예제 #1
import sys, os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.io.fits as fits

import logging

_log = logging.getLogger("test_webbpsf")

from .. import webbpsf_core
import poppy

# ------------------    NIRSpec Tests    ----------------------------

from test_webbpsf import generic_output_test, do_test_source_offset

test_nirspec = lambda: generic_output_test("NIRSpec")

# Use a larger than typical tolerance when testing NIRSpec offsets. The
# pixels are so undersampled (0.1 arcsec!) that it's unreasonable to try for
# better than 1/10th of a pixel precision using default settings.
test_nirspec_source_offset_00 = lambda: do_test_source_offset("NIRSpec", theta=0.0, tolerance=0.1, monochromatic=3e-6)
test_nirspec_source_offset_45 = lambda: do_test_source_offset("NIRSpec", theta=45.0, tolerance=0.1, monochromatic=3e-6)
예제 #2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.io.fits as fits

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('test_webbpsf')

from .. import webbpsf_core
import poppy
from .test_errorhandling import _exception_message_starts_with

#------------------    NIRCam Tests    ----------------------------
from test_webbpsf import generic_output_test, do_test_source_offset
test_nircam = lambda : generic_output_test('NIRCam')
test_nircam_source_offset_00 = lambda : do_test_source_offset('NIRCam', theta=0.0, monochromatic=2e-6)
test_nircam_source_offset_45 = lambda : do_test_source_offset('NIRCam', theta=45.0, monochromatic=2e-6)

test_nircam_blc_circ_45 =  lambda : do_test_nircam_blc(kind='circular', angle=45)
test_nircam_blc_circ_0 =   lambda : do_test_nircam_blc(kind='circular', angle=0)
test_nircam_blc_wedge_0 =  lambda : do_test_nircam_blc(kind='linear', angle=0)
test_nircam_blc_wedge_45 = lambda : do_test_nircam_blc(kind='linear', angle=45)

import pytest
# The test setup for this one is not quite right yet
#  See https://github.com/mperrin/webbpsf/issues/30
#  and https://github.com/mperrin/poppy/issues/29
def test_nircam_SAMC(oversample=4):
예제 #3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.io.fits as fits

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('test_webbpsf')

from .. import webbpsf_core
import poppy

#------------------    NIRISS Tests    ----------------------------

from test_webbpsf import generic_output_test, do_test_source_offset
test_niriss= lambda : generic_output_test('NIRISS')
test_niriss_source_offset_00 = lambda : do_test_source_offset('NIRISS', theta=0.0, monochromatic=3.0e-6)
test_niriss_source_offset_45 = lambda : do_test_source_offset('NIRISS', theta=45.0, monochromatic=3.0e-6)

def test_niriss_auto_pupil():
    """ Test switching between CLEAR and CLEARP
    depending on selected filter or wavelengths

    niriss = webbpsf_core.NIRISS()
    assert niriss.pupil_mask is None

    assert niriss.pupil_mask == 'CLEARP'
예제 #4
import astropy.io.fits as fits

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('test_webbpsf')

from .. import webbpsf_core
import poppy

#------------------    MIRI Tests    ----------------------------

from test_webbpsf import generic_output_test, do_test_source_offset

test_miri= lambda : generic_output_test('MIRI')
test_miri_source_offset_00 = lambda : do_test_source_offset('MIRI', theta=0.0, monochromatic=8e-6)
test_miri_source_offset_45 = lambda : do_test_source_offset('MIRI', theta=45.0, monochromatic=8e-6)

def do_test_miri_fqpm(nlambda=1, clobber=True, angle=0.0, offset=0.0, oversample=2, outputdir=None, display=False, save=False):
    miri = webbpsf_core.MIRI()
    miri.pupilopd = None
    miri.image_mask = 'FQPM1065'
    miri.pupil_mask = 'MASKFQPM'
    #for offset in np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nsteps):
    #miri.options['source_offset_theta'] = 0.0
    miri.options['source_offset_r'] = offset

    #for angle in [0,45]: