def do(self): if self.device_info.device_type == "tab": self.logger.error("Unsupported API, as it only support in " "greater than or equal to Android O IVI " "platform") else: # Todo need to replace pixel with uiobject # currently pixel is used because activity is not dumped through # uiautomator info = # Todo x has to be dynamic based on the screen size x = 410 activity_bar_single_element_width = x / 6 # In P dessert Car(All apps icon) resides at 5 position and click # has to be done at the center car_x_coordinate = activity_bar_single_element_width * \ 6 - activity_bar_single_element_width / 2 self.view_to_check = {"text": "All apps"} # Default acitivity bar resides at the bottom, so y coordinate # can be used and to click at the center reducing the value by 30 y = info['displaySizeDpY'] car_y_coordinate = y - 30 for i in range(0, 5): cmd = "input tap {0} {1}".format(car_x_coordinate, car_y_coordinate) adb_connection = Adb(serial=self.serial) adb_connection.run_cmd(cmd) time.sleep(1) if self.check_view(): self.step_data = True break
class CheckSDCardMount(StorageUsbStep): def __init__(self, **kwargs): StorageUsbStep.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.sdcard = False self.adb = Adb(serial=self.serial) self.uuid = "" def do(self): self.adb.adb_root() blkid_out = self.adb.run_cmd('blkid') for line in'\n'): if 'mmcblk0p1' in line: self.sdcard = True self.uuid = line.split(' ')[1].split('=')[1].strip('"') break def check_condition(self): if self.sdcard: vol = self.adb.run_cmd("sm list-volumes") for line in'\n'): if self.uuid in line: if 'mounted' in line.split()[-2]: self.set_passm("SD Card Mounted with UUID: " + self.uuid) return True self.set_errorm("", "SD Card Not Mounted") return False
def set_eavb_audio_on_speaker(serial, state): try: state = "true" if state.lower() == "on" else "false" adb_connection = Adb(serial=serial) adb_connection.run_cmd(command="audio_system_setparameters " "is_eavb_stream={0}".format(state)) return True except Exception as e: print "[{0}] Failed to set is_eavb_stream={1}".format(serial, state) print e.message return False
def gptp(serial): try: adb_connection = Adb(serial=serial) adb_connection.run_cmd(command="stop gptp") if (check_gptp_service(serial=serial) == "stopped"): adb_connection.run_cmd(command="start gptp") if (check_gptp_service(serial=serial) == "running"): return True except Exception as e: print "[{0}] Failed to start gptp services".format(serial) print e.message return False
def avb_stream_handler(serial): try: adb_connection = Adb(serial=serial) adb_connection.run_cmd(command="stop avbstreamhandler") if (check_avb_service(serial=serial) == "stopped"): adb_connection.run_cmd(command="start avbstreamhandler") if (check_avb_service(serial=serial) == "running"): return True except Exception as e: print "[{0}] Failed to start AVB stream handler services".format( serial) print e.message return False
def do(self): if self.device_info.device_type == "tab": self.logger.error("Unsupported API, as it only support in " "greater than or equal to Android O IVI " "platform") else: # Todo need to replace pixel with uiobject # currently pixel is used because activity is not dumped through # uiautomator info = # Todo x has to be dynamic based on the screen size x = 410 activity_bar_single_element_width = x / 6 # In P dessert Dialer resides at 4 position and click has to be # done at the center dialer_x_coordinate = activity_bar_single_element_width * \ 5 - activity_bar_single_element_width / 2 # Default acitivity bar resides at the bottom, so y coordinate # can be used and to click at the center reducing the value by 30 y = info['displaySizeDpY'] dialer_y_coordinate = y - 30 cmd = "input tap {0} {1}".format(dialer_x_coordinate, dialer_y_coordinate) adb_connection = Adb(serial=self.serial) adb_subprocess_object = adb_connection.run_cmd(cmd) if adb_subprocess_object.poll() == 0: self.step_data = True
def do(self): # if self.home_state: #"Home screen already present [ {0} ]".format( # self.serial)) info = x = 410 activity_bar_single_element_width = x / 6 # In P dessert home resides at 1st position and click has to be done at # the center home_x_coordinate = activity_bar_single_element_width * 2 - \ activity_bar_single_element_width / 2 y = info['displaySizeDpY'] home_y_coordinate = y - 30 # cmd = "input tap 405 1050" cmd = "input tap {0} {1}".format(home_x_coordinate, home_y_coordinate) adb_connection = Adb(serial=self.serial) adb_connection.run_cmd(cmd) time.sleep(2) ui_steps.wait_for_view_common(view_to_find={"text": "Let's Drive"}, serial=self.serial)() self.step_data = True
fileManager_pkg = '' app_launch = '' check_box = 'android.widget.CheckBox' test_file = 'CS.dat' #Create and transfer 1G of file to Download create_file = "fallocate -l 1G {0}".format(test_file) print os.getcwd() os.system(create_file) dut.put_file(test_file, '/sdcard/Download/', timeout=200) os.system("rm -rf %s" % test_file) #Launch ES file explorer dut.run_cmd('am start %s' % app_launch) ui_steps.swipe def pass_through_guidlines(): uidevice = ui_device(serial=serial) app = uidevice(className='android.widget.FrameLayout') x_coord =['bounds']['right'] y_coord =['bounds']['left'] print x_coord print y_coord start_btn = uidevice.exists(className='android.widget.Button', textContains='START NOW') while not (start_btn): app.swipe('left') if start_btn:
dest = '/storage/' + uuid que = Queue.Queue() t = Thread(target=lambda q, arg1: q.put(adb_file_transfer(arg1)), args=(que, dest)) t.start() sleep(15) unmount_sdcard() sleep(5) print "SD Card is %s" % check_sdcard() t.join() result = que.get() print result except Exception as e: print e.message finally: print "Deleted the test_file created in host machine" os.system("rm -rf %s" % test_file) if check_sdcard() == 'unmounted': print "Remounting the SD card" remount_sdcard() print "Closing the android settings" dut.run_cmd('pm clear') else: assert False, "UNEXPECTED: 'Failed to copy error not found' - [FAILED]" else: raise "SD card not found" sys.exit(1)
if uidevice(packageName="").exists: uidevice(packageName="", text="Hide").click() def cam_landing_page(): btn = ['Allow', 'NEXT'] for b in btn: ui_steps.click_button_if_exists(serial=serial, view_to_find={"text": b})() #sleep(2) return True #Take a picture. cmd_pic = "am start -a" dut.run_cmd(cmd_pic) cam_landing_page() uidevice(resourceId="", description="Shutter").click() sleep(1) done_btn = uidevice(resourceId="", description="Done") if done_btn.exists: #Take a video. sleep(1) cmd_vid = "am start -a" dut.run_cmd(cmd_vid) cam_landing_page() uidevice(packageName="", description="Shutter").click()