def wait_command(command, result, count=1, ns=namespace, retries=max_retries): with Then(f"{command} should return {result}"): for i in range(1, retries): res = launch(command, ok_to_fail=True, ns=ns) if res == result: break with Then("Not ready. Wait for " + str(i * 5) + " seconds"): time.sleep(i * 5) assert res == result, error()
def kube_wait_objects(chi, ns, objects): with Then(f"{objects[0]} statefulsets, {objects[1]} pods and {objects[2]} services should be created"): for i in range(1,max_retries): counts = kube_count_resources(ns, f"-l{chi}") if counts == objects: break with Then("Not ready. Wait for " + str(i*5) + " seconds"): time.sleep(i*5) assert counts == objects, error()
def delete_user_from_ldap(user, node=None, exitcode=0): """Delete user entry from LDAP.""" if node is None: node = current().context.ldap_node r = node.command( f"ldapdelete -x -H ldap://localhost -D \"cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com\" -w admin \"{user['dn']}\"" ) if exitcode is not None: assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error()
def verify_ldap_user_exists(server, username, password): """Check that LDAP user is defined on the LDAP server. """ with By("searching LDAP database"): ldap_node = current().context.cluster.node(server) r = ldap_node.command( f"ldapwhoami -H ldap://localhost -D 'cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com' -w {password}" ) assert r.exitcode == 0, error()
def kube_wait_object(type, name, label="", count=1, ns="test"): with Then(f"{count} {type}(s) {name} should be created"): for i in range(1, max_retries): counts = kube_get_count(type, ns=ns, name=name, label=label) if counts >= count: break with Then("Not ready. Wait for " + str(i * 5) + " seconds"): time.sleep(i * 5) assert counts >= count, error()
def decrypt_using_input_table_function(self): """Check that we can use `decrypt` function when inserting data into a table using insert select and `input()` table function. """ node = self.context.node key = f"{'1' * 36}" iv = f"{'2' * 16}" aad = "some random aad" with Given("I load encrypt snapshots"): snapshot_module = SourceFileLoader( "snapshot", os.path.join(current_dir(), "snapshots", "")).load_module() for mode, key_len, iv_len, aad_len in modes: with Example(f"""mode={mode.strip("'")} iv={iv_len} aad={aad_len}""" ) as example: example_key = f"'{key[:key_len]}'" example_mode = mode example_iv = None if not iv_len else f"'{iv[:iv_len]}'" example_aad = None if not aad_len else f"'{aad}'" example_transform = f"decrypt({mode}, unhex(secret), {example_key}{(', ' + example_iv) if example_iv else ''}{(', ' + example_aad) if example_aad else ''})" with Given("I have ciphertexts"): example_name = basename( ciphertexts = getattr( snapshot_module, varname(f"encrypt_input_example_{example_name}")) example_ciphertexts = [ l.split("\\t")[-1].strip("'") for l in ciphertexts.split("\\n") ] with table("user_data"): with When("I insert decrypted data"): node.query( textwrap.dedent(f""" INSERT INTO user_data SELECT date, name, {example_transform} FROM input('date Date, name String, secret String') FORMAT Values ('2020-01-01', 'user0', '{example_ciphertexts[0]}'), ('2020-01-02', 'user1', '{example_ciphertexts[1]}'), ('2020-01-03', 'user2', '{example_ciphertexts[2]}') """)) with And("I read inserted data back"): r = node.query( "SELECT date, name, secret FROM user_data ORDER BY date" ) expected = """2020-01-01\tuser0\tuser0_secret\n2020-01-02\tuser1\tuser1_secret\n2020-01-03\tuser2\tuser2_secret""" with Then("output must match the expected", description=expected): assert r.output == expected, error()
def scenario(self, node="clickhouse1"): """Check that ClickHouse returns 1 when user executes `SELECT 1` query.""" node = self.context.cluster.node(node) with When("I execute query select 1"): r = node.query("SELECT 1").output.strip() with Then("the result should be 1"): assert r == "1", error()
