예제 #1
 def __stop_user_rackhd(self):
     Stop RackHD services from user provided RackHD code repo
     get_pid_cmd = ['ps aux | grep node| grep index.js | sed "/grep/d"| ' \
                         'sed "/sudo/d" | awk \'{print $2}\' | sort -r -n']
     output = utils.robust_check_output(cmd=get_pid_cmd, shell=True)
     process_list = output["message"].strip("\n").split("\n")
     for pid in process_list:
         pid_service_name = self.__get_pid_executing_path(pid).split("/")[-1]
         kill_pid_cmd = ["kill", "-9", pid]
         result = utils.robust_check_output(kill_pid_cmd)
         description = "Stop RackHD service {}".format(pid_service_name)
         Logger.record_command_result(description, 'error', result)
예제 #2
 def __stop_user_rackhd(self):
     Stop RackHD services from user provided RackHD code repo
     get_pid_cmd = ['ps aux | grep node | sed "/grep/d"| ' \
                         'sed "/sudo/d" | awk \'{print $2}\' | sort -r -n']
     output = utils.robust_check_output(cmd=get_pid_cmd, shell=True)
     process_list = output["message"].strip("\n").split("\n")
     for pid in process_list:
         pid_service_name = self.__get_pid_executing_path(pid).split("/")[-1]
         if pid_service_name not in self.services:
         kill_pid_cmd = ["kill", "-9", pid]
         result = utils.robust_check_output(kill_pid_cmd)
         description = "Stop RackHD service {}".format(pid_service_name)
         Logger.record_command_result(description, 'error', result)
예제 #3
 def __start_user_rackhd(self):
     Start RackHD services from user provided RackHD code repo
     for service in self.services:
         description = "Start RackHD service {}".format(service)
         os.chdir(os.path.join(self.source_code_path, service))
         cmd = ["node index.js > /dev/null 2>&1 &"]  # RackHD services need run in background
         result = utils.robust_check_output(cmd=cmd, shell=True)
         Logger.record_command_result(description, 'error', result)
예제 #4
 def __start_user_rackhd(self):
     Start RackHD services from user provided RackHD code repo
     for service in self.services:
         description = "Start RackHD service {}".format(service)
         os.chdir(os.path.join(self.source_code_path, service))
         cmd = ["node index.js > /dev/null 2>&1 &"]  # RackHD services need run in background
         result = utils.robust_check_output(cmd=cmd, shell=True)
         Logger.record_command_result(description, 'error', result)
예제 #5
 def __get_version_from_dpkg(self, service):
     Check RackHD version from 'dpkg -l' output
     # dpkg -l output example:
     #   ii  on-http 2.0.0-20170316UTC-25c81ec  amd64  RackHD HTTP engine service
     cmd = ["dpkg -l | grep {} | awk '{{print $3}}'".format(service)]
     result = utils.robust_check_output(cmd=cmd, shell=True)
     if not result["message"]:
         result["exit_code"] = -1
     return result
예제 #6
 def __get_pid_executing_path(self, pid):
     Get Linux pid executing path
     :param pid: Linux process id
     :return: pid executing path string, an example: "/home/onrack/src/on-http"
     # ls -l /proc/<pid> output example
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   0 Mar 28 14:11 cwd -> /home/onrack/src/on-http
     cmd = ["sudo ls -l /proc/{0} | grep cwd | awk '{{print $NF}}'".format(pid)]
     output = utils.robust_check_output(cmd, shell=True)
     return output["message"].strip("\n")
예제 #7
 def __get_pid_executing_path(self, pid):
     Get Linux pid executing path
     :param pid: Linux process id
     :return: pid executing path string, an example: "/home/onrack/src/on-http"
     # ls -l /proc/<pid> output example
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   0 Mar 28 14:11 cwd -> /home/onrack/src/on-http
     cmd = ["sudo ls -l /proc/{0} | grep cwd | awk '{{print $NF}}'".format(pid)]
     output = utils.robust_check_output(cmd, shell=True)
     return output["message"].strip("\n")
예제 #8
 def __operate_regular_rackhd(self, operator):
     Start or stop RackHD services from regular RackHD code repo /var/renasar/
     :param operator: operator for RackHD service, should be "start" or "stop"
     for service in self.services:
         description = "{} RackHD service {}".format(
             operator.capitalize(), service)
         cmd = ["service", service, operator]
         result = utils.robust_check_output(cmd)
         Logger.record_command_result(description, 'error', result)
예제 #9
 def __get_version_from_dpkg(self, service):
     Check RackHD version from 'dpkg -l' output
     # dpkg -l output example:
     #   ii  on-http 2.0.0-20170316UTC-25c81ec  amd64  RackHD HTTP engine service
     cmd = ["dpkg -l | grep {} | awk '{{print $3}}'".format(service)]
     result = utils.robust_check_output(cmd=cmd, shell=True)
     if not result["message"]:
         result["exit_code"] = -1
     return result
예제 #10
 def __operate_regular_rackhd(self, operator):
     Start or stop RackHD services from regular RackHD code repo /var/renasar/
     :param operator: operator for RackHD service, should be "start" or "stop"
     for service in self.services:
         description = "{} RackHD service {}".format(operator.capitalize(), service)
         cmd = ["service", service, operator]
         result = utils.robust_check_output(cmd)
         if not result["exit_code"]:
             result["message"] = ""
         Logger.record_command_result(description, 'error', result)
예제 #11
 def get_disk_capacity(self):
     Get disk capacity, fdisk -l output first line example:
         Disk /dev/sda: 104.9 GB, 104857600000 bytes
     result = utils.robust_check_output(self.disk_command)
     info_list = result["message"].strip("\n").strip(" ").split("\n")
     disk_info = info_list[0]
     pattern = re.compile("\d{0,5}\.?\d{0,3}\s+(T|G|M)B", re.I)
     match = pattern.search(disk_info)
     capacity = match.group()
     description = "RackHD server disk capacity: {}".format(capacity)
