d[orbiter] = orbited
    return d
예제 #6
def test_part_two():
    h = 6
    w = 25

    lines = getLines("resources/8.txt", False)
    layers = get_layers(lines[0], height=h, width=w)
    layers_by_row = []
    for layer in layers:
        rows = []
        for row in get_rows(layer, w):

    img = get_transparent_image(height=h, width=w)
    img = decode_image(img, layers_by_row)
예제 #7
def part_two():
    text = """
             Z L X W       C                 
             Z P Q B       K                 
  #...#.#    F       R I       Z    #.#.#.#  
  #.###.#    D       E C       H    #.#.#.#  
  #.#...#                           #...#.#  
  #.###.#                           #.###.#  
  #.#....OA                       WB..#.#..ZH
  #.###.#                           #.#.#.#  
CJ......#                           #.....#  
  #######                           #######  
  #.#....CK                         #......IC
  #.###.#                           #.###.#  
  #.....#                           #...#.#  
  ###.###                           #.#.#.#  
XF....#.#                         RF..#.#.#  
  #####.#                           #######  
  #......CJ                       NM..#...#  
  ###.#.#                           #.###.#  
RE....#.#                           #......RF
  ###.###        X   X       L      #.#.#.#  
  #.....#        F   Q       P      #.#.#.#  
               A O F   N                     
               A A D   M                     """.splitlines()[1:]

    text = getLines("resources/20.txt", to_int=False)
예제 #8
def test_part_two():
    lines = test_one.getLines("resources/14.txt", to_int=False)
    target = 1000000000000
    guess = 5000000
    low_guess = 1000000
    high_guess = 10000000
    out = find_ore_req(lines, guess)[0]
    last_high = 0
    last_low = 0
    for _ in range(0, 200):
        if out < target:
            last_low = out
            low_guess = guess
            guess = int((low_guess + high_guess) / 2)
            out = find_ore_req(lines, guess)[0]
        elif out > target:
            last_high = out
            high_guess = guess
            guess = int((low_guess + high_guess) / 2)
            out = find_ore_req(lines, guess)[0]
        if out in (last_high, last_low):
    assert guess == 6216589
예제 #9
def test_part_one():
    part_one = getLines('resources/10.txt', to_int=False)
    assert get_max(part_one) == ((20, 18), 280)
                    new_grid[k] = "."
                if adj_bugs == 1:
                    new_grid[k] = "#"
                    new_grid[k] = "."
    return new_grid

def bd_rating(grid):
    rating = 0
    for k, v in grid.items():
        if v == "#":
            i = k[1] * 5 + k[0]
            rating = rating + int(pow(2, i))
    return rating

lines = getLines("resources/24.txt", to_int=False)
grid = {(j, i): w for i, v in enumerate(lines) for j, w in enumerate(v)}

ratings = {}
for i in range(0, 100):
    rating = bd_rating(grid)
    if rating not in ratings:
        ratings[rating] = True
        grid = tick(grid)
        print("twice", rating)
예제 #11
def part_one():
    text = getLines("resources/20.txt", to_int=False)