def test_metrics_exporter_down(self, prometheus_operator_spec, clickhouse_operator_spec, chi): def reboot_metrics_exporter(): clickhouse_operator_pod = clickhouse_operator_spec["items"][0]["metadata"]["name"] kubectl.launch( f"exec -n {settings.operator_namespace} {clickhouse_operator_pod} -c metrics-exporter -- sh -c 'kill 1'", ok_to_fail=True, ) with When("reboot metrics exporter"): fired = alerts.wait_alert_state( "ClickHouseMetricsExporterDown", "firing", expected_state=True, callback=reboot_metrics_exporter, time_range='30s' ) assert fired, error("can't get ClickHouseMetricsExporterDown alert in firing state") with Then("check ClickHouseMetricsExporterDown gone away"): resolved = alerts.wait_alert_state("ClickHouseMetricsExporterDown", "firing", expected_state=False) assert resolved, error("can't get ClickHouseMetricsExporterDown alert is gone away")
def wait_jsonpath(kind, name, field, value, ns=namespace, retries=max_retries): with Then(f"{kind} {name} -o jsonpath={field} should be {value}"): for i in range(1, retries): cur_value = get_jsonpath(kind, name, field, ns) if cur_value == value: break with Then("Not ready. Wait for " + str(i * 5) + " seconds"): time.sleep(i * 5) assert cur_value == value, error()
def wait_object(kind, name, label="", count=1, ns=namespace, retries=max_retries, backoff = 5): with Then(f"{count} {kind}(s) {name} should be created"): for i in range(1, retries): cur_count = get_count(kind, ns=ns, name=name, label=label) if cur_count >= count: break with Then("Not ready. Wait for " + str(i * backoff) + " seconds"): time.sleep(i * backoff) assert cur_count >= count, error()
def kube_wait_field(object, name, field, value, ns="test", retries = max_retries): with Then(f"{object} {name} {field} should be {value}"): for i in range(1,retries): obj_status = kubectl(f"get {object} {name} -o=custom-columns=field:{field}", ns=ns).splitlines() if obj_status[1] == value: break with Then("Not ready. Wait for " + str(i*5) + " seconds"): time.sleep(i*5) assert obj_status[1] == value, error()
def mismatched_aad(self): """Check that `decrypt` function returns garbage or an error when aad parameter does not match.""" key = f"{'1' * 36}" iv = f"{'2' * 16}" aad = "some random aad" datatype = "String" plaintext = "'1'" with Given("I load encrypt snapshots"): snapshot_module = SourceFileLoader( "snapshot", os.path.join(current_dir(), "snapshots", ""), ).load_module() for mode, key_len, iv_len, aad_len in modes: if not aad_len: continue with Example( f"""mode={mode.strip("'")} datatype={datatype.strip("'")} iv={iv_len} aad={aad_len}""" ) as example: with Given("I have ciphertext"): example_name = basename( ciphertext = getattr(snapshot_module, varname(f"example_{example_name}")) with When("I decrypt using a mismatched aad"): r = decrypt( ciphertext=f"unhex({ciphertext})", key=f"'{key[:key_len]}'", mode=mode, iv=(None if not iv_len else f"'{iv[:iv_len]}'"), aad=(None if not aad_len else f"'a{aad}'"), no_checks=True, cast="hex", ) with Then("exitcode shoud be 0 or 198"): assert r.exitcode in [0, 198], error() with And("output should be garbage or an error"): output = r.output.strip() assert ("Exception: Failed to decrypt" in output or output != "31"), error()
def command(self, node, command, message=None, exitcode=None, steps=True, bash=None, no_checks=False, use_error=True, *args, **kwargs): """Execute and check command. :param node: name of the service :param command: command :param message: expected message that should be in the output, default: None :param exitcode: expected exitcode, default: None :param steps: don't break command into steps, default: True """ with By("executing command", description=command, format_description=False) if steps else NullStep(): if bash is None: bash = self.bash(node) try: r = bash(command, *args, **kwargs) except ExpectTimeoutError: self.close_bash(node) raise if no_checks: return r if exitcode is not None: with Then(f"exitcode should be {exitcode}", format_name=False) if steps else NullStep(): assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output) if message is not None: with Then(f"output should contain message", description=message, format_description=False) if steps else NullStep(): assert message in r.output, error(r.output) return r