     Logger.record_log_message(description, "info", "")
     return capacity
예제 #12
 def check_service_process(self):
     Check RackHD required services running status
     for service in self.services:
         cmd = ["service", service, "status"]
         result = utils.robust_check_output(cmd)
         description = "Check service {} running status".format(service)
         if result["exit_code"] == 0:
             output = result["message"]
             if output.find("running") == -1:
                 result["exit_code"] = -1
                 result["message"] = ""  # message is not necessary for successful service
         Logger.record_command_result(description, "error", result)
예제 #13
 def check_service_process(self):
     Check RackHD required services running status
     for service in self.services:
         cmd = ["service", service, "status"]
         result = utils.robust_check_output(cmd)
         description = "Check service {} running status".format(service)
         if result["exit_code"] == 0:
             output = result["message"]
             if output.find("running") == -1:
                 result["exit_code"] = -1
                 result["message"] = ""  # message is not necessary for successful service
         Logger.record_command_result(description, "error", result)
예제 #14
 def get_disk_capacity(self):
     Get disk capacity, fdisk -l output first line example:
         Disk /dev/sda: 104.9 GB, 104857600000 bytes
     result = utils.robust_check_output(self.disk_command, shell=False, redirect=True)
     info_list = result["message"].strip("\n").strip(" ").split("\n")
     capacity = ""
     for disk_info in info_list:
         pattern = re.compile("Disk /dev/sd[a-z]{1,3}:\s+(\d{0,5}\.?\d{0,3}\s+(T|G|M)i?B)", re.I)
         match = pattern.search(disk_info)
         if match:
             capacity = match.group(1)
     description = "RackHD server disk capacity: {}".format(capacity)
     Logger.record_log_message(description, "info", "")
     return capacity
예제 #15
 def get_disk_capacity(self):
     Get disk capacity, fdisk -l output first line example:
         Disk /dev/sda: 104.9 GB, 104857600000 bytes
     result = utils.robust_check_output(self.disk_command, shell=False, redirect=True)
     info_list = result["message"].strip("\n").strip(" ").split("\n")
     capacity = ""
     for disk_info in info_list:
         pattern = re.compile("Disk /dev/sd[a-z]{1,3}:\s+(\d{0,5}\.?\d{0,3}\s+(T|G|M)i?B)", re.I)
         match = pattern.search(disk_info)
         if match:
             capacity = match.group(1)
     description = "RackHD server disk capacity: {}".format(capacity)
     Logger.record_log_message(description, "info", "")
     return capacity
예제 #16
 def get_mem_info(self):
     Get CPU information, command output first two lines example:
                     total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
         Mem:           31G       8.8G        22G       4.1M       689M       6.3G
     result = utils.robust_check_output(self.memory_command)
     info_list = result["message"].strip("\n").strip(" ").split("\n")
     title_list = info_list[0].strip(" ").split(" ")
     data_list = info_list[1].strip(" ").split(" ")
     title_list = [x for x in title_list if x]
     data_list = [x for x in data_list if x]
     del data_list[0]
     mem_info = {}
     for title, data in zip(title_list, data_list):
         mem_info[title] = data
     description = "RackHD server memory size: {}".format(mem_info["total"])
     Logger.record_log_message(description, "info", "")
     return mem_info
예제 #17
 def get_mem_info(self):
     Get CPU information, command output first two lines example:
                     total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
         Mem:           31G       8.8G        22G       4.1M       689M       6.3G
     result = utils.robust_check_output(self.memory_command)
     info_list = result["message"].strip("\n").strip(" ").split("\n")
     title_list = info_list[0].strip(" ").split(" ")
     data_list = info_list[1].strip(" ").split(" ")
     title_list = [x for x in title_list if x]
     data_list = [x for x in data_list if x]
     del data_list[0]
     mem_info = {}
     for title, data in zip(title_list, data_list):
         mem_info[title] = data
     description = "RackHD server memory size: {}".format(mem_info["total"])
     Logger.record_log_message(description, "info", "")
     return mem_info
예제 #18
 def get_cpu_info(self):
     Get CPU information, command output example:
         CPU(s):                4
         CPU MHz:               2693.509
         L1d cache:             32K
         L1i cache:             32K
         L2 cache:              256K
         L3 cache:              20480K
     result = utils.robust_check_output(self.cpu_command)
     info_list = result["message"].strip("\n").strip(" ").split("\n")
     cpu_info = {}
     for info in info_list:
         info = info.split(":")
         cpu_info[info[0].strip(" ")] = info[-1].strip(" ")
     description = "RackHD server CPU info: {} cores, {}MHz,".format(
         cpu_info["CPU(s)"], cpu_info["CPU MHz"])
     Logger.record_log_message(description, "info", "")
     return cpu_info
예제 #19
 def get_cpu_info(self):
     Get CPU information, command output example:
         CPU(s):                4
         CPU MHz:               2693.509
         L1d cache:             32K
         L1i cache:             32K
         L2 cache:              256K
         L3 cache:              20480K
     result = utils.robust_check_output(self.cpu_command)
     info_list = result["message"].strip("\n").strip(" ").split("\n")
     cpu_info = {}
     for info in info_list:
         info = info.split(":")
         cpu_info[info[0].strip(" ")] = info[-1].strip(" ")
     description = "RackHD server CPU info: {} cores, {}MHz,".format(
         cpu_info["CPU(s)"], cpu_info["CPU MHz"])
     Logger.record_log_message(description, "info", "")
     return cpu_info