def dist_table_diff_policies_on_diff_nodes(self, node=None): """Check that user is only able to select from the distributed table what is allowed by the row policies on each node. """ table_name = f"table_{getuid()}" dist_table_name = f"dist_table_{getuid()}" pol_name = f"pol_{getuid()}" if node is None: node = self.context.node node2 = self.context.node2 try: with Given("I have a table on a cluster"): node.query( f"CREATE TABLE {table_name} ON CLUSTER sharded_cluster (x UInt64) ENGINE = Memory" ) with And("I have a row policy"): node.query( f"CREATE ROW POLICY {pol_name} ON CLUSTER sharded_cluster ON {table_name}" ) with And("I have a distributed table"): node.query( f"CREATE TABLE {dist_table_name} (x UInt64) ENGINE = Distributed(sharded_cluster, default, {table_name}, rand())" ) with And("The table has some values on the first node"): node.query(f"INSERT INTO {table_name} (x) VALUES (1)") with And("The table has some values on the second node"): node2.query(f"INSERT INTO {table_name} (x) VALUES (2)") with When("I alter the row policy to be permissive on the first node"): node.query( f"ALTER ROW POLICY {pol_name} ON {table_name} FOR SELECT USING 1" ) with Then("I select from the distributed table"): output = node.query(f"SELECT * FROM {dist_table_name}").output assert '1' not in output and '2' in output, error() finally: with Finally("I drop the row policy", flags=TE): node.query( f"DROP ROW POLICY IF EXISTS {pol_name} ON {table_name} ON CLUSTER sharded_cluster" ) with And("I drop the table", flags=TE): node.query( f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table_name} ON CLUSTER sharded_cluster" ) with And("I drop the distributed table", flags=TE): node.query(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {dist_table_name}")
def decrypt_using_materialized_view(self): """Check that we can use `decrypt` function when inserting data into a table using a materialized view for input data transformation. """ node = self.context.node key = f"{'1' * 36}" iv = f"{'2' * 16}" aad = "some random aad" with Given("I load encrypt snapshots"): snapshot_module = SourceFileLoader( "snapshot", os.path.join(current_dir(), "snapshots", ""), ).load_module() for mode, key_len, iv_len, aad_len in modes: with Example(f"""mode={mode.strip("'")} iv={iv_len} aad={aad_len}""" ) as example: example_key = f"'{key[:key_len]}'" example_mode = mode example_iv = None if not iv_len else f"'{iv[:iv_len]}'" example_aad = None if not aad_len else f"'{aad}'" example_transform = f"decrypt(mode, secret, key{', iv' if example_iv else ''}{', aad' if example_aad else ''})" with Given("I have ciphertexts"): example_name = basename( ciphertexts = getattr( snapshot_module, varname(f"encrypt_mv_example_{example_name}")) example_ciphertexts = [ "'{}'".format(l.split("\t")[-1].strup("'")) for l in ciphertexts.split("\n") ] with table("user_data"): with mv_transform("user_data", example_transform): with When("I insert encrypted data"): node.query(f""" INSERT INTO user_data_input (date, name, secret, mode, key) VALUES ('2020-01-01', 'user0', 'unhex({example_ciphertexts[0]})', {example_mode}, {example_key}{(", " + example_iv) if example_iv else ""}{(", " + example_aad) if example_aad else ""}), ('2020-01-02', 'user1', 'unhex({example_ciphertexts[1]})', {example_mode}, {example_key}{(", " + example_iv) if example_iv else ""}{(", " + example_aad) if example_aad else ""}), ('2020-01-03', 'user2', 'unhex({example_ciphertexts[2]})', {example_mode}, {example_key}{(", " + example_iv) if example_iv else ""}{(", " + example_aad) if example_aad else ""}) """) with And("I read inserted data back"): r = node.query( "SELECT date, name, secret FROM user_data ORDER BY date" ) with Then("output must match the expected"): expected = r"""'2020-01-01\tuser0\tuser0_secret\n2020-01-02\tuser1\tuser1_secret\n2020-01-03\tuser2\tuser2_secret'""" assert r.output == expected, error()
def nested_live_view_after_policy(self, node=None): """Check that if a user has a row policy on a table and a materialized view is created on that table, the user is only able to select rows specified by the assigned policies from the view. """ table_name = f"table_{getuid()}" view_name = f"view_{getuid()}" pol_name = f"pol_{getuid()}" if node is None: node = self.context.node with table(node, table_name): try: with Given( "I add allow_experimental_live_view to the default query settings" ): default_query_settings = getsattr(current().context, "default_query_settings", []) default_query_settings.append( ("allow_experimental_live_view", 1)) with And("I have a row policy"): row_policy(name=pol_name, table=table_name) with And("The table has some values"): node.query(f"INSERT INTO {table_name} (y) VALUES (1),(2)") with When("I alter the row policy to be permissive"): node.query( f"ALTER ROW POLICY {pol_name} ON {table_name} FOR SELECT USING y=1 TO default" ) with And("I create a live view on the table"): node.query( f"CREATE LIVE VIEW {view_name} AS SELECT * FROM {table_name}" ) with Then("I try to select from the view"): output = node.query(f"SELECT * FROM {view_name}").output assert '1' in output and '2' not in output, error() finally: with Finally("I drop the live view", flags=TE): node.query(f"DROP VIEW IF EXISTS {view_name}") with And( "I remove allow_experimental_live_view from the default query settings", flags=TE): if default_query_settings: try: default_query_settings.pop( default_query_settings.index( ("allow_experimental_live_view", 1))) except ValueError: pass
def command(self, node, command, message=None, exitcode=None, steps=True, *args, **kwargs): """Execute and check command. :param node: name of the service :param command: command :param message: expected message that should be in the output, default: None :param exitcode: expected exitcode, default: None :param steps: don't break command into steps, default: True """ debug(f"command() {node}, {command}") with By("executing command", description=command) if steps else NullStep(): r = self.bash(node)(command, *args, **kwargs) if exitcode is not None: with Then(f"exitcode should be {exitcode}") if steps else NullStep(): assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output) if message is not None: with Then(f"output should contain message", description=message) if steps else NullStep(): assert message in r.output, error(r.output) return r
def test_distributed_files_to_insert(): delayed_pod, delayed_svc, restarted_pod, restarted_svc = random_pod_choice_for_callbacks() create_distributed_table_on_cluster() # we need 70 delayed files for catch insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO default.test_distr(event_time, test) SELECT now(), number FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10000' # clickhouse.clickhouse_query( # chi["metadata"]["name"], 'SYSTEM STOP DISTRIBUTED SENDS default.test_distr', # host=delayed_svc, ns=kubectl.namespace # ) files_to_insert_from_metrics = 0 files_to_insert_from_disk = 0 tries = 0 while files_to_insert_from_disk < 50 and tries < 500: kubectl.kubectl( f"exec -n {kubectl.namespace} {restarted_pod} -c clickhouse -- kill 1", ok_to_fail=True, ) clickhouse.clickhouse_query(chi["metadata"]["name"], insert_sql, host=delayed_svc, ns=kubectl.namespace) files_to_insert_from_metrics = clickhouse.clickhouse_query( chi["metadata"]["name"], "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric='DistributedFilesToInsert'", host=delayed_svc, ns=kubectl.namespace ) files_to_insert_from_metrics = int(files_to_insert_from_metrics) files_to_insert_from_disk = int(kubectl.kubectl( f"exec -n {kubectl.namespace} {delayed_pod} -c clickhouse -- bash -c 'ls -la /var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/test_distr/*/*.bin 2>/dev/null | wc -l'", ok_to_fail=False, )) with When("reboot clickhouse-server pod"): fired = wait_alert_state("ClickHouseDistributedFilesToInsertHigh", "firing", True, labels={"hostname": delayed_svc, "chi": chi["metadata"]["name"]}) assert fired, error("can't get ClickHouseDistributedFilesToInsertHigh alert in firing state") # @TODO remove it when will merged to docker latest image kubectl.kube_wait_pod_status(restarted_pod, "Running", ns=kubectl.namespace) with Then("check ClickHouseClickHouseDistributedFilesToInsertHigh gone away"): resolved = wait_alert_state("ClickHouseDistributedFilesToInsertHigh", "firing", False, labels={"hostname": delayed_svc}) assert resolved, error("can't check ClickHouseDistributedFilesToInsertHigh alert is gone away") drop_distributed_table_on_cluster()
def on_cluster(self, node=None): """Check that a row policy created using ON CLUSTER applies to the nodes of the cluster correctly.""" table_name = f"table_{getuid()}" pol_name = f"pol_{getuid()}" if node is None: node = self.context.node node2 = self.context.node2 try: with Given("I have a table on a cluster"): node.query( f"CREATE TABLE {table_name} ON CLUSTER sharded_cluster (x UInt64) ENGINE = Memory" ) with And("I have a row policy"): node.query( f"CREATE ROW POLICY {pol_name} ON CLUSTER sharded_cluster ON {table_name} FOR SELECT USING 1" ) with When("I insert some values into the table on the first node"): node.query(f"INSERT INTO {table_name} (x) VALUES (1)") with And("I insert some values into the table on the second node"): node2.query(f"INSERT INTO {table_name} (x) VALUES (1)") with Then("I select from the table"): output = node.query(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}").output assert "" == output, error() with And("I select from another node on the cluster"): output = node2.query(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}").output assert "" == output, error() finally: with Finally("I drop the row policy", flags=TE): node.query( f"DROP ROW POLICY IF EXISTS {pol_name} ON CLUSTER sharded_cluster ON {table_name}" ) with And("I drop the table", flags=TE): node.query(f"DROP TABLE {table_name} ON CLUSTER sharded_cluster")
def cmd(self, cmd, message=None, exitcode=None, steps=True, shell_command="bash --noediting", no_checks=False, raise_on_exception=False, step=By, *args, **kwargs): """Execute and check command. :param cmd: command :param message: expected message that should be in the output, default: None :param exitcode: expected exitcode, default: None """ command = f"{cmd}" with step("executing command", description=command, format_description=False) if steps else NullStep(): try: r = self.cluster.bash(, command=shell_command)(command, *args, **kwargs) except ExpectTimeoutError: self.cluster.close_bash( raise if no_checks: return r if exitcode is not None: with Then( f"exitcode should be {exitcode}") if steps else NullStep(): assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output) if message is not None: with Then(f"output should contain message", description=message) if steps else NullStep(): assert message in r.output, error(r.output) return r
def sanity_check(self, connection): """Check connection to the database. """ with Given("PyODBC connection"): with When("I do 'SELECT 1'"): rows = connection.query("SELECT 1") result = "[(1, )]" with Then(f"the result is {result}", format_name=False): assert repr(rows) == result, error("result dit not match")
def mismatched_iv(self): """Check that `aes_decrypt_mysql` function returns garbage or an error when iv parameter does not match.""" key = f"{'1' * 64}" iv = f"{'2' * 64}" with Given("I load encrypt snapshots"): snapshot_module = SourceFileLoader( "snapshot", os.path.join( current_dir(), "snapshots", "" ), ).load_module() for mode, key_len, iv_len in mysql_modes: if not iv_len: continue with Example( f"""mode={mode.strip("'")} datatype=String key={key_len} iv={iv_len}""" ) as example: with Given("I have ciphertext"): example_name = basename( ciphertext = getattr( snapshot_module, varname(f"example_{example_name}") ) with When("I decrypt using a mismatched key"): r = aes_decrypt_mysql( ciphertext=f"unhex({ciphertext})", key=f"'{key[:key_len]}'", mode=mode, iv=f"'a{iv[:iv_len-1]}'", cast="hex", no_checks=True, ) with Then("exitcode shoud be 0 or 198"): assert r.exitcode in [0, 198], error() with And("output should be garbage or an error"): output = r.output.strip() assert ( "Exception: Failed to decrypt" in output or output != "31" ), error()
def check_ttl_when_privilege_is_granted(table, user, node): """Ensures ALTER TTL runs as expected when the privilege is granted to the specified user """ with Given(f"I modify TTL"): node.query(f"ALTER TABLE {table} MODIFY TTL d + INTERVAL 1 DAY;", settings = [("user", user)]) with Then("I verify that the TTL clause is in the table"): output = json.loads(node.query(f"SHOW CREATE TABLE {table} FORMAT JSONEachRow").output) assert "TTL d + toIntervalDay(1)" in output['statement'], error()
def test_too_many_connections(): too_many_connection_pod, too_many_connection_svc, _, _ = random_pod_choice_for_callbacks() cmd = "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt-get update; apt-get install -y netcat mysql-client" kubectl.launch( f"exec -n {kubectl.namespace} {too_many_connection_pod} -c clickhouse -- bash -c \"{cmd}\"", ) def make_too_many_connection(): long_cmd = "" for _ in range(120): port = random.choice(["8123", "3306", "9000"]) if port == "8123": # HTTPConnection metric increase after full parsing of HTTP Request, we can't provide pause between CONNECT and QUERY running # long_cmd += f"nc -vv {port} <( printf \"POST / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost:\\r\\nContent-Length: 34\\r\\n\\r\\nTEST\\r\\nTEST\\r\\nTEST\\r\\nTEST\\r\\nTEST\\r\\nTEST\");" long_cmd += 'wget -qO- " sleepEachRow(1),number,now() FROM numbers(30)";' elif port == "9000": long_cmd += 'clickhouse-client --idle_connection_timeout 70 --receive_timeout 70 -q "SELECT sleepEachRow(1),number,now() FROM numbers(30)";' # elif port == "3306": # long_cmd += 'mysql -u default -h -e "SELECT sleepEachRow(1),number, now() FROM numbers(30)";' else: long_cmd += f"printf \"1\\n1\" | nc -q 5 -i 30 -vv {port};" nc_cmd = f"echo '{long_cmd} exit 0' | xargs --verbose -i'{{}}' --no-run-if-empty -d ';' -P 120 bash -c '{{}}' 1>/dev/null" with open("/tmp/", "w") as f: f.write(nc_cmd) kubectl.launch( f"cp /tmp/ {too_many_connection_pod}:/tmp/ -c clickhouse" ) kubectl.launch( f"exec -n {kubectl.namespace} {too_many_connection_pod} -c clickhouse -- bash /tmp/", timeout=600, ) with Then("check ClickHouseTooManyConnections firing"): fired = wait_alert_state("ClickHouseTooManyConnections", "firing", True, labels={"hostname": too_many_connection_svc}, time_range='90s', callback=make_too_many_connection) assert fired, error("can't get ClickHouseTooManyConnections alert in firing state") with Then("check ClickHouseTooManyConnections gone away"): resolved = wait_alert_state("ClickHouseTooManyConnections", "firing", False, labels={"hostname": too_many_connection_svc}) assert resolved, error("can't check ClickHouseTooManyConnections alert is gone away")
def get_minio_spec(): with Given("get information about prometheus installation"): minio_spec = kubectl.get("pod", ns=settings.minio_namespace, name="", label="-l app=minio") assert "items" in minio_spec and len( minio_spec["items"]) and "metadata" in minio_spec["items"][ 0], error("invalid minio spec, please run") return minio_spec
def check_alter_settings_when_privilege_is_granted(table, user, node): """Ensures ADD SETTINGS runs as expected when the privilege is granted to the specified user """ with Given( "I check that the modified setting is not already in the table"): output = json.loads( node.query(f"SHOW CREATE TABLE {table} FORMAT JSONEachRow").output) assert "merge_with_ttl_timeout = 5" not in output['statement'], error() with And(f"I modify settings"): node.query( f"ALTER TABLE {table} MODIFY SETTING merge_with_ttl_timeout=5", settings=[("user", user)]) with Then("I verify that the setting is in the table"): output = json.loads( node.query(f"SHOW CREATE TABLE {table} FORMAT JSONEachRow").output) assert "SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192, merge_with_ttl_timeout = 5" in output[ 'statement'], error()
def setup(self, arg): with Given("I setup something"): pass assert == "/setup parameter/test", error() yield with By("cleaning up something"): pass
def add_user_to_ldap(cn, userpassword, givenname=None, homedirectory=None, sn=None, uid=None, uidnumber=None, node=None): """Add user entry to LDAP.""" if node is None: node = current().context.ldap_node if uid is None: uid = cn if givenname is None: givenname = "John" if homedirectory is None: homedirectory = "/home/users" if sn is None: sn = "User" if uidnumber is None: uidnumber = 2000 user = { "dn": f"cn={cn},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com", "cn": cn, "gidnumber": 501, "givenname": givenname, "homedirectory": homedirectory, "objectclass": ["inetOrgPerson", "posixAccount", "top"], "sn": sn, "uid": uid, "uidnumber": uidnumber, "userpassword": userpassword, "_server": } lines = [] for key, value in list(user.items()): if key.startswith("_"): continue elif key == "objectclass": for cls in value: lines.append(f"objectclass: {cls}") else: lines.append(f"{key}: {value}") ldif = "\n".join(lines) r = node.command( f"echo -e \"{ldif}\" | ldapadd -x -H ldap://localhost -D \"cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com\" -w admin" ) assert r.exitcode == 0, error() return user
def decrypt_multiple(self, count=1000): """Check decrypting column when reading multiple entries encrypted with the same parameters for the same user from a table. """ node = self.context.node key = f"{'1' * 64}" iv = f"{'2' * 64}" aad = "some random aad" for mode, key_len, iv_len, aad_len in modes: with Example( f"""mode={mode.strip("'")} key={key_len} iv={iv_len} aad={aad_len}""" ) as example: with table( "user_table", """ CREATE TABLE {name} ( date Nullable(Date), name Nullable(String), secret Nullable(String) ) ENGINE = Memory() """, ): example_mode = mode example_key = f"'{key[:key_len]}'" example_iv = None if not iv_len else f"'{iv[:iv_len]}'" example_aad = None if not aad_len else f"'{aad}'" with When("I insert encrypted data"): encrypted_secret = node.query( f"""SELECT hex(encrypt({example_mode}, 'secret', {example_key}{(", " + example_iv) if example_iv else ""}{(", " + example_aad) if example_aad else ""}))""" ).output.strip() values = [ f"('2020-01-01', 'user0', unhex('{encrypted_secret}'))" ] * count node.query("INSERT INTO user_table\n" " (date, name, secret)\n" f"VALUES {', '.join(values)}") with And( "I decrypt data", description= "using a subquery and get the number of entries that match the plaintext", ): output = node.query( f"""SELECT count() AS count FROM (SELECT name, decrypt({example_mode}, secret, {example_key}{(", " + example_iv) if example_iv else ""}{(", " + example_aad) if example_aad else ""}) AS secret FROM user_table) WHERE secret = 'secret' FORMAT JSONEachRow""" ).output.strip() with Then("I should get back the expected result", description=f"{count}"): assert output == f'{{"count":"{count}"}}', error()
def role_column_privileges(self, grant_columns, select_columns_pass, data_pass, table_type, revoke_columns=None, select_columns_fail=None, node=None): """Check that user is able to select from granted columns and unable to select from not granted or revoked columns. """ user_name = f"user_{getuid()}" role_name = f"role_{getuid()}" table_name = f"table_{getuid()}" if node is None: node = self.context.node with table(node, table_name, table_type): with Given("The table has some data on some columns"): node.query( f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({select_columns_pass}) VALUES ({data_pass})" ) with user(node, user_name), role(node, role_name): with When("I grant select privilege"): node.query( f"GRANT SELECT({grant_columns}) ON {table_name} TO {role_name}" ) with And("I grant the role to a user"): node.query(f"GRANT {role_name} TO {user_name}") if select_columns_fail is not None: with And("I select from not granted column"): exitcode, message = errors.not_enough_privileges( name=user_name) node.query( f"SELECT ({select_columns_fail}) FROM {table_name}", settings=[("user", user_name)], exitcode=exitcode, message=message) with Then("I verify SELECT command"): user_select = node.query(f"SELECT d FROM {table_name}", settings=[("user", user_name)]) default = node.query(f"SELECT d FROM {table_name}") assert user_select.output == default.output, error() if revoke_columns is not None: with When("I revoke select privilege for columns from role"): node.query( f"REVOKE SELECT({revoke_columns}) ON {table_name} FROM {role_name}" ) with And("I select from revoked columns"): exitcode, message = errors.not_enough_privileges( name=user_name) node.query( f"SELECT ({select_columns_pass}) FROM {table_name}", settings=[("user", user_name)], exitcode=exitcode, message=message)